Date to the Dance

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(Y/N) pov

     I am sitting in the dorm sharpening my sword, when my scroll starts vibrating. I take it and look at it, there is a notification say that the Vytal Dance is next week. I then remembered that team RWBY is decorating the ballroom, so I decide to head down and see what needs to be done.

     As I am heading down to the ballroom, I hear mock laughing and then a screech for help. I round the corner and see Cardin picking on Velvet, again. I think to myself, this is the fifth time this month I really need to stop this for good. I walk up behind Cardin while he is having his fun. His teammates see me coming and immediatly make a run for it. I then grab Cardin's shoulder and whip him around hard. The look of fear on his face grows more and more. I turn my face to Velvet as I pick up Cardin.

(Y/N): Are you ok, Velvet.

Velvet: Yes, thank you again.

(Y/N): Go to the ballroom and wait there for me. Tell team RWBY I sent you, they'll understand what it means.

     Velvet nods and heads to the ballroom. I turn my attention back to Cardin who is struggling to stay conscious. I let him fall to the ground while he is coughing and getting his breath back, I make a call to Goodwitch.

Glynda: Hello?

(Y/N): Professor, it's (Y/N), from team RWBY.

Glynda: Ah, (Y/N) what can I help you with.

(Y/N): Cardin and his team are at it again, bullying Velvet again. I have had it with their behavior.

Glynda: I see, well I guess I will have to be more severe with my punishment. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, if you wouldn't mind bringing Cardin and his team to Ozpin's office please.

(Y/N): Understood, I'll bring team CRDL, ASAP.

     I hang up and turn to Cardin, who at this point I am sitting on his back pinning him to the floor.

(Y/N): I am only going to tell you once, tell you team to meet us at the elevator to Ozpin's office NOW.

     Cardin pulls his scroll out and calls his teammates, empahsising that I will hunt them down and force them to Ozpin's office if they don't. I then get Cardin up and then sling him over my shoulders, like a dead animal, and head to the elevator. We wait till Cardin's team arrives, with a very scared look on their faces. Just then the elevator arrives and we all get on.

(Y/N): Come on, crybabies.

     We wait till the elevator reach the top, the doors open and we walk off. Goodwitch and Ozpin are waiting.

Ozpin: Greetings, please come in.

     We approach his desk and I plop Cardin off my shoulders and onto the floor, as the rest of his line up next to us.

Ozpin: Thank you (Y/N), for escorting them up. You may return to your activities.

(Y/N): Sir, with all due respect. Justice needs to be done here, this is the fifth time this month I have caught them bullying Velvet it need to end now.

Ozpin: I will handle it from here, I assure you.

     I turn and head back down the elevator. I reach the bottom and start to head to the ballroom. I get there and I see the team, minus Blake weirdly, organizing the dance. I see Velvet who is with Ruby and Weiss and walk over to them. Weiss notices my approach and smiles at me.

Weiss: (Y/N), Velvet told us what happened are you ok.

(Y/N): Pfft. Those guys are chumps they were no issue at all. How bout you Velvet are you ok?

Velvet: Yes, thank you so much. You have made this place safer by dealing with them.

(Y/N): It was no problem, like I said I will defend anyone who has a problem. No need to worry.

Ruby: That's our (Y/N)!

Weiss: For once I agree with Ruby.

Velvet: I should head back to my dorm. Thanks again, (Y/N).

     Velvet walks out and I turn around and I see Ruby and Weiss arguing about doilies, honestly I don't see the difference. I see Yang struggling to push what looks like a safe. I get curious and walk over to see what's going on.

(Y/N): Yang, what are you doing?

Yang: Oh, we are going to have a event where the students compete to get the prize out of this safe.

(Y/N): Don't you think this size of safe is overkill.

Yang: Just help me move it please.

     I just pick up the entire safe and moved it to the stage where the event was to take place.

Yang: Just right there. Perfect.

(Y/N): What is the event theme.

Yang: Let put it this way, you and Weiss better win.

(Y/N): Does Weiss have a date?

Yang: No she does not. I think she is waiting for you.

     I then look at Weiss who is stealing glances at me. I look back at Yang who gives me a "go get her" look. I walk up to Weiss and she l smiles at me as I walk to her.

Weiss: Hi (Y/N), do you need something?

(Y/N): Yeah, umm, can I talk to you for a minute?

Weiss: Sure.

     We walk out of the ballroom and round the corner. I turn around and I am nervous, I have never been to a dance before least of all asked the prettiest girl in school to go with me. So I breath hard and decide let's do this.

(Y/N): So, I was told you don't have a date to the dance yet.

Weiss: Not yet, just waiting for the right partner.

(Y/N): Well Weiss, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the dance with me.

     She playfully looks like she's thinking about it just get my blood pressure up. Then Weiss leaps up and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. She then looks at me with her icey blue eyes.

(Y/N): I take it that means yes?

Weiss: Yes, of course yes.

(Y/N): Great I can't wait to see you next week.

Weiss: I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too, Weiss.

Timeskip day of the dance

(Y/N) pov

     Day of the dance and I am both excited and nervous about this and I do a final check on my tuxedo. I smile as I think about how this night is going to be perfect.

(A/N): Well another chapter done, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I love writing this. As always leave your thoughts and comments and have a great rest of your day.

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