Battle at Isle de Mara Part 1

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Welcome to another chapter of Zilla Reader (I'm just going to put that there to shorten the whole title)! Sorry for taking too long, I ended up losing my ideas on how I wanted to write this chapter. And I was feeling sleepy for most days due to the damn heat. So, that caused me to lose motivation really fast.

I love summer, but I also hate it due to lazy I get on the hot days.

In this chapter, Rodan will meet (M/N) and get into a fight.

Chapter is not that long in comparison to my other chapters, but oh well. And sorry if the fight scene is not that good.



Rodan roared as she was awakened by the ORCA call. Stretching her stiff body to get motion back into it.

-Rodan POV-



That feels much better, man my joints are super stiff. How long was I in that volcano anyways?

Ah, doesn't matter. What matters is finding the source of whatever woke me up.

With that in mind, I started to get out of the volcano.


Only to find myself...unable to move?

Looking down, I noticed that the opening of the volcano was refusing to let me go.

"Ngh! Gah!"

Growling in frustration, I started to furiously get out of the volcano.

"Ngh! Ngh! GGRRRRR!!!"

I still couldn't get out!


Growling I took a look at myself and realized something.

...Did I get bigger?

Looking at myself, I realized that somehow my body developed even further!


Shouldn't I have reached maturity already? How much more growing do I need to go through!?

(A lot...LOL)

Snarling, I took a look at my surroundings only to see-


Were they the reason I got 'bigger' again!?

Oh, why those little-!

-End POV-

Rodan let out another roar as she finally broke free of her confinement.


Rodan victorious roar echoed around the island as she flew to the sky. With a mighty flap of her wings, she unleashed a powerful heat wave onto the city.


Screams of terror could be heard as Rodan unleashed her fiery fury onto the city. Flying all over the place, her insane speeds causing people to fly off the ground. Those that were lucky, cling onto buildings, poles, whatever they could hold onto as Monarch, HEAT, and the GDF members desperately tried to get everyone to safety.


"Well, she's pissed."

Zilla Jr. stated the obvious as she stared at the older Kaiju unleashing all Hell on Earth onto the poor island.

"Officer, I need a report stat!"

Colonel Foster shouted into the communicator hoping the ground teams could give her an answer.

"We are almost finish loading all of the residents onto the aircrafts!"

The Officer shouted, as he quickly grabbed a child accidentally left behind in the confusion. Holding strongly onto a metal pole as he fought his way to the aircraft. Finally making it, he gave the child back to his mom who wept with relief at having her child safe and in her arms.

"Sir! That the last of them!" Another agent shouted. "We're ready to leave!"

"Right! You heard the man let's go go go!" The Officer shouted as the hatch closed and the Ospreys flew into the air.

Unfortunately, this had the effect of attracting the Fire Demon attention as she flew after them.

'You assholes are not getting away!' Rodan thought to herself, determine to make them pay.

(Poor girl, doesn't realize that she's being manipulated)

"All forces look out!"

Foster shouted as she saw the Kaiju chasing after them.

"Soldiers! Battle stations now!"

Major Hicks shouted, sending the members scurrying to the bay.

Activating the war planes, they flew out of the Argo and straight to Rodan.

"Keep her busy until we can get everyone onboard"

Serizawa words were clear and left no room for confusion.


With that said, the pilots started shooting at the Kaiju. Successfully getting her attention, she chased after them.

'Come here free food!'

Was the hungry Kaiju thoughts as she chased after them.

"Look out!"

Was the warning shout as Rodan nearly struck one of the planes down.

"On your left!"

Came another shout as Rodan proceeded to do a barrel roll on another plane.

The pilot nearly evading death grip at the last moment.

'Hmph! Not bad for a bunch of pendejos'

Rodan thought to herself.

'But...' Was the sinister thought running through her head. 'Let's see if you can survive this!'

Smirking, she started to glow a hot red. The area around heating up to unbearable levels.

"Gah! So hot!"

"This heat!"

"Systems are overheating! We can't fight for much longer!"

Were the various shouts of the pilots, as Rodan unleashed havoc on their systems and bodies.


Mark cursed as he stared worryingly outside. Things were not going good for them. The only upside was that they got all civilians of Isle de Mara to the Argo.

'But if things continue like this, it won't matter because we'll be toast.'

Was the thought running through his head.

Before he noticed the waters shifting as though it was distorted.

'Wait, where is (M/N)!?'

He suddenly remembered that the Kaiju had gone on ahead but hasn't been seen yet.

'Where did he go?'

The answer soon revealed itself.

As Rodan prepared to destroy the planes, she was suddenly stopped by an unexpected force.

Blast, BAM!


She screamed as a spikey object slammed into her gut. Sending them both flying onto the island.



Rodan shouted as she landed harshly, flying straight into several buildings.

"Damn it! Who is the damn pendejo"

Rodan angered roar was quieted as she took a closer look at the Kaiju that hit her like a speeding bullet.

'A MALE!?'

Rodan thought to herself as she saw that it was indeed a male Kaiju that had stopped her.

"Damn it! That freaking hurt!" (M/N) snarled as he got up, his back cracking as he did so.

Standing up he took a look at Rodan.

'...Wow, she's got some nice thighs.'

(M/N) couldn't but noticed as he stared at the Fire Demon.

Rodan staring quizzically at him as well.

'Strange, he looks like Godzilla and her cousin Zilla!'

She realized, as she took a closer look at him. His dorsal plates were similar to the Queen and Zilla.

'Though they also look more spikier, jutted out and bigger.' She thought to herself.

"Hey listen." (M/N) said, gaining her attention. "Any chance we can resolve this peacefully, and you leave the humans alone?"

"Alone? After they woke me up from my nap!?" Rodan shouted "And that's not counting them having me in captivity and studying me!"

"And you're a Kaiju are you not!? Why do you care about the humans anyways!?"

"I'm not going to be explaining this over and over again." (M/N) coolly stated. "IF you stop and gather the rest of the Kaiju then I will explain."

"I think I'll go with my own option: Beating it out of you by force!"

With that said, Rodan flew right at him.

"Ugh, What's with Kaiju girls and their damn desire to fight anything that looks their way wrong?"

(M/N) grumbled as he crouched down and proceeded to run at her.


The two forces collided as (M/N) slammed Rodan onto the ground.

"Ack!" Not bad idiota" Rodan grudgingly admitted as the impact temporarily took the winds out of her sails.


"But let's see if you can handle this!"

Rodan shouted as an enormous wave of heat blasted into (M/N). Sending him flying as the searing heat burned through his clothes, leaving burn marks on his skin.

"Gah! Not bad." (M/N) complimented. "Haven't been burnt that bad, since my first dip into a volcano."

"Eh? You got burnt by a volcano of all things?" Rodan stared at him in shock. He shouldn't have been that affected by it since he was a Kaiju.

(Just because he's a Kaiju doesn't mean he's invincible)

"Wow, now that's just sad."

"This coming from a fire chicken?"


She screamed.

"That's it! You're TOAST!"

"Bring it on sister!"

(M/N) retorted as they lunged at each other again.

Bam! Slam! Crash! Boom!

The sounds of fighting could be heard as Rodan and (M/N) duked it out.

"Take this!"

Rodan shouted as she launched a fist at the strange Kaiju.


Only for (M/N) to block it with his hardened arm. Before jumping and administering a roundhouse kick onto her chest.


Rodan shouted as she flew onto her back.

Growling, she got up and launched a kick to his face.


(M/N) roared, as he grabbed her leg and slammed her into the floor.

Letting out a gasp, Rodan quickly got up and started a barrage of punches against him.


The sounds of the fight caused shockwaves as (M/N) blocked a majority of her attacks. And returning it in kind.

Grabbing her hands, he twisted and quickly turned. Sending them both flying into the air as they flew back once they landed on the ground again.

Glaring at each other, they once again charged.

"HAH!" "HYAH!" "AH!"

The two Kaiju voices could be heard as they fought with violent passion. Rodan trying for a sweeping attack to knock him off his feet.

Only for (M/N) to predict that, jumping right when she got near his feet. While she was regaining her bearings, (M/N) quickly roundhouse kick her into a battle.


Went the building from the impact, with Rodan screaming:


She yelled, as she flew into the sky latching her talons onto (M/N) shoulders and lifting him up into the air.

"Wha-hey!" (M/N) shouted as he struggled to get out of her grip.

"This time, you have no way of fighting you're out of this one!"

Rodan roared victoriously as (M/N) struggled to get free.

'Damn it!' He thought to himself 'Air fights are not really my thing!'

And Rodan grip on him was tight, and the fact that she was also making maneuvers kept him from trying to attack her.

'Damn, what can I...Wait!' (M/N) suddenly realized a trick he could use.

Quickly, he began moving back and forth as though he was swinging on a swing.

"What?" Rodan stared at the Kaiju peculiar behavior. "I don't what it is you're thinking, but it's not going to help."

'That's what you think flame for brains.' (M/N) as he kept swinging faster and faster.


'NOW!' He thought to himself as he got close enough to Rodan back.

His tail, which he had curled up when he started swinging, flung back and slammed harshly onto Rodan back when he got close enough.

Letting her feel the dorsal plates on his tail.

"GAH!?" Rodan shouted as the impact unintentionally forced her to let go, as they both fell into the ground.


The shockwaves could be felt as the two Kaiju slammed into the ground.

"Ouuuuuch!" Rodan groaned as she picked herself up. "I did not see that coming."


A humming sound grabbed her attention. Turning to the source, she saw (M/N) glowing a (F/C) as he unleashed his Atomic Breath on her.


Rodan screamed as the attack made contact with her and caused a massive explosion to occur.


A huge plume of smoke could be seen from the impact of the blast.

Once the air cleared Rodan could be seen in a crater groaning in pain.

"Owwww" She moaned; her body hurt from that attack.

Stomp, stomp

(M/N) footsteps could be heard as he got closer. Jumping into the crater, he looked at the Fire Kaiju straight in the eyes.

For a short while, there was silence. Before (M/N) extended his right hand to her.

"Need some help?"

Blinking, Rodan stared at him for a few seconds before taking his hand. Getting out of the crater (M/N) asked:

"Have you finally calmed down now?"

"*Grumble* I suppose so." Rodan begrudgingly admitted.

"Good, that's one down. Hopefully, not that many to go."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"*Sigh* Alright, let me give you a brief rundown of what's going on."

(M/N) explained to her about what was currently happening. Once he was done, Rodan had a contemplative look on her face.

"Idiots, the whole lot of them." Rodan growled at what she had just been told, especially about the terrorist group and their leader. "Especially the head, he is súper loco if he thinks Ghidorah can be controlled."

"You've met her too?"

"Ooooh yeah" Rodan confirmed, "Bitch tried to take over the Earth millions of years ago. Godzilla stopped her in her tracks and put her on ice as a lesson on why you don't mess with the Queen of the Monsters. All the older Kaiju generation know her."

"Why don't you?" She realized that he didn't know about her for some reason.


(M/N) trailed off, not sure how to explain it. Then again, he wanted to tell the story to all the Kaiju at once so that he didn't have to be repeating it over and over.

-With the terrorists-

" seems like Rodan has been defeated and has formed some sort of agreement with the male Kaiju."

One of Jonah minions stated, as he watched the scenes the satellite images were giving him.


Although he tried to hide it, it was obvious to everyone that he was very displeased at the situation before him.

Ever since that damn Male Kaiju appeared, all of his plans were going down the drain! Years of planning, of wasting resources, and gathering people sympathetic/sharing his ideals to his cause.

(And also killing Asher)

And yet, thanks to this unknown Kaiju that the U.S. managed to hide from the world. It was all in ruined!

And that's not counting the fact that Monster Zero has gone missing!

'Where is she!?' He thought angrily to himself. Monster Zero was crucial to his plans of 'saving' the world from the callous destruction humanity wrought upon it.


Sir! Something happening!"


He turned to the screen as something began making its way to the island.


A VERY familiar sound could be heard as the skies darkened and thunderstorms began forming around the island.

"Ara Ara"

A very familiar voice could be heard as Rodan and (M/N) looked to the sky to see.


"I thought this would be an easy task to capture and claim you as mine." Ghidorah purred. "But now I see that you were holding back in that frozen wasteland I was trapped at."

"How intriguing"

Her tone of voice sent shivers down their spines.

'Shit! Did I accidentally awaken something inside her!?'

(M/N) thought to himself, not liking the way Ghidorah was looking at him.

Before, it was because he was the only Kaiju Boy around. But now? Now it seems having witness his strength and true power, she was hungering for more than just a mate it seems.

Growling, he got into a battle stance. Glaring at the Space Queen with a ferocity that could melt polar ice caps.

"Yes!" Ghidorah shouted, "Give me that expression and show me your true power!"

With that said, she flew straight down at (M/N) with the Kaiju glaring at her.

Round 2 has begun.

And done! Hopefully it wasn't a disappointment for those waiting for this story to be updated. I was trying to make it longer and different than just giant monsters fighting. Since, they were well you know humanized Kaiju so they should be able to possess some fighting style.

So, (M/N) defeated Rodan (poor girl, she gets her ass kicked by everyone. In canon and in fanon) and finally is able to calm her done enough to bring her up to speed.

And of course, Ghidorah has decided to show up at the worst possible time ever to take over the world and whisk (M/N) away to her ship.

And to make matters worse, she now knows that the Male Zilla Kaiju is much stronger than he was letting on back in Antarctica. Why does it make her more determine to have him?

Honestly, don't know. Just put that there to further her obsession with him in all honesty.

Now, (M/N) has to fight Ghidorah once more for the survival of the Earth. And a certain Kaiju will be coming for a rematch with her.

Have a good day/night

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