Chp.5 (YN)'s Friendship Story

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After what just happen to (YN), Paragus was starting to feel bad for what just happen to his son. He tried taking the collar off from him but wasn't strong enough to do it, so (YN) tried to to, but he couldn't as well, somehow the collar was so strong it somehow was created by some sort of metal that can't be able to take off...ME and Lemo tried to help as well, but still weren't able to take off the collar off from his neck. Suddenly I started to feel really bad for (YN) for what Frieza is doing to him...but I then have an idea to make him feel better. As they arrive to my room, I then quickly grab something under my bed as I pull out a huge bag as I opens it and the inside the bag was full of candy bars I have been saving, I then offered them to (YN) so he can make him feel better and forget about what happen he sat down and then started enjoying eating the candy bars...

Cheelai: Hey, by the way (YN), thanks for the help back there...I guess.

Paragus: My apologies son. I had no idea nor I have nothing to do with this. Frieza never mentioned me about this. He should have told me first, but having a device that tortures you to force you to fight in battle is not right!

Cheelai: Don't blame yourself, Me and Lemo knew it was one of Frieza's schemes. But now that you broke the remote, you don't have to be worry about it no more. Frieza won't know.

Paragus: I...I hope so...and (YN), please slow down with those candy bars boy.

Lemo: Woah. To think a saiyan like him can eat so much. He's literally this close to finish those candy bars.

Paragus: Well that's how my son is, likes to eat no matter what it is.

(YN): ...Need something to drink, I'm thirsty.

Cheelai: Oh don't worry. Here.

I then hand (YN) a bottle of water. (YN) started observing it as he then tried to figure out what kind of object is it and why it doesn't seem to let (YN) drink...I then chuckle to see (YN) being so cute and dumb at the same time...

Paragus: Son, you have to un-screw the top, here let me help you with that.

Paragus then helps (YN) unscrewing the top of the water bottle as he then hands him over as (YN) then takes sip and then spoke...

(YN): Wh-What is this??

Lemo: Its calles water. You don't mean to tell me you don't know what water is don't you?

(YN): Water?

(YN) then started chugging the bottle of water as he then finishes the whole thing, he then felt relief somehow as I can tell by his face, he the spoke...

(YN): That was...good water. Cheelai?

Cheelai: Hmm?

(YN): Thank you.

He thank me with a cute face of his as I suddenly blush a little and looked away and said...

Cheelai: Y-Your welcome. Glad you like the water.

After that, I then realize him touching and petting that green fur around his waist as he then spoke...

(YN): This is...bah's ear.

Cheelai: Oh you mean the fur that I was asking about?

Lemo: Yeah, and who's bah?

(YN): Yes...When I was a kid, Bah was a huge green beast back at planet vampa, he was scary and ferocious, I named him bah after the loud and roaring sounds he would made.Me and Bah started to get along little by little as he also would even help me train me by dodging from his bites of his sharp teeth.

(YN): After and Bah have became friends...good friends.

Lemo: So this beast was actually your very first friend you ever made?

(YN): Yeah...until...

Suddenly he then stop talking as he somehow stop and look sad somehow...

Cheelai: (YN)?

Paragus: Until that tragic moment happen...

Cheelai: Huh?

Paragus: One of the bug monsters became aggressive not even his giant beast friend was strong enough to take it down, two of them I should say and we're almost big as him, the beast was hurt badly as I had to to something to stop them from hurting (YN)'s friend. But I couldn't, they were just too strong for me to handle them as well, they badly injure me, as you can see the scar on my left eye I have and a hole they left me on my gut...but luckily and suddenly, I started to see that anger of (YN)'s that I just saw earlier at the lunch room, with all that anger seeing his beloved friend being beat up, he aggressively started beating and killing the monster bugs with a pulp and not leaving them breathing....after that, he manage to save me from those monsters, but as for his giant beast was too late. He had lost too much blood and die from it. (YN) has to cry to see his one and only friend die in front of him...I felt bad for him as well. We then had to go to another area to be more safer, as I then realize he then rip off the beast's ear so he can have something in memory of him.

Cheelai: Oh no...(YN), I'm so sorry to hear that from your friend. Really I am.

(YN): It's okay...all it matters is that he's sleeping and resting really well.

I started to feel bad, not only he and his father have been stranded on that planet for years, but he has lost one and only friend he has ever made...I then see him wiping some tears he has continues going back eating the candy he does, Paragus stood up from the chair as he was going to use it and come back ima bit. As he then leaves, I then realize (YN) has already done eating all the candy bars. After that, he then was still sitting down on the ground as he leans back towards the wall as Lemo then had to go to his room as everyone then started heading over to their rooms for their sleep, Lemo leave and wave bye at us as we did as well. It was just me and (YN) alone as we waited for his father to come back, as we waited, I then started to see (YN) looking at the fur as he still seems to be sad about his lost friend, so I decided to go sit next to him and have a little chat with him, he the notice me sitting next to him as I spoke....

Cheelai: Still thinking's about your lost friend huh?

(YN): *nods*

Cheelai: Hey, don't worry big guy. I know it's hard to feel bad about losing someone special. But...let me tell you something. Now that you escaped from the planet, you can make more friends here. More than one, and I'm not saying to forget about your beast friend, there's more people you can be friends with, like Lemo...and Me...*blushes* I can be your friend as well. And that way, you can be happy that I can be your friend as well, Lemo top of course. So, what do you-

With all that speaking I've been saying to (YN) I realize that not only he was listening, but he then fall asleep while I was that's just mean...before I even bother waking him up, I then realize he was deeply asleep as his head suddenly started coming towards me as he tilt his head to my shoulder, I then started blushing the fact he was this close to me...

Cheelai: (Y-YN)! Wake up! I don't want your father to be mad at me! (YN) you big sleepy head! Wake...up???

I then suddenly realize how more of a cutie he was sleeping, and also, I can feel his soft breathing onto my shoulder and then..realize that being close to him, I can tell how nice he smells...then, his father came back...on the wrong time!

Paragus: Cheelai? (YN)??

Cheelai: Its not what you think! H-He suddenly fell asleep as I was talking with him and didn't realize! I tried waking him up and couldn't he just-

Paragus: *chuckles* it's fine Cheelai. He's just tired and hasn't had any sleep today. Here I'll wake him so he can come and sleep-

Cheelai: No! I-I mean, Im okay if he sleeps here in my room...I mean, you don't wanna wake him up, he's already sleeping and...comfortable! Hehe...

Paragus: Hmmmm. I guess your right, I'll let him sleep over with you for today. I don't wanna bother him waking up. Well, I'll be heading over to my room then, Goodnight you two.

Cheelai: Night Paragus.

Paragus then leaves the room as he heads over to sleep. As for us, I then slowly got up and not waking up (YN), I quickly started changing into my sleeping clothes as I did. Then I grabbed a blanket as I brought it with me so me and (YN) Can cover ourselves together, I turned off the lights and sat next to him as I covered ourselves. I then suddenly...started cuddling  with him to feel more comfortable on his right side. as I did, He then place his right arm over me as I blush a little, but then again I didn't care at all as I then started falling asleep as I then looked at him once more and smile saying to him...

Cheelai: Goodnight (YN).


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