Raven Branwen x Male Son Reader

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A/N: Requested by AnimeAboveAll. (Art above is from ADSoutoArt on Twitter).

Growing up was an overall tough experiance for you growing up. It was bad enough growing up in a world infested with creatures known as Grimm. But it wasn't the Grimm that were the main thing that you were the most scared of. That honor belonged to your Mother; Raven Branwen. When you were young, Raven took you with her back to her tribe. A moment of your life that still had a question in your head to this very day; why did she take you and not Yang? However, inspite of how it still rings in your head, you're just greatful at this point that she didn't take her with you. Because Raven was anything but a good parent. You learned that just not long after you were brought to the tribe, you got to see first hand at just what she was like. She was cynical, patronizing, selfish, stubborn and overall has a "survival of the fittest" mentality that you've come to hate. But that wasn't the reason you initially had a fear of her. It was mostly due to her pretty uncaring nature, harsh and forceful training methods and the fact that she has little to no issues at all when it comes to killing. You should know since you've witnessed her kill people who seemed innocent as well other hunters and huntresses. She hardly had much remorse or hesitation. This especially applied to people who seemed to be the closest to her. You learned that first hand during one of your first few escape attempts when Raven was just getting tired of them. When you somehow managed to get out of the site they were camping at, Rave was quick to notice and tracked you down. When you tried to run, she quickly slashed you in the back with her blade. Apparently she considered that as her only warning to you. Any other time, she won't be so "nice". 

(Y/N): That woman knows little to anything about what kindness or compasion is.

You said as you were remembering that incident several years ago while currently standing ouside of Raven's tend as she was going over plans for a current dust raid she and the others seem to be wanting to pull off. You could hear a bit about it. Seems the shipment of dust they were going after appeared to have been on a train. Why exactly it was being hauled from one place to another via a train rather than the other usual transports was beyond you. But hey, it seems convinent for you so you didn't complain. You wanted to make a comment on just how totally original and not familiar to one of the actions the white fang had taken part in, but Raven seems to have lacked a sense of humor as well. Plus, you've been trying to stay on your mother's goodside for a while as to at least gain her trust to have your invovlment in certain raids. This dust raid was just the opportunity that you needed to finally manage escape from Raven's grasp for good. After a while of speaking, the other members that Raven was speaking to were walking out all before Raven herself called for you to enter inside of her tent.

(Y/N): You called for me, Mother?

Yes, even in spite of her treatment and everything, you are still able to call her mother. Not that it felt like there was much emotion or anything when you refered to her as such.

Raven: Yes, me and a few members of the tribe are going to be taking part in a raid on a train hauling a load of dust later tonight not far from here. As different as this is from the usual village raids we've done, we'll require the amount of dust on that train for the next few new missions.

(Y/N): Missions?

Raven: That's something for you to know later. But for now. I'm bringing you with me for this. I still don't entirely trust you around any of the others here except for me.

(Y/N): As you wish.

Raven: And (Y/N), If you pull any kind of trick during this raid, I will make sure to give you more than just a mark across your back like your last escape attempt.

(Y/N): Of course............ mother.......

You said while merely nodding in response to her threat.

Raven: That's all.

You soon exited out of the tent before growling under your breath while walking off.

(Y/N)'s mind: You won't keep me in your hold forever, witch.

You thought to yourself as you went to your own tent and awaited for nightfall.


It was finally nightfall, as you stood beside Raven as you all were beginning to head out, you were standing there thinking as to keep yourself reminded of the plan that you had. There was only a 50/50 percent chance that it was going to work. But with all you've been through, you were willing to take it. 

Raven: (Y/N), you'll be sticking close to me, understood?

Raven asked you after having gone over her plan for the raid to the others.

(Y/N): Yes. But of course, mother.

Raven: Alright, let's move out.

She said before You, Raven and the others took off to the location. After a while, you all eventually arrived at the spot where you were going to intercept the train. Once Raven started to see it come up a head, she soon froze up the track to soon force the train into a stop. 

Raven: Now!

She yelled before you and the rest jumped onto the cargo part of the train where the dust was held inside. While making your way inside, you made sure not to get the attention of any guards. It seemed that this was one task Raven wanted to get done really quick since part of it was to simply get inside the train, grab as much of the dust as you could and get out of there before any of the guards see them and try to send out some kind of distress signal. As you were making your way inside, Raven was making good with what she said earlier about having you staying close to her during this. The farthest she let you get from her was about 2 or 3 feet at most. It didn't change much of your plan, but her being so close could make doing the plan a little more risky. If she notices any bad moves you make, it'll be over. So, you still had to play it safe, waiting for the right opporunities. Thankfully, she's also focused on trying to keep herself and any of the others caught as well. Once inside the cargo haul, the others started picking up as many crates and stuff as they could. You soon did the same well. Once finished, You and everyone else bolted out of there as soon as you could. Any guards that could have caused any trouble were either knocked out, possibly killed or yet to be aware of what happened due to being on different cars of the train or simply having not spotted them yet. You were eventually able to get back to the tribe in relative time. That being said, it wasn't long after arriving back that Raven ordered everyone to begin packing and looking for a new location to set up in. However, during this, Vernal soon reported to Raven about something.

Raven: What is it?

Vernal: When we started packing up the dust, one of the crates was nearly empty and when we tried looking for (Y/N), we couldn't find him anywhere.

Raven: WHAT?!

Suddenly, a dust explosion erupted from one of the nearby tents, sending a few of the members flying and covering a portion of the camp in smoke.

Raven: Than explosion came from (Y/N)'s tent!

Raven yelled before running to the tent, slashing a hole in it to see that there was no sign of you anywhere. Just burning burning cloath and other materials. Raven soon called for Vernal and the others to put the flames out while she goes out in search of you, knowing what you'be likely attempted. Elsewhere, you were already a couple meters away from the camp. With them being focused on packing things up and moving to the next location, it gave you enough time to sneak out of there before anyone would notice. However, with Raven, it doesn't take long for her to catch up to you even at this distance.

(Y/N): Come on, witch. I know you're not far behind once you've figured it out. 

You said before just a minute later, you could soon hear what sounded like Raven speading toward you, using that power she had taken from the spring maiden no less.

Raven: (Y/N)!!!

(Y/N): Showed up quicker than I expected this time.

Raven: What's the meaning of this stunt you pulled this time?!

(Y/N): You should be smart enough to know by this point.

Raven: I knew you were desperate to attempt to try and escape me. But I didn't expect you to be stupid enough to try and set our camp on fire!

(Y/N): When you've grown tired of being trapped somewhere for so long, you tend to resort to drastic meassures!

Raven: Whatever you had planned, it failed like your last attempt! It was a mistake to start trusting you! I'll just have to fix that problem permanently!

She said before pulling out her blade, ready to do much worse this time than a mere slash in the back.

(Y/N): Yeah, well, before you do that, did you actually bother to make sure to check the other tends before chasing right after me?

Raven: What do you.......?

Before she had time to fully ask that question, she soon heard several other explosions go off from the location where the camp was.

Raven: WHAT?!

(Y/N): I didn't simply set off one set of dust crystals for that charge. I had several set up. Enough to nearly burn half of that entire camp.

Raven: Clever..... But it won't take me long to put out the flames and drag you back without arms or legs!

You soon merely reponded with a smirk, causing Raven to raise an eyebrow at this.

(Y/N): Honestly mom, did you ever actually stop to think on why I was slowing down a bit from everyone on our way back to camp with all that dust?

Raven slowly widened her eyes.

(Y/N): The mistral officials need some kind of break crumb trail. And I take it the sounds of the explosions and all that smoke is bound to get their attention.


(Y/N): Yeah, you want survival of the fitest. You've got that and more. Better hurry and get that camp moving before the place eventually gets overrun.

Raven's anger was at it's peak as her eyes glowed red in rage. 

(Y/N): Go ahead and try to kill me if you like. But I doublt you'll have time to get back to the camp before it's either burnt to the ground or taken by mistral forces.

Raven growled in anger but was hesitant on attacking as she knew you were right. After a moment, she soon made her choice, quickly opening up a portal with her semblance and soon entered began to enter it. But not before turning back around to you.

Raven: This isn't over!

She said before entering the portal and it soon closed.

(Y/N): I'll be waiting.....

You said before running off, continuing to not only get as far as you could from the camp, but from anima as well. Back at the camp, Raven soon arrived back and began putting out the flames with the others. All while still in a rage and ordering them to pack up as much materials as they could before any mistral forces advance onto them.

Raven: (Y/N) thinks he's any safer out, he's a bigger fool than my brother. Beacon won't be safe for him for much longer.

Raven said as she had a good idea as to where you were heading to and promising that she'll see you again. One way or another.

A/N: (This one's a bit shorter than the other current ones. That's mostly because I kinda wanted to focus more on the stubborn and selfish personality that she has in the actual series. Any actual love she has for you is sort of ambiguous as you can guess and I wanted to leave the reasoing for why she took you and not yang and other things to be left for a second part. And I know I've been having some of these recent ones end in a cliffhanger for a second part. I promise that's not gonna be the case for all of these. Starting with the next story, I'll try doing less and less cliffhanger endings unless nessecary). next is Yandere Mom x Blind Male Reader.

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