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(Y/n) POV

     Hi, my name is (Y/n) and my life right now, sucks, because my parents are cruel and abusive. They make me do all the chores, and toil the farm fields all day long. They also expect me to cook for them and repair bits of the house, I am only 6 in case your wondering. Sigh, I am so tired today and I still have to make dinner for my "parents". I walk in the house and head straight for the kitchen, then it starts.

Dad: Hey little shit, why is dinner not ready yet!

(Y/n): I'm sorry, sir. I just walked from the fields.


Dad: Are you making excuses, boy!

(Y/n): No sir, I'll get started right away.

     He scoffs and walks away, I get dinner ready and then head to bed, which is just a pile of hay in the barn with the pigs. As I set myself and ready for another restless night of sleep, I can hear mom coming towards the barn. And for the sake of younger viewers, long story short, my mother is a pedophile and gets off seeing me in pain. After my beating, mom left me with two broken ribs and several cuts and bruises. I am tired of all of this, I am called weak, worthless, and a coward, day in and day out, I want to leave. After a few more days, I finally convince myself to run away, tonight. After mom leaves me in the barn, I wait and watch until the house lights turn off, then I make a run for it. I keep running, not knowing where I was going, I just wanted to get away from them. I finally stop and hide in the hollow of a tree and try to rest until morning before moving on. Over the course of the next few days, I walk through a forest in the direction of a city. I make it to said city and wander around the streets and end up in an alleyway, I take a seat and rest. Although, I do have the feeling I'm being watched, so I keep all my senses tuned, until I hear....

????: Hey there!

     I quickly look up and see a blonde woman at the end of the alleyway, and getting closer to me.

Yang POV

     I was just wandering around town with my friends and just taking a day to relax and unwind because the Vytal Festival is coming up soon. As we walk out of a bakery to calm Ruby's cookie addiction, I notice a small boy wandering the streets. He was really young, couldn't be more than 7 maybe, he was also dirty, his clothes were soiled and torn, he also looked cold, skinny, limping, and scared. I see him turn into an alleyway, when Blake broke me out of my trance.

Yang: What's up Blake?

Blake: You just seem like you're about to cry a little, are you alright?

     I wipe my eyes and I am indeed tearing up, I guess I felt more sorry for that kid than I previously thought. I look back at where the boy went and decide to do something about this.

Yang: You guys go ahead, there's something I have to do. I'll catch up later.

     I cross the street and look into the alleyway and see the boy resting. I walk into the alleyway and call him out.

Yang: Hey there!

     The boy looks at me with fear in his (E/C) eyes, he starts looking for a way out, but I blocked the only exit and has no where to go but through me.

Yang: Hey big guy. Please, don't be scared, I'm not here to hurt you.

     He responded only with shuffling to a corner and trying to hide. I decided I was close enough and sit down, then I tell him.

Yang: The only way you're getting out is through me. So, until you decide to come out I'm going to be sitting here waiting for you.

Timeskip 5 hours Later

     5 hours later and I'm still waiting, but I'm not giving up on this boy. He needs help and I will not stop until he feels safe with me.

Yang: So where did you come from?

(Y/n): ....

Yang: Where are your parents?

(Y/n): *starts crying*

Yang: How long have you been alone?

(Y/n): *crying continues*

Yang: Ok, how about your name?

(Y/n): *through tears* (Y/n).

Yang: That's a really nice name. I'm Yang and I'm here to help. Please come out.

     Finally he stops crying and slowly moves towards me, I have a hearfelt smile on my face to help reassure him. Then I hear my sister's voice behind me...

Ruby: Yang! There you are, we've been look-

    I quickly stick my hand up to keep my team quiet, they looked confused at first. I turned back to (Y/n) who was still standing where he stopped and was shaking. My smile returns and I open my arms to urge him into a hug, he slowly starts moving towards me again. I patiently wait until he crawls into my lap and snuggles into my chest, I wrap my arms around him and hold him close. He smiles at me for the first time, even if it's small, he then fell asleep right in my arms. I get up off the ground and carry him to my team, and as usual I get mixed reactions from everyone.

Ruby: Aww, he's cute. Can we keep him?

Weiss: While he is indeed cute, raising a kid is out of the question. They require lots of attention and looking after.

Blake: Look at him Weiss, he's cold, skinny and alone. We can't just leave him here.

Yang: (Y/n) is staying with me and that's final.

     Everyone looked at me a little shocked at what I said, but after spending the afternoon with him, how can I not afford to take care of him. Besides, he's really cute and I can tell he has a lot of love left inside him, I will do everything it takes to care for him.

(A/N): Alright, it's Firecracker's turn and I've got an idea for this. Don't think it will be great but I'll give it a shot.

Anyways, I hope you will enjoy this story, leave a like if you do and be on the look out for other story entries. Have a great day, PEACE OUT!!!

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