Aalyah Mysterio: Family Issues!

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*Requested by DDHU16! Enjoy!*


It's Friday Night Smackdown and a return is happening, with all the drama for the Mysterio family, it's about to get more tense since Rey's new son in law is back and ready to get into it with the Judgement Day, Y/n L/n.

Y/n's been a member of the WWE Universe since 2017, he made his name at Lucha Underground where he stole the show, then with 2 years in NXT he got called up to the Main Roster where he got his debut match against his idol, Rey Mysterio, Y/n first met Rey back in Lucha Underground during Rey's time away from the WWE, it was Rey who suggested Y/n tried out for WWE, since then he's appreciated the help the Mysterio family has giving him, see Y/n grew up in a rough area of Mexico City in Mexico, his mother turned ticks on the street corner and he never met his father.

When he was 12, his mother died from work related causes, leaving Y/n to do what he needs to do, he got a job then started doing things for fun since going home sucked for him, that's when he found wrestling, when he was 14 he snuck into a local show and fell in love, then at 17 he signed for Lucha Underground, met Rey Mysterio when he was 18 and joined WWE when he was 20, now he's 25 and recently married.

Aalyah: Your not going to be too tough are you?

Y/n smiled up to his new wife while getting ready for the show, basically, Dom will push Rey to his limit while Aalyah and Angie are front row, Rey walks away, leaving Dom and Rhea in the ring to continue talking his trash, only Y/n will be the one to finally shut him up.

Y/n: No, of course not.

Y/n stood up after tying his trainers, he's wearing a simple get up, off white trainers, jeans, t-shirt, the usual, nothing too special but he looks good in it, the look he didn't like though was the one his new wife was giving him, Y/n and Dom are still close but Y/n can get a little carried away while he does his promo's.

Y/n: I promise, I'll be good.

Aalyah smiled up to him as she wrapped her arms around his mid section, her hands sliding up his back and under his top, Y/n didn't mind and held her close kissing the top of her head when she did, it is a bit of a rushed comeback since they only got married 2 weeks ago, so Aalyah is a little bummed out they haven't been on their honeymoon yet.

Aalyah: I can't wait till it's just you and me in Lisbon.

Y/n smiled down to her excitement as they picked Portugal to be the destination for their celebration of getting married, Aalyah originally wanted to go to Mexico City but Y/n really didn't want to go back there and after explaining things to her in a little more detail, she agreed not to go there and picked the Capital of Portugal.

Y/n: As soon as Wrestlemania is over, I'm all yours.

The plan is for them both to be at Wrestlemania with Dom and Rhea, only Rhea and Aalyah will be ringside, a little drama between them but not too much, Aalyah isn't as trained as the rest of them are, only a few stare down moments to build up the rivalry between the new brothers in law.

Aalyah: Now I really can't wait.

She tiptoed so they could share a kiss, they've been dating since Aalyah and Angie started coming to WWE with Rey and Dom during the whole rivalry with Seth and Buddy, Y/n wasn't really happy when they spun it so they had a romance story, Y/n can get a little protective, Aalyah doesn't mind since the up bringing he had.

Y/n: Come on. Let's get out there.

Aalyah agreed and followed him out the room Y/n is sharing with Rey, Dom and a few other guys, they don't mind when women go in there, men are a little more open about that sort of thing then women, although Aalyah doesn't go in there unless it's only Y/n, she'll wait outside otherwise, but that's a rarity since Y/n is normally the first one out the locker room, so while Y/n went to get prepared, Aalyah found her mom and they both went out to their seats then waited for the show...


The segment went about as well as you thought it would, Dom talking trash to Rey trying to get a reaction out of his old man, only Rey wouldn't stoop to his level and instead just left the ring making his way up to the curtain.

Dom: That's right, walk away! Because that's what you do best! Your a failure as a father and a husband!

Rey stopped at the top of the ramp and looked down to the ring where Dom was looking over to him the crowd booing him as they have every week since this whole thing started and Rhea standing there with a smile all over her face, Rey though just took it with his hands on his waist.

Dom: How does it feel mom to be married to such a failure of a man...!?

This is where it gets good because Dom turned his attention over to his mother and sister, both not looking to pleased with Dom and his little antics, although they are mildly impressed with how quickly he's got the fans to hate him in such short amount of time.

Dom: ... I could ask you the same. Sis. Your husband can't even be bothered to show up!

Aalyah couldn't help the smile cross her lips as the crowd jumped to their feet, Dom looked like he's seen a ghost as Rey turned to the curtain, they played off like they didn't expect this which seemed to sell the return...


... Y/n walked out the curtain with a confident smile on his face, Dom moved over to Rhea and started talking into each others ears almost as if they have an answer for Y/n and what he's going to do to them, Y/n walked towards Rey and they shared a quick hug, the crowd cheered for the interaction, then watched while Y/n walked towards the ring, he didn't have a mic in his hand but after he rolled under the bottom rope, he stood up and walked right up to Dom, with a brief stair down, he took the mic from his new brother in law like it was nothing.

Y/n: Dom, I'm going to tell you something someone should have told you a long time ago...

Y/n stood in front of both Rhea and Dom, not showing a care in the world or even worried about getting jumped by the two, Rhea's kind of gotten used to standing up to the male talent on the roster, Y/n waited for the crowd to settle then told Dom what he's been wanting to tell him for months now.

Y/n: ... Shut up!

The crowd didn't stay silent long as they cheered for Y/n, agreeing with his statement, Dom stood there with a cocky look on his face while Rhea spoke into his ear about something, Y/n didn't know or care what they were saying.

Y/n: I have never heard such a spoilt little brat complain so much in my life. I should be impressed that you've became your own superstar but let's face it. You haven't, have you?

Y/n remembered that he'd said he'd go easy on Dom for the promo, he has script freedom so he gets to pretty much say what he wants, just withing reason obviously, he can't go f'ing and blinding all over the place, it's still a kids show.

Y/n: Let's compare you being in Rey's shadow to being the Judgement Days bitch...

Okay, maybe he does go a little over board, Aalyah shook her head with a chuckle at her husband while Angie smirked, the camera's not on them right now so they don't have to hide their expressions right now, the camera will be back on them later but not right now.

Y/n: ... So with Rey, you won the Smackdown Tag Titles, that's something right? Then with the Judgement Day, you've won... Nothing.

Y/n walked around, relaxed and calm while listing off the things, he stopped and looked to Dom confused when he said that Dom had won nothing with the Judgement day, Rhea and Dom bad mouthed Y/n a little but the crowd enjoyed the little dig at his new brother in law.

Y/n: Where as, Rey's had 2 opportunities for the Intercontinental Championship, sure he lost them but at least he got the chance. But surely you've done other things as well though... right?

Y/n looked Dom in the eyes while rubbing the fact that Dom hasn't done anything since he supposedly dropped Rey, Rhea was telling Dom not to worry about it as Aalyah and Angie played the worried family members in the crowd.

Y/n: I don't know why you're doing what your doing but I do know that your looking for a fight. Well congrats because you got one.

Y/n dropped the mic then slapped Dom across his face, it was part of the act so Dom sold it dropping to the mat and holding his right cheek, Rhea stepped between them, standing up to Y/n even though he's still taller, Y/n chuckled to her as Dom scurried back towards the ropes, the crowd loved seeing Dom get laid out, what the crowd didn't expect was for Aalyah to jump the barricade, slide under the ropes and stand between Y/n and Rhea.

The crowd cheered for it as Y/n smiled with a chuckle and Rhea looked to her with a cocky laugh, the two talked a little trash before it got too out of hand, Y/n wrapped his right arm around Aalyah's waist and lifted her away from the clearly unwinnable fight, the two walked back up the ramp as Dom and Rhea leant on the top rope, Dom still nursing that slap as Rhea didn't look all too happy...


It's Wrestlemania and time for the most personal fight on the card, Y/n L/n vs Dom Mysterio, The Judgment Day ringside for Dom while Rey and Angie are with Aalyah supporting Y/n who was pretty much in control the entire match, the only time he wasn't is when Finn or Damian would get involved and distract either Y/n or the ref. 

Dom lifted Y/n to his feet and pulled the bigger man into a suplex position, Dom mocked Eddie Guerrero staring at his family when he did, but once Dom went for the first of the Three Amigo's, Y/n revered and hooked Dom into a fisherman slam, Y/n hooked Dom's leg but he kicked out at 1, both scurried to their feet but Y/n was quicker and got Dom with a super kick...

... Dom fell to his knees as Y/n stumbled back into the ropes, it's been a long match so far, luckily it's coming to it's closing moments as Y/n imitated Rey in dialing up the tone, the fans cheered while Y/n climbed up to the top turnbuckle only stopping when Rhea grabbed his foot stopping him from ending the match.

That's where all hell breaks loss, Aalyah pulled Rhea away from him causing the stand of to begin, Damian kept the ref distracted making Y/n turn his attention from Dom to the argument at ringside, which started to get out of hand, with Rey, Angie and Finn joining the bickering, what no one expected to see was Aalyah slap Rhea.

Rhea went to hit her back but Y/n was there between them causing him to take the slap, the ref didn't see it though because Dom is now the one keeping her distracted, eventually the ref did see what's going on and watched while the groups kept her attention, the ref didn't see Dom get a weapon out from under the ring, Y/n did though so when he slide back into the ring to avoid the ref's count out, he ran at Dom ducking under the swing with knuckle dusters and into the opposite ropes...

... The ref turned back to the fight at hand while the arguments ceased since they heard the impact of the ring, they all watched while Y/n spring boarded on top of the turnbuckle, he didn't waist time to pay tribute to Eddie then put an end to the match up...

... Y/n hooked Dom's leg and waited for the count as the crowd and ref counted, once the 3 count came, Y/n let go of Dom and rolled to his knees panting from the exhaustion of the fight, Aalyah, Rey and Angie got into the ring to celebrate with Y/n, Dom was pulled out the ring by Finn and Damian, then helped up the ramp towards the curtain, Y/n's music playing as he put his arm around Aalyah, he now has a couple of weeks off to go to Portugal with his new wife and love of his life...


(How'd I do? Let me know! Take Care!)

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