Battle in Antarctica | Part 2

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(M/N) = Male Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

(F/C) = Favorite Color

Note: Just to let you know this is slightly longer than I anticipated it to be



Monster Zero roared as she shook herself free from whatever ice remained on her body.

Opening her eyes, she stared at the humans in their planes as they stared in shocked at the sight before them.

Smirking, she opened her mouth and said,

CUT!!! Seriously, who is messing the with the script!? I mean it fits her, ironically, but I didn't put that in.

???: HAhahaha! Your welcome!

Wha-!? YOU!?

A shadowy figure drops down to reveal


Deadpool: Yep, how do you like my handiwork? Figure you needed a little spice to your fanfic ain't that right my lovely readers?

Waggling his eyebrows to the screen.

Stop breaking the fourth wall you Death be damned Fourth Wall Breaking overripened avocado looking Merc with a Mouth!

Deadpool: Thank you, thank you! You all are beautiful.

...Just leave and go break into someone else story. There are infinite stories on this site.

Deadpool: Okay! But mark my words I'll be back with the Mother of all Chimichangas for us to enjoy!

Disappears to God knows where.

...Let's just get back to the story.

Deadpool (in the distance): Don't forget to write the words!

Huh? Oh right.

"AHH, after ten thousand (or however long she was frozen) years I'm free. It's time to conquer Earth!"


-Monster Zero POV-

Finally, after millennia of captivity I have finally been set free!

'Bzzt, my queen do you read me?'

Ah, looks like my subordinates have arrived. Took them long enough.

'Gigan, you certainly took your time. I have already been set free by this planet foolish inhabitants.'

(Even though she was frozen, she's been telepathically communicating with her minions directing them to her location)

'My apologies my queen, the trip took longer than expected from unforeseen variables.'

'Hmph, well better late than never I guess. Though do expect a punishment once I get back to the ship for all of you.'

'...Yes, my queen. I'll inform everybody else what to expect upon your return.'

'Excellent. Oh, and Gigan?'


'It's Queen Ghidorah with a capitalized 'Q', get that through your thick skull!'

I mentally roared at her (GREEAATT, now even the characters are breaking the fourth wall. Damn you Deadpool-Heh)

'Ye-Yes my Queen!' Gigan stuttered as the connection was severed.

Hmph, idiot

'Ichi, I'm hungry.'

Oh, great their awake as well.

'For the love of the Great One, San shut up!'

'Wah, Ni is so mean!'

'We just woke up and we need to focus on getting our revenge on that overgrown lizard San!'

'But Ni!'

'Both of you shut up!'

I mentally ordered them.


Sometimes it did not pay to have two extra heads attached to you. I mean the intelligence boost did come in handy, the personalities that came with it...not so much.

'Sorry Ichi' 'Ugh, fine whatever'

San and Ni replied.

'Besides, looks like we have an all you can eat buffet anyways.'

I communicated, staring at the morsels in front of me.

'I think a little light snack will suffice until we get to the main course.'

Flashing sounds of thunder could be heard as Ni and San appeared on my back.

(Like that)

Evil, malicious smiles on our faces as we stared at the pathetic humans in front of us.

What better to make our comeback then to start feasting on the inhabitants?

-End Ghidorah POV-

Monarch and the terrorist group could stare in wonder and shock at the mysterious golden Titan that stood before them.

She was huge!

Crack, rumble, crackle

Could be heard as a storm started forming on the horizon as Monster Zero (that how they refer to her for now) gave them a terrifying look.

"I think we need to run...NOW" Mark said, unnerved by how the creature was looking at them.

"We got a Kaiju here, wouldn't she suffice?" Gyozen asked, only to turn and see Zilla Jr. shaking in fear as she stared at the being before her.

"Whatever this Kaiju is, the power she's emitting is insane" Zilla Jr. said, her instincts screaming at her to flee. "I don't know if I can even buy us any time to escape."

'Shit' was the synchronized thought running through everyone minds. Those in HEAT knew that Zilla would never back down from a fight even if the odds were against her. For her to say that the best option is to run, really showed that their chances were slim.

"Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen" Victor said, pointing at Monster Zero "Cause it looks like she's about to attack."

True to his words, the Titan started charging up power before unleashing her attack (Gravity beams) at the Monarch aircraft.

"Shit! Evasive maneuvers, evasive maneuvers!"

Colonel Foster screams out, as the pilot narrowly avoids the craft getting hit by Monster Zero attack.

'Hmph! Fine, lets see if you can avoid this!'

The Titan thought to herself as she flew to the craft and slashed it with claws.


Could be heard as the aircraft started exploding, the pilot desperately trying to keep it airborne despite sections of the craft missing.

"Everybody hold on for a bumpy landing!" The pilot shouted as he crash landed on the ground.

"Ah!" "Oww" "Damn it" "Is everybody okay!?"

Were the sounds of people groaning as they tried to regain their bearings.

"Mark, Andrew!"

Vivienne shouted as she freed the two from their seatbelts.

"Are you two okay?" She asked, concerned

"Yeah, we're fine" Mark said.

"We need to get out of here now." Andrew quickly said.

Nodding the trio quickly ran out of the destroyed aircraft along with the other Monarch staff. Monster Zero noticing this grinned in pure malice.

OH, how she loves it when her prey tries to run.

Smirking, she and her sisters started blasting their gravity beams at Monarch. Some of them hitting and killing the operatives as they tried to run for cover.

'Lunch time' Ghidorah thought evilly to herself as her heads started lunging at the humans. Hoping to devour them quickly.

"Damnit!" Mark swore as he and the others desperately tried to avoid becoming monster food.

A hard thing to do with the ground constantly shaking from the Titan attack.

"Ah!" Came a shout as Vivienne fell to the ground.

"Vivienne" Mark shouted, causing Serizawa, Ilene, and other Monarch members to turn back in horror.

"Mark, Andrew run!" Vivienne shouted as she tried to get up.

"Ah!" She screamed, as Monster Zero grabbed and brought her to her face.

Licking her lips in anticipation, she opened her mouth bring the human in closer.

Preparing to drop her into her mouth, with a horrified audience watching –



Only to gasp in pain, as she was suddenly jabbed in the stomach. Forcing her to drop the human –

Right into a monster sized Zilla Jr. (What? Did you think I was going to let her die?) hand.

"You won't be eating anyone, you oversized bitch!"

Zilla snarled as she glared at Monster Zero.

"You dare to strike your Queen?!" Monster Zero roared.

"Funny, last I checked the Queen was Godzilla."

The smaller Kaiju bit back as she put Vivienne down to Mark and Andrew.

"Get of here, I'll try to hold her off for as long as I can."

She said to the humans, as they nodded and ran to safety (With noticeable concern on Andrew face)

"Interesting, I didn't know you Kaiju now talked with the humans." Monster Zero said, "Why you would protect those insects is beyond me."

Snarling, Zilla Jr. dorsal plates started glowing green as she glared at the golden 'queen' (it's Queen!).

"Because, unlike you, we both share this planet together whether we can get along or not."

"And quite frankly, whatever plans you have will most likely put everyone we care about in danger."

"So, even if it kills me I'm going to stop you."

"Hah! You can try child!" Monster Zero roared, as she flew right at her. "I, Queen Ghidorah, will be most happy to show you your place!"

Growling, Zilla crouched before she lunged right at her. Sending them tumbling into the ground as Ghidorah snarled at the attack.

"Get off me!" She roared (quick note: They have been speaking in Kaiju, so no one realizes that Ghidorah can communicate with them), as Ni and San struck.

"AHH!" Zilla Jr. screamed as the two dragon heads bit down on her hard.

Chuckling, Ghidorah sent bio-electric energy through her heads and into the smaller Kaiju body.

"AHHHH!!" Zilla screamed in pain as her body shook in pain, convulsing from the pain the felt.

Gasping, she quickly sent an atomic breath straight into Ghidorah face causing her to screech and pull back from the attack.

"GAAHHH!" She roared, while it was not as strong as the overgrown lizard it still packed a punch.

Snarling, she used her dragon heads to throw the smaller kaiju away from her. Sending Zilla flying into the wreckage of the destroyed Osprey.

"Oh, this isn't good." Nick said worriedly, as he stared at the one-sided fight. Watching Monster Zero grabbing her and slamming her into the ice. One of her heads cruelly shooting out short blasts of energy at her.

"Nick what do we do?" Audrey asked in concern.

Serizawa was the one to answer.

"All we could do now is pray that she holds out long enough for Gojira to arrive."

Was the solemn answer, because really what could they do against a creature that threatens Godzilla herself?

-In the sky-

"Well, well this is going better then I expected," Jonah remarked, reveling at the carnage before him.

Emma said nothing, while Madison could only stare in worry at the thrashing Zilla Jr. was getting.

'Please don't give up' was the only thing going through her mind.


"Gah!" Zilla screamed as she was tossed violently into the ground. Her body badly wounded, with blood leaking out of her. Growling she got up, her plates lighting up again as she glared at Ghidorah.

"Hmph, still standing huh? I'll give you this you are certainly are stubborn."

Ghidorah coolly said, wiping off the snow on her body.

"You remind of that overgrown lizard and her subspecies. Any connection to them?" She asked.

"Not really no." Zilla said, "But that doesn't mean that I'm just going to step aside and let you do whatever you want!"

With that said, she unleashed her atomic breath at full power. Hitting Ghidorah head on as a massive explosion took place.

Gasping, Zilla fell down to her knees as she was exhausted from using every last ounce of power in that strike.

"Impressive." Ghidorah voice rang out as she walked out of the cloud of smoke. Her body slightly damaged from the attack.

"You will actually be useful in my army." She stated, causing Zilla to snarl.

"In your dreams!"

Ghidorah laughed at that.

"How cute, you actually think you have a choice."

She said, as she walked towards Zilla Jr. preparing to teleport them to her ship.

Crack, boom, thump

When suddenly


The ground between them exploded as a powerful burst of (F/C) energy struck Ghidorah head on.

"GAHH!" She screamed in pain, "Who dares-ACK!?"

Her sentence was cut off as she was jabbed in the stomach (again) before the unknown assailant struck her with their tail sending her flying.

"Gah!" She shouted as she slid on the ice and into a block of ice causing her and her sisters to shout in pain.

'Ouch!' 'Fuck!' 'Owie!'

(Can you tell which head said which?)

Snarling, she got up facing the newcomer anger. "Who do"

Ghidorah anger slowly melted away as she saw in front a Kaiju, but not just any Kaiju. What she saw was

'A male Kaiju!?' She thought to herself in shock as indeed what was standing in front of her, protecting Zilla jr. was a male Kaiju with striking resemblance to the smaller Kaiju.

The (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyed, (S/C) male Kaiju snarled as he coldly said: "Hands off my daughter Bitch."

Note: this was said in English, so everyone heard exactly what he said.


"DAUGHTER!?" Was the united scream of Monarch and the GDF as they turned to HEAT.

"But I thought you said – I never said we killed the original Zilla back in 1998." Nick interrupted Miki.

"You were the ones who assumed that."

"...Oh, right" was the flustered response and unspoken response of everyone else.

"So, Zilla Jr. had a mother and a father?" Rick asked confused as to why that was omitted.

"...No, we told you, that despite being a Kaiju, he's technically still a mutated iguana. You know how some creatures can reproduce asexually?"

"Yeah, he had that ability before we removed that part as part of our agreement with him."


Just when they thought things couldn't get any weirder, it did.

"So, he reproduced, you guys killed his babies except Zilla Jr., and kept quiet about his existence." Azusa summarized.

"Well, what did you expect us to do?" Philippe questioned. "If word ever got that there was a male Kaiju alive, he would have been put in danger. Not just from humans, but from the other Kaiju."

"We only removed the part that would allow him to reproduce asexually, he can still reproduce the normal way. And what do you think would happen if a female Kaiju mated with him?"

That had a good point. Since he was the only male kaiju alive, he would have been a target for other female kaiju to bring forth a new generation of Titans.

"You should have just killed him then to prevent that from happening." General Gyozen replied, that was the easiest thing to do.

"Oh, get off your high horse" Major Hicks snapped, "(M/N) and his daughter have been helping us deal with kaiju threats that emerged from the aftermath of his attack. Not to mention, been dealing with other threats that neither you nor the other Kaiju even realize is happening."

"If it wasn't for people like you, we would have accepted Monarch offer the first time. At least with them, we can trust not to harm them."

"You named him?" Machiko asked.

"Well, we couldn't keep calling him Big G, G-man, Zilla the first, Godzilla now, could we?"

-Meanwhile, up in the sky-

"A male Kaiju!?" Jonah shouted in shock at this sudden revelation.

"You never mentioned that" He turned to Emma, who like him was also in shock at (M/N) appearance.

"I never knew." Was all she said, "All evidence suggested that male Kaiju could be considered a myth, with the exception of the Homuto that was killed by Godzilla 5 years ago."

"...This must be the one who attacked us." She realized.

Jonah said nothing, as he stared coldly at the male Kaiju realizing that he was the one who killed Asher.

Unbeknownst to everybody, Madison was smiling at the shocked expressions on everyone faces.

'Good, watch as your plans crumble all around you.'

She thought with a vindictive expression that no one noticed.

-Back to the ground-

'What the fuck'

Ni said in shock at the sight before her

'EEiiii he so handsome'

San squealed as she stared at (M/N)

'I agree, San'

Ghidorah/Ichi thought.

'A male Kaiju, who would have thought?'

And one that oh so delivered himself to her on a silver platter.

"My, my this is an unexpected, but not unwelcome, surprise."

Ghidorah purred, staring at the male Kaiju with lust. (There back to Kaiju speech)

(M/N) simply frowned, as he got himself into a fighting position.

"Awww, do we have to fight?" Ghidorah pouted, "Wouldn't you rather we GET to know each other personally?"

"Hmph! Keep dreaming" (M/N) scoffed as his dorsal plates began glowing a (F/C) light. "The only thing that you will be getting personally is my claws in your chest!"

With that he lunged at the Space Dragon with insane speeds that she didn't have time to react.


Ghidorah shouted as she was body slammed into the ground. Before she could gain her bearings (M/N) quickly slammed his fists (don't know exactly how to describe it, but imagine our hands have kaijufied meaning that it has hardened and resembles a monster hand) straight down into her face.

Bam, bam, bam

Could be heard as (M/N) repeatedly smashed her face in his eyes glowing an amber color.

"Gah, D-damn you, s-stop!" Ghidorah roared as she wrapped her two tails around him and threw him off her.

"Oof!" (M/N) grunted as he straightened himself out, landing on his feet as he stared at his opponent.

Snarling, Ghidorah launched a series of gravity beams at him causing the Kaiju to run and slide on the ice to avoid her attacks.

This continued for a little while until Ghidorah faked an attack causing him to swerve left which left him wide open to a powerful blast of bio-electricity.

"Gah!" (M/N) screamed as his flesh was burned from the attack, causing him to fly several feet in the air.

Smirking, Ghidorah flew up to him and grabbed him before sending flying down into the ground.

"GAH!" He screamed as the impact left him dazed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ghidorah landed on top of him pinning him to the ground as Ni and San held his arms in place.

-Warning! Slight Lime up ahead-

"Agh!" (M/N) screamed at the dragon heads sharp teeth sinking into his arms.

Smiling in triumph, Ghidorah leaned down to his head all the while straddling him with her body.

"Finally, now I have you where I want you." She gasped, her chest heaving up and down as she panted, giving him a rather erotic view of her chest. "Now don't resist, and this will be enjoyable for both of us."

Hungrily, she pressed her lips against his frowning as he refused to open up. Growling, she began grinding her hips against his, and despite his best attempts groaned which Ghidorah quickly took advantage of.

"mmmhhhh" Was her muffled response as she eagerly explored the male Kaiju mouth.


"And that's why we did not reveal his existence until now." Nick deadpanned as they watched the unfortunate scene in front of them.

No one said anything as Andrew wrapped some bandages on Zilla Jr.

"Please don't let her be my new mom." Zilla deadpanned (You're going to have a lot of moms, kid).

"Well, hopefully he will get himself out of this." Andrew said, with a blush on his face at the forced intimacy happening before them.

-Jonah group-

"Oh my" was all the leader of the eco-terrorist group could say. This was not a part of the plan either and could have dangerous consequences to his plan.

Emma covered her daughter eyes from a rather R rated scene.

-Back with (M/N)-

'While I admit her lips feel nice' He thought to himself, 'I would rather my kiss be with someone who is not trying to destroy the world!'

-Lime over-

With that in mind, his dorsal plates began lighting up a (F/C) color as he released an atomic breath right into her mouth.

"MMpphhh!?" Ghidorah shouted in shock as she was inhaling his attack causing her to fly off him and into the ground several feet away.


Ghidorah cough as she glared angrily at the Titan.

"Fine, you want to do this the hard way? I can gladly give you that."

She snarled, walking towards him as he stood up.

...Suddenly stopping as she turned her head to a random direction.


Was heard in the distance as an eerie silence fell upon them.

Thump, thump

The sound grew larger as it got closer

THUMP -------

Suddenly the sound disappeared leaving everyone in suspense


Could be heard as the ice exploded everywhere and out of that came

Godzilla, the Queen of the Monsters herself.

Glaring hatefully at her nemesis

"Ghidorah, you should have stayed on ice. Because now, I'M GOING TO FINISH WHAT I STARTED CENTURIES AGO!"

And done! Surprise to see another chapter so soon? Well, like I mentioned earlier (though whether it was this story or in another I don't remember) now that I got those stupid plot bunnies out, and I finally managed to do a (not that great I'll admit) photoshop cover of one of my stories I now have the freedom to start writing my stories again. If you're wondering why I'm updating this one more often, it's because I'm using it as sort of a base for my other kaiju stories since this is my first kaiju story. Though I did ended making this chapter longer than I wanted to, I think I got what I wanted to put in this chapter.

Have a good day/night

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