Painting the Town Pt. 2

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(Y/N) pov CCT Tower

     Weiss, Ruby and I are heading to the tower, when all of a sudden I run into someone. I look down and see Penny, a friend the team made while we were looking for Blake.

Penny: Oh I am sorry.

(Y/N): No please, it was my fault. I was not watching where I was going.

Ruby: Penny, is that you?

Penny: Oh, um hi guys.

Ruby: Penny, where have you been? What happened to you that night on the docks?

Penny: Um, I'm sorry. I have no idea what you're talking about. *Hiccup*

     As Penny starts to walk away Ruby tries to catch up to her. Leaving Weiss and I on our own.

(Y/N): And she left.

Weiss: Ugh, come on we can find evidence without her.

     Weiss and I head to the elevator and head up to the video call terminals. As we're heading up, Weiss takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. She has a slightly nervous look.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

Weiss: I'm just glad that your here with me, I don't know if I could do this on my own.

(Y/N): I will always be there for you. Just say so, because I love you.

     I gently squeeze her hand and kiss her forehead. Weiss looks up and smiles at me, as the elevator dings and reaches the top. We walk towards the front desk and a hologram projects itself behind the desk.

Hologram: Hello, how may I help you today?

Weiss: I'd like to make a call to the Schnee Dust Company.

Hologram: Your call will be routed through terminal 3.

Weiss: Thank you.

(Y/N): Here we go.

     We head to the terminal to make the call.

Weiss: (Y/N), can you sit with me, cause I'm still nervous.

(Y/N): Sure thing, my little snowflake.

     Weiss blushes hard as we sit down. I try to stay off-screen while still being close to Weiss, as the call comes through.

HR Woman: Hello, welcome to-. Oh, Ms. Schnee what a nice surprise. Do you want me to patch you through to your father?

Weiss: No thank you, I actually need some files. I've compiled a small list of  items.

     Weiss sticks her scroll in the terminal port, so the HR woman can see what is required of her. As HR is looking at the list and she gets a quizzical look.

HR: This list contains some very sensitive documents.

Weiss: Then I will treat them with extreme care.

HR: Very well.*sends files to Weiss's scroll* Done, are you sure you don't want me to patch you to your father?

Weiss: I'm sure. Thank you for your assisstance.

HR: As you wish. Have a good day, Ms. Schnee.

     The call ends and the terminal turns off. Weiss leans back and sighs with her eyes closed. I then think of something funny to make her laugh. As Weiss gets up I then wrap my hands around her waist and a surprise visit from the tickle monster.

Weiss: Ahh! Ah (Y/N)*laughes* stop it *laughes* please!*laughes*

(Y/N): Hahaha, the tickle monster must feed! Haha!

     I tickle Weiss for a minute and let her go, while laughing and smiling. She regains her composure and then stares at me, but she couldn't keep a straight face and bursts out laughing again. She then leans down and kisses me on the lips and we look at eachother for a little bit. We then head to the elevator arm in arm, as we wait Weiss asks me.

Weiss: After this do you want to get dinner? I am getting pretty famished.

(Y/N): I would love to, I am starved.

     We head down the elevator, when Weiss' scroll and mine ring. We look at our scrolls and see that Blake is calling us both. We then look at each other.

(Y/N): You too?

Weiss: Must be important.

     We answer the call and Blake sounds stressed.

Blake: Everyone, if you can hear me we need-

Sun: HEELLP! Big robot! And it's big! Really big!

(Y/N): Let's go!

     Weiss and I mount (H/N) and race to Blakes position. As we approach the overpass on the highway, Weiss notices the robot on the street below then sees Blake and Sun surfing on cars.

Weiss: Drop me here, make your way down the the alley below we'll get it to you so no one else gets hurt.

    I nod at her stop (H/N) and continue to ground level.

Weiss pov

     I get ready to jump down to get the mech down below the highway. As the mech and Blake get close, I then jump down into oncoming traffic.

Weiss: Blake, I'm in position.

     I land and wait till Blake gets out of the way, then make a slick field of ice. As the mech charges towards me, it slips on the ice and falls off the highway and into the alleyway where (Y/N) and Ruby are waiting.

3rd person pov

     The mech falls in front of Ruby and (Y/N), after it stands up the rest of the team arrive. The Ruby starts calling out team combos.

Ruby: Freezer Burn!

     Everyone scatters as Weiss makes a ice slick and Yang jumps into the air. Yang comes back down and punches the ice releasing a shot of fire dust. The whole area is covered in fog and Roman can't see us moving in the fog so he just starts shooting at any thing that moves. As he misses for the third time (Y/N) rides in and slices at the mech putting it off balance. Ruby yells.

Ruby: Checkmate!

     (Y/N) then gets out of the way as Weiss and Blake rush in and keep it off balance with fast strikes. Weiss uses her glyphs and Myrtenaster to disable one of the weapons on the mech. The mech regains it's footing and shoots missiles at Blake and Weiss, which they backflip to avoid. As Weiss is in the air she gets hit with a missle and get thrown back. Before she hits the ground Weiss throws a time glyph at where Blake will land and (Y/N) catches Weiss. Blake then uses the time glyph and cut all the remaining missiles in midair. Then Ruby charges in.

Ruby: Ladybug!

     Ruby shoots to propel herself forward at the mechs legs. As she does it again the other direction, Blake rushes towards the mech and the two do this over and over like scissors. The mech shoots at the ground, but the girls see this coming and jump in the air. As Roman looks up to find the girls, they come down at the mech and cut off it's left arm. (Y/N) rides behind the mech with Yang standing on the backend of (H/N), using his momentum Yang launches herself onto the back of the mech and punches it over and over. The mech then jumps backward through a pillar and crashes Yang into another, as she falls the mech forms a fist and punches Yang through it.

Blake: YANG!

Ruby: Don't worry, with each hit she gets stronger and she uses that energy to fight back. That's what makes her special.

(Y/N): So a temper tantrum, nice.

     Yang gets up and as the mech trys to punch her again, she catches it with just her brute strength and punches the arm off. The mech then kicks Yang and sends her flying back, then Ruby yells.

Ruby: Bumblebee!

     Blake shoots her grapple at Yang and jumps onto (H/N) as (Y/N) passes. (H/N) starts spinning in a circle while Blake holds the ribbon. As (Y/N) swings Yang towards the mech, it jumps out of the way. Weiss then comes up next to Ruby and Blake.

Ruby: We have to slow it down!

Weiss: And how do you propse we do that!

Ruby: Ice Flower!

     The mech stand strong then get blindsided by Ruby shooting at it through Weiss' ice glyphs. As the bullets hit they create shards of ice and slows the mech in place. (Y/N) spins (H/N) around one more time as Blake swings Yang, and Yang punches the mech as hard as she can shattering it. As Roman stands up and dusts himself.

Roman: Just got this thing cleaned.

     Yang then trys to shoot at Roman only to blocked by a girl, with three ice cream flavors, with and umbrella.

Roman: Ladies, Knight, Ice Queen....

Weiss: Hey!

Roman: Always a pleasure. Neo, if you will.

     As the ice cream girl takes a bow, Yang then charges forward and punches the two who have shattered into glass shards. As the team look around they see a bullhead with Roman and Neo on it escaping, again.

Yang: Guess he got a new henchman.

Weiss: Yeah, she really made our plans "fall apart".

     As Ruby holds in a chuckle Blake walks away frustrated.

Yang: No, just no.

Weiss: But you do it.

Yang: There is a time and a place for jokes.

Weiss: Was this not it?

Yang:*Turns and walks* No it just wasn't very good.

Weiss:* joins the others* Well at least I'm trying.

Ruby: Wait, where are Sun and Neptune?

(Y/N) pov

     As the team leaves to go back to the dorm room, I ride next to Weiss and then pick her up and put in the saddle. She looks at me surprised and a little confused.

Weiss: (Y/N), what are you doing?

(Y/N): giving you that dinner date we planned, I am starving.

Weiss: But really late in the evening, I don't think anyplace is open.

(Y/N): Then I will cook something for us tonight.

Weiss: You can cook? * looking surprised*

(Y/N): Of course, how do you think I survived on my own for so long.

     We headed back to Beacon and snuck into the cafeteria and into the kitchen. I started to make our dinner, while Weiss waited at a table that was illuminated by candles. After 20 minutes I bring out dinner.

(Y/N): Dinner is served, milady.

     Weiss puts down her drink, which was a soda from the vending machines, and marvels at it.


Weiss: It looks absolutly delicious.

(Y/N): Aww, you're melting my heart, Snowflake.

Weiss: *giggles* Well, lets stop gawking and start eating.

     I sat down across from Weiss and started digging into our dinner. We ate in peace and quiet for a while, then I have a question for Weiss.

(Y/N): Weiss, can I ask you something?

Weiss: Of course, what's on your mind?

(Y/N): Why me?

Weiss: What do you mean, Sweetheart?

(Y/N): As an heiress you can basically date any guy you want, but you chose me. How did I get so lucky?

     Weiss didn't even hesitate to answer.

Weiss: Because, you love me for who I am, not for my title. When we first met...

(Y/N): I knocked you to the ground.

Weiss: Don't interrupt me. When we met I was my usual snotty self and you just treated me like a regular person. You didn't know who I was or what I had, you just accepted me as a girl and I was happy. Then you helped me with those bullies and let me sleep next to you and I just felt so safe, like nothing can hurt me. I fell in love with you because you're you, kind, caring, brave, smart and strong, so strong. I love you more than anyone in the entire world.

     I sit in awe and contempt at what was said to me. I manage a smile as I wipe away a tear, I then take her hand and hold it tight. She and I smile at eachother lovingly, I lean in and give her a kiss. Before I can pull away Weiss wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me back in to the now passionate kiss. We kissed until the need for air arose and we just stared at eachother for a while. After we finished dinner and as we head back to the dorm room, Weiss starts falling in and out of sleep. I stop and pick Weiss up bridal style and take her to our room and set her on her bed and pull the balnket over her. I go to the bathroom and take off my armor and get ready for bed. I come backout, before I sit down on my sleeping bag, I go over to Weiss and kiss her cheek. As I pull away, Weiss reaches out and grabs my hand.

Weiss: Can you stay with me tonight, please?

     I smile and give in then lay next to Weiss. Weiss then cuddles next to me and kisses me on the lips.

Weiss: I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too, Weiss.

     We drift off to sleep, smiling. Ready to take on whatever came our way.

(A/N): Next is the team getting ready for the dance, so look forward for next time. As always leave your comments and have a great day. I really love writing this so I hope you like reading.

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