Humanoid GlaDos x Male Shy Reader

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A/N: requested by Creepy_Pasta_Reader. Enjoy.

You weren't very sure on how and why you were there. But you were. You were imprisoned in some sort of place by an insane machine named GlaDos. You woke up after a few hours and found yourself in the unusual place. That's when you ran into GlaDos. GLaDOS was a creation of Aperture Science, a personality core designed exactly to be fitted as a central computer mainframe. Her name fully meant Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. She was dangerous With the ability to shift and move facilities and various chambers and she was able to achieve a seamless and almost infinite testing design whilst residing in the Central AI Chamber. But she was having you move around the unusual place because of a different reason. She was just having you move around until her humanoid body was ready. Then she would wait for you to come to her. So in all turns this was just all a trap. This wasn't something for a shy boy like to you to take in.

(Y/N): w....why me? Why I haft to go through this?

GLaDOS: I need to just run a few test. Don't worry, you'll get something in return for all this in the end.

(Y/N): wh....what's that?

GlaDos: sorry, but I can't be giving away any suprises.

(Y/N): oh. :(

GlaDos: but don't worry about it too long, your getting very close to the end of it.

(Y/N)'s mind: thank god. Hopefully I'll be able to get out of this nightmare and back home.

You continued to keep on moving while going through each of GLaDOS test. Eventually, you made it through through her final test which was the most difficult to deal with but you still made it.

(That Big two bit test giving bitch).

(Y/N): thank god, i.....I've finally made it. Through all these tests.

GlaDos: congratulations, you've made it through all the test. Now here's your surprise.

As the door to the final room opened, you could only hope that it was the way out. But it wasn't. It showed a giant metal container.

(Y/N): huh? Wh....what's this?

The container started to open and it revealed GlaDos new humanoid form. You backed up a bit as the humanoid GlaDos stepped out of the container.

(Y/N): wh....what is that?

GlaDos: this is your surprise, I've made this whole thing for you. I wanted you, (Y/N). I needed a more humanoid form for it to be so.

(Y/N): b.....but....this isn't what I had in mind.

GlaDos: if you don't like it I have another chest model more larger than this one.

(Y/N): that's not what I meant!!!

GlaDos: were you expecting me to let you go?

(Y/N): y....yes.

GlaDos then pulled up a screen and showed you what the world was.


GlaDos: (Y/N), I'm only keeping you here because I care for you.


GlaDos: I promise no harm will ever come to you as long as you trust me.


That's when GlaDos pulled you into a hug as you face was near her metalish chest. You blushed a bit from this.

GlaDos: you won't haft to worry about a thing, (Y/N). I'll protect you.

You stayed there with GlaDos as she protected you as long as you lived.

A/N: next is Noire x Male Reader.

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