Alexa Bliss: Trouble In Paradise!

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*Requested by niknorn14! Enjoy!*


Alexa Bliss and Y/n L/n, you can't be a fan of WWE without learning about them, their the modern day Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, they've been together since early 2017, the peak of both their careers, Y/n was the WWE Champion at the time heading into a Fatal Four Way match against Seth Rollins, Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton at the time, Y/n would slither out with his title still, then with a date as well.

That was then though, this is now, modern day and the couple don't seem to have anything wrong, the love is pure between them, only Y/n's out on injury right now, he ruptured his Achilles Heel on Live Tv, he's a couple weeks off going back but to what show he's not sure, the Draft was recently and neither he or Alexa have a show to call home right now, but that didn't bother them as they still woke up with a smile on their faces.

Which Alexa proved as she hummed to herself happily in the shower, she met Y/n pretty much right after her engagement to Buddy didn't work out, she was obviously heartbroken about it but it was for the best since she and assumingly Buddy, haven't been happier since, that was until Alexa finished her shower, got out, then went over to her phone and saw the buzz all over Social Media.

Alexa: Oh no.

Alexa saw all the calls and messages from friends but was more worried about what someone else was thinking, so without even fully drying or getting dressed, she left the bedroom, moved as quickly down the stairs as she could without slipping and turned into the open planned kitchen, their whole bottom floor of the house was open, a kitchen, dinning area and living room, there is a bathroom and closet under the stairs but it's still open.

Alexa: Y/n, let me explain.

Alexa saw him leaning on the kitchen island, hands closed while looking down to his phone, she knew that he now knows and doesn't see the point in hiding it too much, she whished he would never have found out but karma works is strange ways.

Y/n: You want to explain something?

Alexa knew he was pissed, Y/n doesn't shout or swear, she wish he would because when he just slide his phone over to her he didn't even look at her, Alexa walked towards the counter and saw the pictures on his phone, Alexa hated that she aloud them to be taken, she knew they were of her, he knew they were of her, it's the tattoo's she has that's given her away.

Alexa: Y/n. I...

Alexa felt her emotions getting the best of her, she didn't mean for that to happen, it was a couple of months ago, Y/n was home while she was on the road, she'd never cheat, only she wanted to send pictures to Y/n, she was a little drunk and so was their friend but she didn't think that he'd have taken advantage of her, she wanted to tell Y/n all this time but was scared for this.

Y/n: You really need to start talking, Lex. Or...

Y/n still hadn't moved, closed knuckles pushed against the marble counter, he didn't even look like he was going to look at her, only letting out a deep sigh, she hates that this happened and if she could change it, then she would, she doesn't even drink that much, probably why it didn't take long for her to make the mistake.

Alexa: Y/n. I'm...

Alexa looked up to him, then back down to the pictures on not only his phone but the Internet, this isn't the first time someone's claimed to have her nudes before, it happened when she was back in NXT, only that time they actually weren't hers, at least she can still deny them but she can't to the man she loves.

Alexa: ... I'm sorry.

This time Y/n did look to her and she was wrong, he wasn't annoyed, he was upset, it broke her in two to see tears in his eyes, to know that she's the one that did that to him is really making her feel worse and worse about it, she had no idea this was going to come from it, if she did she wouldn't have gone for those after show drinks.

Y/n: Who is he?

Y/n looked away from her, mainly because it's killing him to do so right now, also because he doesn't want to seem weak, Y/n tends to close himself off at this sort of moments, Alexa wasn't even sure what he asked at first but when he looked back to her, she snapped out of it, wiping her tears away.

Alexa: F/n. It was F/n.

Now Y/n did seem pissed, the hurt and pain in his eyes turned to anger and aggression, honestly, she's never seen Y/n like this, she has seen him fight, like really fight, a few years ago they went out for drinks with some of their colleagues, a guy got a little handsy with her and Y/n broke a bottle over the guys head before throwing him out the window, literally out the window.

Y/n: My best friend, F/n. That the F/n your talking about? The same guy who's been here most days, just walking around like nothing happened.

Y/n finally moved, he stood up right and swayed his arms around a little, he's not sure what to do with himself, he won't be mad at her because deep down he knows that there was a reason she did it, he trusts Alexa to not have just done it for the hell of it and not to brag but it couldn't have been because she wasn't satisfied, Y/n knows he's great at that.

Y/n: Fuck!

Alexa jumped back from her spot dropping his phone on the counter, not because she's scared of him but because she didn't expect him to shout, swear and punch a brick wall, Y/n wasn't really sure what he was more mad at, F/n or himself for not having have known this before, Alexa should have been able to tell him at this, talk to him but apparently, she felt like she couldn't do it and lived with this secret for this long.

Alexa: Come here.

Y/n looked to his right and saw Alexa there, she took his right hand in hers then tugged him towards the kitchen sink, she ran the cold tap holding his hand under it before going to get the first aid kit, Y/n watched her and only had one question on his mind.

Y/n: What happened?

Alexa walked back over to him, still only wrapped in a towel, she's dry now though and thought back to that day, it seemed all harmless to start with but then she was talked into having a few more drinks then she realised.

Alexa: ... After the fourth drink, I'm not really sure what happened, just that I woke up in the hotel, naked with him. He told me about the pictures and I begged him to delete them. Clearly he didn't.

Y/n looked down to his hand, she's now sat on the kitchen counter, Y/n between her legs while his right hand is in hers, she's cleaning his new cutes with a cloth as she told him what happened that night, all he heard though is that she tried to do something nice for him and his best friend took advantage of her, that's all Y/n seemed to take in.

Alexa: We'll be okay. Right?

Y/n looked from his hand, still comfortably in hers and looked up to her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes that he's spent so many years loving, he used his free left hand to hold her face, gently using his left thumb to rub the dry tears off her right cheek, he's been cheated on, it's been kept from him and the world found out before him, he should be angry at her, pissed even but he can't help but remember all the fun times they spent together...


It's April 30th 2017 and time for Payback, Y/n and Randy Orton brought the place down at Wrestlemania 33, Randy beating Y/n taking his first WWE title away from him at the time, tonight though, he got it back from the Viper, beating him in a Steel Cage match, it was so intense that the on sight doctor recommended both men to get back to the hotel and take it easy, Y/n however ignored it because he has a reason to stay behind.

He and Alexa Bliss have been dating for a couple weeks now and it's awesome, it's his first relationship since getting to the WWE and having a travel buddy, people say not to work with your girlfriend or wife but Y/n think's it's awesome.

His attention was taken away from the found travel memories when he heard Alexa's music playing, he wasn't sure if she was winning tonight, neither told the other what their planes were just to make things more interesting...

... Y/n loved her bad guy character, it also fit their relationship, he's "The Alpha of WWE" and she's "The Goddess of WWE", Y/n didn't have his new WWE title with him mainly because he didn't want it too seem like he was trying to take her moment from her, so when she skipped back through the curtain, the RAW Women's title over her shoulder, Y/n happily scooped her up into a massive hug making her and their friends smile to their happiness...


It's been a year since Alexa and Y/n went public with their relationship and the fans seemed to eat it up, both the biggest bad guys in their respective worlds are dating, it makes perfect sense, also with Becky and Seth going public and aiming for the duo's titles, it's making quite a nice story.

Y/n: So, what do you wanna watch?

Y/n asked Alexa as they got comfy in the hotel bed, Y/n had the remote in his right hand and stretched his left arm around her, Alexa loved the cuddles, he is her big warm body pillow that's with her every where she goes.

Alexa: What about we finish Game of Thrones?

Y/n agreed and pressed play, they have a couple of episodes left of the 8th season, Alexa didn't seem to hate it, she didn't love it like the others but she didn't hate it, not until Jon killed Daenerys, then she hated it, Y/n stopped enjoying it once he Night King was killed.

Y/n: Well, that officially sucked. 

Alexa chuckled up to him after they finally watched the final episode, they didn't start watching it till last year so over the course of 12 months they binged it, Alexa wasn't to sure about it to begin with but Y/n said that if she didn't enjoy it, then they could stop watching, only she did enjoy, up until now anyway.

Y/n: How are they gonna tease Jon fighting the Night King, then not have it happen? I feel like I've wasted my life.

Alexa laughed again only this time hugged into his body, Y/n shut off the Tv and laid down, they've watched enough Tv now and need to get some sleep, their both a little tired from the show tonight so their just looking to get some sleep now.

Alexa: Not all of it, I hope.

Y/n looked to her on his left pec and smirked, he could never regret his life with her, it's been the most fun he's had since he started wrestling, he didn't have the best track record with relationships before hand but Alexa is different, she's perfect in every single way.

Y/n: I could never waste my life with you.

Alexa once again smiled to him, it seems that she does that a lot with him, they both seem to be doing that a lot, just smiling and laughing with each other, Y/n placed a kiss on her forehead before placing a little one on her lips, Alexa grinned after the kiss then pulled him into another one, only a little more intimate then the last one, silently telling each other to have a peaceful night's sleep...


... Alexa looked to him as Y/n's left hand still gently held her face, his right hand now holding her left as her right hand covered them both, she didn't want to let it go in case she wouldn't feel his touch again, it's pretty much a nightmare for her, but Y/n couldn't do it to her, he couldn't leave her, she means as much to him as he does to her.

Y/n: I'm not going anywhere...

Y/n didn't even get to finish what he was going to say because Alexa wrapped her arms and legs around him making sure that he doesn't, he chuckled with pure happiness and maybe a few relieved and happy tears.

Y/n: ... Me without you at this point is like a car without gas, it's pointless.

Alexa laughed into his clothed chest with more tears streaming down her face, no longer in pain and heart break but with joy and happiness, she looked up to him so once again, Y/n wiped away her tears, pressing his lips to hers, it was a feeling she honestly thought she wouldn't feel again, so she enjoyed it a little more then before.

Y/n: I mean, I'm going to have to kill F/n but after that. I think it's something I can ignore.

Y/n truly believed that it wasn't her fault, as soon as she said she went out for drinks, he could piece it all together, he did however blame F/n, he was pissed that his friend for over 10 years crossed that line, you don't screw with another man's girl, especially a friends, like you don't date their Ex's either, it's part of the bro code and each rule is punishable by getting your ass kicked.

Alexa: Your not actually going to kill him are you?

Alexa was worried that he might, the pictures they can get out from under with just a statement from them and the WWE, a few weeks for it to die down and it'll be over but if he kills someone, that might be a little more serious, he won't though, he'll only just beat him pretty badly, Alexa knows he can do it, just doesn't want to see him get into trouble as well as her.

Y/n: Don't worry, let's just get you out of this mess.

She nodded to him after sharing another kiss, Alexa wasn't looking forward to what Y/n will do to F/n but she is looking forward to hopefully putting this all behind them and moving on, maybe to wedding bells down the line...


(How'd I do? Let me know! Take Care!)

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