Making You Mine - 23

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The next morning I get changed while Callum is asleep and walk out the private entrance door. I take the stairs that lead to the side of the house.

When I get to the front of the house a few women are sitting on seats and they look over at me and then continue to talk like I wasn't there.

It doesn't bother me though. Because at the end the day they're going to leave the show and I'll be on it until the end.

The window to Callum's room opens and he looks towards me and relief flood through his eyes as he sees me. He doesn't say anything because of the woman that's close to me and he hates unnecessary drama. "Wait there." He mouths.

It doesn't take him long to walk out the private exit and make his way over to me. Wrapping his arms around my shoulder he says. "Please, don't sneak out on me like that. I was afraid something happened to you."

Placing my hand on his face I say "nothing is going to happen to me, Callum. My head feels fine now. If you're worried about me I can lie on the couch while you go on your dates."

"I don't want to take anyone out being with you is the one thing I want."

Lowering my voice. "We're on the show for a reason, Callum. You need to do your part and I'll do mine. Until there's three left we need to keep putting on a show for the cameras. I'll see you later. I'm going to check on my roommate." I walk away from Callum, leaving him with the woman.

A bell goes off letting us know that breakfast is about the be served.

Opening the door to the house I see Kaylee talking to Riley and a smile spreads across her face. She waves me over. "Hey, Cas. How are you feeling?"

"Much, better. I'm ready to go back to the beach and show the ocean that it can't keep me out of it."

She throws her head back and laughs. "I'm glad nothing can keep you down."

Callum walks through the door with the woman behind him and he laughs at something one of them said. He turns towards them and says. "I'll see you soon." He steps through the crowd and opens the door to the dining room.

The table is set up with special metal dishes keeping the food warm. There are nine glasses each filled with milk, orange juice and apple juice.

A coffee machine is set on another table with cups and saucers. Next to that is a container filled with baguettes and other savoury foods.

Callum opens one of the metal dishes and inside it is bacon. The one beside that has eggs in it.

A plate with bread is sitting next to the toaster. I put some toast on for both Callum and me.

When Callum is finished dishing up his plate he stops next to me. "Did you put some toast on for me?"

"Of course I did. It's such a shame you didn't bring me over a plate of food."

He looks at his plate. "Do you want this? I can get another plate."

Placing my hand on his arm I say. "I can help myself to the food, Callum. I was just teasing you."

"Are you going back to the beach today? I overheard your conversation with Kaylee and I think it's a terrible idea." He moves a piece of hair from my face. "Please promise me that you'll stay in the house. I won't have a good time on my date if I'm worried about something happening to you again."

"I'll stay inside, Callum. When you get back we'll go to the beach together and bring Kaylee with us."

"Are you sure you want that girl to tag along? I know you're becoming friends with her. That's great and all, but it might not last after she finds out that we did this so we can get together because we were afraid to do it ourselves and it's this show that's bringing us closer."

The toast pops and I butter the bread and turn away from Callum without replying to him. I wait in line until the girls have gotten their food.

Once I have my food I walk down to the other end of the table and join Kaylee and a few of the other girls.

Callum takes his seat at the head of the table. He looks around the room. "Today I'll be taking three girls out. One after breakfast another for lunch and dinner. It will be great to know all of you away from the house. The first date will be with Lilian. Lunch at one will be with Riley and dinner with Nora. Tomorrow the dates will be with Paisley and Sadie. The rest of you will get a date as we move into the next round."

Lilian looks across the table at Callum and says. "What should I wear?"

"Wear something comfortable. You're going to love the date I have planned for us." He finishes wasting his breakfast before moving out of the room.

When I finish breakfast I walk out to the patio and see Callum on one of the pool chairs. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good, Cassie. I just need a breather after being in a room full of woman and they're excess chatter about crap I'm not interested in."

I know what he means. That's why I'm not interested in getting to know all the woman in the house.

"What's this incredible date you're taking Lilian on?"

A smile spreads across his face. "Do you remember that Popstar that sung at one of the NASCAR opening race last year? Melody Stryker."

"Yeah, what about her."

"She's doing a music video around the corner from the house and I got Lilian a part in it. She loves dancing and I thought this was a great opportunity for her to show her moves with a singer."

"That's nice of you. Does she know who you are?"

A smile spreads across his face. "Of course she does. Our managers spoke to each other on our behalf. Her husband is a huge fan of ours. He knows that you and I are friends."

"Do you think he'll ask where I am?"

"Probably, but I'm not going to tell him. He'll have to watch the show like everyone else." He looks towards the beach. When the lunch date is over do you want to come surfing with me? I found a couple of boards in the closet."

"Sure, you know I'm going to beat you at that too."

"No, you're not." He shoves my shoulder. "You better get back inside. I don't want Lilian to see us together. She needs to think that I'm 100% in for the date I promised her."

Standing up I walk to the door of the house and open it. When I walk through the door I see Scarlett and her friends. They have sneers on their faces. "You're so desperate for his attention that you'd walk out there and try to ruin someone else's date even before it starts. You're pathetic." She walks away with her friends, laughing.

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