Round 1

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Timeskip back at Beacon

(Y/N) pov

     I am in the team dorm studying the rubbing I made of the shield as well as the manuscript and my dad's journal to figure out the location of Excalibur. As I work, my team walks into the dorm breaking my concentration. I look up and greet everyone, Weiss walks to me kisses me.

(Y/N): What's all the hubbub?

Yang: The Vytal Tournament starts today!

(Y/N): Oh yeah! I won't be able to participate though.

Ruby: I know, but we would like it if you were there cheering us on.

(Y/N): Of course I'll be there!

Weiss gets super excited and kisses me again.

Blake: Alright, lovebirds. Either get a room or can we focus on winning the tournament.

I can only chuckle in amusement as Weiss looks in annoyance. Then Ruby rushes us all out the dorm and we head to the arena. As we get there, the intercom sounds and the next matchup is announced. Time for team RWBY to shine. We are waiting for the signal to go to the battlefield, Weiss and I stand apart from the others. Weiss clearly had something on her mind, so ask..

(Y/N): Weiss, something is bothering you. Care to share?

Weiss: Well my father is trying to get me together with suitors again. I will always say no, because I love you. But what if he takes me away from you. I-

(Y/N): Weiss, listen no matter what tries to stand between us, I will always find a way to get to you and I will always protect you.

Weiss smiles and stares into my eyes, as I wipe away a tear from her face. I give her a soft kiss, as I pull away I smile and tell her.

(Y/N): For good luck.

Just then the horn signals and the team ready their weapons. Weiss and I leave eachother with smiles and hopefulness. I find a seat to watch and the horn sounds and Battle Begin!

     As battle ensues, I am cheering at the top of my lungs. The battle continues, team RWBY is gaining the upper hand, and I am also getting the feeling that I am being watched. I get a chill down my spine, I discreetly take a look around me and notice the eyes that are on me, a black haired woman with fire like eyes. I look back at the battlefield and the feeling is suddenly gone. I think that was one of the Haven Academy students. I shrug it off, I will think about it after the fight. RWBY delivers a bumblebee combo that finally KO's their opponents, and the crowd, myself included, go wild. I go to meet them at the carnival, as I look around I bump into someone and knock them to the ground.

(Y/N): Oh, I'm sorry. Are you ok?

????: Yes, I wasn't paying attention.

As I help the woman up and realize that it is the girl that was staring at me. I keep my composure and help her up.

(Y/N): I don't think we've met? I'm (Y/N) (L/N).

????: Cinder Fall, nice to meet you, finally.

(Y/N): Finally?

Cinder: One doesn't lead a mission to save an entire village without everyone noticing.

(Y/N): Well, in truth I am not a leader just a man trying to do the right thing.

Cinder: Well you can humble yourself all you like, but everyone sees you as a hero. See you around.

(Y/N): Yeah, see ya.

After she left I knew she was hiding something, I'll ask Ozpin about it later. I continue on and I finally find my team talking to a green-haired, dark-skinned woman. Emerald, I think her name was, she seemed ok, but the fact that she can pickpocket puts me on edge. As I approach the group, Weiss looks at me and waves excitedly and runs up to me and jumps in my arms.

(Y/N): Well hello, what's got you so excited, snowflake.

Weiss: Well, my team just won their first match of the tournament, the team elected Yang and myself to the doubles round and my beloved is here with me. So yes I am excited.

Weiss then smashes her lips into mine and kisses me, I kiss back with just as much passion. The team and I then head to a noodle stand as we sit down, we give our orders. The clerk would give Oobleck a run for his money, it's really dizzying.

Yang: I'll have the regular.

A rather large bowl slides to Yang.

Ruby: Ooh. I'll have the same.

Same size bowl slides to Ruby.

Weiss: How about a low salt.

Same bowl supposedly with less salt. Blake simply nods at the clerk. The clerk nods back and gets a bowl with a lot of fish, and Blake starts drooling a bit. I simply smirk and say.

(Y/N): I'll have the extra large.

A bowl twice as big as the others slides to me. Time to pay up, but Weiss already has a shiny fancy debit card.

Yang: Aww, Weiss what's the occasion?

Weiss: Consider it thanks for sending me and Yang to the doubles round.

As she says this, the clerk ninja stars the card back at Weiss and hits the counter. We look at the cash register and it says "Declined". Well time for me to save lunch.

Weiss: What?! How could my card be declined?

(Y/N): Don't worry Snowflake, I got this.

I pull out the necessary lien and give it to the clerk. We start digging in and enjoying ourselves, when I get a call on my scroll. I look at it and it is Ozpin, great.

(Y/N): Yes Professor, what do need?

Ozpin: Good afternoon (Y/N), I would just like to know how your search for Excalibur is going?

(Y/N): Well, I've got a starting point I am just figuring out my dad's map route so I can get there myself.

Ozpin: Very well, just let me know when you have a destination.

(Y/N): Check.

I hang up and rub my head in frustration, I then feel a soft hand on mine. I look over and notice Weiss has a concerned look on her face, I just smile at her, but she is reading me like a book.

Weiss: (Y/N), what's wrong, babe?

(Y/N): Ozpin has just been hounding me about finding Excalibur, since we got back, and I am getting frustrated over this legend.

Weiss: What about the legend is troubling you?

(Y/N): Well I have a starting point but I can't figure out the destination.

Weiss: Well where's the starting point then?

(Y/N): A village called Alexandria.

Ruby: Oh, I know where that is.

(Y/N): Really?

Ruby: Yeah, believe it or not I know just about every part of Vale.

Weiss: Looks like we have our map reader.

Weiss gets a excited look on her face, as a atlas bullhead flies over us.

(Y/N): Weiss, you know who that is?

Weiss: Yes, it's my sister.

Oh boy, time to meet the big military sister. Wish me luck, readers.

(A/N): Location about to be revealed and a meeting with Weiss' big sister. What will happen? Find out next time.

Thank you so much for reading, as always leave your comments and thoughts about the story so far. Have a great day. Peace out.

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