Male Talented Elf Reader x Elf Sisters

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My three OCs, Blaze, Ivy, and Aqua. You're dressed as Sora(KH2) in his Christmas Clothing.

You were currently making the toys, all the other elfs were being lazy, and were just drinking hot coco. You couldn't see why you were chosen to do most of the work, but when you finished making the toys, you apprently finished too early, it was 8 days until Christmas. Now you remembered why everyone made you do most of the work. You just walked to Santa's office, but before you knocked, you had to take a huge deep breath, Santa had three daughters that were obsessed with you. 

"Ok. Please, please, don't be in there."

You knocked on the door, it opened and the Jolly Fat Man himself, was now infront of you.

Santa: (Y/n), my best worker! Did everyone make you do most of the work again?

"Ummm, well-"

Sanat: (Y/n)?

"Yes. They did."

Santa just sighed, and then walked to the work shop. 

Santa: Ok (Y/n). You rest this year, while I get the presents ready. Also, I'm gonna have to find a way to get the other elves to work, so please relax, and don't stress. 

"Ok, thanks Santa."

You just walked to your room, and rested on your room. You grabbed your plushie of a Ninja in purple, and just played around with it a bit. 

"Why does every other elf push me around?"

???: I don't know, you tell me.

"Huh? What in the world?!"

You sat up, and found Santa's daughters, Aqua, Ivy, and Blaze, sitting on your bed. 

"W-when did you get here?"

Aqua: When you were working on the toys.

Ivy: You worked really hard.

Blaze: So we decided to help you relax.

"R-really? How?"

Blaze: Like this. Lay down, face first with your shirt off, I'm gonna give you a massage, ok?


You took your hat, and then your shirt off. Revealing your skinny but muscular body, you then laid down, face first. You felt Blaze's hands touch your back, she then began to give you the massage, it felt really good. 

"That feels really good."

Blaze: I'm glad you like it.

 Blaze then stopped giving you a massage, and gave you a kiss on the cheek. She then gave you your (Black/White) Tank Top. You put your shirt on, and then felt a bit better, but you then smelled something good. 


You turned and found Aqua, holding a big plate of Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Aqua: I heard you like cookies, so I had our mom teach me how to cook.

Aqua then sat next to you, and began to feed you. You were a little annoyed but, they're trying to help you relax. You finished the plate of cookies, Aqua took the plate, and went to go wash it, that's whenit was Ivy's turn. She was holding a Mistle toe. 


Ivy: It's almost time for you to go to sleep, so we should give you a good night kiss. And I already gave you, your gift, you just have to wait until tomorrow. 


You then yawned. You grabbed your pajamas, and changed in the bathroom. You then went in bed, and started to fall asleep, then the girls kissed you on the cheek, leaving lip stick marks. 

Aqua, Blaze, and Ivy: Good Night (Y/n).


The girls then excited your room, but they then dragged an elf, named Ed, to a closet.

Ed: Oh well hello there Girls. Finally decided to-? Holy Sh*t, please don't-!

All the other elves didn't hear it well, since they were listening to 12 Days to Christmas, with big speakers. 

-Auhtor's Note-
I left multiple Easter eggs, but only hints my New Years Special. Also, my break is coming, so I need to finish my Christmas Specials right now. Also New Years Special is gonna be a ReMiX. :3

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