Chapter 18: Family Day

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A/N: Malia's family day outfit is on top

Malia's P.O.V.

I was already finished with doing my hair until I heard a knock on my door. I looked and saw my sister there with a smile on her face. She had on a purple and blue outfit with her hair nicely curled.

"You look pretty." I told her.

"Thanks, Malia." she said as she sat down on my bed.

"Where's Hallie?" she asked.

"I think Lonnie is helping her with her hair. She already put on her makeup and dress." I explained.

"So, you finally made the anti-love potion?" I asked her.

She sighed and nodded.

"We can't let Mother down. We have no choice." she told me.

"I feel you. I guess we have to enjoy our final moments here until we take over." I said as I applied natural looking makeup.

Soon, I was already ready, so me and my sister went out, only to find our friends and my boyfriend there.

I saw Hallie wearing a red dress, a black pair of flats, a pirate necklace, the bracelet her dad had given her, and a pretty hairstyle that had braids in it.

We all began walking until we got to the back of the building, where we found the rest of the students singing while there was a huge crowd consisting of kings, queens, princes, princesses, and of course, nobles.

We all made our way down to where all the dancing people were.

We all clapped as they finished their song.

I got a strawberry and ate it as my boyfriend and Carlos were hogging the chocolate fountain. I chuckled at them.

"Guess someone is gonna get a sugar rush." I joked.

"Well, my evil Dollface, why don't you join me?" Jay said as he got some of the chocolate and bopped my nose with it.

I giggled as he licked it off and I did the same to him, only on his lips.

I leaned in and kissed him, savoring the chocolate on his lips. He pulled me closer before Hallie spoke up.

"Hey, lovebirds. Less PDA and more sticking with the program."

I chuckled as we pulled away.

"Hey, sis, I'll be right back, okay?" Mal asked me.

I smiled and nodded before she left and we saw her with Ben and I believe she was meeting his parents and I could tell by the look on their faces that they weren't very thrilled.

'Come on, people! At least he's not with that spoiled brat, Audrey anymore! Lighten up a bit!' I yelled in my head.

They sent us nervous waves, which we sent back.

Soon, Mal and Ben came to us.

"How about a game of croquet for now?" he asked.

"Sorry, but what's that?" I asked.

"Just come. I'll show you." he replied.


Mal and I were playing croquet.

Shane and Hallie were talking while holding hands, Evie was with Belle and Beast, and Carlos was playing with Dude.

"Hello, there."

We turned and saw an elderly woman wearing a light pink dress suit.

"Hi." my sister and I greeted.

"Now, have we met?" she asked us.

"No, I don't think so. We're new. We're sort of like, transfer students." Mal explained.

"We just transferred a month ago." I explained to her.

"Ah. Yes." she said.

Just then, Audrey came in.

"Grandma." The elderly woman then smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Oh, Audrey. Give Grammy a kiss dear." she said as she and Audrey kissed each other's cheeks.

The daughter of Sleeping Beauty then looked at us.

"Grammy?" I asked.

"Sleeping Beauty's mother?" Audrey reminded us.

"Queen Leah, I believe?" I asked. She nodded.

"Grammy, I don't think you would want to be talking to these girls. Unless you feel like taking another hundred year nap." she told the lady.

Queen Leah turned to us. "What?"

We all locked eyes for a bit before realization hit her.

"You!" she shouted. Everyone turned to our direction as our friends and Fairy Godmother walked over.

"How are you here? And how have you stayed so young? And how can you have someone with you all these years?" she asked.

It was then I realized it.

She believed Mal was Maleficent and I was a helper or something.

"Queen Leah, it's okay. Maleficent is still on the island. These are her daughters, Mal and Malia. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben told her.

"A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us?" she asked him.

"Come on, you remember, don't you? The poisoned apples? And the spells?" she said as she looked at Ben's parents. She looked at us.


"My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So. her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!" she told us as tears formed in her eyes.

I couldn't help but feel sympathy.

"I am so sorry." I said as I reached my hand out, but Chad stepped in front of me.

"No way. Stay away from her." the son of Cinderella told me.

"Don't do this, Chad." Shane told him.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Shane. What do you think villains teach their kids, huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh." the spoiled brat told him.

He looked at my sister. "You stole another girl's boyfriend." I scoffed before I walked towards him, but was held back by Hallie.

He looked at Hallie. "You brainwashed my best friend."

"You son of a-" She let me go before she walked, but was held back by Shane.

"I was never your best friend!"

He then looked at Jay, who I walked over to and held his hand.

"You enjoy hurting people." I continued to glare at him.

"At least he's not a spoiled brat like you!" I yelled at him.

He finally turned to Evie with complete disgust.

"And you. You're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." I had enough.

"Actually, she is smart. And the one who's a cheater is you! You can't get a single A or B!" I defended my friend.

"Mirror, Mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" she asked before pointing the mirror at him and he appeared in it.

"What? Come on!" he said as he slapped Evie's hand away.

Jay went to him as Hallie used her bracelet to turn invincible.

Chad's head went back and blood came from his nose as I knew Hallie had punched him.

Evie sprayed the perfume at him and he fell asleep as his skank and the others surrounded him. Jay grabbed my hand and we bolted.

We all ran away from the scene, Ben calling out to us. before I looked at Hallie.

"Good one, Hal." I told her. She laughed.

"Well, when you have a pirate brother as a twin who's a couple hours older than you and a father who's a legendary pirate, you are supposed to be feared." she said before we continued running.

We soon stopped at a spot where we all catches our breath.

"Well, this is the stupidest day ever." I said as Jay rubbed my back.


My friends and I were at a table outside, eating lunch.

I was in between Jay and Hallie. Mal was in front of us with Evie and Carlos.

Shane and the others were at the table across from us.

I could tell Shane wanted to be with Hallie, since he kept looking at her with sad eyes.

We were all quiet. No one had spoke ever since the incident.

I couldn't help but feel guilt. This was our chance to become something more.

Well, that had to be screwed up.

At times, I wish that my friends and I had never been born. Everything would be perfect.

Not that I mean it, but it's just so hard when you're feeling emotions you never thought you could feel. And trust me, it didn't feel good.

(A/N: Again, I don't know exactly what Ben said, so I'm going to go with what fits best.)

"Hey, guys. How're you doing? Just forget it, don't worry about it, let it go." he said as he placed his hands on Mal's shoulders and looked at each and every one of us.

"Tomorrow after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay." he explained.

He told Mal that he had to go somewhere before he kissed her temple and left. I sighed as I lay my head on Jay's shoulder and grabbed his hand.

"Listen, Evie, I-" Doug said ad he came in, only to be stopped by Chad.

"Doug!" He turned to him before turning to Evie.

"It's my fault, Doug. I'm so sorry." Evie apologized.

"Doug!" Chad called once again.

"What?" I looked sadly at my friend.

"Doug?" she asked.

"Sorry, I can't." he told her before joining the others.

"How long does she think that's gonna last?" Audrey asked Jane as they walked hand-in-hand and stopped behind Mal.

"Mal's just the bad girl infatuation." Jane then joined in and got into Mal's face.

"Yeah. I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a Queen."

I glared at them as they walked away, laughing.

"Undo her hair, sis." I told her. She nodded as she got the spell book and turned the pages before stopping.

"Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair." she chanted before she did the finger movements, followed by Jane's scream.

Her hair had went back to short and everybody was laughing at her, well, Audrey was. The girls and I stood up.

"There's a lot more where that came from." she told them.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey asked her in a confident way.

"Does she look like she's kidding, brat?" I asked her.

Mal opened the book, making everybody run like the scared little kids they had always been.

My sister turned to us. "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow." She then closed the book.

"Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand."

Everybody got up and we all walked, nothing but revenge filling our thoughts.

"You ready for this, my thief?" I asked Jay with a smirk. He let out a dark chuckle.

"Of course, my sorceress." he replied as he kissed me.

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