Is It Love? (2)

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A/N: If you didn't notice, I made an Escanor reference last chapter. Really surprised nobody caught that.

"Yet another mission done." If one were to see the look in Y/N's eyes, they would notice how tired he looked as well as a bit of anger. Recently, Sun had been sending him on solo missions, each more dangerous than the last. First, he had been sent on a small mission. One involving him going to aid a village of a goblin problem. However, after that he had to deal with beasts such as trolls, grimm, a cyclops, and even a few demons. These battles would often leave him drained, and if it weren't for Ruby healing him when he came back, he would've most likely died during a few of them.

"I swear, that bastard wants to kill me! Half of these missions should've involved more than one person, and yet he sent me. A scout!" Releasing a heavy sigh, Y/N dusted himself off and walked away, a scowl dawning his face. Even though he was uncertain of the future he did know one thing. Sun was going to face his wraith one day. It was only a matter of time. Turning his mind away from Sun, Y/N began to think of the priestess of the group.

"Ruby..." Y/N softly spoke. The scout wished to tell her of his feelings, however each time he did he would find himself speechless. It was as if his body wouldn't allow him to speak his true feelings. Sadly, his thoughts went back to Sun. Seeing the arrogant leader stare at Ruby made Y/N's blood boil. Had Sun touched her, Y/N would make sure that his body wouldn't be found by even the most skilled trackers. As he continued to walk along the path, Y/N noticed a familiar bird fly above him. It's white feathers and blue markings signaling that it was indeed the bird of Weiss. "Another mission..." The scout groaned. Whenever he believed a mission to be over, Weiss would send a bird to drop off a letter for the next mission.

Sun didn't want him to return.

Putting his arm out, Y/N allowed the pale bird to land upon it. Taking the letter from its grasp, Y/N opened it up quickly.

North from the village you've helped is a place filled with demons. It's called Taki. They've recently enslaved its people and have been said to eat them late at night. Kill the demons and free the civilians. Wait there for further instruction.

As the bird flew away, Y/N crushed the letter and ripped it into pieces. This was madness! He had just fought a group of demons before hand and now he was ordered to face more? "I cannot wait for the transfer to go through. Then, Ruby and I will be free from his grasp and I will be the one to show him his place."

Little did Y/N know, he was being watched from afar by three pairs of eyes.

To Y/N's surprise, the demon clan was nowhere to be seen. However, when searching the area he came across a few things that caused him to question his mission. It was said that the civilians would be held captive and yet, there wasn't a single thing to prove that they were indeed here. He could say that they were already eaten, but if that were the case, where are the bones? Where were the cages?

"This quest was nothing more than a goose chase." Walking over to what seemed to be the armory of the village, Y/N picked up a sword and a shield. Though he wasn't a fan of fighting demon hordes, Y/N had to admit that the craftsmanship of their weapons were very effective. They were even reflective at times and Y/N could often see himself in battle. "This is just as reflective as the last sword I saw." Lifting it up, Y/N pondered if he should take a few things. After all, he did need something new. The daggers were helpful, but they were becoming dull quite quickly. As he stared into the reflection, Y/N's eyes soon began to widen. Grabbing the shield, Y/N turned around and blocked an incoming rain of arrows.

"Bastard!" The scout yelled in anger. Running while using the shield for cover, Y/N gritted his teeth and growled. He should've known something like this would happen. He felt it, but he wasn't sure if they would act on it. Making his way towards the village gate, Y/N could here the sound of someone casting a spell. Soon, a flaming stream began to make its way towards Y/N, causing the scout to raise his shield and block what he could. He could feel its intense heat singe his clothes a little.

"Stop this! Weiss! Neptune!"

"Keep the pressure on!"

"Sun!" Y/N exclaimed. "You bastard! You traitorous scum! I... I'll kill you for this! DO YOU HEAR ME?! I'll KILL YOU!"

"Oh Y/N, that would be impossible! From your position, even a rat could kill you! Weiss, Neptune, I'm going to head back. Finish this piece of shit off. If the demons come back, let them kill him. After that... You know the plan."

Hearing Sun chuckle, Y/N's hate for the bastard began to grow. The monsters he was sent to fight weren't demons. No. Sun himself was a demon. That, or the Devil himself. A devil who corrupts all he comes across. As the heat began to intensify, Y/N's thoughts began to go to Ruby. Where was she? Was she back at home, resting? Was she with Yang? Did she know that he was here? Was she going to forget about him if he died? Would he never get to tell her how he felt about her?

"Damn it, this heat is too strong! I don't know how long my arm can take this pressure! Ruby... I'm sorry I couldn't tell you how I felt. If by some miracle you can hear this thought... I love you."

Just before the heat could overtake Y/N, it stopped abruptly. Opening his eyes, Y/N could see that the ice wall had vanished. What just happened? Slowly rising from the ground, Y/N looked over at the direction in which Weiss and Neptune were and had seen nothing.

"What... What happened?" Suddenly, Y/N had felt a hand on the right side of his shoulder. Turning his head slowly, Y/N had seen a rather tall female demon, her face in the form of a scowl which slowly turned into a smile. "It's okay, you're safe now."

After being helped by the demon horde, Y/N found himself staring at their leader in complete shock. Why did they help him? Since when do demons help out anyone but themselves? "Are you okay? Ever since I came up to you, you've been staring at me like you're appalled by something." Y/N wasn't sure how to answer her question. He was still confused as to why he wasn't being eaten or murdered right now. "Your name. Could you tell me it?"

"Y... Y/N." The scout answer in a soft tone. The leader could still hear him however. "My name is Vera. Now, Y/N, could you tell me as to why those people were attacking you?"

"I... I was betrayed by them. They were my team and..."

"I understand. You still seem to be quite puzzled by their betrayal."

"Y... Yeah. Their leader told them to do it, but I don't know why. I knew he was an asshole, but this was just..."

"I see... I see. Why were you here?"

"...I don't really wanna answer that."

"Let me guess. You were on a mission to stop a horde, weren't you?"

"How did-"

"It happens more than you think. We've helped a lot of humans when they come across our village. You look like you need some rest. I can prepare a place for you if you'd like as well as grant you a new pair of clothes. Those ones seemed to be quite burnt."

"I... Thank you. What did you do with Neptune and Weiss?"

"While they were attacking you, my men appeared behind them and struck them. Right now, they are... safe. Hurt, but safe."

"Then I owe my life. If it weren't for you, I would've been nothing but a burnt corpse."

"It's quite alright Y/N. Now follow me. I will show you your bed. Oh, and of you're wondering as to why I didn't harm you it's because not all demons are bad my friend."

"To think that they lost most of them. Poor guys." A small sigh escaped the mouth of a guard as leaned against the wall. Today would most likely be a somber day for the people of Beacon. Sun had returned with a sorrowful gaze last night, his eyes filled with tears. He had told everyone that most of his team had perished when they went to attack a horde of demons holding civilians captive. Weiss was the first to die and Neptune followed soon after. When Sun was about to be killed, Y/N moved into the way and took the hit for him. Apparently, his last words were about how his body moved on its own. Thankfully, Ruby was still at Beacon since Ozpin wanted her for something. When she heard the news, she went right into her room and cried. Their team was one of the best in the village. It was a shame to hear them go out like they did.

"Yeah. I just hope that... Hey, do you see that?" A guard slowly stood up from his chair and squinted his eyes. "Is that... DEMONS! WARN THE GUILD!"

In the distance were a whole horde of demons and someone in robes. On their back was a bow and a staff and in their side, was the sheath of for daggers. Their face was covered up, but their eyes could still be seen. "Forward!" The figured yelled as their demonic horses moved faster. As they moved in closer, the horses stopped and the person in the robe got off of their demonic steed. Slowly, they walked up to the guards and pulled their hood down to reveal who they were.


"Y/N! You're alive! Why are you with-"

"Sun. Where is he?!" The anger in Y/N's voice was audible. This was a man possessed of nothing but pure rage. "H-He should with the o-others inside." Y/N then whistled and the horde advanced as well as his demonic horse. Hopping on to it, Y/N looked down at the guards and narrowed his eyes. "Open the gate. NOW!" Faster than one could snap their fingers, the gate opened and the horde rushed in, passing screaming civilians who were them confused at the sight of Y/N.

"He's alive?!"

"Why is he with demons?!"

"Is he a traitor?!"

"He can't be!"

Ignoring their words, Y/N busted down the guild door to see everyone staring at him and the horde. "SUN! I HAVE RETURNED!" Hopping off of his horse, Y/N marched towards the center of the guild while his friends started in amazement. Y/N was alive and he seemed enraged. "Y... Y/N?" Turning his head, Y/N saw a teary eyed Jaune and Yang walking up to him. "Y... Y-You're alive. Sun said you-"

"Sun is nothing more than a traitor and a liar! He sent me to my death numerous times! He even tried to have Neptune and Weiss kill me!" The sound of gasping filled the room. It was then that they saw the bow of Neptune and the staff of Weiss in his possession. "Where are they?" Yang's attention then went to the demons and she clenched her fist. "Don't be angry at them. They saved me from death Yang. Now where is Sun?!"

"Right... Right here Y/N." Everyone's attention then went to the drunk form of Sun, who was currently shirtless and wearing nothing but underwear. "You... should be dead..."

"Oh, you'll wish I was." Stomping over towards Sun, Y/N slammed his fist into his Sun's jaw, causing the blond to stagger back. "F... Fucking asshole!" Sun went to throw a punch of his own, but it was quickly dodge by Y/N, who answered back with a punch to Sun's liver, dropping him to his knees. "F-Fuck!"

"Y/N please don't do this!" Growling, Y/N kicked Sun across the jaw and raised his foot up, stomping directly on to Sun's teeth. The crowd honestly didn't know what to do. They wanted to stop Y/N, but weren't sure if they should. From what Y/N said, and how he had been acting, it didn't seem like he was lying. However, this was too brutal to watch... but they couldn't look away.

Thankfully, they finally made up their minds when they saw Y/N take out his dagger. "Y/N NO!"

Before he knew it, Y/N felt his arm get pulled away from Sun. Yang couldn't bear to see her friend become a murderer. Yes, what he was doing was indeed justice, but murdering him was a step too far. "Y/N you have to stop! Think about what you're doing!"

"I have to do this Yang! He tried to get me killed! He probably tried to do it just to get into Ruby's pants! You know how that scumbag acts! He'd do anything just to get his dick wet! I won't let him defile Ruby!"

"Y-Y/N, please don't."

Widening his eyes at Ruby's voice, Y/N dropped his dagger and looked over at towards the redhead. She looked like a complete mess. Her hair was in different places, her eyes were bloodshot due to her crying all night, and she was still in her nightgown which seemed to be wet. "R... Ruby..."

Yang, seeing who she didn't have to hold him back anymore, let go and allowed him to walk towards Ruby. Not even being bothered by the bloody bastard on the ground. "Y... You're alive..."

"I... Yeah, I'm alive."

"And... Weiss and Neptune?"

"Alive. They... tried to kill me."

In the corner of Y/N's eye, he could see Ruby's hands shake. Was she scared of what he was doing? Or was it the fact that she wanted to jump on him? "I... I-I see." Before Y/N could open his mouth to say more, Ruby was already in front to him. Her arms wrapped around him and her tears making his robe wet. "I thought I lost you..."

"I'm here for you Ruby."

"Don't ever leave me..."

"I won't."

"I... I thought I could never tell you how I feel..."

"I... I thought the same thing. I... I love you Ruby."

"I love you too Y/N."

As the two embraced, the sound of a door being slammed open caught everyone's attention.

"...What the hell is going on here? And why are there demons in the guild?!"

A/N: You guys don't know how hard it was to not put "You brought them here to kill me!" In this chapter. So. Difficult!

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