Meeting the Family (Hooray)

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As Weiss and I approach the landing pad, Weiss is excited about getting to see her sister, Winter. Weiss is holdimg my hand, as we wait for the passengers of the bullhead to disembark.

(Y/N): So, what's your sister like?

Before Weiss can respond we hear a stern...

????: Weiss.

Weiss: Winter!

Winter: A good afternoon to you sister.

Weiss: Oh, it's so good to see you.

As they talk, a Atlesian robot head is thrown towards us. I look up at who threw and I see Qrow throwing the rest of the robot on the ground. Oh no, is all I could think to myself. Winter and Qrow start getting into a heated argument, all of a sudden the two are in a brawl. I keep Weiss behind me just in case things get a little out of hand. While we are watching a crowd is gathering and I start getting concerned for the students safety. Enough is enough. I equip my sword and shield and rush in.

Weiss: (Y/N)!

Before the two can connect again, I jump in between them and block both their attacks.

Qrow: Kid, what are you doing?

Winter: What do you think you are doing, young man?


The two just stare but do not remove their weapons.

(Y/N): Qrow, you are drunk and acting like a complete asshole, and Winter you are acting like a stuck up spoiled child! Look around you, someone could've seriously been hurt and who's fault would that be, oh yeah, YOU'RES! Your supposed to be role models for the next generation and I do not see a bright future if you two are going to act like this.

As I am talking the two calm down and sheath their weapons. Winter at least is looking down in shame, but doing a good job of not showing it. Qrow is just drunk and doesn't give two shits about anything, but he stands down as well. Just then Ozpin shows up with Glynda and Ironwood.

Ozpin: Now, now. There is a sanctioned fight happening at the arena, they also have popcorn.

Glynda: Break it up everyone! We will deal with this mess.

As the adults follow Ozpin to his office, presumably, Winter turns to Weiss.

Winter: I am free for lunch, I will see you there.

As they leave, the fatigue of blocking two incoming attacks from professionals finally shows and I stumble backwards. Weiss rushes to me and makes sure I don't fall.

Weiss: (Y/N), are you alright?

(Y/N): *whew* Those two *whew* really pack *whew* a whallop.

Weiss: I'm just glad you didn't get hurt, sweetheart.

(Y/N): So, lunch with your sister. This oughta be interesting.

Weiss: Come on let's head back to the dorm and figure out that map huh.

(Y/N): Actually, I need to talk to Ozpin in his office. I will meet you there.

Weiss: Just be careful, please. I love you.

(Y/N): I love you too, Weiss.

We kiss and go our seperate ways, as I head up the elevator, I think about that Cinder girl and what she might be doing here. As the bell rings I walk out towards all the adults from earlier, oh boy.

Ozpin: (Y/N), can I help you with something?

(Y/N): Maybe-

Winter: What were you thinking jumping in the middle of things like that.

Jimmy: Schnee!

(Y/N): It's ok general, It's as I said Winter, you are the role models for the next generation, act like it.

Ozpin: Agreed, we are supposed to set the example. As a huntsman or a soldier, we have an obligation to be even more ethically upstanding than anyone else.

(Y/N): Look I am sorry I intervened the way I did, but people were being put in unneccasary danger.

Jimmy: Nothing to apologize for, son. You did what you thought was right.

(Y/N): Thank you General, now I have reason to believe that someone has infiltrated the school.

Jimmy: Really, what makes you say this.

(Y/N): First, the security has been beefed for this event, which tells me that an attack is coming soon.

Ozpin: I don't suppose you identified who the culprit might be.

(Y/N): A woman posing as a student from Haven Academy, by the name Cinder Fall. And I don't think she is working alone.

Ozpin: Do you have any evidence to back this up?

(Y/N): My gut. I think that Roman is in on this too and he wanted to be put on your ship General.

Jimmy: What do you suggest we do?

(Y/N): Move Roman off the airship and into a secure bunker underground. Then Ozpin give me the files of Cinder and her team, I'll figure it out from there.

Ozpin: While I don't agree with this course of action, I know for a fact (Y/N) has not let us down before. So let's do what he says for now.

Jimmy: Very well, I can get behind that.

Ozpin: Thank you for your diligence and vigilance, (Y/N). You may leave.

Timeskip Team RWBY Dorm

I walk into the dorm and everyone is waiting for me, I get greeted by everyone and sit at the desk and see that my dad's map is out and has writing on it.

(Y/N): Who wrote this?

Ruby: Weiss and I did, you said you needed someone who knows the land and now we have found it, the final resting place of Excalibur.

(Y/N): Wow, I don't know what to say guys.

Weiss: Well you and I still have to see my sister for lunch so save your breath.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Timeskip cafe in Vale

Weiss and I get down to the cafe and Winter is already there waiting.

Weiss: Hello Winter.

Winter: A pleasure to see you sister. Please have a seat.

Weiss: I hope you don't mind I brought a friend along today.

Winter looks at me with a stern look but oddly has a smirk on her face as well.

Winter: Of course, please sit.

I get the chair for Weiss and scoot her in, as I sit down the waitress shows up.

Waitress: Welcome my I take your order?

Weiss: Iced vanilla latte.

(Y/N): Black, hot, please.

Waitress: Certainly, I'll be right back with those.

Winter and Weiss start talking about how school has been, about the team, then Winter asks...

Winter: I am still somewhat confused as to why you let (Y/N) here join us today.

Weiss: Well you see, (Y/N) and I are dating and that's kind of what I wanted to talk with you about.

Winter: I see. *turns to me* So (Y/N), why Weiss?

(Y/N): Well, plain and simple I love Weiss for just being her. I don't care about the company or her title, I just love Weiss for who she is not what she is.

Winter: An honest and astute answer. *turns to Weiss* So Weiss why (Y/N), you can have any man you want and you chose (Y/N), Why?

Weiss doesn't even hesitate to answer.

Weiss: (Y/N) is the most genuine, nicest, and bravest person I have ever met. Sure there were other men trying to woo me. (Y/N) doesn't care about the look of a person but what makes that person special, and in (Y/N)'s case. On the outside he looks like a simple brute, but he is smart, caring, courageous, kind, respectful, and strong so strong. I love him, because there is no one else I would rather be with.

Winter grins and discreetly wipes away a tear from her eye. She regains herself and says...

Winter: Very well, I approve of you two dating. One more thing father has been trying to contact you, he knows about what happened at the dance and about you two.

(Y/N): Great, now I have to berated by the dad.

Weiss: Well, I don't care about his opinion. My love for (Y/N) will not change, ever.

Winter: Just wanted to hear you say it.

With that we ended lunch and went our separate ways. Weiss and I head back to the dorm, I have criminals to take down.

(A/N): Well things are building up, but you'll have to see what happens next time.

Thank you everyone who reads this, as always leave your comments and have a nice day. Peace out!

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