Yandere Mom x Blind Male Reader

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A/N: Requested by ISY117

(Do forgive me for this as the first part of this is 900 words worth of exposition before we get to the character interactions).

Having a lack of vision obviously isn't one of the best things for someone to deal with. But in your case, you do try to make the most of it and it's not all too bad. You weren't exactly as teased or picked on by certain people as some would possibly think. And while your vision wasn't perfect, the cane you have with you does do good in helping you feel for whatever might be in front of you and your hearing is especially a good help in hearing your surroundings, telling when someone or something is close by or not. Unfortunately, you don't really have much in terms of friends. It's not that you didn't want any, it's just that you weren't really sure how you were able to make any. And due to lack of much sight, you weren't able to really see if someone may have a similar interest as you do or something. But the biggest, and actual, problem is actually from someone you haven't ever really knew was responsible. Your mother, (M/N). She was a very sweet and kind-hearted person and appears to be a genuinly carring individual, but she's also a very protective mother as well. Some would even say she might be a little TOO overprotective of you. But we should probably go back a couple years to see why your mother is the way that she is despite her genuine kind personality.

A few of months ago before you were born, Your father had unfortunately got into a car accident and died before the ambulance could have arrived. She was alone, having to handle the rest of her pregnancy and your eventually birth without him. However, after giving birth to you, she did have a sense of happiness, seeing you alive and well since she had worries that you might die during the process. Thankfully you didn't and you appeared to pretty much be a perfectly fine baby. At least, so it seemed at first. Eventually, she soon found out that your vision was dwindling. This information shook her to her core. The loss of her husband had already broken (M/N) enough already. But finding out that her infant son's sight was impairing was what broke something inside of her and spawned the overprotective nature. She wanted to do what she could to make sure you were safe and not teased, bullied or even harmed as a result of your condition by anyone. In fact, your mom is the only person you ever actually saw before your sight soon dwindled. She tried to mostly take care of you and even tried home schooling you for quite a while. However, you were at the age where you'd be near the end of middle school/start of high school where you wanted to go to a public school in the hopes to at least try and make friends with other people. Despite the light objections your mother made on you wanting to go to school, you still wanted to really go and after some time, she finally gave in and allowed you to go. But on one condition, that she attends you in some way just to make sure nothing gets out of hand or anything. You both agreed to it and you would soon begin your first year of high school and your first time of being in a public school all together.

At school, you weren't really teased or bullied very much for the first time as you might have thought. Believe me, there were some who attempted to do it. But when they did, they were met with your mother giving them a menacing look as she spoke to them with soft threats. Since you were blind, you couldn't see the look she gave them and as for the threats she gave to them, you weren't exactly able to tell since the tone in which she spoke to them in was the same as her normal one and the threats she made were a little more subtle. Though if anything, the glare was problably the one thing that was enough to drive them off. While this was somewhat of a good thing to prevent bullying and teasing, it was also a bad thing as it was the main reason why you weren't exactly able to make friends. Putting it simply, your mother did not trust anyone, regardless of how they approach you. This was all sort of the norm for the first two years of your time in high school. Well, maybe with the decline of certain people attempting to fuck with you. It seemed like you were pretty much bound to not make friends and (M/N) believed no one would be too willing to try and get near her son at all. However, that all soon changed sometime around your 3rd year.

It was during one of the rare days where your mother wasn't feeling too well to be able to attent school with you. But, that being said, she did have a family friend help attent school with you just to help you out. Currently, you were sitting in one of the seats outside in the halls as you were initially waiting for class to start. The family friend who was attenting with you this time had to use the bathroom at the moment, so you were also waiting for them as well. However, as you were, you soon heard what sounded like someone was walking right up to you.

(Y/N): Hm?

???: Hello.

(Y/N): Oh, hi.

???: (Y/N), right?

(Y/N): Yeah. Who are you?

You asked them curiously.

Jess: Name's Jess. Just starting school here.

(Y/N): Oh cool. It's nice meeting a new student.

While you couldn't see them, you could clearly tell from their voice that the person who had walked up to you was a girl. What you couldn't see was that she was just about around the same age as you, long brown hair, dark violet eyes, tanned skin and if you were to stand up, she would only be a foot taller than you were.

(Y/N): So, what brings you over here, Jess?

Jess: Oh, well uh....... I'm kinda new here and uh...... this is kinda of embarassing to say, but I'm hoping to make some friends here and I was kinda hoping if I'd ask you if you'd like to maybe hang out at anytime.

You were a bit surprised to hear that this new person seemed to be wanting to try and make friends like you've been wanting to do for the first two years you were there. After all that time, you thought you might finally have your chance.

(Y/N): Well, sure. I'd be happy to hang out with you.

Jess: Really? That's really just great to hear. Maybe we can hang out around lunch or something? I'd really like to get to know you.

(Y/N): Sounds good to me.

Jess: Great, I look forward to it.

(Y/N): As do I.

Jess turned around and was about to walk off, but you soon spoke again.

(Y/N): Wait, before you go, I should probably bring this up. This is kind of awkward to bring up, but you know I'm blind, right?

Jess: Oh yeah I know.

(Y/N): Ok. Ju.... Just felt like I really needed to get that out just in case.
You said as you scratched the back of your head a bit.

Jess: Don't worry. I don't have a problem if you're blind or not.

She said before walking off. You soon let out a light sigh of relief after the conversation between you two. After a bit, the family friend that was attending with you, Elise, had finally come back from the bathroom.

Elise: Alright, I'm back. Anything bad happen while I was gone?

(Y/N): Oh no, everything was good.

Elise: That's a relief.

(Y/N): In fact, I think I might have finally just made a friend here.
Elise: Oh uh.... did you now?

(Y/N): Yeah, her name is Jess. The two of us even agreed to hang out with each other during lunch time.

Elise: M.... my, that's good to hear that.

(Y/N): I really hope I'm able to make this work. It's my first time making friends with someone, I just don't want to mess it up.

Elise: We.... Well, I'm sure you'll do fine.

(Y/N): Thanks, Elise.

You smiled sweetly before the bell rung, signaling that class was starting. This prompted you to get up from your feet and start making your way to your first period class, with Elise helping you on the way. Once inside, you made it to your desk and sat down on it.

Elise: (Y/N), I need to step up just for a bit. I'll be back soon enough.

(Y/N): Alright.

Elise soon stepped out of the room and before then dialing a number on her phone. After a moment of waiting, the person she called picked up. That person being your mother.

(M/N): Hello?

Elise: (M/N), it's Elise. I need to talk to you for a second.

(M/N): What is it?

Elise: It's about (Y/N).

(M/N): What happened with (Y/N)? Did he get in trouble?! Is he getting bullied?! Is he hurt?! Is he.....?!

Elise: No! No! He's alright. He's perfectly fine.

(M/N) sighed in relief before speaking again.

(M/N): Then what is it you called me for about him then?

Elise: Well........... from what he told me, it seems like someone is wanting to make friends with him.

There was silence for a moment from (M/N) when she was given this information.

Elise: (M/N)? (M/N)?

(M/N): When did this happen?She asked as she talked in her usual normal tone, but there was clearly something else behind it.

Elise: Appearently it happened when I had to go use the restroom. I told him I would only be gone for a little bit. I swear, I didn't think anyone would go near him considering how things have been for his two years in this school now.

(M/N): It's fine, Elise. Just keep an eye on them during lunch. Make sure this girl doesn't try anything. When I eventually get better, I'll look into this. Did he at least mention the name of the person to you?

Elise: Yes, I think they said this person's name was Jess or someting.

(M/N): Jess huh? Well, if this person appears to be wanting to make friends with my son, then I suppose the least I should do is to introduce myself to her.

Elise: (M/N), I just need to say this now; I know (Y/N) is your son and you've already been through enough. But I think maybe you should at least wait a bit before you just drive this person off. I mean, (Y/N)'s around that age where he might try to be desperate for friends and.....

(M/N): I already had to deal with enough. I don't want to take any risks of my child possibly being exploited and/or hurt in any way.

After that, your mother soon hung up, leaving Elise to sigh before putting her phone away.


It was around lunch time, and you were just sitting at the table that you usually tend to sit at while Elise was just somewhere not far from you. It wasn't too long until you heard Jess coming up to the table when you heard her voice.

Jess: Hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Oh, hey Jess. You made it. I save a seat here just for you.

Jess: Thanks.

She said before sitting down right next to you. Elise watched on carefully, wanting to at least make sure that there isn't anything off about her.

(Y/N): So, how have things been going for your first day?

Jess: Eh.... fine I guess. Could be better really. There's a few nice people in this school, but most of them are kind of jerks.

(Y/N): Yeah, I figured that out during my first time here as well.

Jess: if you don't mind me asking, how exactly were you able to handle it for all the time you've been here?

(Y/N): Well, I actually haven't been bullied or teased as much as some people might think. In fact, a lot of that decreased a lot during the middle of my first year here.

Jess: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, guess they realized how desperate they were trying to pick on a blind kid.You said as you weren't aware that it was mainly because of your mother herself rather than that.

Jess: Guess so. Quick question, how do you usually get around school here? I mean, what with being blind and all.

(Y/N): Oh, well, me and my mom made an agreement that if I got to school, she had to attend with me to help me move around and stuff like that.

Jess: Oh, I see. Where is she right now? It would be nice to meet her.

(Y/N): Oh, well mom's currently not feeling very good at the moment, so she's not with me today. She's got a friend of the family watching me though. Her name's Elise. She's a pretty nice person.

Jess: Where's she at?

(Y/N): I think she said that she's standing near one of the walls and keeping an eye on me.

You said before pointing to the wall on the left of you two and there was Elise standing there looking at the two. Jess looked over to her and waved, to which Elise gave a slightly nerved look and slowly waved back.

Jess: She seems nice.

(Y/N): Yeah. You should meet my mom whenever she gets better. I can't wait to hear what she says when she meets you.

Jess: Sounds good to me. Hopefully she gets well soon.

(Y/N): Same here.

Jess: By the way, how did you know she was standing over at that wall specifically?

(Y/N): Oh, I didn't, I just made a pretty random guess honestly.

You said while making a small shrug. The two of you pretty much chatted for a while, getting to know a little bit about one another. All this while Elise watched, knowing (M/N) was likely not going to be too fond of this.


School had currently ended and everyone was heading out to leave. Some heading over to the buses while others headed over to their cars to drive hime with those. You had waved Jess goodbye as you two went your seperate ways for the day but of course promised to hang out with each other at lunch again tomorrow. Elise helped You in her car before she got inside herself and started to drive you home. After a while of driving the two of you arrived home and Elise helped you to the house and walked inside with you. As you walked inside, you called out to (M/N) to let her know that you're home.

(Y/N): Mom, We're home.

(M/N): Oh thank goodness. How was school today sweetie? Did it go well?

(Y/N): Yeah, it went great. Actually, I think this might have been better than the most of the other days at school so far.

(M/N): Oh really..... D..... Do tell.

She said while her tone was the same, her look clearly implied that she was hesitant at asking this.

(Y/N): Well, I met this girl today. Her name's Jess. We got to know each other a little bit at lunch today. She seems like a real nice person.

(M/N): Oh, I see.....

(Y/N): Yeah, and we even agreed to meet and talk at lunch again.

(M/N): W.... Well, that's very nice to hear, sweetie.

(Y/N): Oh, She also seems to be interested in meeting you once you get better.

(M/N): I see. Well.... I can't wait to meet her face to face.

You smiled in response to this, all the while (M/N) was giving a somewhat distraught look over the fact that someone was trying to get close to her son. (M/N): Uh (Y/N).... Do you think you can head to your room for a moment? Me and Elise need to have a talk for a moment about something.

(Y/N): Hm? Well, alright.

You said while you tilted your head in slight confusion at first before simply agreeing and heading to your room. You didn't really need help for this one since you were very much familiar to the surroundings of your house enough to know where to go. Once you got to your room, Elise and (M/N) both soon began to speak with one another. (M/N): Alright, so what all happened during their time with each other?

Elise: Not too much. They just talk for a little while.

(M/N): How much do they know about each other right now?

Elise: Not too much so far. They walked about a few basic stuff and brought you up at least once.

(M/N): Really? They haven't gone into anything "too deep" have they?

Elise: No. They've only talk about basic stuff. I don't even think they would want to go too deep into things just yet. They've only just meet.

(M/N): Well, you can't be too careful.

Elise: Honestly if anything, we should be talking about your health. It'll probably get a lot worse if you stress out over this too much.

(M/N): I'll be fine. My only concerns are for my son.

Elise: (M/N) look, I know I haven't experienced what you have experienced throughout your life. But don't you think you might be a little into this about (Y/N) getting a friend. I mean, I tried to mention this earlier, but he's of that age where he wants to make friends. I mean, do you want him to just be alone for nearly the rest of his life?

(M/N): He won't. He'll have me and my love to give him all of the company.

Elise: (M/N)...... you and I both know well that you won't be around forever. When you're eventually gone, what do you think will happen to him? There's not many other family members close by. Where will he go if he doesn't have any friends or anything?

(M/N): He'll go to.......

Elise: Even if you put me into this, I will likely kick the bucket soon after you. Probably even before that.

(M/N) soon gave a light sigh.

(M/N): I'm not wanting to think about that kind of stuff right now.

Elise: Well, you'll be getting near that point eventually.

(M/N) sighed as she knew that she was right about that but still preferred not to talk about it in the current moment.


After 4 more days, (M/N) was finally able to recover and she was able to go back to attenting school with you and keeping an eye out for things. She was keeping an extra eye out this time around more than usual due to all the stuff she had heard from you about Jess and the interactions he's managed to have with her. Your mother was able to know about what Jess looked like since Elise was able to give her a description on what she looked like. So far, she hasn't seen her as of yet. 

(M/N): Hmmm, you say that you usually meet her sometimes before first period starts?

(Y/N): Yeah, it takes her a bit to show up, but I know she'll come.

You said as you lightly smiled. The two of you continued waiting for her arrival. You both continued to wait for a little while. But after some time, it seems like she might not be showing up today since class was nearly about to start in a few minutes.

(M/N): Hmmmm, it doesn't seem like this person is showing up, sweetie.

(Y/N): Oh no, she'll show up. She's ran late before. It's fine.

(M/N): I mean, we've only got 3 minutes left. I don't think she might show up before.....

Before she could finish that scentence, Jess soon showed up.

Jess: Hey (Y/N). 

(M/N)'s mind: Damn it....

(Y/N): Hey Jess. I knew you'd show up.

Jess: Yeah, got a little caught in traffic on my way here.

(M/N) got a good look at the girl and saw she matched the description that Elise had given to her.

Jess: Who's this?

Jess asked you as she looked at (M/N).

(Y/N): Oh, Jess, this is my mom that I told you about. She's the one who usually attends school with me to help me out with some of my work and stuff.

Jess: Oh, (Y/N) told me a bit about you during our times at lunch. It's real nice to meet you.

She said while smiling sweetly. (M/N) reluctantly smiled back at her, but it wasn't a geuine one.

(M/N): I..... It's so nice to meet you, young lady. 

Jess: Likewise. I've really been having some great times hanging out with your son during lunch time so far.

(M/N): That's quite lovely to hear.

She soon started giving her threatening glare that she usually gave certain people who tried getting close to her son, regardless of their intent, while still speaking in her normal tone as always.

(M/N): (Y/N) is such a lovely boy. And it does me well to see him getting a friend. I'd had to see my son be saddened or hurt in any sort of way after all.

She said trying to make things clear to Jess. However, the response to this was not expected.

Jess: Well, with the time I've spent with him, I can definitely tell. Hopefully he and I can hang out a lot more often than just at lunch.

(M/N): E.... Eh?

Your mother was surprised at this response since usually her glare was enough to drive people aware. But with Jess, it seemed like it didn't do a single thing at all. Before She could say anything else, the bell soon rung.

Jess: Well, guess we better get to class. Catch you at lunch as usual, (Y/N).

(Y/N): See you there.

You smiled as you two parted was with each other. As this happened, (M/N) merely watched as she walked off and glared again as she did.

(M/N)'s mind: the glare usually works. 

She wanted to think further, but you soon broke her out of her thoughts when you spoke to her.

(Y/N): Mom?

(M/N): Oh... Yes, sweetie?

(Y/N): You think we should head to my class now?

(M/N): Oh uh... yes. Of course.

She said before you both got up and you two headed your way to your first period class.


When lunch time came around, Your mother nearly sat back, tried to keep her composure and spoke with Jess in a normal way whenever the young girl wanted to try and get a bit to know her as well. However, that clearly wasn't what (M/N) wanted in regards to her. (M/N) continued to give her glares, but Jess seemed oblivious to your mother's ill intent. And this all continued into the next few days as well (not counting the weekends). With each time she sat and watch you two, and even tried to make light threats towards Jess to get her to back off, and fail, (M/N) slowly started getting a little more mad. However, on Wednesday, while you and her were having your usual conversations, Jess decided to ask your mother something. Something that would further have her set off by Jess even further than before.

Jess: (M/N), I was hoping if I could ask you something.

(M/N): Eh? Uh.... what is it?

Jess: Well, you see, since me and (Y/N) have only gotten so little time to hang out and know a little bit about each other during mostly lunch, I was thinking that maybe if we could hang out on the coming weekend. That way we can have more time to really know lot more about one another and maybe just have some fun as well.

(M/N) didn't say anything as she widened her eyes a bit. She might not have looked angery on the outside, but inside, she was furious. It pissed her off enough that someone managed to get near her son and she even failed to drive them off, but now they're asking to practically asking her if they could have a day or two to really get to know him and then eventually take him from her. At least that's how Your mother sees it in her head.

(Y/N): Uh..... Mom?

(M/N) quickly got out of her thoughts and looked to You.

(M/N): Y.... Y..... Yes, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Are you alright?

(M/N): Oh n... No. I'm perfectly fine. It's nothing.

She said as she tried her best to keep her rage from boiling out.

(M/N): A..... And to answer your question; I'm not against the idea or anything. B..... But I think it might just be a bit soon to start doing something like that? Plus, I don't think (Y/N) has really given his agreement yet, has he?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, I'd love to hang out on the weekend.

(M/N)'s mind: fuck....

(M/N): Oh go..... good...... that's very good to hear......

Jess: Great, I can't wait!

(M/N): N.... neather can I......

She said as she gave toothy smile, but she was lightly grinding her teeth as she did.

(M/N)'s mind: damn my blind adorable son and his desperation for wanting to make friends.

The day went on perusual, the only exception being your mother's determination to get rid of Jess was stronger than before. Almost to even more concerning levels. After school was over and everyone was heading home, Your mother told you that she just wanted to "ride aroudn a little bit" before you both headed home. What you didn't really know was that she was actually carefully following Jess back to where her home was. After she found where out where she lived, she eventually drove home. However, later in the night while you were sleeping, she headed out back to Jess' home. When she got there, she parked her car away from the house just so no one there could hear it. After that, she slowly and quietly snuck to the house. As she did, she was carrying what appeared to be a fairly sharp object. She looked around the windows carefully to look for her. And once she got to the third window, she could see Jess sleeping in her bed peacefully. (M/N) squinted her eyes as she looked at her sleep before looking at the object that she was carrying before then procceding to pull out a letter that she had written to Jess. The sharp object seemed like it was mostly intened to be something to wedge the window open a bit and slip the letter through the window. 

(M/N): This should finally help get my point across to this son stealing brat.

She whispered to herself before she carefully pressed the tip of the weapon on the bottom of the window and attempted to pry the window open a bit. However as she did this, she slowly started to think about something. It was about the conversation she and Elise had a while back. She tried to ignore it, but it kept hitting in the back of her mind more and more. And finally, she soon realized what her attempts to try driving Jess off would initially do. It would have resulted in You being hurt and saddened, something she was trying to prevent from having to you.

(M/N): Damn it.......

She said with a defeated sigh before soon looking at the sharp object she had.

(M/N): I really went a little too far with this.....

She said before moving the object from the window and soon walked off back to her car. 


It was currently Saturday as (M/N) was driving you to where you and Jess were going to meet up at. Seems like after that attempt that night, she was willing to try and let you go just a little bit to let you try and make friends as long as it meant not hurting you. Though, that's not to say that she was fully embracing of Jess, she still gave her a few glares from time to time, but not as threatening as they use to be. Once arriving, (M/N) stepped out of the car and help you out after. (M/N) saw Jess standing a couple feet over from the parking lot and the two of you headed over to her.

Jess: You guys made it.

(Y/N): Wouldn't want to miss an opportunity like this.

You said while smiling sweetly.

(M/N): Well..... I suppose I'll be back later to pick (Y/N) back up. Don't get in any trouble now..... seriously.

Jess: What? I thought you were going to come with us.

(M/N): H.... Huh?

Jess: Yeah, I was hoping to get to know you a little more two. 

(M/N): You're serious?

Jess: Yep, my mom seemed to have agreed with this idea too.

(M/N): Wait, your mother agreed to thi.....

She was soon cut off as a new voice was heard.

???: Why of course I did. My daughter has told me quite a bit about you and your son. Jess seems to be quite fond of him. But seeing as he's the first friend she's made in years, I can't blame her.

The person who said this was a woman, while you couldn't see, who looked about around the same age as (M/N), she had a tan skin color like Jess and even dark blue eyes. She had considerably longer hair, but it seemed she kept it tied in a pony tail and she was around (M/N)'s height. This was Jess' mother, Emma.

Emma: A pleasure to meet you, (M/N). I'm Emma.

(M/N): Uh.... a pleasure to meet you.

She said as they both shook for a moment. After that, Emma soon leaned down to you.

Emma: And you must be (Y/N). Jess was always to eager to tell me about you everytime she came home from school. She wasn't kidding when she said you were a cute one.

She said as she playfully said with that last part, which caused You and Jess to blush before the latter shouted.

Jess: Mom!!!

Emma: Alright, I'm kidding. But it is good to finally meet you.

(Y/N): Oh uh.... same here, Ma'am. 

You smiled while scratching the back of your head a bit.

Emma: Why don't you two catch up a bit while me and (M/N) get to know each other a little? We'll be right behind you.

Jess: Sure thing. Come on, (Y/N).

Jess said as she held your hand and carefully walked the two of you over to a spot where you could sit down and talk. Not only did you blush a bit from the hand holding, but (M/N) did too.

(M/N)'s mind: how lewd!

Emma: So then, (M/N), what initially made you change your mind about letting Your son see my daughter after sneaking around my home a few nights ago?

(M/N) nearly jumped a bit after she said that, being surprised that this woman knew that she was there that night.

(M/N): H..... How did you......?

Emma: Oh, you might not have seen me due to how dark the room was, but I was in there watching my little angel rest peacefully in her bed. Then I saw you. And pieace of advice, there wasn't anyway you were going to be able to lifted that window up or anything. I lock those things pretty tightly around bedtime. All part of my job to make sure my little girl's safe.

(M/N): Well..... serves me for going to far I guess.

Emma: Oh trust me, I was originally going to do the same with your son.

(M/N): What?

Emma: You see, I'm a pretty protective mother myself. Jess is such a kind and sweet little girl. And I just don't know what I'd do if something ever happened to her. So, when I heard she made a friend with someone, I got converned of what might happen. I had thought of trying to find out where he lived and then slipping a note into his room for him to find. But, that quickly changed the moment she told me he was blind. I tried thinking of something else but, nothing really came up. But, I gave up after a few days when I realized just how happy my daughter was getting hanging out with him. It's the happiest I've seen her in years. And I didn't want to take that away from her.

(M/N): It took me a while to finally realize that for my precious child as well.......

Emma soon places a hand on her shoulder.

Emma: (M/N), I know this might be difficult for both of us to fully adjust to, but we should try to let our kids hang out a little more often. Last thing we want to do is be the cause of their sadness because of our fear of losing them.

(M/N): Yes, you're right. I don't want him to be sad and eventually alone. So, I'm willing to give Jess a chance.

Emma smiled after hearing before looking at You and Jess, who were currently getting into what common interests you both might have.

Emma: I will say this though, if your son does anything to break my daughter's heart, I will come for you both.

(M/N): Oh yeah, same for you two.

A/N: (Oh boy, this one REALLY took longer than I hoped it would. I wanted to once again try someting a little different from the usual killer yandere. I know I already did the gentle yandere with female midorya. So, I decided on a sort of in between of the gentle yandere and the killer yandere. basically being somewhat gentle, but will casually send glares and threats peoples way. Just not at the extent of killing someone unless very nessecary or pushed to their limits. Regardless, I do hope you liked this). Next is Yandere Lucina x Master Swordsman Reader.

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