Chapter 11

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Au: Last we left Y/n is halfway through the entrance exam. Despite the boost in difficulty and strict judgment from the judges (unbeknownst to him) he seems to be doing very well. Now to 0-pointer has begun to make its appearance. How will this affect Y/n and the other student's exams?! Find out now on My Villain Academia.

No One's POV 

Y/n continues to move through the horde of cowards that run from the behemoth that is the zero-pointers. Smirking in glee as he prepares to destroy the construct with an amazing show of power and skill. 

Iida looks back at his newfound comrade and stops running for a second.

Iida: *Y/N!? Why is he moving toward the zero-pointers!? Does he think he can take it?! Even if he can... it wouldn't boost his points!? We... we should run!*

Iida tries to continue to run but he feels his legs get heavy. His entire body is frozen stiff before he shifts to face Y/n and the zero-pointers.

Iida: And yet... he moves with confidence and intent... how could I call myself an Iida if I let him face this challenge alone after he helped me!

Iida begins to walk over to Y/n when he is suddenly shoved and then forced to move with the rest of the crowd. He attempts to escape to aid Y/n but to no avail.


Y/n perks up and glances behind him. Believing to hear his name called, for a second he sees an arm in the crowd of cowards but is unable to figure out who called for him. He shrugs and continues to power up.

Y/n: At least make this interesting.

He begins to run towards zero-pointers as it seems to take notice of him. He can see the red glow begins to glow brighter, he instantly recognizes that this meant this construct has been modified to not hold back on him. As he does he glances at his surroundings and begins to take note of a few extra negative pointers charging at him. 

Soon enough the first one comes within reach and swings its metal claws at him which blocks the attack and smirks. Looking past them he sees All Might's successor laying out on the ground. It looked like he was trying to stand, most likely he was pushed down from the others he thought.

It is then they both hear a scream. Both eyes dart over and you notice a girl is trapped under some debris left by the pointer and will soon be trampled by the zero pointers.  Before Y/n could think of anything, a shockwave is sent through the ground and both Y/n and the girl watch as All Might's successor almost soars into the air and without hesitation slams his fist into the machine. Sending it straight to the ground.


The punch sent another shockwave that shook the ground and sent the air blowing in all directions. The girl feels herself getting loose from the debris but can only look on in shock and awe at the punch.

Meanwhile, Y/n is left speechless as a smirk begins to form on his face that becomes a smile. Feels his instincts get excited at the potential he is witnessing as the amount of force the punch brought has pushed back the pointers in the area.

He speaks to himself as he watches the zero pointer fall as it continues to explode, lighting up the area as it collapses.

Y/n: So...this is the power of your successor All Might... our battles will be legendary. 

After the surge of wind dies down, both the girl and Y/n notice how the one who threw the punch stayed in the air for a moment before descending at a rapid pace. To which Y/n speaks loud enough for the girl to hear.

Y/n: He... he does have a landing strategy right?

Uraraka POV

I watch the green hair boy take down the zero-pointer in one punch! I couldn't believe this was the same person who I stopped from falling earlier... and now he was falling again. When I hear the other boy speak up I turn with fear in my eyes.

Uraraka: EEEEHHH!? He'll be okay right?!

I watch as the boy looks at me and I freeze. I'm able to look at his features and to call him handsome wouldn't even begin to describe it.  He had a confident aura around him and a nice smile that matched his f/c eyes and nice spiky h/c. He was wearing a f/c tracksuit that allowed me to paint a picture of what was beneath and-


I turn and see him falling without any sign of stopping. I try to force myself up but find myself tripping and falling. But before I land I find myself in someone's arms.

Y/n: Easy there. Don't worry, I got him.

I feel my face heat up as I get a closer look at him, he looks into my eyes and I do feel a bit calmer as he speaks.

Y/n: What is your name?

Uraraka: O-O-Ochaco U-U-Uraraka.

I watch as he nods and without me realizing it at first he sits me down on some remains of a pointer and speaks.

Y/n: Ochacho... What a pretty name. 

My heart begins to race as my face heats up, I wasn't expecting him to refer to me by my first name! Before I could say anything he turns and scoffs at something.

Y/n: So they still want a piece of me huh? Let's make it quick.

Looking ahead of him I see a few pointers charging at us. But they seemed different, they were a lot faster than the ones I'd seen and destroyed. And I swore one of them had a dash mark before the number it represented. I was getting concerned over the situation as I knew if I used my quirk again I would puke and I certainly didn't want to embarrass myself in front of this guy.

My head then turns to the other boy who is screaming and getting closer and closer to the ground. The severity of the situation sinks in and I begin to shake, but I hear the guy in front of me speak. 

Y/n: This shouldn't take more than a second.

Suddenly the ground begins to shake and everything around me as I see a glow coming from both his hands. The air around us gets pushed back very similar to the shockwave that the other guy made. Before I could say anything he aims his hands towards the pointers and the balls of lights are launched from his hands as I blink I hear a slam.

When I open my eyes he is gone and in front of me is a giant explosion. My thoughts are filled with questions about his quirk and speed.

Izuku POV

It happened again! The logical thing was to run away with the rest of the examinees and try and get points as I ran like I originally thought! I barely had two minutes left after Present Mic made his announcement!

But when I saw the girl who helped me trapped... I couldn't help but move and tried to help! I ended up activating my quirk for the first time and took down the zero-pointer! But now I'm falling! My mind tries to process everything as I fall!

Present Mic: One minute left!

Izuku: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH- *Wait! This is All Might's power! Of course, I can jump this high now! I should be able to land like it's a piece of cake-cake-cake -AUGH*

My mind begins to struggle to think coherently as  I feel my body erupt in pain. I look at myself as tears begin to fall and rise from my face as I see both my legs and right arm are broken!

Izuku: *BROKEN!? Of course! I'm an idiot! A mere ten months was just barely enough time! I can barely wield this borrowed power! I was only able to use all of it for an instant!*

I look and can barely see the blurry shapes of the other examinees. I think I can make out the girl, and... 

Izuku: *THAT BOY! I know him, he tried helping me earlier with his words... but I couldn't. And I know I've seen him before. It doesn't matter now! He along with everyone here has raced past me in every way! Meanwhile, I've only been given the right to stand at the starting line!*

I try my best to ignore the pain as my limbs move fast and horribly in the wind. It makes it hurt even more! But I have to focus on saving myself!

Izuku: *THINK! What do I do?! What do I do!? AH- DETROIT SMASH! If I aim it before I hit the ground! I'll have to use my remaining arm! I also have to time it right! Too early or too soon and I'm dead!*

I raise my left arm and prepare myself. But then I think of the repercussion of using my quirk!

Izuku: *But even if I succeed... I won't be able to gain any points! If I break my left arm they'll be now a way for me to pass!*

I am unable to do anything but scream as I can't make a decision and my death becomes more apparent.


??: You scream louder than me when I go super Saiyan. Impressive.


I stop screaming when I look towards the voice and realize I'm being carried bridal style by the boy from earlier... but I was shocked to see how he got to me so fast! I  was so far away from him and the girl!

Izuku: H-H-H-How did-!!!

I stop myself as the situation dawns on me that I may have only seconds left before the exam is over and I have no points! Using my left arm I push myself off the boy to his surprise and landed on all three of my broken limbs. I feel them all crack and the pain surge through me even more but I force myself to keep moving.

Izuku: If I.. can just get one point!

As I begin to crawl there is a low boom that I hear from behind and then another. But then I see two feet in front of me. Looking up I am shocked to see the boy... holding the remains of one pointer. Having in his hand the upper body of one. It was still active as it began swinging at him. He then lowered himself to me and punched a hole in its chest. I-I was speechless.

??: One point, right? If you put your hand in that hole you'll feel its core. It should still count as it's still active.

I was so shocked that I couldn't move. It was like I was in a daze, but I was brought out of it as the boy swiftly grabs my left arm and makes me fist the hole!


??: You have seconds left!! Grab it!

I instantly do realize I feel the core and grab it. I begin to tug but it's stuck. I feel a sense of dread take over me as I can feel the boy looking down at me. He then whispers something that only I can hear.

??: Do you truly intend to squander the opportunity All Might have graced you with? You are here to be his successor yet you have nothing to show for it! It'd be better for me to take it from you since you can't even take a core from a damn robot! Firmly grasp it!

The words he struck me with angered me and removed all of my shock and doubt. I gained a stronger hold on the core and used all of my strength to rip the core out of the pointer!

As I did time seemed to slow down as I hear the sound of approaching footsteps. But that gets blocked out when I hear Present Mic screaming;



I look towards President Mic as he ends the exam and takes a moment to take a deep breath. I turn back to the other two testes and the robot in my grasp and swiftly toss it aside.

Y/n: Damn...

Uraraka: Oh no.

I looked at the young woman who has made her way over to us.  Taking the time to get a better look at her appearance. I took note of the damage and obvious fatigue from her quirk, but I also saw the sadness and determination in her eyes... her nice brown eyes, which matched her shoulder-length hair that had short bangs that reach roughly a quarter of the way down her forehead, and a blush on her face that reminded me of Toga... but a very different feeling. Almost pure.... she was very pretty despite the battle. I realized I had begun to stare and snapped out of it.

Y/n: *Head out of the gutter Y/n. Focus on the successor*.

I look away from her and see the now laid out and unconscious boy in front of me. I instantly see the broken legs and can even see the reminisce of tears in his eyes.

Y/n: *Or sweat. Could be both...*

But what took me by surprise, was looking at his broken arms. One was fully sprawled out and in no way bent the right way. With each of his fingers broken and pointing in a different direction. But in his other arm, in his hand was the core of the robot he fisted.

Uraraka: Did... did he get a point?

I feel myself smile as I lower myself to examine it. At first, trying to take it, but I feel the pressure of his grip. Holding onto the core for dear life, I swear for a moment I can hear his muttering. I ignore it and look at the core, seeing it offline. I smile even wider as I stand back up and look at her, confusing her with my response.

Y/n: This will certainly be an interesting year.

Uraraka: Ummm what?

Y/n: OH!

I turn around to fully face Ochaco with a nervous smile as I began to timidly scratch the back of my head.

Y/n: I don't think I ever introduced myself to you Ochaco have I?

I see her face getting slightly red and I introduce myself. I pay no heed to it as I assume the heat from all of this has gotten to her and continue speaking. 

Y/n: Names Y/n! I'm really glad you're okay! I can't wait to be students together!

I give her a little bow as she becomes flustered by my performance. Though I recognize that I'm not being fully fake with how I'm acting. Though I may certainly tone down the Goku denseness and act.

Uraraka: No-no-no you are f-fine! Perfectly fine! It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n. Thank you for helping me back there! 

Y/n: Don't sweat it. Hey, mind walking with me to bring this guy to the medical staff?

I watch as her eyes wonder too All Might's successor and she gasps as she sees his body wrangled from his quirk.

Uraraka: Oh my god! Is he-

I speak up to calm her nerves.

Y/n: He will live after getting proper treatment. I'm also sure he got the point he needed. Now, shall we?

I pick him up and begin to walk off with Ochaco walking alongside me.

Izuku POV 

Izuku: *...Did I do it? Did I get the point? I can't open my eyes.*

I hear voices surrounding me as I try to force myself awake and get an idea of my surroundings. But at that moment I realized I had no energy and was on the verge of unconsciousness. I did feel someone touch the core in my hand and I subconsciously smiled. 

Izuku: *I did it! I got the point! But...will it be enough?! There's no way that'd be enough to pass. What am I going to tell All Might? My mother! And all those who helped me... like the girl from earlier... and.. that boy... I've seen him before. But.. where?*

I tried to remember the boy's voice and appearance from when I saw him during the exam... when he threw the paper that asked me to quiet down... and then it clicked... he knew about me and All Might! And then's when I remembered when I first met him!


I had arrived at the Dagoba Municipal Beach Park, it had been two days after I met All Might and been offered the chance of a lifetime.

Izuku: *All Might said something about meeting here to begin training. I wonder what it could mean.*

I walked through the trash and tried to find All Might, it did make me feel a bit sad seeing the state of this beach. But I also wanted to know what this had to do with getting All Might's quirk and becoming a successor.

All Might: Young Midoriya!! Over here!!

I looked and All Might leaned against a fridge while holding ropes. He smiled and waved me over, I still couldn't believe this was happening to me. Seeing him in the form that I'm used to. I felt like I had to say something and thank him again. I ran over and smiled.

Izuku: All Might! I'm here

All Might: HAHA! Of course, now grab these ropes annnnnd MUSH!

Izuku:... EH!? OKAY!!

Without questioning his word I grabbed the ropes and began to try to drag it away. All Might pointed where he wanted me to go and jumped to the top of the fridge. I began to sweat instantly as I did my best to pull the fridge and All Might together... though despite all my effort I couldn't make it budge.

Suddenly a voice calls over to us with a tone that sends chills down my spine.

??: Well well well... I knew I sensed someone strong. How are ya All Might? Pride and body restored?

I see a boy around my age wearing gym clothing and... a tail. Must be his quirk I thought, but it's what he says that catches my attention, sending me sprawling in my thoughts.

Izuku:*Who is he?! Where did he come from? How is he able to talk to All Might so casually?!?! And this aura he gives off!? Like... like there should be boss music playing!*

Before I can think more about this. All Might steps in front of me, almost protectively. He also brings his arms up... as if he's preparing to fight this guy!? Who is he!?

The boy chuckles and gives a sister smile as he puts his hands up.

Y/n: Now now. I promise I didn't come here for a warm-up. Just passing through.

He slides down the heap of trash and casually walks over to us. Holding a smile that reminds me of Kacchans... made my stomach turn.

Y/n: Sooo~ what are you up to?

All Might: Apologies young man... but this isn't your-

Y/n: Is this who I think it is?

My entire body freezes for a moment before I slowly turn to find myself face-to-face with this guy. I immediately am startled by his speed and fall to the ground.

Izuku: GAH!? How did‐?!

Y/n: Hmmm. Seems a bit on the weaker side of things don't you think? Or is he going to buff up on steroids like you after he succeeds you All Might?

He bends down and gets close to my face. I can feel his eyes studying me, it was unnerving.

All Might:... Trust me. His strength will far surpass mine and yours combined!

Y/n: Hmmmmm

As he hums in amusement I think back to what he said.

Izuku: *Wait... he said "succeeds"... does.. does HE KNOW?!*

Before I could wrap my head around this he abruptly stands up straight and gives a smile that puts me at ease. Catching me off guard again as he speaks with a carefree tone that makes me calm down.

Y/n: Very well. I'll leave it to you All Might. I have high expectations... For both of you. Have a goodnight, oh and do your best not to break anything during training...that's my job~.

With that, he calmly turns and walks away. Humming to himself as he goes. I begin to pick myself up and try to grasp an idea of everything that happened. All Might then speaks, getting me out of my thoughts.

All Might: Young Midoriya, heed my words. In your journey of training to not just get my quirk... but to be a hero... you'll face hardships, opponents that come in all shapes and sizes... and potential rivals and allies that are found only if you go plus ultra into facing them... and understanding them. That boy will be an important mentor in helping you understand that concept... and it'll be up to you to see what role he plays.

I look up at All Might and try to take in what he says. And in response I say.

Izuku: Huh? Wha-?

All Might: HAHAHAHA. I guess I am getting too ahead of myself. First things first... you must clean up this entire beach before the entrance exam.


Present Time

All Might then explained to me how we needed to train my body to be ready to accept and use One For All, and this would include cleaning up the entire beach before the entrance exam. In all the explanation and working out... I  momentarily forgot about the boy and his cryptic words. I did try to ask about him now and then... but All Might would always dodge the question or make me do something that would make me change focus. Eventually, I pretty much forgot about him altogether until now.  

Izuku: *Who is he? There is something off about him. But he's done so much to help me today... and he knows about me being a successor! The fact that the world doesn't know about this... means he has kept it a secret as well. Did All Might tell him? If so, why didn't All Might explain... WAIT... All Might said he was looking for a successor... what if HE WAS ONE!! I need to know!*

I finally open my eyes and freak out to see an elderly woman moving to kiss me.

Izuku: EH?! 

My attention is diverted and my thoughts go blank as I try to move but realize that I couldn't due to my broken limbs. As her lips touch my cheek my body heals and my bones are almost immediately mended. I look around and my eyes lock onto his. Next to him is the girl who is holding onto his arm and talking to him with worry.

Before I can do anything, I feel the adrenaline leave my body and feel sapped for energy. Once again I feel my mind go blank as I pass out.

Your POV

You had carried All Might's successor to the other students and carefully dropped him on the ground when you saw Recovery Girl making her way over. You had already made her... acquaintance shortly after you moved with Nemuri. She gave you an earful for hurting so many Pro Heroes she had to initially take care of before they got the Senzu Beans. She reminded me of my mother... and you certainly didn't want to risk her wrath. 

After you dropped him off you walked away, with Ochaco close by. At first, voicing her concerns.

Uraraka: Um... shouldn't we bring him to the staff!? He is hurt Y/n.

You see her tug on your sleeve and look back at him. A sudden thought occurs to you.

Y/n: *I should learn that kid's name. Can't call him the "successor" forever. Also, that would give everything away.*

Ochaco's voice gets your attention. At this point, you had zoned out for a moment and glanced at the... where you dropped him off. You see him looking at you, you look him in his eyes and smile. He passes out shortly after, making you chuckle as you look back at Ochaco who was now pouting.

Y/n: Look, he's alright now. Just going to need some rest... what about you? You look a bit banged and bruised. I can carry you over.

You see her step back, still holding on to you as she looks away. You feel her grip tightens as her face gets redder and she looks away as she tries to speak.

Uraraka: I-I-I n-n-no! I'm okay! Thank you!

Suddenly there was a flash of pink light on your sleeve as you felt the weight of your body lessen as your feet begin to rise from the ground.

Y/n: Uuuuh... Ochaco?

Uraraka: EEP!! Sorry!

She clasps her hands together and you quickly land on your feet. Because it was without warning she moved to catch you. She places her hands on your chest to help you catch yourself. You smirked as you feel her hands pressing against you, and after realizing what she was doing she jumped back again and covered her face. This time you weren't accidentally getting lifted which was a plus.

Y/n: Thanks... I should get going. Have to meet... my guardian.. I'll see you around Ochaco.

You walk away and head toward the direction where you sensed Nemuri. There were a lot of gazes from the other students as you walked. You were about to fly when you felt your phone in your pocket vibrate, you pull it out and pick up.

Y/n: Yo! Keep your cuffs on, I'm on my way.

Nemuri: Aaaaw~. I knew you couldn't wait to return to me.

You couldn't see it. But you knew she did her signature smirk and wink. You roll your eyes and she speaks.

Nemuri: (Giggle) well, do you mind meeting me outside the school? I have to help the other staff clean up this mess and check on the other examinees. Hopefully, it won't take too long, I don't intend to take my time~.

You sigh as you nod and respond.

Y/n: That is fine. Would you like me to fly around and help out? 

Nemuri: Aw. Thanks, Y/n, but it's best if you leave it to the adults. Think you can find something to do while I work?

Y/n: I-

Uraraka: Yyyyyy/nnnnnn! Wait!

You freeze up as you can hear Nemuri take a sharp breath and squeal.

Nemuri: Eeeee! My ~ Looks like you already found something to do!! Put me on the pho-

Y/n: I'll call you back.

Nemuri: No wait! Wear prote-

You hang up and put your phone away as Uraraka makes her way over to you. You turn to face her and take note that she had regained her composure.

Uraraka:  Hey, I was wondering if maybe we could exchange contact information and keep in touch before school starts?

You put a finger to your chin and pretend to think about it for a moment. You see her fidget nervously which causes you to chuckle and speak up.

Y/n: Hmmmm, you sure you don't feel me up again~?

You watch her face brighten up once again as she stutters over her words trying to deny it.

Uraraka: NO! T-t-t-t-hat-s n-n-n-not it at all! That's n-n-not the main reason! D-d-d-don't get me wrong it felt nice! I mean you are great! I-I-I-I mean-.

Y/n: Ochaco. I'm just messing with you. I'd love to keep in contact.

Uraraka: Oh! Uhhh,  great! 

You chuckle as you give your contact information to Ochaco and she gives you hers. The two of you continue to talk as you leave the mock urban battle area. Following other examinees as you made your way.

Uraraka: Man, this was intense!

You glance over and look at Ochaco. Noticing where she is looking at the surrounding area. Filled with destroyed pointers, exhausted examinees, and a decent amount of damage to the place as a whole. You unravel your tail as you chuckle and smile.

Y/n: Yes. But how else is the school supposed to pick the next generation of heroes? Gotta get them ready for their war as soon as possible.

You finish your sentence, speaking the last part to yourself as you scoff at the way the system is made. Taking note of the extreme measures the school will take to prepare these children. Ochaco seemingly not hearing or acknowledging your last statement continues her thoughts. 

Uraraka: Y-yeah... I guess you're right.  But it was a lot! I wonder how many people were able to showcase their quirk. And get the points needed.... like that other boy.

Y/n: He'll be fine. With that level of strength, I'm sure the school is itching to have him.

Ochaco: Yeah. But I wonder why he was worried about getting a point! I mean.. do you think that he didn't get any points?

You put a finger to your chin and pretend to think for a moment while you continue to walk.

Y/n: I mean he certainly got a point with my assistance. But from when I did see him... I don't believe he had the chance to get anything else.

Ochaco stopped walking and you did shortly after. Watching her clutch her chest and tense up.

Uraraka: .... But... after what he did for me. Wasting his time over the zero-pointers... that's not fair! I have to do something!

She looks at you with fire in her eyes. She then takes off running to the school, catching you off guard. You swiftly run after her and with no time at all are running side by side with her.

Y/n: So... what's the plan?

Uraraka: I'm going to see if I can help that boy! Even if I have to give my points to do it!

You chuckle to yourself as you keep up your pace as your eyes wander around the examinees. Thinking about some of the examinees you've met and your results.

Y/n: *There is no doubt that there's some potential with a few of these kids. At the very least they all have strong quirks when used properly. But when it comes to character... and the showings of a hero...*

You glance over and see Iida, who looked to be upset. He was looking down at the successor who was sleeping, muttering to himself. You could tell he was beating himself up from how he did. 

Y/n: *Well it's there, they just need to be kept on track. I'll make sure they don't become something like... them-*

Flashes of your people go through your mind, seeing All For One and Kurigori behind Shigaraki as a child.

Y/n: * Yeah... Going to have to take those guys out eventually. Rather not deal with anyone else like that. I got my hands full dealing with Stain and Toga, last thing I need is a ruthless and stupid killer going around. Hehe, wonder if that's how Nemuri saw me. Probably what the staff sees me as... If they think they can pull me into their pyramid schemes they got another thing coming! I'll keep these heroes in check and get them ready. After all, PoppaFreeze will love a full elite force and I need fun opponents when All Might is out of the picture.*

You continue to think of the potential future and how things will become as you run with Ochaco. Soon enough heading into the building and standing by as she attempted to try and find a way to help the successor. It was very wholesome and inspiring, though you were spoken to with sass. Regardless you and Ochaco left and soon went your separate ways. You catch up with Nemuri and end up at home. Now waiting on the results of the exam, with only getting slightly nervous.

AU: That's where we'll end the chapter. Hope you've enjoyed it. It's been a long time and hopes I'm not too rusty at this. Thank you for your patience and support, have a great day/night. Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!

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