Battle in Antarctica | Part 1

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Location: Argo, en route to Antarctica Monarch Outpost

"During one of our expeditions in Antarctica, we uncovered an unknown Titan."

Serizawa explained as he brought up data of the unknown Titan on screen.

This time Vivienne spoke up

"An enormous creature trapped in ice, based on our limited findings we concluded it to be an apex predator much like Gojira."

She finished, with Serizawa adding

"Emma called it Monster Zero"

A short silence filled the room before Serizawa said:

"Dr. Chen?"

Said person spoke,

"I have been scouring ancient texts, legends, myths-anything that could explain this mysterious Titan. But I have found almost nothing. "

She admitted in defeat at being unable to find any useful information about the frozen Kaiju.

"It's almost like no one wanted to speak about her. As though she was meant to be forgotten, never to see the day of light or have a place in our history."

That revelation had them feeling rather uncomfortable.

"I see," Machiko hummed, hand under her chin as she absorbed this information. "I assume that this is the reason you never mentioned this being existence then."

"...Yes, Tsuge-san" Serizawa admitted, "With other Kaiju like Gojira and Mothra, we have found various information from multiple sources. But, with this one, there is virtually almost nothing that can be found concerning this particular Kaiju."

"Well, that's just great!" General Gyozen sarcastically said, "So, you're telling me that we have a potentially dangerous beast frozen in ice that is possibly worse than Godzilla. And you thought it would be a smart idea to keep it hidden!?"

(Don't worry they'll get better, it's just that I have seen stories where most of them have a grudge against Godzilla. So, I kinda put them as sorta antagonists, but not really, to drive home the point that not everyone is happy about Godzilla being their protector.)

"I don't know, strategically it's actually a smart, tactical plan." Hicks calmly countered, "Think about it, we have an unknown Kaiju that we know nothing about. One that from what you guys said earlier has Godzilla going off in a frenzy meaning that this Titan is a threat to her position as the Alpha."

"And keep in mind that we have other groups that would love to have a Kaiju to further their own goals."

That statement seems to cause people to quiet down as they process what was said.

Until Gyozen spoke up once more,

"And you!" She pointed at HEAT, "Monarch isn't the only one that seems to be keeping secrets it seems. You have a Kaiju of your own as well!"

She said, pointing to Zilla Jr. who was happily chatting with Andrew at the moment.

Sensing eyes on her, she turned to the group of humans waving before returning to her conversation with Andrew.

And wasn't that a load of fun, having to explain THAT to Monarch and the Global Defense Force.


"They are letting us in" Major Hicks said, as the sub began loading into Castle Bravo port.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Victor asked

"Who knows, for now we should consider it a step in the right direction." Nick said, as their underwater sub docked into Castle Bravo port.

"We should be careful though when we get off" Monique said, "While I doubt Monarch will take action against us for bringing Zilla Jr. with us, the same can't be said for the GDF."

That was true.

While the GDF purpose was to defend the planet from the dangers that the Kaiju possess. There were those that had a deep-seated grudge against Godzilla and by extension any Kaiju that existed. They seemed to liken themselves as Humanity true protectors and considered any Kaiju, good or bad, an abomination to the advancement and safety of human society. Though those were the minority and could be kept in check. The bigger threats were ones like General Gyozen, whose aggression towards the Kaiju was well-known.

Though, it seems to be less of killing the Kaiju like she claims she's doing, and more of proving that Humans don't need them for protection.

Kind of like a rivalry (though one-sided due to Gojira not even realizing they existed, she couldn't make a distinction between every human after all).


Came the sound of the door opening as they walked out of the ship

Click, clack, whir

And into the 'welcome' arms of the guns of the GDF.

"HEAT, you are ordered to stand down and hand over the Kaiju in your possession" General Gyozen commanded, hands on her weapon as she stared at them.


Was the sound of HEAT readying their own weapons as Zilla Jr. dorsal plates began to glow intimidatingly.

"Should have known this was too easy." Nick remarked, "No, I don't think we will be doing that."

"This isn't up for debate." Gyozen rebutted, only to slightly falter at the sight of Jr. giving her a maniacal smile.

"Listen, I don't what's been going on at your end, but I'm pretty sure we have the same common goal."

"And that would be?" Akane asked.

"Finding Dr. Russell and her daughter and stopping Alan Jonah."

THAT got their attention. They were aware of what's been going on?

"This is interesting" a new rang out, causing everyone to turn to the source

"Machiko! What are you doing here?" Gyozen asked confused, everyone but her and her soldiers were to remain in the base while they dealt with the unexpected situation.

"Stopping you from attacking potential allies. Now stand down." She said


"I said stand down" Machiko Tsuge ordered, more firmly this time.


"Stand down" She reluctantly ordered.

After everyone had a moment to calm down, HEAT was escorted to the command room were they were met by Colonel Foster and Monarch staff.

"Major Hicks" Colonel Foster saluted the veteran, with Hicks saluting back in military fashion.

"Diane Foster, I haven't seen you since I was asked to give you and your fellow greenhorns a training class."

He said, remembering the bright and hardworking student he had once taught for a short while.

"So, you gained the rank of Colonel now have you?"

"Yes Sir!" Colonel Foster responded with pride.

"You always were of the brightest students that I was teaching, and it seems I was right that you would go far."

"Keep at it kid"

"Thank you sir."

"So, is this the reason why you always rejected offers of alliances?"

Serizawa asked, as he stared at the juvenile Kaiju in curiosity. She looked like she could be a subspecies of Gojira, much like the Verum Tyrannus Zilla – Δ (True Tyrant Lizard Delta. Credit and shoutout to Crimson__Rose for this suggestion).

"She looks similar to Gojira and Zilla,"

Nervous laughter could be heard from the members of HEAT at that observation.

"And that's were things are a little complicated."

So, they explained what happened in 1998, the appearance of the monster that was mistakenly called Godzilla (though it is understandable that the witness would confuse the Kaiju for that, since it probably resembled the once mythical monster), the wave of destruction left behind by the monster before they were finally able to defeat it. Then to the unexpected revelation of a surviving Zillasaur leading to the creation of HEAT due to the aftermath of Godzilla rampage.

Though saddened at the death of the older kaiju they (Monarch) were relieved that her daughter survived (They are not revealing (M/N) just yet, their saving it as a surprise for them. And Monarch and the GDF are the ones assuming the older Zilla is dead even though they said they defeated it, not killed it.)

"...That has got to be one of the weirdest things I have ever heard." Azusa Gojo deadpanned.

That was the mental agreement everyone seemed to have.


Zilla Jr. shouted as she raced to the teen location and grabbed him in a tight hug.

"Ack, nice to see you too Jr." Andy gasped out as he tried to adjust himself from the girl death hug.

...All the while, trying not to let a certain area be disturbed.

'She is definitely growing again.' Andy thought to himself, a blush spreading on his face as he felt Zilla boobs rubbing against his chest in her excitement.

Step, step

Came the sounds of footsteps as Mark walked up to them, causing them to look at him as Zilla let go.

"...Thank you for saving my son, back then" Mark said, genuinely grateful to the Kaiju for that day.

"Your welcome." Zilla Jr. said, "Though it wasn't just me, my dad also helped."

"Dad!?" Came the unison shout of Monarch and the GDF.

She had a dad?!

"Hold on," Miki interrupted, "Your saying that you have a human father?"

That was rather interesting to the psychic, after all she was one of the few that Gojira tolerated and allowed to be one of Jr. 'adopted mother' so to speak. Leading her to develop a mother-daughter bond with Godzilla Jr.

"Uhh" Zilla Jr. trailed off at the question not realizing that they were still unaware of a certain secret that apparently was revealed.

"Look, as interesting as this is, we need to head to Antarctica and stop Jonah from whatever he is planning."

Rick interrupted, catching the attention of HEAT at that unexpected information.

"Antarctica?" Nick said uneasily as he and Audrey share an uneasy look that was shared by the rest of HEAT.

"Is something wrong?" Vivienne asked noticing the change in atmosphere.

This time Philippe Roaché spoke

"One of our agents is currently on route to Antarctica, he had a bad feeling that something big was going on there and is waiting for us over there."


-Flashback ends-

And that's where we are right now.

"We've already told you why we kept Zilla a secret." Audrey snapped back at Gyozen, annoyed at her constant prattling about the secret Kaiju. "And last I checked, every country has secrets they want to hide be it good or bad."

"Not to mention that those that did find out have tried to use Zilla for their own purposes."

Silence filled the room for a short while, until the intercom came to life.

"We are approaching the outpost, ETA five minutes."

Came the captain voice, alerting everybody as they prepared for battle.

"All right team listen up!" Colonel Foster spoke, "We are about to head into hostile waters, our mission is to rescue Dr. Russell and her daughter Madison Russell. Combat is most likely inevitable due to the high probability of encountering Jonah and his terrorist group. If you can safely captured any of his members do so, if not shoot to kill because they will be doing the same."

"Got it!?"

"Yes, Mam!" Came the shout of her team.


"Something is going down there; radar is picking up high activities. It looks like people are running away from the outpost!"


What was going on down there?

"...Dad" Zilla Jr. suddenly said out loud. Causing everyone to turn to her.

Her adoptive father was causing this? What kind of agent was he?

-A while ago while the Argo was flying to Antarctica-


Was the sound of drills burrowing into the ice as Jonah group placed explosive devices into the holes.


Asher Jonah, Alan Jonah right hand man walked up to him.

"Asher, report" Jonah ordered.

"Everything is proceeding as planned and the last of the explosives are being put into place.

"Good, and the Monarch staff?"

"All taken care of"

"Good, good" Jonah said, a cold smile on his face as he prepared to unleash a terror upon the world.

Madison stared, scared at what was happening turning to her mom for support.

"Mom, we can't let them do this. It will do nothing but bring disaster to the world."

She tried to plead to Emma, who sadly shook her head.

"It's out of our hands now Maddy. There is nothing that can be done to stop this."

Madison sighed, before noticing at the corner of her eyes a tail quietly sliding down behind Asher.

'Oh no.' She thought to herself as she realized that a bloodbath was going to happen.

"Sir! Everything is in place." An operative said.

"Good, rejoice everyone!" Alan shouted, "We are about to make history and reshape this world to what it was meant to be."

"Asher if you will be so kind as to do the honors?"

"Of course, Sir." Asher said as he held up the detonator. "Let's get this show on the -Gah!?"

Asher screamed as something impaled him, looking down he saw what looked to be a tail before he was pulled up.

"AAHHH!" Asher screamed as he was taken who knows where.

"ASHER!" Jonah screamed in fear and concern as his right-hand man disappeared.


Was all that could be heard as Asher was brutally attacked.

Growl, riiip, slash

Crack, splattered

Was all that could be heard as the terrorist was ripped apart with pieces of his body falling to the ground. Emma covering Madison eyes and turning her away as limbs fell to ground.

Ripped flesh, severed limbs, organs spilling fresh blood was the gruesome sight greeting the terrorist group as they stared in horror of the torture their comrade was experiencing.


Silence could be heard for a couple of seconds before suddenly


Asher mutilated exposed body fell to the ground, his still beating heart pumping whatever blood it could, slowly dying.


Followed by Asher decapitated bloody head landing several feet away from his body. Face widened in terror at his final moments.

"AAAHHHH!!!" One of the terrorists shouted as she fired at the ceiling hoping to hit the assailant.

This seemed to trigger something in the rest of the group as they started firing. While this was happening Jonah wordlessly and quietly kneeled down to Asher head. Putting his hand over his face, he closed his former subordinate eyes for the final time. (I read that Asher and Jonah had a close relationship, like father and son I'm guessing. And that when he died so did whatever connections Jonah had with Humanity.)

"No!" One of the terrorists shouted as he was suddenly pulled up meeting the same fate as Asher.

"Damn you bastard! Just die!" Someone shouted before being crushed by their teammate body.

Then out of nowhere, a (F/C) atomic breath disintegrated them, before turning his attention towards the rest.

(This is how his eyes will look when in battle)

"Run!" Jonah shouted as fear broke his stoic persona, this was not part of the plan, a Kaiju showing up and attacking them was not part of the plan. "Escort Dr. Russell and her daughter out of here."

Just like that, mass panic broke out as everyone tried to flee some lucky and some not lucky as the unknown Kaiju wreaked havoc on them.

-Back to the present-

Bang, bang

Was the sound of gunfire as the panicking terrorists started shooting at whatever moved, which happened to be Monarch security team and the GDF team.

Mark and Andrew were running through a different corridor as Zilla led the charge. Using her senses to locate Madison until they ran into them on the bridge.

"Emma! Madison!" Mark shouted out in relief as he trained his gun on the terrorist group with them.

"Dad! Andrew!" Madison shouted out in relief, seeing her father and brother.

"Let them go, NOW." Andrew ordered as Zilla Jr. spikes began glowing green, intimidating the terrified group.

Complying Madison was let go first, but as she slowly walked (the outpost was shaking from (M/N) attack) towards them.


Emma spoke out, causing her to stop and turn to her.

"Come here." She spoke.

"Mom, no don't you dare." Andrew said in a panicked tone, realizing what was going to happen.

"Emma what are you doing?" Mark questioned as Madison went back to her mother side.

"I'm sorry" was all Emma could say to her son and her estranged husband.

A tense silence filled the corridor before Emma spoke one word:


And with that, she pushed the detonator button (She retrieved that when it fell near her)

Eyes widening, Zilla quickly grabbed Mark and Andrew before running at insane speeds that could match Sonic the Hedgehog out of the outpost.

Just in time too as explosions could be heard all over the outpost as the facility began collapsing.

Boom, crash,


"Shit!" Colonel Foster cursed at the unexpected situation. "All units get your asses out of there NOW!"

Those that were able to make it could, while the less fortunate met their end.

As Monarch began loading everyone back into the osprey, not too far away was another Osprey hovering in the air, with Jonah, Emma, and Madison watching the carnage below them.

"Now, Dr. Emma it is time for the introduction to the salvation this world needs."

Wordlessly, Emma started up the ORCA. Preparing to activate the trigger needed to awaken Monster Zero from her slumber.

"Mom, please don't." Madison begged, only for Emma to sadly look her in the eyes.

"This is the only way to save the planet." With that said she pressed the button, activating the sonar.

As Monarch Osprey got into the air all that could be heard was the sound of the ORCA echoing in the frozen plains.


Could be heard in response to ORCA call.

Crack, Crackle, BOOM!

Could be heard as the ice exploded, and out of that hole came a massive golden creature roaring as she was finally set free after eons of imprisonment.


Monster Zero was free once more and ready to unleash her wrath upon the world.

And done. Finally! After having to deal with those stupid plot bunnies and getting them out of the way I have been able to post a new chapter. Sorry if the fight scenes were lackluster, I'm still new to making those. Hopefully I will be able to get the next chapter out soon, but don't count on it as I have other chapters to make for my other stories. For Zilla Jr. I've decided to pair her up with Andrew as I am sick and tired of looking for pictures (and then it says not to repost which puts me at a dilemma, but then again, I see them on this site anyways, so I guess it's ok) and that is exhausting as that takes a lot of my time when writing up new chapters. Next chapter will have (M/N) revealing himself to the world as he fights Monster Zero (aka Ghidorah) and meeting Godzilla for the first time.

Have a nice day/night

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