Bonding Time

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Yang POV

I am holding (Y/n) close as we make it back to the team dorm, I asked Ruby to call for a doctor. We get to the dorm and I set (Y/n) down on Blake's bed, because it was lower to the ground, as soon as I do this though, (Y/n) starts fussing and looking like he's gonna cry, I just kiss his cheek and he calms down. A doctor finally arrives and examines and bandages (Y/n) up and gives me the assessment.

Doctor: It is good you found him when you did, he is clearly severely malnourished and underweight. I also took a field x-ray and he does have several broken bones that are still trying to heal. Other than that he just has cuts and remnants of bruising, which tells me he was beaten pretty regularly.

Yang: *choking up* My God.

Doctor: There's one more thing, I found residual signs of, for lack of a better term, sexual abuse.

Ruby: Ew!

Weiss: That's disgusting.

Blake: I think I'm actually gonna be sick.

     I couldn't even speak, I was so horrified by what this child went through. How do you move past that? Why would someone do this to an innocent child like him? If I ever do find who did this, I'm bringing a world of pain onto their heads! Keep calm Yang, (Y/n) needs you now.

Yang: Ok, I'll go get him something to eat-

Ruby: It's ok sis, I'll go get him something. You need to stay with (Y/n) in case he wakes up.

Weiss: As strange as it is to say, I agree with Ruby on this one. (Y/n) will need you when he wakes up.

Yang: Ok, thank you. Really.

Ruby: We've always got your back, sis. Be right back.

     Ruby rushes out the door, while Weiss makes a call.

Yang: Who are you calling?

Weiss: Coco, she's an avid fashion designer, so I'm going to ask if she can have some new clothes made for young (Y/n).

Yang: Wow, I didn't even think of that.

Weiss: Of course you didn't.

Yang: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!

(Y/n): *weakily* Mommy?

     I look back and see (Y/n) is starting to wake up, I kneel down to his level and he sees me.

Yang: Hey big fella, how do you feel?

(Y/n): I hurt all over but not as bad as before.

Yang: I had a doctor fix you up. It'll take time but the pain will soon go away..... (Y/n), I have to know. Who did this to you?

     (Y/n) started tearing up and hid under the blanket, from there I hear him say.

(Y/n): Please don't send me back!

     I slowly uncover him and gently hold his hand and smile.

Yang: Ssh, it's alright. I just want to help you, please.

     (Y/n) did calm down to the point where he stopped crying, his eyes again were filled with fear as he told me...

(Y/n): M-My... parents did it.

     I was shocked, that must be why he was in the alleyway, he ran away from his family just to stay alive. I hold his hand a little tighter and tell him...

Yang: It's alright, those people won't hurt you anymore, I promise.

     (Y/n) then teared up and grew a smile on his face and wrapped me in a hug.

(Y/n): Thank you....Mommy!

     I was surprised by this, he had called me mommy, I guess that settles it. I'm his mother from now on, I wrap my arms around him and return the hug. I could feel his tears seeping into my shirt, I rub the back of his neck to try and comfort him. Then, Ruby came back with a tray of food, I pulled away from the hug and asked (Y/n) if he was hungry, to which he eagerly nodded his head yes. I grabbed an orange and peeled it for him, he was hesitant at first but after the first bite he quickly ate the rest of the food. Afterwards, I decided to try and give him a bath because Weiss was complaining about (Y/n) smelling like a pig. I take off my jacket and take him to the bathroom, I get the water running and get rid of his torn clothes. (Y/n) hesitated getting in the water, but with a little encouragment, he got in and I started by shampooing his hair. He definitely relaxed as I continued to clean him, I was careful around his bandages and any other injuries he may have, but eventually he was all cleaned up. I wrapped him in a towel and tried making him laugh by tickling him, it worked like a charm and he laughed for the first time and I wrapped him in another hug. I then hear a knock on the bathroom door, I go and crack the door open and Blake was there with a pair of clothes in hand.

Blake: Coco just dropped these off.

Yang: That was fast. Thank you.

     Even though Blake doesn't talk much, I know she cares about helping people, human or faunus. I help dress (Y/n) and we walk out to the dorm and Ruby had gotten dinner ready for everyone. I am grateful that Ruby will help in any way possible, (Y/n) eats with all of us and he is so much happier now, with a full belly. I finally see hope in his (E/C) eyes for the first time and they are glowing a little brighter now. There is a knock on the dorm door, Ruby goes to answer it and Team JNPR is there.

Ruby: Hi guys, what's up?

Jaune: Don't you remember? It's game night.

Ruby: Oh right, sorry a lot happened today.

Jaune: Are you still up for it?

Yang: Sure, come on in!

     As soon as Team JNPR enters, Nora spots (Y/n) sitting in my lap and gets excited. Like, really excited.


     She rushes past everyone to see him but (Y/n) is quick to hide his face in my chest. Ren eventually restrains Nora's excitment and the others ask questions and I answer them as best as I can.

Yang: I found him in an alley downtown and decided to try and help him. Initially, he was scared and wouldn't come near me, so I just sat down and waited for him to come to me.

Weiss: You sat there for five hours, Yang!

Yang: Well, it was worth the wait. He was worth it.

     I kiss the top of his head and he looks up at me and smiles, I return the smile and we get game night underway. I am still barraged with questions mainly from Jaune and Nora, I eventually told them a little bit of what he was put through by his biological parents. For the rest of the night, we played all sorts of games like cribbage, Remnant the board game, and a few others, all the while (Y/n) just sits in my lap and watches and laughes with everyone. Eventually, I hear a light snoring noise, I look down and (Y/n) is again fast asleep.

Yang: Okay, I think it's time to call it a night everyone.

Jaune: Yeah, we do have that field trip tomorrow morning.

Yang: Aw crap, I forgot about it.

Ruby: We can always take (Y/n) with us, we just need to be sure to keep an extra close eye on him. Agreed?

Everyone: Right.

     With that Team JNPR left and our team got ready for bed while I tucked (Y/n) under the covers of my bed. I get changed and climb up to bed and cuddle (Y/n) close to me, as he relaxes more he says the sweetest thing in his sleep.

(Y/n): I love you, Mommy.

     I can't help but smile and kiss his cheek.

Yang: I love you, son.

     I fall asleep with a smile on my face and think about all the fun my new son and I will have together. I understand that there will be trials where my short fuse will be tested but to take care of (Y/n), he will always be worth it.

(A/N): Alright guys, what do you think so far? I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story. Be sure to leave a like if you did and have a great rest of your day. PEACE OUT!!!

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