Tifa x Male Adventurer Reader

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A/N: requested by SayianEnforcer210. Enjoy.

When you were a child, you had always wondered what would be out there in the world. So once you had gotten older enough, you had left your home and venture out in the world to see what you could find and learn from out there. It had been a few years since you left but now that you have ventured around many parts of the world, you thought that it was finally time to finish it and get it over with. As you were approaching your last destination, you saw a familiar figure up ahead.

(Y/N): wait a minute.....is that who I think it is?

The figure then turned around and revealed herself to be your friend, (F/N). You called out to her.

(Y/N): hey (F/N).

She noticed you and ran up to you.

(F/N): hey (Y/N).

She gave you a hug. You hugged her back.

(F/N): I've missed you so much.

(Y/N): so did I. It's been so long. What are you doing here?

(F/N): I was here to visit a few friends here. What are you doing here?

(Y/N): I'm almost completely done with venturing the lands. Once I step into this town I'll be done.

(F/N): ah cool.

(Y/N): yep.

The two of you walked into two.

(F/N): so what do you want to do to celebrate your long adventures.

(Y/N): well.....how about we hit the bar?

(F/N): ok.

The two of you walked into the bar to be greeted by another old friend.

Tifa: hello there.

(Y/N) & (F/N): Tifa?!

Tifa was another friend of yours. You and (F/N) have known her for years. The last time you ever saw her was before you left and ventured around the lands.

Tifa: wait a minute, (Y/N). (F/N). Is that you.

(Y/N): yeah.

Tifa: it's so great to see you both again!😁

Shen hugs the both of you as her strength was almost crushing you both.

(F/N): w....we missed you too.

She then stopped and let you both go.

Tifa: sorry about that.

(Y/N): it's fine.

(Y/N)'s mind: wow, she must've really been working out ever since I left.

Tifa: my shift is about over. I'll join you guys.

You both sat down and ordered drinks. Once Tifa's shift was over, she joined you both. After a while the three of you have been talking about what you all have been doing until some random chick decided to come up to you.

Random Chick: hey there handsome, how would you like to hang out with me and the girls?

(Y/N): sorry I'm already got some people to hang with.

Random Chick: oh come on. We can Show you a good time.

Tifa: he said he's not interested.

Random Chick: now one asked you bitch!

Tifa:.....care to say that again?

Random Chick: bitch!

Tifa punched the woman so hard she made a hole in the wall as she was sent flying out of the bar. The rest of the girls ran out.

(Y/N): wow Tifa, that was awesome.

Tifa: yep.


After some time past, you eventually started to get drunk from a little too much drinking.

(Y/N): th...that was the "hiccups" best day ever.

(F/N): looks like someone had a little too much.

Tifa: there's somewhere in town he can stay. I'll take him there.

(F/N): oh ok. You two have fun~

Tifa started to walk off while carrying your somewhat awake body.

Tifa: hey (Y/N), how about we do something fun?

(Y/N): o..."hiccups"..ok.

Tifa opened the door to a room and the two of you walked in. Then Tifa did some things. The sound of your pants being unzipped were the first thing heard.

(Y/N):...............ok my.😶

A/N: next is Humanoid GlaDos x Male Shy Reader.

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