Making You Mine - 24

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After grabbing a few things from my room I head outside to the waiting limousine. The driver is standing by the open door. "Hello, Mr Murphy. I'm Percy. Your driver for the day."

Shaking his hand I say. "It's good to meet you."

Percy looks towards the front door as it opens. "I'll be in the car." He climbs into the car and starts the engine.

Lilian walks out the door wearing a mini skirt, a white t-shirt and sandals. A smile spreads across her face as she looks at the car. "Hi, Callum." She walks over to me.

Placing a chaste kiss on her forehead I say. "You look beautiful today, Lilian."

"Thank you, Callum. You don't look so bad yourself. Where are we off to today?"

"It's a surprise. Let's get in the car and you'll see where we're going."

"Okay," she slides into the car and sits on the other side.

I climb inside and see a minibar. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"A bottle of water."

Pulling out two bottles of water I give her one and open mine. "What do you think of the house we're staying at?"

"It's beautiful. The producers sure know how to pick the perfect spot to record a show like this. Did you know I didn't want to be on the show, but my best friend thought it would be something fun for me to do? She was right and I'm glad I'm part of it now. You know I wouldn't have met you if I didn't come onto the show."

That's exactly what this is. It's a show and everyone has a part to play in it and the only person I know for a fact being themself is Cassie. Even her roommate seems like a genuine person. She stuck up for my best friend when she needed it and I think those two are going to be friends for a long time when this is over. I just hope that when she finds out my best friend was put on the show to make me fall more in love with her than I already am.

There's plenty of times that I could have asked her out, but I was afraid that us being in a relationship could ruin our friendship and that the last thing I ever want to happen.

Smiling at her I say. "I hope I can meet this friend of yours. I'd like to thank her for convincing you to do this with me."

She places her hand on mine. "If you let me stay and we get to the stage where you get to meet my friends and family. She'll be there. I'm hoping that this date will make you consider letting me stay longer, but we'll have to wait and see."

Looking out the window I see the building come into view. It's a sound stage that has numbers along with the building.

The car slows down as we come to a stop in front of stage 12.

Lilian pulls the window down and looks at the buildings. "What are we doing here? I've read about sound stages, but I've never been to one."

A smile spreads across my face. "You'll find out what we're doing here when you step inside." Pulling my phone out of my pocket I send a message to Hunter.

Me: Hi, Hunter. We're at the door.

Hunter: Be right there.

It doesn't take too long before he's opening the door. "Mel's on stage. She's running through a few things."

Lilian wraps herself in my arms. Lowering her voice she says. "That's Melody Stryker's husband. What's he doing here?"

Hunter holds his hand out to her. "Yes, I'm the better half. I also have a name and it's Hunter and I'd prefer you to use it."

I'm glad he can hold his own when it comes to people stating who he's married too. I'd hate for that to be my only identity to others as well.

Hunter leads us through the costumes and the make-up artist's area. He stops in front of a stage where his wife is owning it.

She belongs on a stage and the beauty of the woman is defined by the way she holds herself and she projects a lot of things from the stage to her audience.

Melody's eyes move across the room and she smiles as soon as she spots us with her husband. "Excuse me," she walks off the stage and stops in front of us. Holding her hand out to Lilian she says. "I'm melody Stryker and you are?"

"Lilian," she shakes Mel's hand. "What am I doing here?"

"You're going to be a back-up dancer for one of her music videos."

"Really," Lilian sounds excited. "That's going to be a dream come true." She follows Melody onto the stage.

Hunter lowers his voice and says. "I prefer the girl you were with at the NASCAR races. She seems a better fit for you. Where is she, btw?"

"She's at the house. I have a feeling she's miserable in the place. Cassie is the type of person that wants to be away from a house and not trapped inside one. The house we're staying at has everything, but not the stuff she's into."

"Have you seen her sister shredded up the track in her sister's absence?"

I have and she's going to go well when the time comes for her to in proper competitions, but I don't think Cassie is going to let her sister get into it too fast.

A smile spreads across my face. "I have. She's following in her sister's footsteps. I heard the same thing is happening with Melody's sister."

"It is." He looks around the room, making sure that no one can hear us. "She's going to be an international sensation when she tours herself. However, Melody wants her sister to go to University before following in her footsteps"

"Did Melody go?"

"Yeah, she has a PhD in the arts. If she wants to be a teacher at a university she can, but she enjoys being on that stage and I wouldn't have it any other way." He looks at the stage and smiles as his wife runs through some dance moves with Lilian.

Lilian catches on quickly and she moves gracefully across the stage. Like it's her place. She looks over at me and mouths 'Thank you,'

"Do you want to grab a drink? I can't keep watching this music video playout anymore."

"Sure," I follow Hunter to the cafeteria and we grab some soft drinks. "How did you meet you, Melody? I know not to believe everything that's written in a magazine."

He smiles as he goes back to the moment he met her. "Melody came to my chateau and she was someone else. I fell in love with her and before her contract ended and she left. While there my sister was out with Melody she figured out who she was, but kept it a secret and when we got back to states Melody reached out to her. She asked my sister to bring me backstage to see her perform. That's where she declared her love for me and I was surprised to see the true woman I fell for."

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