Battle in Antarctica | Part 3

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Here's the final chapter for the battle in Antarctica. Sorry for taking too long, I needed to get certain other stories out of the way before I was able to continue. To Whiteowl818, here is the song for them. Unfortunately, I don't know if it works with the way I've written this chapter.

And on another note, there will be a 1k Special chapter to celebrate the, now over, one thousand views this story has. Will admit that I honestly didn't expect that many people to read this book.

Enjoy the new chapter!

Gojira/Godzilla (However you want to say it) POV

'Damn it all, I was too late.'

Was the thought running through my head. I was too complacent, thinking that there was nothing that was going to free the overgrown golden banana bitch.

But, of course the humans had to prove me wrong.

'Accursed humans, always sticking their noses where it doesn't belong!'

I thought to myself as I spared them a glance before returning my gaze to the wannabe queen.

"Hehehe, What a pleasant surprise." The damn bitch had the audacity to laugh.

"And here I was thinking that I would have to look for you myself. I'm glad you know to seek out your queen."

"Bitch! You are no queen; I am the Queen of this planet and I want you out!"

I snarled at the gall of this invader. Apparently being frozen in ice hasn't dulled her arrogance.

"AAwwww, but I just got set free. I want to have some fun conquering this planet as my revenge."

She pouted,

"Besides, I found a rather interesting toy that I refuse to let go."


"The fuck do you mean?" I questioned, "You just got out, how could you possibly have found anything of interest in that short time?"


She started laughing like a maniac.

'Did being frozen screw her up?'

"Doesn't matter." Ghidorah said, "Once I finish you, there will be nothing to stand in my way when I claim what is rightfully mind!"

Growling, my plates lit up as I glared at her with hate in my eyes.

"You're going to have to kill me first before that happens!"

I roared at her.

"Then so be it."

The dragon bitch coolly said, as she began to emit a golden glow.

-End Gojira pov-

The air around the two titans grew thick and heavy as they silently stared at each other.


Gojira growled as she started running towards Ghidorah, with the dragon proceeding to fly towards her as well.


Was heard as the two apex predators slammed into each other.

Faces close as they roared at each other, Gojira quickly delivered an uppercut into Ghidorah face.

"Gack!" The dragoness shouted in pain, from the brutal attack.

"Ah!" She shouted as Gojira leapt and administered a powerful dropkick on her.

Bam, jab, crack

Was all that could be heard as Gojira slammed her fists into Ghidorah face. Grabbing her, she flung her into the ice momentarily stunning her.

"Enough!" Ghidorah roared, as Ni and San released their gravity attacks on Gojira.

"Gah!" Gojira roared, as she was pushed back by the double attack.

Growling, she buried her feet into the ice. Forcing her way through the attack until she reached Ghidorah again and grabbed her heads. Before Ghidorah could react, Godzilla turned the two dragons heads to her sides causing her to take the brunt of her own attack face on.

"AAAHHHHH!!!" Ghidorah screamed in agony, as she witnessed for the first how it felt to be hit by her own attacks.

When Ni and San stopped their attacks, Godzilla took advantage and slammed her tail into her stomach. Causing the space invader to fly several feet away.

Ghidorah laid there, not moving as Gojira walked slowly towards her.

When she got in front of her, Ghidorah eyes suddenly snapped open as her tails wrapped around her waist.


Gojira said in shock, as Ghidorah swiftly lifted her to the sky before violently slamming her down onto the ice.

"Ack!" Gojira screamed in pain, as she was violently slammed into the ice repeatedly.

This continued for a little longer before Ghidorah flew them both to the sky.

Once she got to a high enough altitude, she proceeded to fly straight down into the ground.


Slamming the Queen of Monsters violently into the ice (and somehow not shattering the ice from the impact)


Gojira yelled in pain from the brutal attack.

"AH!" She roared, as Ghidorah had San and Ni bite her hard drawing blood.

"Get off me you damn bitch!" Gojira roared as she tried to remove the dragon heads from her body.

Unknown to her, while this was happening, Ghidorah secretly poured some of her blood onto a vial. Subtly putting it away once she got a decent amount.

(Got to get SpaceGodzilla somehow)

"Now that I got you right where I want you." She started, "I think I'll use this opportunity to make you submit and claim this world for my own."

"*Snarl* Don't think you won you cocky bastard." Godzilla snarled at the overgrown golden banana.

Smirking, Ghidorah prepare to claim victory.


Only for her victorius smirk to fall in shock as she looked down.

At the tail that had impaled itself into her stomach.

"WHAT!?" Both Godzilla and Ghidorah said in shock and confusion.

Godzilla knew for a fact that she didn't do that.

"Did you seriously forget about me?"

A new (to Godzilla at least), male voice said in an annoyed tone.

"After you tried to forcibly mate me in front of my daughter and friends?"

(M/N) lifted the Golden Dragon with his tail, bringing her face to face with him as he glowed a (F/C) aura.

"D-Damn!" Ghidorah spluttered out, coughing out blood as her body tried to recover. "I can't believe that my fight with the lizard made me forget about the more important matter on hand."


(M/N) growled as his dorsal plates glowed, before he unleashed his atomic breath once more.

Ghidorah screamed as she took a fully powered atomic breath once more. Causing her to let go of Godzilla as she desperately tried to escapte.

"GGAAHHHH!!" Ghidorah screamed in pain.

"OOffff!" She said, as (M/N) threw off his tail and into a block of ice.

Once Ghidorah was removed from sight, Godzilla got a better look at the newcomer.

...And to her shock, she saw it was –

'A MALE KAIJU!?' Was the thought running through the Queen of the Monsters head.

Since when was there a male kaiju running around!?

'Why have I not heard of this!?'

Was the other thought running through her head. The Kaiju population was small due to the Kaiju wars, and ancient rivalries. And with the Kaiju that roam the planet being all female, a male Kaiju was thought to be a myth!

(M/N) on the other was also staring at the Queen of the Monsters.

'It's one thing to see her on tv, it's another to see her in person.'

Was the thought running through his head. He could not deny that she was very beautiful, and fierce.

...Regardless of the fact she wears skintight clothing that showed off her body.

'Is that her way of attracting mates?' Was the thought running through his head, before shaking it off.

Staring straight into her eyes, ignoring how fit and big she was, he spoke.

"So, we finally meet Queen of the Monsters." He said, in a deep voice, unintentionally arousing said Queen.

"I suppose introductions are in order" He continued, "I am (M/N), as referred to by the humans, a member of a rather new type of Kaiju. Although we share similarities, my human friends have given several suggestions for me and my daughter race."

'He has a daughter!?' Gojira thought to herself in shock, which of the Kaiju was the mother and why didn't they tell he about him!?

(Ohhhh, that's going to be a fun reaction he's going to get when he tells her he's both the Father and the Mother)

"I go by either Zilla, or False King/Godzilla due to when I first made my appearance, I was mistaken for you because of the Japanese worker recognizing certain features of the Godzilla race."

"I'm not a natural born Kaiju like you are, I was accidentally created from nuclear testing and mutated from being a regular iguana to being a Kaiju iguana."

(M/N) wrapped up his short explanation.


Godzilla said nothing as she stared at the shorter male (remember, he's only been around for a few decades, so he's short in comparison to the Kaiju that have been around for millions of years. He'll get taller eventually)

'True Kaiju or not, he is still a Kaiju' Gojira recognized, despite his weird origins, he was definitely a Kaiju now in almost every sense of the word. She could feel it.

...And she could also feel her instincts telling her to mate with him.

Sensing what she was thinking of, (M/N) spoke up once more.

"Don't think that just because you are the Queen, that I will submit to you and let you mate with me."

He coolly stated, grabbing her attention.

"You'll have to impress and convince me to accept having a mate."

That choice of words confused her. Didn't he already have a mate since he had a kid?

"I have been known to the humans in the U.S. for twenty years. And not once has anyone, even the Kaiju that have taken residence there, realized that there was a male Kaiju roaming about."

"Not even when dealing with the Kaiju threats that emerged after my rampage in the human city known as New York, did anybody, Kaiju or other humans, took notice of my existence."

"So, I won't give myself so easily to anybody."

"Not even YOU."

He finished

Gojira did not know whether to be angry at that statement, or even more excited that he won't be easy to claim.

After all, where's the fun of mating with him if it was going to be easy.

...She couldn't deny that she was getting even more aroused at how defiant and dominant he was displaying himself in front of her.

Oh, she couldn't wait to have him once she proved to him her mettle.

Growwl, Bash!

The sounds of Ghidorah getting back up, with her wings, tails, and fists smashing the ice around her caught their attention.

Glaring angrily, she spoke:

"How dare you do that to your Queen!"

She screamed at them, causing (M/N) to scoff at that.

"Oh, get off your high horse you overgrown golden talking banana."

He said,

"Contrary to popular belief, I do have a life outside of dealing with kaiju matters. You aren't important enough to have all of my attention."


Ghidorah yelled as an imaginary arrow shot through her heart.

'The nerve of this jerk!' Ni mentally growled, 'He should be honored to have us as his Queen!'

'What's wrong with us?' San bemoaned, 'Wouldn't we be a wet dream for him?'

'...I'll get back to you for knowing such a phrase later' Ghidorah/Ichi replied, 'For now'

Growling, she said: "Wasn't our kiss not enough? Didn't you feel anything from it?"


Gojira said, her plates glowing blue at that unexpected information (Jealously?).

"You stole that kiss from me." (M/N) deadpan at that, "It was also my first kiss, and you took it without permission."

"WHAT!?" Gojira roared, anger and hate in her eyes, as she proceeded to run right at her with death on her mind.

Eyes widening, Ghidorah said: "Oh Sugar Honey Iced Tea!"

...Wait, how do you know that phrase?


Before Gojira slammed her fist against the invader face.

"Ack!" Ghidorah shouted as she flew from the attack.


"GAH!" She screamed in pain as (M/N) roundhouse kicked her in the back. Sending her crashing through the ice and snow.

'Shit!' She mentally cursed to herself, before quickly feeling the inside of her chest.


Was the sound of her hand clinking against the vial filled Godzilla blood.

'Good, that's still intact. She thought to herself, before she felt herself being lifted.


Was all she could say, before (M/N) spun her around before throwing her to Godzilla. Who released the atomic breath she had been charging for a while straight at her.

"AAHH!" Ghidorah screamed as she took the attack head on.

Fwoom, BLAST!

"GAH!" The Dragoness screamed once as (M/N) released a flame covered atomic blast right at her as well.

Sandwiching her into two powerful blasts as the humans watched on in wonder.


"It's working!"

Mark said in shock, as he watched the two Kaiju overpower the Golden Kaiju.

'We might actually win this.'

"I knew that Uncle (M/N) fights would be awesome." Andrew spoke up, as he and Zilla Jr. watched as (M/N) and Godzilla work in tandem against Ghidorah.

"Incredible!" Serizawa stared in amazement at the combined strength of the two. "With their combined strength not even Monster Zero is a match."


Zilla Jr. suddenly said, causing all eyes to turn to her.

"That's what she called herself when I confronted her...well, Queen Ghidorah is what she called herself."

"Ghidorah – One who is many" Ilene Chen spoke up. "I recall hearing a word like that before in my research. It made a reference about a being not of this world and not of the natural order."

"In other words; a fake Queen" Serizawa scowled at that.


A loud explosion caught their attention as the combined atomic breaths suddenly swelled up from absorbing too much radiation energy and exploded.

Once the dust settled, Ghidorah could be seen badly wounded as her clothes were ripped apart in in various places on her body.

Surprisingly, the vial was somehow still intact from the blast.

"D-Damn you both." Ghidorah panted, her body exhausted from her fights and from taking the assault of not just one, but two atomic breaths at the same time.

"...This is what happens when you threaten Earth and the people I care about."

(M/N) coolly responded, not feeling the slightest sense of pity for the invader that would have destroyed the world if left unchecked.

"Mark my words, vengeance will be mine!"

Ghidorah snarled, as she called upon the storms. The winds picking up as a snowstorm began to build.

"She still got tricks up her sleeves!?" General Gyozen shouted in exasperation. This banging insane totally crazy hoe was not giving up!

"Everyone we need to leave!" Machiko ordered, it was no longer safe anymore. Now that Ghidorah was backed into a corner, she was not going to go down so easily.

"Still refuse to give up, Ghidorah?" Gojira growled.

"Not until the Earth is mine, you submit to me, and that Kaiju becomes my mate!"

The Golden Space Invader roared in anger as she blasted them with her Gravity beams.

"Ack!" "Freaking Unappreciated Country King!"

Godzilla and (M/N) yelled as they were balsted back.


"AAHHH!" Godzilla roared in pain as Ghidorah violently slammed her foot on her stomach.

"GGRRr, Prepare to die!" Ghidorah roared as she started charging up her attack.


Only for (M/N) to drive his claws into her chest.


"I told you the only way we will be up and personal is when I dig my claws into your chest!"

(M/N) roared as his clawed hand began glowing (F/C), as a powerful blast erupted from the close contact.


"ARGH! Damn you!" Ghidorah roared in pain as blood gushed from the gaping wound in her chest.

"Hmph!" He scoffed as Godzilla got back up. "Surrender, and you will live."

"Or don't" Godzilla said, "It'll make my life easier if you refuse."

-With the terrorist group-

"Dr. Emma use the ORCA to distract them."

Jonah ordered through gritted teeth. Nothing was going to plan, the release of Monster Zero should have heralded the beginning of a new world. But the unexpected arrival of the male Kaiju was ruining everything!

If they didn't do something now, then all their plans will go up in flames!

"Mom don't!" Madison shouted, as Emme hesitantly reached to activate the sonar.

She stopped, which Jonah noticed.

Angrily saying: "I'm sorry, since when did a child have any say in a mission as grand as this? Especially when they lack the wisdom needed to understand?"

The message was clear, do it or Madison would pay the price.

Wordlessly, Emma pressed the button.

(M/N) and Godzilla stopped their approach as the sounds of the ORCA reached their ears. Pausing, they gave an annoyed glare at the Osprey before turning back to Ghidorah.

However, this gave the Alien Kaiju the opportunity to escape. As a massive pillar of light shine down on her, teleporting her to her ship and to safety.

"NO! DAMN IT!" Godzilla roared in anger, as her ancient rival successfully escaped.

"HHMMMM!" (M/N) growled, as he gave the Osprey a deadly glare. Raising a hand, he put it in front of his neck before making a slicing motion with his finger.

"We should leave now" Jonah impassionedly said, unnerved with the action and glare he was getting from the monster.

The Osprey flew away to one of the terrorists' bases. At the same time, the Argo landed in front of them.

"All right guys, let's get everyone onto the Argo and back to Castle Bravo!" Colonel Foster shouted.

"Mam, yes Mam!" Came the shout of the soldiers, as they proceeded to get everyone on board.

Sighing at the escape of her rival, Godzilla turned to (M/N). Only to blink when she noticed he wasn't there.

'Where did he?" She thought to herself looking around until she saw him with another Kaiju that looked similar to him walking with the humans to the Argo.

'That must be his daughter' She thought to herself. 'And he's leaving with the humans?'

Why did he trust the humans so much over his fellow Kaiju?

'...A question for another time.' She decided, right now she needed to prepare of Ghidorah eventual return.

...And to claim the male Kaiju as her mate.


Came the sound of the Argo flying up to the sky, as (M/N) calmly sat down. His body slowly recovering from his wounds as he played back the fight in his head.

'Seems I've been too harsh on the Kaiju Girls'

He thought to himself.

'Well, if they want me. They're going to have to work for it.'

He thought to himself with a smile on his face. Despite what has happened in the past 24 hours, things were starting to get interesting.

'Can't wait to see what happens next.'

Was the last thought he had, before falling asleep as the Argo made its way out of Antarctica.

And done. Man, that took forever to write but I'm finally making progress on my stories. I'm getting new ideas for my other Kaiju stories, so expect eventual updates on those. One tricky problem I've had was that since some of the stories are in the same settings, I needed to make sure they are all different and not overused. Events with the same formula tend to lose their appeal over time.

Anyways, on to a new announcement. As mentioned in my notes above, there will be a short special to celebrate the thousand views for the story. Nothing fancy.

Have a good day/night

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