Male COD Reader x Nyotalia Special.

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Male Young Brave Marine Reader x Nyo America

"Come on 4,999! 5,000! Done!"

You were doing sit-ups, your father, Tank Dempsey had you exercise like him, he said you can only stop, when you finish. You were (Y/n) Dempsey. 

"Ok, now for push ups."

You then noticed something at your window, you turned and found Amelia other side, she was staring at you.

"Uhhhh Amelia? What are you doing here?"

Amelia: Huh? Oh, I was just walking by and....then.......i noticed you......exercising with a shirt.

"Well, I always exercise without a shirt."

Amelia: O-oh ok. I'll see later you, then.

"See ya." 

Amelia then left while having a huge blush on her face. After your workout, you went to your kicthen and went to fridge, your beer was gone, but that wasn't a surprise.

"Nikolai, what the hell man?"

Nikolai: What? 

Your dad's friend was sitting on a chair, having stains of beer on his shirt, and looking as if he gained weight.

"Nikolai, you gotta stop breaking into my house."

Nikolai: Only if you get me Vodka.

"Oh come on. You're lucky that was non-alcohol. I know what alcohol from beer does to you."

Nikolai: Haha, I can't forget that zombie massacre. 

"Whatever, don't you have somewhere to be?"

Nikolai: Oh yeah, I was going to have good time with 8th and 9th wives! Bye Dempsey Junior!

"Bye, Nikolai."

Nikolai then got up, and excited your house. You were actually glad he took your beer, you didn't really like drinking them, but you didn't why you even had them. You decided to take a shower, and then change into your casual clothing, Camouflage Jeans, Small Boots, and a black shirt. You walked over to the gun store, to see your dad, you had to talk to him about Amelia. You went in and found your dad talking to Russman.

Russman: So, a Remington is good enough?

Tank Dempsey: Yeah, it's a good enough shotgun. 

Russman: Thank you Tank. I'll come by again for some more shells.

Tank: Ok. Come back soon. Hm?

Your dad then noticed you, he then smirked and crossed him arms.

Tank: Hey kid.

"Hey dad. I need some help with something."

Tank: Sure, what you need help?

"I think I got a stalker."

Tank: What makes you think that?

"Well, I feel as if I'm being watched by a certain female."

Tank: It's Amelia, isn't it?

"What? How did you know?"

Tank: Her mom called, she said she found a photo album of you under her f*cking bed.

You then sighed.

"So i got a f*cking stalker?"

Tank: Yep

"Damn. What do i do?"

Tank: Either one, end it by going out with her, or two, be a f*cking a*shole, and reject her.

"Ok, jeez, thanks for the advice dad."

Tank: You're welcome.

Your dad then went back to his job, while you began to walk to Amelia's house. When you got there, you saw Amelia, arguing with Alice, her mother.

Amelia: Come on, mom! I can't help it!

Alice: I told you! You need to stop stalking (Y/n)! H

Amelia: But I love him!

Alice: I don't care!

The two then noticed, Alice just walked away, while Amelia quickly hugged you. 

Amelia: I'm sorry you had to see that.

"It's ok, but you were stalking me?"

Amelia: Yes. (Y/n), you're the most awesome marine that i have ever seen, please be mine.


You then felt something in Amelia's hand. You knew what it was, and reacted fast.

"Put the Bowie knife down!"

Amelia: But you said you'd be mine. 

"Not as an object! As your boyfriend!"

Amelia: O-ok, s-sorry. 

"It's ok, just please don't do th- you killed a girl didn't you?"

Amelia: Yes.


Amelia: What? I love you!

You spent your life with Amelia Jones, the only problem was, she would get into fights with your female allies.

Male Young Strong Soviet Reader x Nyo Russia

You were in your bedroom, lifting a 100K dumbbell, you were small but your strength was so incrediable, it made Germany and Prussia jealous. When you finished, you checked yourself in the mirror.

"I still look small."

Anya: Da, but you look cute

You were turned and looked at the door, it was Anya, the one you called, Mother Russia. 

"Mother Russia, good morning."

Anya: Good morning to too (Y/n). I see you've been working out. 


Anya: Hmmmm

Anya then had her arms behind her back, and examined you.

"I-Is something wrong Mother Russia?"

Anya: Nyet, (Y/n) you seem stressful. 

"S-sorry, I've just been busy." 

Anya: Is that so?


Anya: Hmmmm. (Y/n) come with me.

Anya then grabbed your hand, and dragged you to the living room, you shared a house with her and her brothers, the both of you sat down on the couch.

Anya: (Y/n), tell me, do you love me?

"H-huh? M-Mother Russia, if i say it, then your brother will-"

Anya: He won't. I won't allow him to harm you. Now, tell me, do you love me, or not?

You then sighed.

"Yes. I have feelings for you Mother Russia."

Anya smiled, she then grabbed your face, and kissed you. The kiss lasted for 2 minutes, you two stopped kissing, you found that Anya was on top of you.

Anya: (Y/n), become one with Mother Russia, Da?


-2 hours after, in Belarus-
Belarus was crying, he was hearing Anya and you moaning. He would hug his pillow out of depression, but Anya tied him to his bed, with chains.

Male Young Respectful Reader x Nyo Japan

You were in your bedroom, getting your uniform ready for tomorrow, you were going to spend the day with Japan, or Sakura, as others call her. You then just went to bed. You got woke up early, and got ready, after an hour of preparing, you were dressed nicely in your uniform, and on your way to where you and Sakura were to meet. When you got there, you saw Sakura, waiting next to a cherry blossom tree.


Sakura: Hm? Oh (Y/n), hi. Are you ready for our date?

"Y-yea, shall we get going?"

Sakura: Of course 

You and Sakura then walked to places, every other resident noticed you two, and thought you were a couple. It was half through the day, when a cold wind hit, Sakura got a bit cold, so you took off your coat and placed it on her.


Sakura: Thanks. 

You just smiled to her, and kept walking. When the day ended, you two went to her house, and talked in her bedroom.

Sakura: (Y/n), i want to know.


Sakura: Do you have feelings for me?

"I really do, to be honest."

Sakura then smiled and hugged you, but you asked her a question

"Um S-Sakura?"

Sakura: Yes?

"W-When can you take these chains off me? Please?"

Sakura: I'll do it in the morning, I want to sleep with you.

"Uhh o-ok then."

You had to wait in the morning for Sakura to unchain you, how she was able to chain you to her bed was still a mystery. 

Male German Doctor Reader x Nyo Germany.

You were filling out some papers, that's when Germany, or Monica, as she prefers for you to call her, walked in to your office. You just continued to fill out the paper.

Monica: Hello (Y/n), you seem to have a lot on your hands. 

"Hello Monica, and yes, i do"

Monica: Hm, so you're very busy for today?


Monica: Hmmm. How about you finish that tomorrow, or I find someone else finish it for you?

"Monica, I can't, i have to be res-"

Monica immediately got i front of you, and looked depressed.

Monica: Please?!

"Fine. Just let me put this away."

You then grabbed all your stuff, organized, and put it all in a cabinet. You then grabbed your coat, and walked outside with Monica.

"I'm guessing you wanted me to spend the day you?"

Monica: Yes, you don't mind, do you?

"Nein, I don't mind." 

Monica then just smiled. The two of just walked around town, during the day, you both just talked to each other. Some what during the date, when you both encountered Japan and Italy, Sakura and Daisy. 

Sakura: Hi Monica, Hi (Y/n)

Daisy: Hello Monica, (Y/n).

"Good afternoon ladies."

Monica: Hi

Monica the began to clench your hand, it hurt like hell, but you had to keep a calm expression, while Monica just glared at them.

Monica: What do you want?

Sakura: Uhhh we were just walking around town, and found you.

Daisy: Yea, please don't be mad,

Monica just sighed, and dragged to an ally, when the two of you were finally alone, she let go of your hand.

"O-ow, Monica, may you please not clench my hand so hard?"

Monica: Sorry.

You were about to ask what was wrong with her, but she grabbed your face, and kissed. You ended up kissing back, and hugged her closely. After the kiss, Monica was holding tightly, and was pressing her breasts against your chest.

Monica: You are mine.

Without realizing it in time, Monica placed a special necklace on you, it said "Property of Monica".

-Author's Note-
Ok, that's that. I had to chance SOME things, cause I thought i had, and I'm really tired. I'm going back on school on Tuesday. Male Singer Reader x Hatsune Miku is next, and the Male Singer Reader will be from Three Days Grace.

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