Nikki Bella: The Perfect Guy!

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It's 2014 and time for Survivor Series Nikki Bella is facing AJ Lee for the Diva's Championship, unfortunately all the attention is on the Main Event were Team Cena is facing Team Authority, including Y/n L/n, who's fighting with Team Cena (You replace Ryback!)

The odds were against Y/n though after most of Team Cena got eliminated, this is to build Y/n's story, he's only been in the WWE for around 2 years now and was a fan favorite in NXT, so they want to make him a big star on the Main Roster, so now he's facing the WWE Champion, Seth Rollins, Mark Henry, Rusev and Luke Harper.

Y/n looked around nervous as he stood on his teams apron, John just got eliminated by way of DQ, John left shouting encouragement to Y/n as Y/n slowly got into the ring while The Authority laughed at him, John made it backstage and joined everyone else watching nearby including the new Diva's Champion, Nikki who's with her sister Brie and Bryan.

Nikki: I hate he didn't tell me if they win or not.

Nikki and Y/n have been dating for a few months now and they've been taking it slow at first, the odd dinner here and there, maybe a movie, that kinda thing, Nikki didn't mind, she quite liked the little dates here and there.

Brie: Aw~ My sister's nervous~

They all shared a laugh before they asked John, Nikki and John used to date but she wants things he doesn't, she stayed with him for as long as she can but in the end she couldn't wait, so she found Y/n and he wants all she does, kids and marriage, the perfect guy for her.

They were distracted by a massive cheer as Seth went for his patent stomp, then went for the cover...

... Y/n got his shoulder up though taking John's "Never Give Up" seriously, Nikki jumped and clapped for him while Seth looked honestly stunned, Triple H told him to end this so Seth tagged out, letting Rusev in, Y/n managed to get to his feet though and stumbled the US Champion...

... Y/n saw his opportunity and ran into the ropes by The Authority's corner, Harper went to stop him but Y/n was too fast and bounced off the ropes charging at Rusev, Rusev semi caught himself and went for a clothesline, Y/n ducked and spring boarded off the opposite ropes...

... It was now Y/n's turn to go for a pin and get the three count, Triple H and Stephanie were losing their minds outside the ring as Y/n crawled backwards into his team's previous turnbuckle, Y/n wished he had someone to tag but didn't, he had to quickly get to his feet though as Harper came at him with speed, Y/n slipped onto the apron going through the middle and top rope before jumping for a super kick...

... Harper stumbled back holding his face as Y/n now could feel the buzz, the crowd's behind him 100% as are the Superstars backstage tired of The Authority's iron grip, Nikki was clearly the most excited as Harper turned to face Y/n and got met with a two foot drop kick... 

... Y/n kicked up and the crowd's cheers were all he needed to here because this crowd hasn't stopped cheering since the start of this match, also because Y/n's new and seeing a new face succeed is something they love seeing, Y/n wanted to get rid of another member of their team and climbed to the top left turnbuckle before landing perfectly on the downed Harper...

... Y/n got the three count and now it's two against one, Y/n didn't get the chance to get ready though because Henry was told to stop Y/n by any means, she he attacked him with a chair...

... Imagine getting hit in the back with a steel chair by the Worlds Strongest man, the sound rippled throughout the arena making many flinch, even the Superstars backstage, Nikki is the most worried but Y/n is good at his job, what she wasn't sure about is when Mark went for a second hit...

... She didn't think Y/n needed to take the hit like that but his sell job is better then most in the WWE today, Nikki was brought out her thoughts when Mark tangled Y/n's arms between the top and middle rope, the ref tried to get Mark out the ring but he couldn't, not before Triple H handed him a Kendo stick, the crowd and Superstars winced as Mark went to town on Y/n's mid section.

Eventually the stick broke and Mark throw it away, he untangled the clearly beaten Y/n and easily scooped him up for a World's Strongest Slam...

... Y/n honestly look lifeless as Mark final left the ring and Seth climbed in and called for the Stomp, Y/n somehow still had the energy to get to his feet while Triple H was barking orders to Seth, Stephanie looked a little worried now while the match is 1 on 1, Seth went for the stomp but Y/n slipped out the way before scooping Seth in a Suplex, Seth rolled in to the Turnbuckle as Y/n found his second wind and charged at him.

Seth moved out the way though and hit Y/n with a Superkick dropping him, Seth then climbed up to the Turnbuckle facing away from Y/n ready for a new move but Y/n put an end to that getting him with his own new move...

... Y/n moved under Seth and went for a Powerbomb but Seth managed to get out his hold and get him with a high knee...

... The crowd are loving this as these two on their own are putting together a great match, Y/n layed there after they both reversed and attacked each other, it's been a long night for them all and luckily it's coming to an end as Seth called for his Stomp again, Y/n once again moved into place and Seth went to him but as he leaped in the air, Y/n got him in a submission hold...

... The crowd cheered as did the others backstage while Triple H and Stephanie are losing their minds, if Seth taps out then they are fired from the WWE till John say's otherwise, there worst fear came to life when Seth tapped out meaning Team Cena won and Y/n's the hero of the day...

... Triple H and Stephanie are heartbroken on the sidelines as Seth moved into the turnbuckle holding his arm selling the hold, Y/n though rolled out the bottom rope with the ramp behind him, Y/n was so tired right now and could barley stand up so when Team Cena came out and supported him it was a nice moment, especially when Y/n and John hugged on the top of the ramp before John left Y/n to celebrate his big win...


As soon as Y/n got backstage he was tackled into a massive hug by Nikki, Y/n stumbled from it but managed to keep them up and spun them in a small circle as everyone else went to get ready to leave...

... Except Brie and Bryan, they stayed nearby waiting for their friend/family member to leave, they started traveling with each other recently, Nikki and Y/n didn't mind because they get to sit in the back seat together.

Nikki: I'm so proud of you~

She kissed all over his face as Y/n set her back down, she held him there though before she stopped and saw the Kendo stick wounds all over his torso.

Nikki: Aw~ Poor baby...

Y/n held her hips as she started to inspect his torso, running her hands down from his shoulder's to his V-line, Y/n smiled to her as she is wearing her attire...

... Still with her new Diva's title around her waist, she told him that she's going to be holding this thing for a long time and why wouldn't she, she and Brie are two of the best Women's Wrestler's in the business today.

Nikki: ... Come on. I'll take care of you.

Y/n didn't get to ask what she meant because Nikki dragged them to the locker rooms where Y/n got more praise for his performance tonight, like before Y/n's a new face on the Main Roster just trying to make a name for himself, eventually though they all got ready to leave, Nikki and Y/n in the back of the car while Bryan drove with Brie up front.

Brie looked back to her sister in the rear view mirror as Nikki giggled to something, Nikki was happy with John but not this happy, she might have finally found the guy she wanted to be with, Brie found Bryan so why can't Nikki be happy.

They pulled into the hotel entrance and the valet took the car to park it as the four of them went to check into their rooms, Bryan and Brie aren't as tired as Nikki and Y/n since Bryan wasn't even involved in the PPV and Brie only made the world lose their minds ringside after she kissed AJ Lee, it was quite hot.

Both couples said their bye's before going into their respective rooms nearby each other, Nikki pulled Y/n onto the bed and cuddled into him as he laid on his back and she hugged into his side.

Nikki: How's the cuts?

She asked hiking his shirt up seeing that the welts and cuts from the Kendo are now clear to see, Y/n hissed a little in pain when she rested her hand on the wounds, Nikki pouted to him before kissing him and getting off the bed.

Nikki: Take your shirt off.

Y/n watched her walk into the bathroom and Y/n got worried, he can't have sex tonight, he's completely drained, so after he took his shirt off he turned to the bathroom door.

Y/n: Oh, Nikki, not tonight. I'm completely shattered.

Nikki walked back into the room with a damp hand towel in her hand, she smiled to Y/n as she moved sitting on the edge of the bed placing the cold damp towel on his cuts and welts making his once again hiss in pain.

Nikki: Oh, don't be such a baby.

Y/n smiled up to her as she focused on taking care of him, Y/n can't believe he pretty much just begged not to have sex with this women but surely that's also a good thing, that shows they can spend time together not just screwing each other's brains out.

Nikki leant over to the nearby table and picked up the room phone making a call for them to bring up some ice, Nikki still held the towel on him while she put the phone down and smiled to him.

Nikki: I told you, I'd take care of you.

Y/n reached his right hand behind her neck and pulled her into him pressing his lips to hers, Nikki smiled into the kiss while still keeping his torso well taken care of, Nikki pulled away from the kiss and pressed her forehead to his, in only a few months time they've grown a connection not many people will ever get, Nikki finally found her perfect guy...


(How'd I do? Take Care!)

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