Chp.3 Meeting The Emperor Frieza

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As they all arrive to Frieza huge battle ship, Lemo parks the ship inside the battle ship as they all got off from as Cheelai and Lemo started leading them to Frieza. As they do, Cheelai was walking besides (YN) and to realize how big he was than his father...anyways, they then arrive to a room we're Frieza was standing there starting outside on a huge window as he turns around...

BerryBlue: My lord, they have brought you some visitors.

Frieza: Oh? Well how interesting. Never expected to have some visitors from saiyans.

Paragus: Its a pleasure to meet you again, My lord.

Frieza: My lord? ...Ah I See. If I remember correctly, your the saiyan name Paragus who works for me right?

Paragus: Yes lord Frieza, it's a good thing you remember me.

Frieza then notices (YN)...

Frieza: And who's this other saiyan besides you?

Paragus: This is my son.

Frieza: Hmmm. If your son is a saiyan as well, then I suppose he should be having a tail from behind right?

Paragus: Yes but he doesn't have it no more sir.

Paragus: Whenever he transforms into a great ape he unfortunately lost all control of his action, he became a danger to his himself and to me as well. Which is why I chose to cut off his tail.

Frieza: And has this mighty warrior lost his mind and exploded since then?

Paragus: Yes sir, but on some rarest occasions.

Frieza: So your saying this might happen? You brought danger to my ship!

Paragus: No please I didn't mean it to say it like that sir! After that, he somehow is manage to control his anger....As I think. Please trust me on this, I know I can trust me son on this, right boy?

(YN): *nods*

Frieza: Hmmm. Very well then. So, what is your name saiyan?

(YN): .......... *looks away*

Paragus: Please Sir! Forgive (YN)! That's his name. He's not much of a talking person.

Frieza then started sensing some of (YN)'s Power as he looked quiet impressive...

Frieza: it would seem that your son of yours have tremendous amount of battle power.

Paragus: Yes, I've trained my son very well to become a mighty saiyan fighter....but then again, he doesn't like fighting somehow.

Frieza: Do you at least force your son to fight?

Paragus: N-No I wouldn't do that, look he does like fighting and all but only in any occasions when I'm in danger or when I need help. But trust me sir, he's really a good fighter with great power and I'm sure he can be a great use of joining your troops lord Frieza.

Frieza: Ohohohohoho! What an unexpected bounty. BerryBlue, would you mind rewarding the two who found and brought me these two fine saiyans?

BerryBlue: Of course my lord.

Cheelai/Lemo: Yes!

BerryBlue then gave Cheelai and Lemo their rewards for finding and bringing Paragus and (YN) to Frieza...

Lemo: Its like a fortune!

Cheelai/Lemo: Thank you for your generosity sir!

As Lemo and Cheelai leaves Paragus and (YN) alone with Frieza, Cheelai stopped for a moment as she started starring at (YN) for a while, she notices him looking back at her as she blush a little as (YN) gave her a little wave, like a bye. Cheelai then waves back him as she leaves the room and catches up to Lemo as they head over to their rooms...

Lemo: Oh man! Frieza rewarded us with some goodies like always!

Lemo then realizes Cheelai suddenly got quiet...

Lemo: Cheelai? You Okay there?

Cheelai: Hmm? Oh yea. Sorry. I was just...thinking.

Lemo: Really? Cause of what I see is that you've been starring at that (YN) guy quite a while. Now that doesn't seem to be thinking...

Cheelai: Wh-What?! *blushes a little*

Lemo: *chuckles* Cheelai, Im Not dumb. You've been starring at him ever since we saved them back at that planet. Its like you starting to like him or something.

Cheelai: W-What! No! I don't! Besides I even barely know him and he doesn't even talk to me! That's stupid!

Lemo: Hmmm. We'll see then. Come on, let's leave our rewards at our rooms and head over to the lunch room, I'm starving.

Cheelai: Yeah, Right. *why did I even say that ;-;*?

Back with Frieza, Paragus and (YN)...

Frieza: So, If i remember correctly, you two have been stranded on that awful planet vampa for years right?

Paragus: Thats correct.

Frieza: And are you aware that your whole entire saiyan race people were wiped out and your home planet vegeta was destroyed by an unexpected meteor?

Paragus: Yes my lord! When I luckily escaped with my son in my hands when he was child back then in a space pod, it was huge meteor out of no where that I saw that wiped out my entire people and my planet...and my beloved wife.

Frieza: Oh, how sad to hear that. But what if I told you...that it wasn't just any meteor?

Paragus: Huh? What do you mean my lord??

Frieza: What Im saying is that not only it was a meteor...but it was more likely a huge energy sphere created.

Paragus: W-Wait?! You mean to tell me...that huge meteor look alike was nothing but a huge energy sphere?!

Frieza: I would say that, yes.

Paragus: But But...Who could have done such a horrible thing like that and destroyed my home planet, my people, and my beloved wife!?!

Frieza: *chuckles* lucky for you Paragus, I know not one, but two person who have done this.

Paragus: Two people?! Who?!?!!

Frieza then somehow explain Paragus an un truth story of how his home planet really got destroyed...3 minutes later, Paragus heard everything as he then clench both of his fists and yelled...

Paragus: WHAT?!? You mean to tell me it was two saiyans from my home planet who destroyed it!?

Frieza: Yes, Thats it.

Paragus: Why!?! Why would they do such a horrible thing like that to their own people!?! D-Do you know who are the two saiyan bastards!?!

Frieza: Why of course. If I remember correctly, one is King Vegeta's son, Vegeta the forth.

Paragus: P-Prince Vegeta!? King Vegeta's son!?! No! That can't be!

Frieza: Ah but of course he was one, and then the other...well, if you know him, his name is Kakarot, but he prefers to call himself Goku.

Paragus: K-Kakarot!?! The son of Bardock!?! Him too!!? And you mean to tell me those two are still alive as well!?!

Frieza: Why yes.

Paragus NRRGH! Prince Vegeta! Kakarot!

Paragus: Those arrogant backstabbing bastards should pay for what they have done! For now one, I will seek vengeance for me people! For my wife!!

Frieza: But Don't you worry, as for I, Lord Frieza, will help you and allow me to help you claim your vengeance as I know where they are located at.

Paragus: Y-You do?!

Frieza: Yea, but it will take time. So be patient. But for now, BerryBlue?

BerryBlue: Yes my lord?

Frieza: Please lead them to their new rooms and give them a pair of new clean armor clothes and lead them to the showers so they can tidy them selves up.

BerryBlue: Yes Lord.

BerryBlue then started leading Paragus and (YN) to their new rooms and for them to clean themselves up in the showers as Frieza was alone...

Frieza: *chuckles* Monkeys like them can be so idiotic as well.


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