Aya Maruyama x Male Reader

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(Author's Note: Requested by Quint_lover. Well, I did requested him for a one-shot story of Mashiro x Male Reader. So, I decided to repay his good deeds. And also to celebrate for his 100 followers.)


There she is, the girl that I always idolized for have a HUGE crush on who is the vocalist of a rock band named Pastel*Palettes ever since they make their first concert, Aya Maruyama.

I only idolized her and not her band members because Aya is the one who really caught my interest the most. Her beautiful eyes, her soft skin, her soothing voice when she sing and anything about her that I would admire.

However, knowing that she's popular, I don't deserve to be with her. It's because of my insecurities and since I'm an introvert. I also don't have the ability to speak properly even with the person that I'm comfortable to.

Right now, I was walking through the pavements to the nearby store since my sister needed me to buy some groceries. All of a sudden, I accidentally bumped onto someone as I dropped everything on the floor... including my manga.

???: A-Are you okay? I'm sorry for accidentally bumped onto you.

(Y/N): Don't worry, I'm fi-

As I opened my eyes, I swear that I was shocked when I saw the person that accidentally bumped to me.

It was Maruyama Aya, and she's wearing her school uniform. When I looked at her, the background behind her body got replaced with pink sparkles as I was stunned by her appearance even in her school uniform.

(Author's Note: Like this, but with Aya in the GIF.)

Aya: ..y! ... .ou okay?

As she slapped me lightly, I then snapped back to reality as she called me.

Aya: Hey! Are you okay?!

(Y/N): Ah! I-I'm fine.

Aya: *sigh* Glad to hear that. Again, I'm sorry.

(Y/N): No, no. That's fine. Youshouldn'tbewithmeIneedtogoseeyoulater!

I then run away from Aya-san as fast as I can because how awkward it was and I don't want people to make a rumor about us.

Aya's POV

As I looked at the boy who run away from me after saying something like "See you later". Then, I looked at the ground and see a book.

Aya: He dropped this. Huh?

It's... actually a manga with me on the cover's book. Why did he bought this?

Aya: No matter. I need to go to practice or else the others will be worried about me.

I then brought the manga with me and continue heading to the talent agency as quick as I can.


Maruyama's Residence, Night

I'm in my house right now as I decided to check the manga that I found when the boy dropped it on the ground this afternoon.

Aya: That's quite weird of the boy. Why did he bought a manga about me as the main character?

I'm too curious about what happened in the story, so I decided to read the manga. The storyline was quite wholesome actually. It was me as the main character who fell in love with a guy with insecurities about himself and saying that he don't deserve me. However, I don't care about those and told him that I only care about our feelings at that time. Once I finished reading through the very end of the book, I closed it and trying to remember back the boy's face that I met this morning.

Aya: I wish that I can meet the boy again.

I then head straight to sleep without forgetting to put the manga in my bag.

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N)'s House, Night

My parents are asleep and I can finally continue my fantasy with Aya-san thanks to the doujinshi (no mature content though, just wholesomeness) that I bought from a friend who ordered it for me.

I waa really excited to enter my fantasy with Aya-san. I pull open the zipper of my bag as I searched the book in it. But... it's not there. I keep searching even every book inside, but I can't find it at all.

(Y/N): Eh? Where is it? Where is the manga? I think- No, it can't be. Don't tell me...


Aya-san accidentally bumped onto me as I dropped everything on the floor... including my manga.

End of flashback...

(Y/N): ... that I dropped the book when I bump onto Aya-san?

I fell into despair knowing that she's probably did found and read the doujin. I knew that this would happen. I then just head to sleep instead and hope that she won't get mad at me.

The next day...

(Y/N)'s House, Morning

As I begin leaving my house for another day of school after having a nice breakfast, I bid farewell to my parents.

(Y/N): I'm going! See you later, Mom, Dad!

Mom: Have a nice day~

Dad: Don't get yourself into trouble, son!

As I walk through the same place where I dropped the doujinshi yesterday, I saw Aya-san walk to my way.

Aya: Uh, hey. It's you, the guy who I bumped onto a day ago.

(Y/N): A-A-Aya-san...

Aya: I want to tell you something important.

(Y/N): Uhh.... got to go! Bye!

Aya: Wait!

I then begin running away from her as I know that I will be doomed. She already know the truth about my interest in her. As I looked at the back, she can catch up with me because she was too fast. Then, she manage to grab my arms stopping me to run away again.

(Y/N): Please! Let me go!

Aya: Hey wait! I'm not here to beat you! I'm here to tell you that I have the manga that you dropped yesterday.

(Y/N): So, c-can I have it back?

Aya: I will... if you do something for me.

(Y/N): W-What is it?

Aya: I want to invite you for a hangout this weekend. If I'm satisfied with the date, then I will give back your manga.

(Y/N): Promise?

Aya: Of course I will hold my promise. Anyway, what's your name?

(Y/N): (Y-Y/N)(L/N)! Nice to meet you, Aya-san! I'm a big fan of yours since you joined Pastel*Palettes as the vocalist!

Aya: Hehe. Nice to meet you too, (Y/N). Also, no need for the honorifics. Just call me Aya or Aya-chan, okay?

(Y/N): O-Okay then, Aya.

We then enter the school together and I can hear the rumors from the other student's mouth.

???: Are (L/N)-san and Maruyama-san dating?

???2: She should be with me instead of the guy.

???3: What's so special about that guy that I don't?

???4: They are so cute together! I ship both of them so bad!

Oh no. Please let my suffering ends. The school's day went well... even though the students was still spreading rumors about us.


Maruyama's Residence, Night

Third Person's POV

Right now, Aya was laying down on her bed as she was recalling about you this morning. She then giggled a bit.

Aya: Oh (Y/N), little did you know who I am. It seems that you have forgotten me for a long time.

She then slowly went to sleep as she enter the dream world.

Timeskip to weekend...

It was a sunny morning around 9:00 p.m. and you were waiting at outside of her house. She did told you where did she live. After a few minutes of waiting while fiddling with your phone, she finally open the door revealing her casual outfit.

Aya: (Y/N)!

She called your name cheerfully with a smile.

(Y/N): H-Hi, Aya. Y-You look gorgeous today.

Aya: Aww~ Thank you. Shall we get going? Time won't wait for us to start our date.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, let's just go.

As you walk together to your hangout, you went distant to her along the way.

Aya: (Y/N), come closer.

(Y/N): S-Sorry, no can't do.

Aya: Hmmph! Fine!

She then pulled you beside her forcefully while clinging to your arm. You blushed deeply by her action, but you just ignore it even though you're still insecure about yourself.

Aya planned for your date to go to a restaurant first to fill your stomach. Once you two reach there, you sat at a nearby table and you were really embarrassed while looking at Aya. She look gorgeous in her outfit for your hangout. Once the waiter finally brought the food into your table, you were about to eat. However, Aya grabbed the spoon out of your hands.

Aya: Nope.

(Y/N): Eeeh? Why can't I eat?

Aya: I'll feed you instead. Say "ahh"~

(Y/N): N-No need to- mmph!

She did it anyway by shoving a spoonful of curry rice into your mouth. You slowly chew the food and swallow it.

Aya: How was it? Tasty? Hehe, I know you want me to feed you.

(Y/N): You don't have to. I can feed myself.

Aya: No can do~ Or do you want me to... 'She whispered at my ear'. ...burn down the doujin at the front of you?

(Y/N): P-Please, anything but that!

Aya: Good boy~

She then continue feeding you with a smile on her face seeing you eat.

(Y/N): What kind of hangout is this?! I really want to leave, but I need the doujin back! Aya should be with someone else rather than me!

After you have a nice lunch at the restaurant and you paid for your food, you two went to the mall as Aya decided to check out the clothes store since they sell a high quality clothes at there. She told you to spare some of your cash since she only brought like ¥200,000 and the total price of the clothes that she wanted to buy was ¥300,000. You gave her the remaining and she was grateful with it.

At the afternoon, she wanted to go to the amusement park and you decided to use your money as you sighed thinking about your financial situation for the next month.


Finally, the hangout ends and right now, I was walking home with Aya-san beside me. Not to mention that I also have to carry the bag with the thing that she wanted to buy so bad.

Aya: That hangout was fun! Right, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah.

I was frowning as I stopped walking
She looked at me confused about why did I stop.

Aya: What's wrong?

(Y/N): Y-You promise me that you will return the doujin to me.

Aya: Eh? Doujin? Since when did I make that promise with you?

(Y/N): D-Don't tell me you forgot! You told me a few days ago that you will-

Aya: (Y/N). It's me... your old friend, from the kindergarten.

(Y/N): What are you talking about?

She then kissed me at the cheek as I back away from her. She then has a concerned expression.

(Y/N): W-What was that for?! Why did you kiss me?!

Aya: We did this before, right? (N/N)-kun?

Wait, that name... my brain suddenly remember about it.


It was around 11 years ago and I was still at kindergarten. At that time, I have no friends until one day, a pink-haired girl come to me and greet me.

Aya: Hi! My name is Aya! What's yours!

(Y/N): A-Aya... nice to m-meet you. My name is (Y/N).

Aya: Can we be friends?

(Y/N): Eh? F-Friends?

Aya: Yeah! Friends! You look lonely and no one would talk to you, so I'm the first person.

(Y/N): Y-You will?

Aya: Of course!

Aya did also play with me at the playground and she did have a lot of fun with me. During class, she also offers herself to help me even though I was hesitating.

The bell at the kindergarten finally rang and everyone says "Thank You, Teacher" before they went home. But for me, Aya went to me and she then kissed me at the cheek before she leave me.

Aya: See you tomorrow, (Y/N)-kun!

She winked as I froze from how cute she was.

End of flashback...

(Y/N): A-Aya-chan? Is that... really you?

Aya: Yeah. You finally remembered me, (Y/N). It seems that you may forgotten me since we went to different elementary school and never see each other again.

(Y/N): I-It's been a while, was it?

Aya: Sorry for not telling you early, (Y/N). When I heard that you will be going to the same school as I do, I was so excited to see you again.

We then hugged because of how long we didn't know each other even though we go to the same school and same class. We separated and ask her one more time.

(Y/N): So, ... can I have the doujin back?

Aya: Well... of course you can~ But, why do you want to read the doujin if you can have me who is the main character?

(Y/N): Wait, wha-?

All of a sudden, she kissed me at the lips as my eyes widened. The girl that I idolized and hope that some other guy would eventually date her was my own old friend from kindergarten. We separated and Aya confessed her love.

Aya: I love you, (N/N)-kun. I really do.

(Y/N): I-I love you too...

I then fall to the ground along with the shopping bag as I were about to faint before I heard words coming out of Aya's mouth.

Aya: Same like when we met. You're always being insecure about yourself. You don't have to when you're with me from now on.

Final timeskip...

(Y/N)'s Birthday, Night

It's been a while since me and Aya was in a loving relationship. Probably around 6 months or so. Everyone else at the school know about this and some of them were really jealous to me, but Aya told me to ignore them. Her band members also know this and they approve me to be Aya's boyfriend.

Right now, I just got home from my part-time job at a music shop. When I enter the house, it was dark. I can't see a thing.

(Y/N): Where is the light?

All of a sudden, the light flick open as it shows...

Aya: Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!

...a birthday cake with a words saying "Happy 18th Birthday, (Y/N)!" on the cream layers.

(Y/N): Aya-chan, you remembered. Thank you so much!

She then hugged me all of a sudden.

(Y/N): T-Too close! >_<

Aya: Whoops. Sorry about that. Come on! Let's celebrate!

We then celebrate my birthday with full of happiness, memorable moments like me opening my gift and some delicious food that Aya also did offer herself to feed me. Even though I'm still insecure about myself, I also hope that I will have a good relationship with Aya.

The end...

(Author's Note: Not going to lie, I... feel ashamed with myself because of how short the story was and how unlogical the storyline is. Anyway, see you on the next one.)

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