Cora Jade: The Boy Next Door!

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Cora's one of the biggest stars in the WWE right now, she's got a ton of potential and the entire future of the company in her path, at such a young age she's become one of the best already, having big matches with Mandy Rose and her best friend Roxanne Perez, we all remember when she stabbed her in the back and trashed the NXT Women's Tag Title, that's kind of a big moment in NXT History.

Right now she's going one on one with Roxanne not for the title but for a chance to face her for the title at New Year's Evil, Cora is ready and waiting in the ring, there's an ad break right now so the Roxie is waiting for the show to come back and they can put on a good show, Cora did a few stretch's in the ring while pacing back and forward, she stopped though when she looked out into the crowd and saw her childhood friend, Y/n L/n.

Y/n grew up with Cora in Chicago, only a couple of doors down from her, he's a good guy, an older and younger sister, with a mother and no father, Y/n's father was in the army and he went on tour when his little sister was 5 and he never came back, that was 15 years ago and he's been classified as KIA, Y/n took it quite well, he became someone that you can look up to even at such a young age.

Y/n wanted to follow is his father's footsteps and serve for his country but the fear that he might not come back was always playing on the back of his mind, so he found another way to help people that was to go through medical school, he's become a doctor at his already young age of 25, Cora didn't want to break character tough and she gave him a small wave before focusing back on her job at hand...


Cora's job was over and she's going to be facing Roxie at New Year's Evil for the Women's title, she's not sure if she'll win it or not but either way, it'll be a nice moment for the two friends, Cora got backstage and looked around, Y/n wasn't in his seat anymore so she needed to find him again, it's been a couple of years since they last saw each other, she owe's him a lot, Y/n used to give her a lift too and from shows when she was working the Indi scene.

He's one of the reason's she;s here in the first place so the least she can do is thank him now that she's here, she needs to actually be able to find him first so after ditching her friends at the curtain she took off not caring to change yet and look for him, she eventually found him talking with Shawn, Hunter and even William Regel all with smiles and chuckles.

Cora: Y/n!

Y/n turned to her direction and only had a second to register who it was before he got tackled into a huge hug, Y/n stumbled while laughing but caught himself as she jumped up hugging him, the older generation smiled to them as Y/n patted her back and set her back to the floor, forcing her to drop the hug, which she honestly didn't want to do, she never got the chance to tell him before but she kinda has a thing for the young man of medicine.

Cora: What are you doing here?

She asked trying to play off the fact she just acted like a teenage girl in front of all these guys, even the production crew passing by still doing their job working on the show, Y/n smiled though and responded.

Y/n: Wow, and here I thought you'd be happy to see me...

Cora fumbled over her words trying to make Y/n see that she is happy to see him but without making it obvious that she's still crushing on the taller, in shape, handsome boy next door.

Y/n: ... I'm only joking. I came to see you and I wanted to come back to meet you once you were done, then I heard the on sight medic didn't show up and someone needed help...

Y/n didn't know who she was but Cora knew who it was, Indi needed a little medical attention earlier and the Brian the usual on sight Medic has been being inappropriate with the female roster, nothing crazy but he was just really handsy with them, Cora's not sad to see he's finally gone but Y/n clearly doesn't know what's going on, which is why he said he never turned up, Brian's actually been sacked.

Y/n: ... Well, I took an oath to help people and I'd be going against that if I didn't help. Well, now I think I have a job.

Y/n chuckled to the three top dogs of WWE, Hunter the Main Roster and the headquarters in Connecticut, Shawn and William are in charge of what goes on in NXT now, it's good to have Regel back in WWE where he belongs.

Hunter: Not yet, we still need to do the background check and discuss a contract...

Hunter put his hand on Y/n's shoulder making him rock a little, Hunter's bigger then Y/n, in height and weight, not by too much but The Game is still a big guy.

Hunter: ... But as long as you haven't driven over anyone, it looks like we got a new member of staff.

They all cheered making Cora smile to them, also to the fact she gets to work with Y/n on a weekly, possibly daily bases, she might have to get injured more and more just so she can see him more often.

Shawn: Great work out there tonight Cora.

Cora thanked them as they left the youngsters on their own after they shook hands with Y/n one last time, Cora looked up to Y/n and they just chuckled a little in awkwardness as Y/n defiantly didn't come here expecting to get a job.

Y/n: So you made it.

Y/n smiled to her as that was all he could think to say to her, Cora smiled to him though nodding a little as she brushed her hair behind her ear a little, she didn't really know what else to say to him, at least not here anyway so she took a shot in the dark.

Cora: I did. Maybe we could get a bite to eat and talk some more.

Y/n nodded to her with a small smile as Cora awkwardly said goodbye, Y/n wasn't exactly smooth either as he left her to get ready to leave, when she did she walked past a corridor hiding her friends who apparently just watched, she blushed while they all started to make their jokes about the encounter with her childhood friend...


Y/n was ready, he's not sure what Cora had in mind but from remembrance she's kinda of unpredictable, that meant Y/n needed to dress for all occasions, so a white button up shirt with light blue jeans and black dress shoes seemed adequate, he also rented a car for his time in town and is waiting outside her place leaning on the car.

She knows he's waiting outside for her as she got ready inside, she's never been nervous for this sort of thing before in her life, what Y/n doesn't know is Cora actually changed her plans, their not going out to eat, their going to stay at hers so when she walked out the door and saw him she smiled and got his attention.

Cora: Hey...!

Y/n looked up and could only smile at her, her style hasn't changed much since they went to Highschool together, why would it, she looks great...

... Y/n stood up from the lean and she got a good look at him, their opposite in fashion tastes but they have a lot of other things in common, such as both looking amazing in whatever they wear.

Cora: ... Come on.

She waved him over and Y/n looked around a little confused before shrugging his arms a little and walked towards her, Cora stepped back inside her home letting him follow her and shut the door behind them.

Cora: I thought we could order in. Watch a movie.

She shrugged a little and remembered that Y/n is a more stay in kinda guy then he is a going out, she doesn't mind, she quite likes the peace and quite, she loves her job and fans but time to herself is getting less and less frequent.

Y/n agreed and liked the idea so that's what they did, they watched a movie after ordering a pizza, they didn't really watch it though, they mainly talked and caught up about the past couple of years, mainly about how hard Y/n's worked.

Cora: You're lying. How can you work 3 jobs and study for medical school?

She asked while laughing and giving his chest a small push making herself fall onto her back as Y/n still sat there, leaning on his right hand as it rested on the back of the sofa.

Y/n: Easily, I worked at the old store down the road from home...

Cora nodded sitting up, she remembers that little shop, she and Y/n walked past there once when they were 18 and he stopped a bunch of kids from shoplifting, Y/n is literally a neighbourhood hero, most people around their old way knows his name.

Y/n: ... Then I helped Aaron at the garage. Also I started doing deliveries.

It all makes sense, their old friend Aaron is a 3rd generation mechanic, Y/n's also good with his hands and the delivery job is a choose when you work kinda thing, he probably worked at the store during the week, the garage weekends, delivery at nights and studied in the morning, then he still had time for friends and family.

Cora: How do you keep doing it? I go to the PC for 12 hours across a couple of days and I want to sleep for a month.

They both shared a laugh again, this time Cora sitting back up resting her head on her left arm like Y/n is looking to him with her legs up on the couch curled up.

Y/n: Well, you did always like staying in bed. You always seemed to be cold...

Y/n was talking about those times they had those sleepover's, Cora would tell him she felt too cold to sleep so he'd let her sleep with him, crushes make you do the darnedest things, Cora chuckled to the memory's and she was wondering if she can play her cards right then she can do it one last time but she couldn't even think of a plan because Y/n spoke up again.

Y/n: ... How long are you going to keep it to yourself...?

Cora looked up to him a little confused but also a little worried, she has a funny feeling what he's talking about but she just waited for him to talk again, before he did though he scooted closure to her putting his left hand on her leg.

Y/n: ... Fine, I'll do it. I really, really, really like you, Cora Jade.

Cora looked from his hand then to him as he meant it, did he really have a crush on her as well, this is her dream come true, other then working with the WWE of course but this is defiantly a close second, Y/n just sat there with a small smile on his lips, Cora couldn't talk, she tried but she couldn't get the words out, so she acted instead and jumped at him pressing her lips to his.

Y/n chuckled as his hands mover to her waist and she held his cheeks pushing him on his back and lying herself on top of him, Cora's been wanting to do this since she knew what having a boyfriend really meant and it's finally happening, she's kissing Y/n L/n, the boy next door.

Y/n: I take it I was right?

Y/n asked after they finally broke the kiss, during of which Y/n brushed her hat off holding the back of her head into the small make-out, Cora wanted more though and stood up taking his hand in hers.

Cora: I'll show you how right you are~

Y/n smiled and followed her into her bedroom, hand in hand as they both lived out their teenage dreams, it's been years in the making and finally, Cora's got her hands on the boy next door...


(How'd I do? Take Care!)

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