Male Singer Reader x Fangirl Hatsune Miku

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Voted Story. The singer is from Three Days Grace.

-Miku's POV-
I was watching a music video of my favorite band, Three Days Grace, i really liked their music, and I loved the singer (Y/n). I was watching the music video, Animal I Have Become, I want to be the one to tame his animal side. I heard a knock at my door, so i decided to lower the volume.

" Come in."

Ren: Hey uhh Miku? What are you doing?.....What are you wearing?

Miku: Huh? 

I looked at myself, i was in my pajamas pants, but i had a Three Day Grace shirt. I just sighed, and noticed Ren looking at my poster.

Rin: Three Days Grace?

"Uhh yeah. I really like the band."

Rin: Ok then. So what were you listening to?

"Animal I Have Become, it's my favorite song."

I restarted the video, and Rin was a bit interested now. 

Rin: Oooh the singers very cute.

" You know that thing about me being yandere?"

Rin: Oh no

"That's right!"

I quickly grabbed my huge pair of scissors, and chased her around the house. 

-(Y/n)'s POV-
I was looking over the fan mail on online, a lot of them were asks. I just closed the laptop, and went to grab a drink, my band was touring at the same town, this famous group of singers were at, i forgot what they were call.

Brad: Hey (Y/n).


I turned and found Brad on the laptop now, i just sighed, he was reading one of the mails.

Brad: You gotta check this, you got a huge fan.

"Male or female?"

Brad: Female......ooohh, and she's kinda cute.

"Let me see."

I grabbed a bottle of water, and walked over to the seat. I looked at mail, this girl was talking about much she loved our band, and music, but most of her love was on me.

"Wow. She's one hell of a fan."

Brad: Yeah, check out her pic.

I leaned in, and looked at her profile pic, she was a girl with bright blue pigtails, she was a bit pale. and she was wearing one of our band t-shirts. 

"...Damn, those pigtails though."

Brad: What? Oh.

He finally noticed her hair style, I looked at the end of the mail, it said "Love, Miku Hatsune". 

".....She's Japanese or something?"

Brad: Uhh yeah.

"Hm. Interesting."

Neil: Hey, what you looking at?

Neil came in and was sitting across Brad.

Brad: Check it out, (Y/n)'s got an admirer. 

Barry came in as well, and shoved me out of the way.

Barry: I wanna see. Woah, her hair!

Neil had lean over the laptop, and saw it upside down.

Neil: Oh Hatsune Miku. I know her.

"You know her?"

Neil: Yeah. I've seen some of her videos, i needed the subtitles on.

"Hm. So, a famous Japanese singer is in love with me?"

Brad: Pretty much.


-Miku's POV-
I was in my room, Kaito and the others weren't so happy, and a bit scared too scared to talk to me. Why did my Yandere senses come back? 

"Oh yeah, I'm in love."

I just sighed, I then remembered about my laptop, I walked over to my desk, and turned it on. I went to m e-mails and found a reply from Three Days Grace, i was so happy. I quickly opened it, it was about how much they were interested in me.


I looked at the bottom, it said, "From Barry, Neil, and Brad". No (Y/n)? I then scrolled more to the bottom, it said "P.S. Want to date (Y/n)? He's single". I immediately typed in yes, and sent in. 

-(Y/n)'s POV-
I was on my phone, reading about Hatsune Miku, she's supposed to be yandere, and i had know no idea what the hell that is, so I looked it up, and I'm in trouble if ever date her.

Neil: (Y/n), great news.


Neil: We got you a date.

"Is it Hatsune Miku?"

Neil: Yep!

I jumped off my bed, and almost fell.

Neil: Dude?

"Dude! she's insane, I looked her up, and had to do a lot more research, and she supposed to mentally ill when she's in love!"

Neil just looked at me, not looking really concerned.


I just looked at him.

"Really? It's going to take more than 'sorry' to make me forgive you."

Neil: C'mon dude, just one date, and it'll be over.

"There's a possible chance that she'll drug me and take down to her basement."

Neil:.......Just one date. And that's that, look, me and the others will be there, to make sure nothing happens.


Neil: Promise.

"Thanks. And i forgive you."

Neil: Awesome, by the way, we're stopping at Panda Express, let's go! Berry is paying!


-Next day-
Next week were we going to perform, I was in my bed, reading more about Miku's yandere thing. Apparently, she'll kill any other girl I talk to. 

"Damn it."

Brad: (Y/n), get up, fans are waiting for us, we gotta get our stuff ready.


I got up, and grabbed my jacket, i excited the tour bus, walked with my band to the concert we would be performing in. We went in, and found that the last performers were just unpacking. They didn't seem to be from here, they looked foreign. 

Neil: Yo, you're the last performers?

Kaito: Hm? Oh hey, uhh yeah, we were just getting ready to leave, we're currently spending the week in a hotel, and waiting for Three Day Grace's concert, our friend is wants to see them. 

Barry: Only one fan?

Brad: I guess. They also look familiar.

Neil and Barry were whispering. Their blonde friend, a female, looked at us, and pushed her blue haired friend.

Rin: Kaito, you're a moron. That is Three Days Grace!

Kaito: Huh? Oh.

I just rolled my eyes. That's when the girl with blue hair herself came out of backstage, Hatsune Miku. My friends then smiled and looked at me.

"Aw crap."

Miku: Ok, i checked, our ride is com-Oh my god! (Y/n) (Last Name), it's you!

"Yeah, Hatsune Miku, I read about you."

Miku: Are you a fan?!

"Uhh sorta."

Miku then got off the stage, and gave me a huge hug, she was a bit more stronger than most of my other female fans. I just hugged her back, didn't want to make a fan sad. 

"Ok then. Well, you're ready for the concert next week?"

Miku: Yes! I bought front row tickets, so I can see you up close! Also, which songs are you going to play?

You just shrugged.

"I'm thinking that we're gonna perform X-one."

Miku: Awesome, also, can you please sign my shirt, I have it in the back.

Miku then got back on stage, to grab her band t-shirt. Then a girl with pink hair, walked up.

Luka: Sorry if she's annoying. Anyways, I'm Luka, that's Kaito, Rin, and Len. 

She introduced her friends to us. 

"Thanks for introduction, and don't worry, she wasn't being annoying. Also, that's Brad, Berry, Neil, and of course, you already know, I'm (Y/n)."

Luka: Cool

Miku then came back, wearing her Band t-shirt, she jumped off the stage all excited, and had back turned to me. I just walked up to her, took out my black sharpie, and signed the band's name on her shirt, then my name. 

"There you go Miku."

Miku: Thank you so much.

"Also, I promised you a date. How about dinner at around 7?"

Miku: I would love that. 

Luka: Bu Miku, we hav-

Miku just punched Luka right in the face, knocking her out. Kaito and Rin had to drag her backstage, while I finished talking to Miku. 

"So, it's a date?"

Miku: Yep, I'll be waiting.

"Ok then, see ya. Me and my band have to rehearse."

Miku: Ok. Bye

Miku then left with her friends, while my band got the stuff ready.

Neil: All right, (Y/n)s gonna get a girlfriend.

Brad: Cool.

"Yeah. It's not gonna be bad dating a Japanese singer, that's a little crazy." 

-Miku's POV-
I ran to my room, and hung my signed shirt on my wall. I'm so excited for my date. Now then, let's hope my friends don't get in my way.

-Author's Note-
Miku entered the yandere trance at the end, her sanity is now EXTREMELY fragile. 
Anyways, that's the voted stories, Three Days Grace is my #1 favorite band.
Male Reader x Yandere Rozy is next, warning: Contains sexy female clown, and it might be a lemon

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