Dance and Sing Off

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(Y/N) pov

     I am doing a last minute check on my tuxedo before the dance. Then Yang sneaks up behind me and surprises me.

Yang: You lucky stud!

(Y/N): Gah, Yang please don't do that!

Yang: I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. But you do look handsome.

(Y/N): Thanks, so do you. Is Blake going tonight?

Yang: Yes, I was able to convince her to go tonight.

     Yang then looks at her scroll and starts heading out, both she and Weiss  had to be there early to see that everything started okay. So I knock on the bathroom door.

Weiss: Yes?

(Y/N): Hey, it's me. I was just wondering if you were ready or if you needed help with something.

Weiss: Actually, I could use you help with something. You can open the door now.

     I open the door hesitantly to reveal Weiss in a dress thats was ice blue at the top and slowly faded to snow white. When her skirt sways it sparkles like freshly fallen snowflakes and I could not take my eyes off her. She blushes and turns around.

Weiss: Can you help zip my dress, please?

(Y/N): As you wish.

     I walk up and gently zip up her dress. Weiss then turns around and we stare into eachothers eyes, she leans in and our lips connect into a soft kiss. We separate and Weiss then checks her scroll.

Weiss: We'd better get going to the dance.

(Y/N): Yeah, we don't wanna miss me do the Cha Cha.

     Weiss giggles as I take her arm in mine and we make our way to the dance. On our way we pass by a rose bush, I stop us and Weiss looks at me with a quizzical look.

Weiss: (Y/N), Something wrong?

     I pull a white rose blossom from the bush and hand it to Weiss. She starts to tear up and smile at me, as I put the flower in her hair. I then give her a kiss and she leaps into my arm s and kisses back. We pull away and I say to her.

(Y/N): I love you, Weiss more than anything in the entire universe.

Weiss: I love you too, (Y/N).

     As we make to the ballroom we run into Yang as she is checking and making sure everyone is accounted for.

Yang: Ooh, look at the pair of you! I have said it before, you two are perfect for eachother.

(Y/N): Well thank you, Yang.

Weiss: I agree.

     We make it inside and check the decorations. As Weiss is finishing up, I come up with two drinks and I notice she is going to fall off the chair. I drop the drinks and rush over to catch Weiss as she is now falling.

Weiss pov

     I slipped off the chair I was standing on and I am feeling both scared and embarassed that I am going to be seen on my butt on the floor. All of a sudden I stop in midair, I then open my eyes to see that I had been caught. I look up at who caught me and I see (Y/N)'s (E/C), and his finely combed (H/C). I just look at him smiling. Then he asks me if I was ok, which snapped me back to reality.

Weiss: Um, yes I am fine. Thank you.

(Y/N): No problem.

(Y/N) pov

     As I set Weiss down on her feet, a slow song starts to play. I look at Weiss with a smile.

(Y/N): Weiss, may I have this dance?

Weiss: Why of course you may, (Y/N).

     We take to the dance floor and sway to the music while staring at eachother. Ocassionaly I would twirl Weiss around, which she smiled to. As the music ends I then twirl her around one more time, as she comes back to me, I lean her backwards and then bring her back up. Weiss then kisses me and smiles at me. All of a sudden Yang rushes on stage, grabs a microphone and gets everybodies attention.

Yang: Alright, alright, alright. Settle down, settle down. SHUT UP!

     Everyone goes quiet to listen and Yang starts to laugh and get excited.

Yang: I'm so glad y'all came out tonight! Give yourself a round of applause if any of you are here with a date.

     Weiss and I start to applaud as every other couple starts clapping, then it goes quiet.

Yang: This is about to be the best night of your life, because this year the school pitched in and helped me set up an event for tonight. It is time for our Couples Sing Off Competition.

     Everyone starts clapping, while I think to myself, oh Oum I am not very good at singing. I look at Weiss who is actually excited about this and I thought, oh boy.

Weiss: (Y/N), I think this might be fun, don't you.

(Y/N): I mean yeah, I just don't know how good I would be. I've never sang before.

Weiss: Please, I would love to do something with you that doesn't include fighting.

(Y/N): Oh, alright. Do you have a song in mind?

     Weiss whispered something in my ear and I smirk, as I know the song she is talking about. So I sign us up for the competition and wait for our turn to sing. One after another, after another, some were good some were ok, and some were really bad. Then Yang announces.

Yang: Alright, we have one more pair to win the prize inside this safe. Please welcome to the stage Weiss Schnee and her partner (Y/N) (L/N)!

     We make it to the stage and I grab a guitar as I know how the tune goes. I start the tune and Weiss leads.

     As we end the song everyone is cheering for us as Yang runs up to the stage excited.

Yang: Whoa, I got goosbumps from that I was so moved. Now while the teachers make their judgments on the winners, we will play some more music for you. Hit it DJ!

     Weiss and I get down from the stage and start dancing with everyone else. When the song ends we see both Yang and the teachers walk up to the stage with their decision.

Yang: Oh, this is so exciting. The judges have made their decision, and they told me it was a unanimous vote there was a clear winner and I have the results here. And the winning couple is....... Weiss Schnee and (Y/N) (L/N)!

     Everyone starts applauding really loud as Weiss literally drags me to the stage.

Yang: Congratulations friends and to the victor go the spoils. Let's see what the teachers put in the safe.

     Doctor Oobleck unlocks and opens the safe, Yang goes in and grabs a slip of paper that looks like a coupon.

Yang: You two get a one night stay free of charge at the 5 star hotel here in Vale! How awesome is that! Congrats, you two deserve it.

     Weiss takes the hotel pass and was so excited she hugged and kissed me while on stage, needless to say that drew some unwanted attention. But we didn't care and just had a fun night at the dance till midnight. We then went to the specified hotel and checked in. We go to the room and it was nice real nice, I am lying on the bed while Weiss is changing in the bathroom. Weiss comes out in a bathrobe, she walks over to me while swaying her hips very seductivly and smiling at me. I look at her with a cocky smirk.

(Y/N): Are you sure you want to do this?

Weiss: Oh, I'm absolutly sure babe.

To be continued...

(A/N): Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always leave your thoughts and comments and have yourself a nice day.

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