Jessica McKay: A Charming Bartender!

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There's a movie reference in this one. If you spot it, you get a free Cookie, I'm not sure who you'll get the Cookie from but you'll get one eventually! Enjoy!


Jessica's had a tough few months, she's had fun working with her best friend and their photo shoots, even including a few other friends here and there but she seems to be missing something, that special person so come home to, she lives in a house not far from Cassie and Ronnie, it's ready for her own family, she just can't find that guy to start it with, she's had failed relationships all through her life, never once did she feel like their the right guys though.

Jessica never once gave up and agreed to go out with a few friends to have a fun night, maybe a couple of drinks to go with it, so Jessica got dressed up...

... And left too meet her friends at a local karaoke bar, Jessica isn't too sure about the whole singing in front of random people but her friends seemed to like the idea and Jessica isn't going to miss out on a good time.

Once Jessica got there she liked the place, it wasn't too fancy but not a cheap place, she was sort of left on her own a couple of hours into the night because most her friends managed to find some guy's to stick their tongue's down their throats, Jess could have but wanted more in a relationship so she just excused herself and went towards the bar, that's when she saw him flipping bottles like it was a game...

... He always had a smile on his face as well no matter who he was dealing with, Jessica couldn't help but admire him from the distance, his styled H/c slicked back hair and clear stubble on his face made him handsome, then he looked great in his work outfit, long white sleeved button up with the sleeves rolled up passed his elbows and black waist coat made him look like an extra from a James Bond movie.

Girl: Dammit.

Jessica sat at a stool and looked to the girl a few seats away on her right to see a girl getting ready to leave while looking for something in her bag apparently it was a lighter because she has a cigarette in her mouth.

Y/n: Oh, here.

She watched as he pulled out a old looking zippo lighter and tried to get it to light but it wasn't lighting, he sighed while he kept trying and trying.

Girl: I don't think you're lighter works.

Jessica had to agree with her but that didn't stop him from trying as he looked to her with a chuckle still trying to get his lighter to light.

Y/n: Yeah, it does. You just need a little...

She watched him as he finally got the lighter to light, Jessica couldn't help but smile at his persistence because most people would have just got a new lighter by now.

Y/n: ... Faith.

The girl leant forward and used the flame as the guy used his left hand to hold the lighter, Jessica watched as he took her bracelet with his right without her even knowing it, the girl had her smoke and he shut off the lighter walking a little towards Jessica, he saw her watching and shot her a wink.

Jessica wanted to tell her but instead watched as she got up with her bag and looked to Jessica, she scoffed while looking her up and down, Jessica now didn't care he just took her stuff and let her walk out without even knowing.

Y/n: What can I get you?

Y/n asked Jessica making her look to him confused, she's not wearing any jewellery and he seemed to notice her worry and he explained.

Y/n: Don't worry, I only did that 'cause she didn't leave a tip.

Jessica actually found herself chuckling to him, she can't believe it, he just broke the law and she has no intention on telling anyone, it's one of life's lesson's, don't be a bitch in life and a bartender won't steal your shit.

Jessica: Remind me to tip then...

Y/n smiled to her while doing little things while Jessica watched him, he generally looked like her dream guy, his H/c, his build, he's tall and he's not scared to take what he wants, it's pretty cool.

Jessica: ... Uh, just gimme anything.

Y/n put a cocktail glass on the counter in front of her with a napkin underneath, Jessica watched him grab a few random bottles from the shelf behind him before turning back to her.

Y/n: Oh, I'll give you something~

Y/n winked to her as she actually smiled to the young man, she's not sure how young he is but he can't be more then late 20's, either way, she watched him clearly having fun while twirling and mixing the drink...

... Jessica was impressed with his showing off and actually was enjoying it, there's something cool about watching a bartender do his thing.

Y/n: So what's someone so beautiful doing in a place like this?

Y/n asked her while fixing her the drink, Y/n wasn't the only bartender behind the bar tonight so he was pretty much able to give her his full attention, she kind of liked that.

Jessica: I bet you say that to all the girls that come in here.

Y/n nodded to her a little as she completely forgot about what her friends are doing, she was just focusing on the guy in front of her and what he was saying next.

Y/n: True, but this is the first time I meant it.

Oh, he's good, Jessica thought while smiling to him bit her lip a little, Jessica moved in her stool to sit closure to the bar leaning on the surface putting her bag by her side and in her sight, it's also out of his reach just in case he gets a weird urge.

Y/n: So you're accent. Where are you from?

Y/n asked changing the subject, he's a bartender and they like a little conversation, well the nice one's do anyway.

Jessica: Guess.

Y/n stopped mixing the drink and looked at her for a second before continuing with her drink and answering his own question.

Y/n: I'd say Australian, well travelled, spent most your life out her in the states though right?

Jessica looked impressed with a small nod while he stopped mixing her drink and poured it into the cocktail glass.

Jessica: Yeah. How'd you know?

Y/n pushed the glass towards her and put an umbrella in the glass, the drink didn't come with an umbrella but it's a lot of fun to put an umbrella in a drink, Y/n put on in a Guinness before, it was pretty funny.

Y/n: You're ID fell out.

Y/n pointed to her bag and she saw it fell, nothing was lost but a few things fell out, nothing to embarrassing but it was still pretty embarrassing for her that her bag fell, she quickly picked it up before Y/n got her attention again.

 Y/n: It's nice to meet you Jessica McKay.

She looked up to him and he winked before going back to random things nearby, mainly shining glasses till he gets another order.

Jessica: What can I call you?

Everything she says just plays into what Y/n wants her to say, she just keeps on playing into his hand and it's exactly what he wants her to do.

Y/n: You can call me whatever you want~

Y/n said with a smile making her chuckle to him, he didn't seem like he was flirting but he was defiantly charming her that's for damn sure, she didn't seem to mind either as she took a sip from the drink he made her, he watched with a smile as her eyes went wide.

Jessica: Wow, this is really good. What is it?

Y/n shrugged to her still wiping up a few glasses making sure the place keeps it's 5* rating, he keeps his towel over his shoulder putting the clean glass down and leant on the counter behind him looking to her.

Y/n: I don't know. I made it for my Ex-Wife the day we met and I've been making it ever since for pretty women having a down day.

She was surprised that he knew she was having a bad day but maybe it was more obvious then she thought, she didn't really want to talk about how jealous she is towards her best friend, Cassie, so she went back to what he said.

Jessica: "Ex-Wife"? What happened?

Jessica asked hoping Y/n wouldn't mind talking about it, he glanced to her while continuing to do his job, this is clearly something he enjoys doing.

Y/n: I thought the Bartender was supposed to be the listener?

Y/n hit back while heading to serve the guy who stood by Jessica, the guy just ordered a couple of beers so it was easy for Y/n.

Y/n: We met when I first started working behind the bar back in H/t...

Y/n took two freshly polished glasses and held them under the tap pouring the golden liquid as the guy waited patiently, Y/n likes that kinda customer especially when he's having a conversation.

Y/n: ... It was going well and she was working to do this Wrestling thing...

Y/n waved off like it was something he didn't know much about, Jessica now wondered if she ever met his wife, maybe in WWE or in Impact, possibly even back in Shimmer, Jessica has no idea how long ago they were married.

Y/n: ... Well, she got what she wanted and started traveling a lot. Turns out I wasn't looking for a traveling wife.

Jessica felt a little bit bad for him, it sucks when the busy schedule of promoting Wrestling gets in the way of a happy marriage, or at least she thinks it was happy, it seems like he was happy in the marriage.

Jessica: I'm sorry to hear that.

She was of course lying a little, that just means he's single and up for grabs, Jessica continued to drink her drink while he waved it off, clearly it was a while ago and he's over it now, this didn't stop them from making more small talk while she continued to drink the drink and he continued to serve, showing off a little more while making the cocktails, if Jessica didn't know any better, Y/n was trying to impress her, but before she could watch him screw around anymore, she thought it best to call it a night.

Jessica: ... Well, it's great talking to you Y/n but I should be going.

Y/n understood that since it's near 1 in the morning at this point, in fact the clubs only open for another couple hours, which just gave Y/n an idea.

Y/n: I get off in a couple of minutes. Want me to give you a ride?

Y/n asked still pottering around, it amazed Jessica that he's been on his feet pacing for the past few hours, she's been talking to him for at least an hour now as well, he still going strong.

Jessica: I'm not sure I can trust you enough to take me home.

Jessica stood up giving him the smart answer, she has only known him for an hour so her accepting that offer is trusting but also risky, Y/n did swipe some girls bracelet earlier just because she didn't leave a tip.

Y/n: Who said anything about taking you home?

Jessica giggled to him while he stood there leaning on the counter behind him still polishing some recently glasses, trying to get rid of the water spots, that grin he has on his face is just making her smile every single time.

Jessica: Thanks but I'll wait for...

Jessica turned to look for her friends but saw they were already gone, they must have left earlier without telling her, they must have seen her having a good time with Y/n and figured she'd score.

Jessica: ... Friends...

Jessica went into her bag and searched for her phone, Y/n watched while lighting up his own smoke, she even noticed that the lighter worked for him every time, so why'd it play up with the girl earlier, Jessica pushed that thought aside though and saw the message in the group chat.

Chelsea: Good shot on the Bartender, Jess 😜 Have fun 😉🍑🍆💦!

Jessica sighed while reading that, now she actually doesn't have a ride home, so she looked back to Y/n and he smirked with a wink, so she thought screw it.

Jessica: ... That ride still on offer?

Y/n smiled and nodded, giving her a drink on the house, it's another one of the ones he created which Jessica called "An Iconic" Y/n didn't know why but it seemed like a good enough name and he kept it, then it was time for him to call it quits ending a 8 hour shift for him.

Y/n: Ready to go?

Jessica looked to him and he was still wearing his work clothes but holding a jacket in his hands, they were about to leave the club till Y/n was stopped by another worker.

James: You done for the day boss?

Both Y/n and Jessica turned to him and he saw and smiled thinking what ever single guy in world would think, Y/n nodded before walking out the building with Jessica now surprised by the new information.

Jessica: Boss? You're in charge of that place?

Jessica asked walking beside Y/n as he still smoked his smoke while holding his jacket under his left arm, which has his left hand in his black pants.

Y/n: Not quite...

Jessica was about to ask what he meant by that but before she could, Y/n held the smoke in his mouth and pulled out a set of car keys, he used them to unlock his car making Jessica look to where the sound came from...

... Jessica couldn't believe it, a simple bartender owns this car, how can he afford this car but has the need to swipe a bracelet, there really is more then meets the eye with this guy.

Y/n: ... I kinda own it. 

Y/n walked to the passenger side door and opened it before walking around to the drivers side, also opening it and leaning on the roof after tossing his jacket in the back of his car.

Y/n: Now, do you really wanna end the night here. Or do you want a night to remember?

Jessica was heart set on not doing anything stupid when she first got ready to go out, she thought she was just gonna have some fun with a few friends but now, now Y/n's something stupid and she's open to doing it.

Jessica: Okay, you've peaked my interest.

Y/n smiled to her and slipped into his car, Jessica got into the passenger seat looking around admiring the car, she's never been in this kind of Porsche before.

Y/n: Play you're cards right, you'll be able to see my peak.

Jessica scoffed at him while face palming making him chuckle, she wants to know everything about this guy, even if nothing does happen tonight, at least she made a charming friend...


(How'd I do? Take Care!)

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