Arguments and Freeing a Fire Bird

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New chapter out. Not much happening, but it's needed to move the plot forward.


The sounds of arguing roused the Kaiju from his sleep.

'What's going on this time?' (M/N) thought to himself.

'Can't a Kaiju get some sleep around here?'

Sighing, he got up and headed to the main room of the Argo to see what's up.

When he finally got there.

"I'm telling you what Andrew and I saw!" Mark shouted in frustration.

'What's got him so riled up.'

"Emma willingly pressed the button of her own free will and freed Ghidorah from her prison!"


"That is bullshit man!" Rick Stanton, one of Monarch member said, "She virtually recruited half of the people in this room to join Monarch!"

(I think he's the one that took the most convincing)

"Why would she do that only to turn her back on everything she has done?"

"Why don't we ask Andrew?" Nick interjected himself into the conversation.

All eyes turned on him,

"Madison texted (M/N) warning him of something her mother was going to do. And to seek out Andrew to get the full story."

Eyes turned to Andrew, who sighed before explaining.

"Ever since San Francisco, 5 years ago. Mom had started to change; it was slow and subtle, but she still believed in Monarch and Humanity survival. But during the hunt for MUTO Prime, whose location remains unknown, her path inadvertently crossed with that bastard Jonah."

"I don't know what transpired during that time, but he eventually got to her and convince her that Humanity as it was, would wound killing both themselves and the planet."

Silence could be heard as Andrew continued talking.

"Of course, she was already becoming disillusioned with her work and with how Humanity treated the Kaiju Girls and the work of Monarch. It wasn't too hard for her to become convince that restoring the world and letting the remnants of human society build up from the aftermath of the 'False Queen' destruction was the best option to take."

"Since she and Dad were, more or less, not talking to each other he was unaware of what was going on. Nor that by leaving Maddy with her, she had full custody over her and was able to, at some degree, persuade her that taking this path was the best option for Humanity."

"She tried to convince me as well, but since I knew things that neither she nor Monarch knew (Namely the existence of a Male Kaiju and said Kaiju saving my life), I plain out said no. And trust me, she tried very hard to convince me to help with this plan. I kept refusing until I practically disowned her as my parent, I told her that unless she stops this foolish plan to never talk to me again."

"I did not want to be a part of the possible end of Humanity."


"So, why didn't you say anything then?" Akane Yashiro spoke up, confused on why he never brought it up.

It could have saved some time and lives.

"*Sighing* I guess I was hoping that me not speaking to her would snap her out of whatever delusions she had."

Andrew admitted, "But, I guess it was a long shot."


Zilla Jr. placed a hand on his arm in support.

(That was something Mark wanted to ask about, they were way too close for comfort)

"Sometimes adults forget that they are only human or just one person."

(M/N) voice broke out, startling the group as the Male Zilla in question was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed.

"And that they aren't always right, contrary to popular belief, when they make judgements like these."

"After all, who are they to judge who lives and who dies?"

Everyone fell silent at that question, as a tense air could be felt.

Beep, Beep

"Incoming transmission"

Vivienne Graham stated, looking at the call trying to connect.

"Answer it" Serizawa spoke, curious to see who was trying to reach them.

"Answering and putting it on screen."

Vivienne responded, as the monitor came to life,

...Revealing the subject of their conversation: Emma Russell.

"You have a lot of nerve to show your face after what you have done."

Major Anthony Hicks coldly stated.

"Hello, everyone." Emma said.

"Where's Maddy?" Mark questioned his estranged wife.

"Right here." She said, as Maddy walked into the screen.

"Hi dad, Andy" Maddy said,

"Maddy are you okay?" Andy asked, concern for his younger sister.

"I'm fine Andy, hi (M/N), Zilla Jr." Maddy waved to the two Kaiju, "Sorry, about my mom exposing you two."

"What's done is done." (M/N) sighed, rubbing his fingers over his closed eyes.

"...You know about them?" Emma questioned in shock at that revelation.

"He's the reason Andy is still alive today; without him he would have died."

She revealed to her mother: "Which also means, you and dad owe him a debt for saving him."

That was true, since he was the reason for Andrew surviving that left them with a debt to him.

"And you're doing a fantastic job returning the favor by trying to destroy the world."

She sarcastically finished, though she supposes it was not all on her mom for that part. After all, she and Andrew never said anything about (M/N) existence in the first place for them to know.

'I wonder if telling her that would have stopped her from enacting this plan?'

Was the thought running through Maddy head.

"*Sigh* I suppose I should explain." Emma said,

"Please do" Colonel Foster acidly said, "Especially after pulling that stunt."

Sighing, Dr. Emma spoke.

"I can only imagine what you are thinking of me right now, but believe me if there was another choice, I would have taken plan over this."

"What plan are you talking about?"

Philippe Roaché narrowed his eyes, years of being in the French Secret Service had given him skills to read between the lines.

And if she was about to say what he thinks she is, then things were going to get more complicated.

"Saving the world."

There was a stunned silence, before Mark spoke incredulously to his estranged wife.

"Saving the world? By releasing that monster – Ghidorah?"

"How the hell is that saving the world?"

"As crazy as it sounds it is very possible."

Emma answered (though mentally filing away that Monster Zero apparently had a name), before taking a deep breath: "Let me speak, Mark."

"After the events of San Francisco where we nearly lost Andrew, I swore that I would find an answer as to why the Titans were rising once more. If only to prevent a parent from losing their child."

Andrew shifted uncomfortably; he knew that the dynamics of their family changed after they initially believed him to be dead. But he never realized how much of an impact it left on his parents.

"But, after digging deeper I realized that perhaps there was a bigger reason for their reemergence. A truth that perhaps we never wanted to face."

"That being?" Machiko spoke up this time, interested in what this 'truth' was.

"For millennia humans have been the dominant species on the planet. This has led to overpopulation, pollution, war, destruction of nature. "

Images began showing on the screens, as she talked.

"That which we fear, the mass extinction, has already begun."

"I see" (M/N) spoke up. "In your eyes, the return of the Kaiju is Nature way of balancing things out."

"Yes" Emma confirmed, "As insulting as it is to even think about, the actions of humans are like an infection, spreading throughout the body leaving nothing but destruction and irreparable harm. The Kaiju are the Earth version of an immune system."

"But, because of our fears of something much stronger than us existing out there. Governments want to contain, kill, or even use them for war. And if that is allowed to happen than the infection will only get worse until the Earth is inhospitable for all life."

"That's why it is important to restore the balance before it's too late."


There was a pause, while everyone tried to digest what she had said. Some thought it the height of madness, others took a different view.

'Her reasons are better than what I expected' (M/N) thought to himself, while he did not hold much animosity towards Humanity, he wasn't blind to what their selfish actions have caused.

'Still, her heart is in the right place, but her methods could use a little more working on.'

"And then what" Rick said, "After they cleansed the Earth, are they going to rule over a burning wasteland?"

"Quite the opposite Dr. Stanton." Emma responded, changing the images again, "Much like a fire replenishes the soil, or volcanos create new lands. The radiation emitted by the Kaiju triggers a chain reaction."

San Francisco and Las Vegas were shown covered with trees.

"Life follows, and that is why in order to save the world. The Kaiju must be set free."

"Have you lost your mind?" Ilene calmly spoke, "Your actions have already taken lives, and nearly took the life of one of your colleagues. This is more of murdering the world than saving it."

"No" Emma spoke "What will happen is that humanity and the Titans will learn to coexist again after the world has returned to a more balanced state. In the past, humans and Kaiju have lived in harmony and it is my belief that the survivors will be able to do this as well."

"This is a dangerous path." Serizawa spoke up, standing up from the chair he had sat down during Dr. Emma explanation. "You are meddling with forces beyond our comprehension. Gambling with the lives of billions!"

Though he did not shout, the fact that the normally calm, stoic man was expressing such emotions made the entire command room shift.

Everyone knew that despite his respect for the Kaiju, that he very much cared for humanity and had devoted most of his life to ensuring that humanity survived in an Age of Kaiju. His work in Monarch aligned with his goals of making sure the Kaiju did not wipe them out in anger of being attacked.

The GDF personnel stared in pure shock as Serizawa angrily chastised his former colleague. Not even Gyozen elicited that kind of response, and she was one of the more vocal about killing the Kaiju to eliminate the threat!

"What else can we gamble with, Dr. Serizawa?" Emma asked in a rhetorical voice. "Monarch is broken on the verge of being shut down by a government whose only objective is to kill the Titans."

"If that happens, what will all our chances be?"

"You are out of your goddamn mind!" Mark yelled, furious at what he had learned. "First you put our daughter in danger, try to get Andrew onboard, force the only male Kaiju around to reveal his existence and put him and his daughter in the line of fire from the governments, Ghidorah, and the Kaiju."

"And not only that, but you also have the goddamn right to decide the fate of the world!?"

"I couldn't be more sane, Mark"

"What you are doing will only recreate that fateful scene with somebody else child! Do you want that!?"

Mark tried to reason with her, only for Emma to sigh.

"I can only urge you all to take refuge." Emma said, "Monarch has bunkers all over the world in preparation of the events of an all-out Kaiju war. To restart humanity if it was ever destroyed. I suggest you find them and bring as many people as you can."

With that said, the connection was cut off. As Emma sighed, her resolve firm as it can be. But doubts plaguing her head. Staring at her daughter who stared back.


"That bitch" Ilene simply said, Vivienne placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not worth it" She placated her, "She's just being stupid."

"That stupid bitch"

"Well, I tried" Vivienne shrugged.

"So, when will this ship land?" Audrey asked, having been silent throughout the whole ordeal.

"Approximately three minutes." Colonel Foster double checked.

"Maybe not." Rick suddenly spoke up, gaining everyone attention.

"What do you mean?" Sam questioned.

"According to this, Emma is most likely not at Isla de Mara as we initially thought. Signal flying all over the place. Shit, it most likely they are hiding in one of the bunkers."

Beep. Beep, beep

The rapid beeping caught everyone attention.

"Oh, not good" Sam said, "She's shut off the containment system."

He said, as the outpost at Isla de Mara was beeping red.

"How much time do we have?"

"Not enough for you guys to stop them in time." (M/N) realized, "Open the bay, I'm going on ahead."

With that said, he quickly ran to back of the Argo.


The hatches separated as the older Zillasaur jumped into the sea. Quickly swimming to the island, hoping to stop whatever Kaiju was resting from wreaking havoc.

"We need to alert the local law enforcement to get the citizens to safety." Monique quickly said, as Monarch members got to work.

-A short while later-

The entire city was in chaos as Monarch, GDF, HEAT staff members stationed there, and local law enforcement tried to escort the entire population as quickly as possible.

Screams and shouts of panic could be heard all over the city, as everyone ran to get to safety.

"Tell them to slow down!" "Everyone board the planes in an orderly manner" "Come on guys, we need to get you out here"


The sounds of the ORCA could be heard on the speakers, silencing everybody.

Pulse, pulse

The frequency getting louder, attracting the attention of its intended target.

Crack, rumble, creak

The roof of the outpost containment center started to creak and groan.

Until finally,


The containment facility exploded, releasing its resident from her confinement.


Came the Kaiju roar as she started to emerge from the volcano where the facility was located at.

The streets were in shock and silence until,


The Kaiju roared again, flapping her wings as she started to wake from her slumber.

Screams could be heard as pandemonium filled the streets as everyone scrambled to get to safety.

"My God" Victor stared in shock, as he and everyone else witnessed the revival of one of the ancient Titans.

"Got a catchy name for this chick?" Mark asked rhetorically, because of course they did.


Was all Ilene said as she continued staring.

(Rodan – Fire Demon Kaiju)

"The Fire Demon"

Annnd done. Sorry for the long wait to those reading this, but I was busy with my other stories, and they wouldn't leave me alone until I did them. Of course, it also depends on what story I feel like writing at the time.

So, we have introduced Rodan here. And in the next chapter, she and (M/N) will duke it out due to the hothead temper. Ghidorah will make an appearance to try to assert her rule and steal our poor Zilla Kaiju (going to fail). And Godzilla will appear either in the next chapter or in a later chapter.

What I find interesting: Somedays I'm like 'ahhh' not wanting to do anything. Other days I'm like 'I got an idea!' which leads to either updating or creating a new story.

Motivation: a pain in the ass when I want it to inspire me.

Hopefully, I won't take too long in making more chapters.

Have a good day/night

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