Yandere Masuki Satou (MASKING) x Shy Male Reader

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(Author's Note: Requested by ThePianoProdigy18.)

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm just your average guy who are a shy person. I have social anxiety and thus, I couldn't communicate really well with people and I'm not that fluent whenever I spoke. So, most of the time I would just say short things. I also stuttered often because I'm too afraid to speak to people.

I don't have many friends in my life because I don't even know how. My life keeps going with me being lonely and having to struggle with things by my own... until she came into my life changing everything.

It's a cloudy day and I was just wandering around the city. But then, I tripped over a rock and I fell down. Luckily, I have no injuries or whatsoever. I get myself up again slowly.

???: Are you okay?

I heard a female voice telling me and I opened my eyes. I saw a blonde hair girl wearing a red and white jacket extending her hand to me.

(Y/N): I-I'm fine.

I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.

(Y/N): Thank you... Miss...

I was about to walk away until she called me.

???: Wait!

I stopped my steps before looking at her again.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah?

???: You seems nervous. What's wrong?

(Y/N): I'm sorry. I... prefer to be alone in public.

???: Want to have a chat with me?

(Y/N): N-No, thanks. I got to go.

???: Please...

She grabbed my hand just before I could leave.

(Y/N): O-Okay then.

So, I followed her all the way to the convenience store and sit at an empty bench. She told me to wait before she went inside and buy something. During the time, I just look around and do nothing because I don't have anything else to do. A few minutes later, the blonde hair girl come back and sit beside me. She took out something out of the plastic and give me a sandwich in a triangle container and a bottle of milk.

???: Here, my treat for you.

(Y/N): Thank you, umm...

MASKING: Just call me MASKING.

(Y/N): (Y/N)(L/N). Nice to meet you, MASKING-san.

I'm too shy to even look at her for a second. It's really awkward especially when I'm speaking to a girl like her.

As I dig in my sandwich and milk, she asked me once again.

MASKING: Are you okay?

(Y/N): U-Umm... sorry. I'm just... don't know what to say.

MASKING: Could it be that you're a shy person?

Looks like she do know about what am I going through. So, I only nod to her question.


She said before she took a food from the plastic bag and eat it. It's getting awkward, so I hope something would happen. Then, MASKING asked me.

MASKING: Hey, can I ask you something quick?

(Y/N): Go ahead.

MASKING: Can I be your friend?

I contemplate for a moment what did she just said.

(Y/N): What?

MASKING: Yeah, it's true. I mean it. I feel bad for you. Maybe you don't have any close friend, so I'll be helping you out, okay?

(Y/N): Are you sure? I mean... you... have that fierce look.

She stared at the glass and it's true that she has the fierce look on her face.

MASKING: Hey, I'm a friendly person, okay? Just because of my fierce look, doesn't mean I'm not friendly.

(Y/N): I-I see.

MASKING: You don't have to be shy around me, okay? I'll help you to build your confidence.

She give me a smile that I'll never forget for the rest of my life.

(Y/N): Th-Thank you.

MASKING: Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I hope we can be good friends.

(Y/N): N-Nice to meet you too, MASKING-san. I hope the same as well.

Ever since that day, me and MASKING become friends and hang out often. We even exchange phone numbers so that she would chat with me or even make a phone call.

She did tell me about the rock band she was in, Raise A Suilen. They may be cold on the stage, but they're actually quite friendly except for their leader named CHU², according to MASKING.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) riding on Chibi MASKING's bike.

(Y/N)'s House

Sunday, Morning

I was at my room just staring at the wall for nothing. I have finished most of my homework, so I can do the rest later. But then, I heard MASKING'S voice outside of my house.

MASKING: (Y/N), are you there? Come on out!

I went to outside and see her. What I didn't expect is that she actually owns a bike. This, of course, puts me in awe.

(Y/N): Whoa... I didn't know you own a bike!

MASKING: Well, now you do. Want to take a stroll around with me?

(Y/N): Really? Thank you. Don't mind if I do.

She gave me her spare helmet and she started the engine before I went up and wrap my hands around her body. The moment is something I would never forget. Me riding on MASKING's bike for the first time.

The day has gone evening and MASKING brought me back to my house.

MASKING: How was that? Do you like the bike ride?

(Y/N): I love it! Man, I wish that I could own a bike like you do! That way, we can become bikers and wander around the city!

MASKING: I like the idea. But, you got to own a driving license first, okay?

(Y/N): Okay!

MASKING: I got to go now. See you tomorrow.

She winked at me as I blushed from how cute she is.

(Y/N): S-See you tomorrow.

She drove away from my house for the night before I smiled at her disappearing from my sight.


As I ride away from (Y/N)'s house, I can't help, but to keep thinking about him. He's a shy guy, but yet he's so nice to me.

My mind then thought, what if he found someone who understands him as well as I do? Will he ever forget me? Will he spend more time with his new friend than me?

MASKING: No. I won't let him find someone else than me. I'll make him mine no matter what it takes.

That's right, I have a secret crush on him for a while now. I'll keep my words and I would anything to make sure no one can steal him.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) talking to random people as Chibi MASKING glared at him.

A few months later...

It's been a few months since me and MASKING befriended each other. She helped me with my shy personality and understands me well.

But, the weird thing is MASKING only let me talk to only her and no one else. Here's what happened.

One day, I was at the city waiting for MASKING to come over. She said she'll be busy a little with her bands. While waiting, I feel a bit proud of myself being slowly, but surely to not be afraid to talk to people.

(Y/N): Alright. Thanks to MASKING, I'm slowly gaining confidence to talk to people!

As I was waiting, someone went over to me and it's a girl in a feminine attire. I have to say that she's kind of cute too.

Random Girl: Umm... excuse me?

(Y/N): H-Hey. May I... help you out?

Random Girl: Do you know where is the library? I just move from my old place, so I'm not familiar with this city.

(Y/N): I can help you with that.

So, I showed her the way to the library and she understands every single thing I said.

Random Girl: Thank you so much. Also, my apologies for asking you.

She bowed down at me.

(Y/N): It's okay. I'm shy as well, so I'm trying to gain confidence for myself.

Random Girl: I see. Well, I hope you succeed.

She gave me a smile and it's so adorable.

Once I finished talking to the girl, I can feel that I'm getting better thanks to MASKING's help. Speaking of her, I saw her staring at me, but... she seems angry.

(Y/N): Hey, MASKING. Umm... how are you today?

MASKING: What was that?

She asked me with venom in her voice as she ignores my question.

(Y/N): Huh?

MASKING: Why did you talk to someone else than me?!

(Y/N): Didn't you told me that you'll help to build my confidence?

MASKING: I know that. But, you're talking to another girl!

(Y/N): Then, why don't you let me do so?

MASKING: Because... I don't want you to forget me who's your first friend.

(Y/N): Huh? Why would I ever forget you?

MASKING: You might going to be close with her, do you?

I have no idea what is she talking about.

(Y/N): What? No! I don't think I would ever see the girl again!

MASKING: Where is the girl that you talked to before?

She ignores my words once again.

(Y/N): Umm... she's looking for a library. So, I help her out.


When I finally found the girl's location, I knew what I should have do.

MASKING: I'm sorry, (Y/N). But...

I glared at him and it's a serious one too.

MASKING: I have to do what I feel like I should. Don't you dare stop me.

(Y/N): What are you-

I knocked him out with only a strong kick at his face and he fainted on the ground. I brought him back to his house and tied him around with rope I bought.

MASKING: After this, no one else can be close to you except me.

I said as I head out of the house and go my way to find the girl.

MASKING: Now, time to get rid of her.

Once I arrive at the library, I entered quietly and the receptionist seems to be busy.

MASKING: Where is she?

But then, I found the girl with a quick glance, sitting alone and went to her.

MASKING: Excuse me.

She stopped reading and looked at me. Then, she got scared probably by my fierce look and calm herself down as she asks me.

Random Girl: Uhm... yes? What can I help you?

I grabbed her hand harshly.

MASKING: Come with me.

Random Girl: To where?

MASKING: Just trust me.

Random Girl: O-Okay then. But, be quick.

I dragged her away from the library and we went to somewhere empty, like the river. I should keep myself low if I don't want to get caught.

Once we get there, I drag her to the riverside and she ask me.

MASKING: You talked to my friend who is a boy.

Random Girl: Eh? Umm... who's the boy you mentioned? I don't know any.

MASKING: Don't lie to me. You asked him something before, right? The one who are shy and has social anxiety.

She hit the realization and answered me.

Random Girl: Y-Yeah. I asked him where is the library and that's it. He also told me that he's gaining confidence to talk to people, so I wish him good luck.

MASKING: Out of all people, why do you ask him?!

Random Girl: I-I'm sorry! He's the only one who I saw at the park alone, so that's why I asked him! Please forgive me!

She bowed down at me.

MASKING: Okay. I forgive you.

She was relieved right after what I said. I didn't finish my words yet.

MASKING: But, I won't let you escape from me.

Random Girl: What-

That's where my bloodlust comes in. I went to the girl and cracked her neck as she's dead afterwards.

MASKING: That's what you get for talking to my (Y/N).

I put her dead corpse on somewhere and leave without saying any words. Now, it's time for me to come back for my beloved shy friend.

MASKING: Wait for me, darling. I'll come to get you.

Short timeskip...

(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly wake up and open my eyes as I looked around where am I. It seems like that I'm in my room because I know how it looks like.

MASKING: You're awake now.

I heard MASKING'S voice and she was sitting on the bed.

(Y/N): M-MASKING? What's going on? Where am I?

MASKING: You're in your house. I brought you all the way here.

I tried to get up, but... I can't. As I looked at it, I was surprised that I sat on a chair, tied up.

(Y/N): Why am I tied in a chair?!

MASKING: It's your punishment for talking to random people than me.

(Y/N): Please let me go!

MASKING: Then, what? You're going to make some friends and forget about me?! No way!

She stared at me coldly and her eyes darkened as if she wants to kill me.

MASKING: You shouldn't be with someone else and be with me alone!

(Y/N): Eh?! B-But, how am I going to ever meet new people to overcome my shyness?

MASKING: I'm here for you, okay? You're way more comfortable with me than anyone else.

Come to think of it, she has a point.

(Y/N): Y-You're right.

She sighed and cupped my face with her hand.

MASKING: I'll make you mine and mine alone~ No one else can have you or even become your friend.

(Y/N): I understand. You and I will be friends forever.


She said and my eyes twitched.

(Y/N): Wh-What?

MASKING: I'm not your friends anymore...

She went close to me and...








...kissed me at the cheek.

MASKING: I'm your girlfriend now.

(Y/N): What?! G-G-Girlfriend?! You love me?!

MASKING: Isn't it obvious, silly?

(Y/N): B-But, I... I don't think I deserve you. I mean, I have no experience in love.

MASKING: Then, let's create our own. It's my first time with you.

She went close to me and give the fierce look at me.

MASKING: I'll murder every single person that you talked to.

(Y/N): E-Even my parents?

MASKING: Once they gave approval for us to get married, then I'll end theirs.

(Y/N): Please... I'm begging you! Leave them alone! They're innocent!

MASKING: Just kidding. I'll tell them that you're all mine and they can't talk to you without me watching. Or else... you know what happens.

(Y/N): F-Fine. I love you, MASKING.

MASKING: I love you too, (Y/N).

She then loosen the rope tied around me and I can finally move my arms freely again. She kissed me at the lips for a short moment and seperate herself for air.

MASKING: You better remember my words.

(Y/N): I promise. So... want to... go on a date?

MASKING: Wow. You sure have some confidence already. That's some good development there. Alright then, hop on the bike, my new boyfriend.

(Y/N): I-I'm still shy, but... thank you, MASKING.

MASKING: Call me Masuki from now on.

(Y/N): O-Okay then, Masuki-chan.

Masuki then grabbed my hand and pull me along with her. From that day, Masuki-chan would always be beside me as my new girlfriend. She's also going to not let me interact with anyone else except my parents.

(The end...)

(Author's Note: Well, that was quite an interesting one-shot, I must say. The fierce drummer who loves cute things are actually a yandere. Anyway, I'll see you later.)

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