Chp.4 A New Look For (YN)

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After Paragus heard Frieza's story of his home planet being destroyed by two saiyans, Vegeta and Kakarot (Goku), he marked his words that he will have his vengeance and take those two saiyan out with Frieza's help and his son as well. So as he waits patiently, for now, him and his son (YN) head over to different showers as Paragus goes to one and the (YN) the other as (YN) started cleaning himself up and looking clean and tidy already...after minutes of shower, he gets out as he started putting on his new clothes BerryBlue lend him, but couldn't be able to put on the armor which is too hard for him to move his arms and not big enough to fit, so he only puts on a long black sleeve tight shirt, purple tight pants, new white boots, black wrist bands and let's not forget that green fur around his waist he out he got out of the shower, he notices his father waiting for him...

Paragus: Ah, (YN). Glad to see you clean and new son. Listen, I'll be over at the lunch area with the troops, BerryBlue told here said that Frieza wanted to give you something. I don't know what but you must obey every thing he says son, I know how Frieza is when you get him in his bad side. please understand that got it?

(YN): *nods*

Paragus: Good, now go and follow BerryBlue. I'll be over at the lunch area.

Paragus leaves as (YN) then started following BerryBlue leading to Frieza again. He then arrived in a room where there some Frieza trips working on some computer work.

Frieza: Ah (YN). Glad you come by here. I just wanted to give you something really quick, but first...

A Frieza trooper then walked to (YN) as he then has some sort of scanning device as he started scanning his power level. After that, he takes the device scan with (YN)'s Power as he connects it to the computer...

Frieza Trooper #3: My lord, it appeared (YN)'s power level is over beyond! It's incredible! His power level 10,000,000,000.

Frieza: I Paragus was right about the story about (YN) turning into that giant ape. But why a saiyan like him so powerful is not interested in fighting or battling? Oh who cares, luckily I have something for him that'll make him fight!

Meanwhile, at the lunch area, Paragus was sitting with Cheelai and Lemo having a little fun chatting with each other as (YN) then suddenly appeared as Cheelai notices..

Cheelai: Oh Hey (YN)! Over here! Your father is with us!

Paragus: Over here son.

(YN) walls over to them...

Cheelai: You looking clean and tidy as well (YN), where's your battle suit though?

(YN): No's hard to move in.

Cheelai: Ahh is not that bad once you get use to it

Cheelai: But do as what it makes you happy I guess.

Cheelai then realizes the green Old fur around (YN)'s waist...

Cheelai: Ugh you know (YN), you should take off that green fur around you.

(YN): Huh?!

Cheelai: It stinks and you should really wash it-


Cheelai: WOOOAH!

Cheelai with a scare jumped back the fact that trying to take off the green fur from (YN) made him triggered somehow...

Cheelai: O-Okay Okay, I get it. That green fur pelt mean so much to you.

(YN): This green special.

Paragus: My apologies Cheelai, (YN) didn't mean to scream at you like. It's just that...the fur around him means something for him. Or I should say he got it from a very special friend.

Cheelai: No No it's fine. I should be the one apologizing for touching something that's his...and A friend?? Really?? You mean he got this fur at that planet you guys were stranded??!

Paragus: Yes. It's a long story. But before I even continue, (YN), what was it that Frieza wanted you??

(YN): ...He gave me this collar on my neck.

Paragus: A collar? Why would he-

Frieza: Oh Paragus.

Suddenly Frieza then arrive to the room as Paragus stood up from the chair and walks over to Frieza...

Prague: Lord Frieza. How can I help?

Frieza: Oh nothing just checking on you and your son, and I must ask, did (YN) already told you about what I gave him??

Paragus: Of course. That collar he has around his neck. Is there a reason he has it??

Frieza: Well you See-

???: Hey!

Suddenly, a drunk Frieza trooper then started walking over to (YN)'s direction as Frieza and (YN) notice..

Drunk Trooper: You and that old guy over there must be new huh???

He then suddenly got his attention to Cheelai as he gives her a funny look...

Drunk Trooper: Say, Your quiet the looker if I should say, man I would totally date you...

Cheelai: Tch! In your dreams!

Drunk Trooper: Aye come on now toots, I don't know why your hanging with this boring punk, why don't you come and hang with me, we should get along quite well and I'll buy you a drink as well good looking *he then tried to put his hands on cheelai*

Cheelai: No way! And get your filthy hands off from me! Not interested.

And by the looks of (YN), he started to realize that Cheelai is already getting annoyed and feeling uncomfortable with that drunk trooper...

Suddenly Lemo then tried help out as he tried to get the drunk trooper away...

Lemo: Alright bug guy you heard her, look how about I buy you a drink instead-

Drunk Trooper: Beat it loser! And come on now toots, I'm done asking you!

The drunk trooper then started to get a bit over hand as (YN) then started to get irritated of him already...

He then walks over to  the drunk trooper as the trooper realizes him standing in front of him...

Drunk Trooper: Hey! You got a problem with me, punk!?

(YN): *breathes in and out* ...I do!

Drunk Trooper: Big mistake!

The drunk trooper then strikes a punch towards (YN) chest as he gave it all it got, but somehow, his punch didn't even affect nor hurt (YN)...

Drunk Trooper: What the!?! How about this then!

Cheelai: Hey (YN)! You can let go now!

The drunk trooper then started throwing several punch to (YN)'s chest and still doesn't do no affect to (YN), and suddenly, (YN) then blocked and grab the troopers punch and started squeezing his hand and then grabs his armor and started lifting him up...

Drunk Trooper: H-Hey! Let go you bastard!

Paragus: (YN) No!

Frieza: Wait Paragus.

Paragus: Huh?! My lord, I can't let my son hurt anyone or he will lose control!

Frieza: And that's why is the excellent timing for you to see why he has that collar around his neck.

Frieza then pulls out a remote device with two buttons, one green and one red with number percentage showing...

Paragus: A remote device??

Frieza: Keep watching.

As Paragus keeps watching him son trying to hurt the trooper...Frieza then started raising up the numbers from the device as it went to 40%....

Frieza: If he doesn't like fighting, then this will make him fight!

Frieza then press on the red button as somehow the collar around (YN) then started to trigger somehow as the collar then started generating high voltage shock around his neck, torturing him somehow as he was still holding on the drunk trooper and screams in pain...Frieza then presses the red button again as the he turns off the collar...(YN) was still standing somehow still holding onto the drunk trooper...

Paragus: What the!?! What have you done!? What did you do!!?

Frieza: Keep watching.

Paragus: What do you ?!? That collar you gave him is nothing but-

(YN): *Growls*

Paragus: (Y-YN)??!

Suddenly (YN) has his head down as he then lifts it up as his eyes were suddenly different, his eye color were from brown to yellow and his eyes pupils were shrink as he growls and clenches his teeth...

Drunk Trooper: H-Hey! What the hell are you-



With a huge roar, (YN) then clenches his right fist as he then jabs a straight powerful punch to the trooper's gut as he spat out saliva and sent flying towards a wall and collapses, the trooper was having trouble catching some air and barely can get up as (YN) quickly arrives to the trooper as he then kicks the trooper in the face as he then started throwing vicious punches to the trooper as he couldn't help himself out with all that anger he just hit out somehow...

Cheelai: No (YN) stop!

Paragus: (YN)!

Cheelai, Lemo and Paragus, all three run over to go stop (YN) as he continues striking punches to the trooper as he was nearly trying to kill him...

Frieza: *chuckles* okay that's enough fun for now.

Frieza then presses the green button as again the collar started generating high voltage shock from (YN)'s neck as he suddenly stop punching the trooper and suddenly was screaming in pain. After that, he then suddenly collapse to the floor as Cheelai started checking on him...

Cheelai: Are you Okay?!

Paragus: (YN)!

Paragus then stares at Frieza as he started to get upset with him as he marches to Frieza...

Paragus: My lord! What the hell was that!?! What is the meaning of this!?

Frieza: Well, since I heard you saying that he mostly doesn't like fighting, My troopers made him a collar mechanism for him so you *hands the remote to paragus* Can make him fight. If he won't fight, then force is the only thing that will make him fight. And don't you worry, there's a button to control him during battle and the other to stop (YN)  from losing control. Pretty clever right?

Paragus: N-No! It's not right! That's just torturing my son! I can't do him like that! That's not how I-

Suddenly Frieza quickly grabs Paragus by his armor as he pulls him towards him with a menace look...

Frieza: Are you disobeying me?! Cause it looks likes like your talking back to your emperor!

Paragus: *gulps* N-No sir! It's just..I can't! That's not how it works for me!

Frieza: Oh please. Im just helping out. Besides, this will help your son take on the saiyans once we meet them to their destination. Now, I'm done talking and make sure that collar stays there!

Frieza then let's go of Paragus as he then was about to exit the room as he then turns around and says to his troopers...

Frieza: If I were you men, I would not get (YN) in a bad mood. Now do me a favor and clean up the mess he made. *leaves*

As he leaves the room, the troopers then help out the drunk trooper and took him to the medical room as for Paragus, he picks up the remote as he stares at it for a bit...

Cheelai: Hey, Your not thinking about using it on your own son are you??!

Paragus turns around as he then drops the remote and smashes it with his feet...

Lemo: Woah! You didn't?!

Paragus: I would never use such torture device on my own son.

Cheelai: Good. (YN), you Okay??

(YN): Y-Yeah...

Cheelai: Say all of you, let's head over my room room. I have something for you (YN).


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