An Emergency Mission

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Ruby pov

My team and I have been called to Ozpin's office urgently. As we are waiting in the elevator we talk amongst ourselves about what Ozpin might want.

(Y/N): So Yang, what did you do this time?

Yang: Why do you assume it's me? Maybe Weiss did it.

Weiss: HEY!

Blake: Maybe it has nothing to us at all.

Ruby: Whatever it is, team RWBY will be there to handle it.

Weiss: Right.

The elevator finally reaches Professor Ozpin's office. We walk off and bot Ozpin and Goodwitch are there waiting for us.

Ozpin: Team RWBY, thank you for responding quickly.

Ruby: You said it was urgent.

(Y/N): Indeed, if you don't mind lets cut to the chase.

Ozpin: Very well. We recieved a distress call from a neighboring village. A massive horde of Grimm is attacking and the villagers have asked for our assistance for an evacuation of the village.

(Y/N): How many Grimm are we talking?

Ozpin: Too many. I need your team to run interference while the villagers escape.

Ruby: Do we have eyes on the village?

Ozpin: Yes, here is the live footage.

After watching th footage, the team look nervously at eachother. Then I tell Ozpin.

Ruby: Ozpin, we want to help, but there's too many of them for the five of us to handle.

Ozpin: Which is why, you can take however many huntsman and huntresses you need. Just ask.

Ruby: What do you think guys? Who do we need?

Weiss: Well, Team JNPR will most definitly be eager to help.

Yang: How 'bout Team CFVY. They'll probably help too.

Blake: I can get Sun and Neptune onboard.

(Y/N): Ugh... not Neptune.

Weiss: (Y/N) suck it up. Regardless of what he did to me, we are going to need all the help we can get.

(Y/N): Fine...doesn't mean I have to like it. Ozpin will we be taking a bullhead there?

Ozpin: Yes, additional bullheads will be waiting for your all clear to come get the civilians out.

Ruby: Well, we have the team, we have an in, now we need a plan. (Y/N) I could use your help.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll try.

(Y/N) pov

While everyone prepares, Ruby and I are coming up with a plan to deal with the Grimm.

(Y/N): Ruby, are you absolutly sure about this?

Ruby: Look, until the villagers get out our priority is containment.

(Y/N): Ok, just want to be sure. Let's tell the others.

Ruby: EVERYONE! Gather around!

Everyone gathers around us to listen.

(Y/N): Alright, everyone. I'm not going to lie, this is going to be extremely dangerous. So we need everyone to be on their A-game, I will not have anyone dying while I'm still breathing.

Ruby: Today, we prove to everyone who we are and why we're here. Assembled we are strong, Forever fight as one. We'll explain the plan enroute, now mount up.

Timeskip enroute to target area

(Y/N) pov

(Y/N): Ozpin, are you getting the signal?

Ozpin: Loud and clear, (Y/N). Go ahead with the plan.

Ruby: Alright here's the plan. I am going to be in the watchtower in the center of town, I will call out patterns and strays.

(Y/N): Coco, you will remain on the bullhead and patrol the perimeter of the village, anything trys to go around turn it back or turn it to ash.

Coco: Right.

Ruby: Yang, Nora, Yatsuhashi. You guys have to create a bottleneck to slow the Grimm's advance.

Yang: Yes!

Nora: Let's break their everything.

(Y/N): Blake, Fox, Velvet, Ren. Break into pairs start a sweep of every single structure. No one gets left behind.

Blake: On it.

Ruby: Everyone else with (Y/N) in the center of town. You keep the fight between us. No on else gets hurt.

(Y/N): Ok, my team we will drop off just outside the village and bust a hole through the horde and get their attention then everyone else will drop in after. This is it people, this will be our toughest mission yet. Stay sharp.

After the briefing the team is conversing and making final preparations. I am with (H/N), keeping him calm. Then a hand grabs mine, I turn to see Weiss looking at me with a worried look on her face. I then take her to a bench and let her rest her head on my shoulder. As I hold Weiss's hand, I lean down and kiss the top of her head.

Weiss: Are you scared?

(Y/N): Yes.

Weiss: So, why do it. It's going to be dangerous, you could die.

(Y/N): Yeah, I could. But I also know that those people out there count on us to keep them safe. I will do whatever it takes to protect people, especially you.

Weiss looks at me with a smile and some tears.

(Y/N): Are you crying? What are you doing crying. We got to get focused.

Weiss: *giggles as I wipe her tears away*

(Y/N): I love you, Ice Queen.

Weiss: I love you too, (Y/N).

Pilot: Sir, we're approaching the LZ.

(Y/N): Copy that.*turn to Weiss* Gotta go babe.

I kiss Weiss and prep (H/N) and Weiss preps our team. The bullhead lands and my team get off. As the bullhead takes off I turn to my team.

(Y/N): Alright, everybody ready?

Everyone nods in acknowlegment.

(Y/N): Alright, I will take Weiss and Jaune with me. We are going to charge at the Grimm headon, meanwhile the rest are going to make a firing line in the woods. You'll join us in the fight when Coco gives us some cover from the bullhead. Any questions?

Jaune: Yeah um. Can Pyrrha go instead?

(Y/N): Leaders lead, Jaune.

I help Weiss onto (H/N)'s saddle, I basically have to hogtie Jaune to the saddle. We ride off to the village.

Pyrrha pov

As (Y/N) rides off, I lead the rest of the team to use whatever ranged abilities we have to protect (Y/N), Weiss, and Jaune as the rush in. (Y/N) says that this is extremely important for the plan to work. I just hope they can survive long enough for backup to arrive.

Pyrrha: Is everyone ready? Don't fire until I tell you.

(Y/N) pov

We finally reach the tree line. I look at the Grimm and see my opening.


(H/N) charges forward, Jaune and I ready our weapons. The Grimm notice us too late. We smash into them make an opening. Then all of a sudden.

Pyrrha pov

Pyrrha: FIRE!

The rescue mission is underway, as everyone else starts firing at the Grimm.

Ruby pov

Ruby: Alright lets move! Shots fired! Repeat shots fired!

The bullhead takes off and moves towards our teammates position. As we see them I order Coco to fire and protect the ground teams approach.

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