Chapter 12

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Last we left off, you had just completed your entrance exam and were now waiting for results. You met a handful of examinees and began to feel excited for the upcoming school year. Though you yourself had to pass the exam yourself. What are the results and what will happen next? Find out this chapter.

Frieza's POV

I look back to the monitor's on my screen. Watching as my men attempt to take hold of this planet. From what my intel had gathered, this planet harbored some of the most technological advanced species of this universe. 

Frieza: *My empire on this end lacks in  man power as well as sufficient technology that could truly run this dimension and allow myself to smoothly watch over and control everything. Especially when considering how things were at the peak of my Empire in the other dimension, my families empire really.*

My thoughts are momentarily interrupted when a flash comes from my monitor and I click on the screen, seeing one of the ground troops speaking up. I refer to them as  Qui number 2... for obvious reasons.

Qui 2: LORD FRIEZA! We have an issue!

Frieza: (Sigh). You mean YOU have a problem, not me. Now how are you messing things up now Qui 2? Sending me to an alternate dimension?!

Qui 2:... My Lord I never-

Frieza: SHUT UP! Explain why you are wasting my time and why I shouldn't come down there!

Qui 2: Well ummm... that would actually be preferable Lord Frieza... we have most of the planet under your control. But the capital refuses to crumble under the pressure. In fact they have activated a force field that our soldiers are unable to penetrate!

Frieza: (Sigh). And what's stopping you from blowing the entire capital sky high to end this game? This process has been longer then I am accustomed due to their pesky technology and the fastest we get this over with the faster I can USE IT! Ohhohohohoho!

I begin to laugh and once again think about all the ways I could use this planet for my advantage. I began to get a bit giddy... until that blasted and useless Qui 2 spoke again!

Qui 2: Well... Lord Frieza... you gave me direct orders not to damage the planets capital. As in it holds the key for all their technology. And without it we would be a huge setback in getting control for ou-YOUR empire Lord Frieza.... Also you said you would "death beam me until there was nothing but holes left" if I destroyed it.

Frieza:... And yet you can't even take hold of it.

Qui 2:... But I didn't destroy it.


Qui 2:....


Qui 2:.... So... shall I get the red carpet for you're arri-

Frieza: You better.

I hang up the call and lean into my chair for a moment, letting out a heavy sigh. I smack the ships floor with my tail in annoyance as I force myself out of my chair and make my way into space. Flying directly to the capital, in which I do see a battleground taking place outside of it.

(Au: What he sees)

I look down and can clearly see my forces and the other trapped in a stand still. I watch from above for a few minutes until my eye lands on a shining red carpet, I smirk as I fly myself down to the spot. Immediately my men begin to kneel and cease firing, knowing their chances of living past this fight becomes zero if they don't give me the proper respect.

(Au: Battle still continues)

I walk down the carpet in silence, looking at my men. Taking note of how exhausted they look and scared. I can tell they are losing their drive to fight, but luckily their drive to survive has just sky rocketed. Seeing them all grovel around me made me snicker. But this was horribly interrupted as a bright light emits from above and I recognize it as a cannon blast of some kind heading straight towards me.

I sigh of annoyance and continue to walk. When it gets close enough I wack it away with my tail, letting it destroy some of their own men in the process. Blowing up in quite a spectacle behind me. I relished in the screams and how my men flinched and began to really sweat.

At the end of the carpet Qui 2 continues to kneel and try to bow so low I thought he was trying to go underground. But I'm already out of patience from these games.

Frieza: Report.

Qui 2 stands up and salutes instantly to me and begins to speak.

Qui 2: Sir! We are attempting to re-establish contact with the planets forces! We hope that with 99% of their planet belonging to you they will listen to reason! Or else we will be forced to lose more lives to dwindle down their remaining forces and either find a way past the force field... or force their hand into taking it down themselves... Sir.

Frieza:... And pray tell why I am needed for any of this?

I watch them freeze up and gulp as he shakes and averts his gaze from me. I could feel my finger and tail itching to kill him. But I decided to continue to be a patient overlord.

Qui 2: W-W-W-Well... I know you mentioned you wanted to be more... involved during the final stages of take overs... and you been keen on wanting to take this planet over! And I thought-

Frieza: (Sigh) Those are usually the downfall of most foot soldiers... Thinking... you are lucky you do seem to have some hints of intelligence or I would have killed you already.

Qui 2: EEP!

My eyes move past him and could see part of the army make it's way over to us. I sighed once again and decided to make my presence really known to them.  I walk past Qui 2 and move towards the army.

I charge a blast between my hands and scoff in disgust at these idiotic fools who were charging at me.

Frieza: Let it be known it was your foolish leaders that did this. Not me.

I bring my hands up and throw the blast at them. The moment it lands the entire area is blown up and nothing is left of the charging army. As the blast leaves a smoke cloud that reaches so high I'm sure I could have seen it from my ship. There is a silence that fills the battleground.

As the smoke disperses I was shocked to see three figures walking toward me. I could sense some power from the three, enough where I knew this would be a moderate inconvenience towards me. 

Frieza: (Sigh) And what are you three? The last stand? The elite? Or the ones who are going to surrender?

One of them speaks up and I do my best not to kill them instantly.'

Inconvenience 1: Why are you here!? What do you want with this planet!?

I take a moment to stop myself from killing him right there and rolled my eyes.

Frieza: Well as you may have gathered we are the ever growing empire! And I heard of your planet and it's technological advancements... so I thought maybe you could help me with our IT problem-WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I'M HERE FOR!?

Inconvenience 1:.... For our trees?

Frieza:... Zarbon, two or three more.

Inconvenience 1:... W-what?

Frieza: Oh right... he's dead... (sigh) Never did send that gift basket to his boyfriend Chuck  or the Ginyu's Force's family. (Mumbles)

Inconvenience 2: Ummmm did you work the shaf-

I instantly throw a blast over to the individual, who was almost instantly disintegrate. Only being able to let out a short but high screech from pain. It was very satisfying, as I chuckled to myself the remainder of this little annoyance banded together and prepared to face me. But of course they had to continue speaking and waste my time.

Inconvenience 1: You have not won yet! As long as we are here you will never take control of our planet!-

Frieza: 451.

Inconvenience 1: Wha?

Frieza: (Sigh). Oh carry on. Let your last words be said.

Inconvenience 1:... Well ummm... If you believe you will win, you're sorely mistaken!

Frieza: 369

Inconvenience:  Now, face the might of the race you sought to decimate! For we will-

Frieza: 420. Nice.


He and his little group charges me at a pitiful speed, some charging up some energy attacks from their eyes, others with energized weapons. My army back away, knowing fully well that I enjoy using all the space available even if it'll be occupied by the bodies of both armies. As they were about make contact with me, all I could do is laugh and say one last thing before the final battle comenced.

Frieza: Ohhohohohoho... 163

Short Timeskip

As the dust settles I got to enjoy watching the remainder of the army freeze and begin to loose all hope in their faces and eyes. Some even began to shake as they could not truly fathom the power that was in front of them.

Frieza: Oh-hohohoho! Were they supposed to do something? My my that's a pity~.

The resistance swiftly surrendered to the Frieza Empire and gave me the grand tour of the Capital as my men swiftly moved in to be in full control of everything. I was pleasantly surprised with how far this planet had come in  technological advancement. Causing me to plot for the future.

Frieza: *Maybe they could give me a way to send myself back to my... our dimension. Yes ours... Y/n.*

I stopped walking for a moment and thought about the child. It had been some time since I responded to his reports, in fact if memory serves me right he was waiting for his results if that exam. 

Frieza: *As if he could fail it. I've raise-TRAINED him to be the best! But I should check in on hi-MAKE SURE he hasn't blown up the planet by accident. I am still slightly interested in what that planet could do... so similar yet different then our earth... Hmmm I wonder how things are their.*

I then think about the other dimension. My empire, my disgusting adversaries, and what I could use to help better my status here. It wouldn't hurt to get reinforcements from our prime dimension.

Frieza: *But I'll need more than my troops. Someone or rather something with power that could be of use to me. Hmmmm but who... there wasn't really anyone alive that could match the criteria. Wait... that's it!*

I begin to laugh when I think of the perfect idea! I continue to laugh as I walk, investigating what was now at my disposal and seeing what I will use. Commanding my troops to gather the scientists of this world as well as the old leader to discuss the pecking order and how their planet will follow my will unless they want destruction. 

As all of that began to be in order, I did contact the boy while I waited. He doesn't bore me at least with his juvenile speech.

Your POV

You wake up with the sun in your eyes. You jump out of bed and begin doing your daily routine.

Since you first "moved" to your room you were able to add some things for being on good behavior. Mainly consisting of different weights and other work out equipment that could fit in the room and you could use with the space you had. Including a pull up bar.

Y/n: Yeah really hard to down play that technically I am a prisoner throughout this entire process. (Chuckle). Wait that entails they could keep me here... HAHAHA! As if.

You continue your warm up, consisting of 100 push ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 pull ups and various other exercises while also using weights to add to the light strain. But halfway through your phone that has direct contact with Lord Frieza and those deemed as villains.

Looking at your phone you feel a bit nervous and happy seeing your... care taker texting you. Took a moment to gather you're thoughts and decide a best way to respond.

                                                      👱‍♂️Lord PoppaFreeze👽🖖

                                                                                     PoppaFreeze: Boy! Status update!

Y/n: Lord PoppaFreeze! 🫡🖖

Y/n: Still residing  with the Pro Hero

Y/n: Waiting for confirmation of role in UA

Y/n: Already getting to know future stud-

Y/n: Troops for you're army and my entertainment

Y/n: 🫡😅

                                                                                         PoppaFreeze: Hmmm very well.

                                                                                         PoppaFreeze: I've taken another...

                                                                                         PoppaFreeze: Beneficial planet to our empire

                                                                                         PoppaFreeze: 😈🙏


Y/n: What's special about this one?!

                                                                                         PoppaFreeze: Ohhohohoho 

                                                                                         PoppaFreeze: You'll find out soon my child~

Y/n: ....

                                                                                          PoppaFreeze: Hopefully you'll find out soon.

                                                                                          PoppaFreeze: Just remember Y/n, you are...

                                                                                          PoppaFreeze: You're the strongest on that..

                                                                                        PoppaFreeze: Mud-ball... But far from that...

                                                                                       PoppaFreeze: In other dimensions and afterlife

Y/n: Uh huh... Will I be joining the-

                                                                                       PoppaFreeze: If you meet my expectations... eh

                                                                                       PoppaFreeze: Always. Until then brat. Stay...

                                                                                       PoppaFreeze: Keep me posted.

Y/n: Yes PoppaFreeze 😭                                                                                      

End of Text Chat

After that you put that phone away and sit on your bed, contemplating how much your life was in danger as of right now.

Y/n: Mmmmmm... Let's not think about that right now.

You continue finishing you're warm up. Shortly after you decide to check on Nemuri whom is still sleeping. So you left your complex to check the mail, saying hi to some neighbors as you went to get it. They have gotten accustomed to your presence and you've spent time getting to know them and helping the older residents with tasks that require physical labor.

Not long after you end up back in your room with Nemuri's mail. Being a bit disappointed that UA hadn't sent you anything yet and being the respectful person you are you open her mail.

Y/n: Huh.. I forgot she was subscribed to... these magazines... Wait this is new... "Young adolescents Who Must Be Aliens... And You WANT TO PROBE?!"

You instinctively glance at your door and make a dash to slam it and lock it. Then you wait to hear if Nemuri has begun to stir from her slumber. You didn't believe she was up and about yet. So at your own risk you continue looking through.

You do end up fighting something very interesting. The roster of this upcoming year for UA.

Y/n: Well well well. Looks like it's time for Nemuri to make lesson plans... but what about me?

You began to look through the roster, and immediately smiled and almost jumped up in glee when seeing the name you've been longing to know.

Y/n: I can't believe it! I mean I knew they'd make it but... hehe.. Izuku Midoriya! That's the kid's name.  Man was worried I'd have to say "Successor" when asking for attendance... Now...

You continue looking through the roster and reading the files UA had on each student. Some certainly caught your interest more than others. But you stop when you see two familiar names...

Y/n: Tenya Iida, I knew it! Haha, our battles will be legendary! And so will you be Tenya..

You smile and feel your Saiyan cells getting excited at the anticipation of facing these students in the future. But the second name you recognize made you feel.... happy. 

Y/n: Ochaco Uraraka... Hmph. Something about you... (Sigh) and seems that these other ladies are similar in that regard. Wonder if the school has a policy on student and possible student/teacher relationships...

You chuckle to yourself at your joke, but there is a moment where you doubt the true feelings of that joke. It causes you to pause your research and sit back into your desk chair. Going into more of the day you met Ochaco....

Flashback Y/n's POV

I was leaning against the wall waiting for Ochaco to finish talking to whomever she ran to meet. I could listen in the conversation but I decided to be respectful and wait.  As I waited I put her contact information, which she did rushingly as she went to meet with someone. In case I decided I didn't want to wait forever...Luckily I didn't have to wait long as I heard her footsteps approaching me.

Uraraka: Hey! Thanks for waiting! 

I turn to her and smiled as I shrugged and began to push myself off the wall as I spoke.

Y/n: No issue Ochaco. Wanted to hang with you a bit more anyways. Little waiting doesn't hurt~.

Her face instantly flushes in red and begins to lose her composure. Something about it made my heart speed up just a bit and my own cheeks begin to heat up. But I wave it off as she gains her footing.

Uraraka: Well...  I'm glad. I want to spend time with you!

She smiled back at me and could feel how genuine she was being. I could feel my face getting warmer and realizing that it has been some time since I interacted with a respectful and wholesome young lady like Ochaco.

Y/n: *Seriously, think I've been accustomed to pretty psychotic chicks like Himiko.. or very mature woman like Nemuri... If I get surrounded by woman by Ochaco.. not sure if my heart will handle it... although... Ochaco is also a bit mature in...other ways*.

For the first time my eyes began to look over Ochaco with... different intentions. But before my mind could go into these type of thoughts. Someone had called me over demanding me of something. Sadly I did recognize his voice.  

Present Mic: Oie! What are you doing with that girl?!

I turned to see Present Mic glaring at me with his glasses tilted so I could see his eyes. The motion caused me to roll my eyes and I spoke in annoyance.

Y/n: Keeping the young lady company. What is it to you?

He continues to glare at me and scoffs at my response. He takes a step past Ochaco and lowers himself to be at eye level with me. I could feel the resentment and rage off of him and he attempted to intimidate me.

Present Mic: And you think you can just force yourself on this aspiring heroine?! The gull you have! 

I looked him in his eyes and thought of his relationship between Nemuri and Erasure Shit. I recognized that the trio had a very close kinship and both he and Erasure Shit still hold a grudge over my presence with  Nemuri and what I did to them. 

Y/n: *Maybe I should remind him*

I look past him and look at Ochaco, she looked confused and I could tell she was worried. After we lock eyes she speaks up, trying to gain this "hero's" attention.

Uraraka: Um sir... Y/n is an examinee. He stood by my side with that boy I mentioned earlier. I'm positive he already has enough points, but if he needs some I'll gladly give it to him!

Y/n: *Huh...that's what she was up too? That... that is actually so sweet! Frieza would puke from that! This woman will be a great hero!*

Present Mic looks back at her as I can't help but smile warmly. When he looked back at me, my kind smile of appreciation turned to a smug smirk. He let off a huff of annoyance and stepped away from me.

Y/n: Thank you Ocha-

Present Mic: Whatcha name kid?

His interruption catches us both off guard as he re focuses his attention on Ochaco. She flinches in shock before regaining her composure and speaks up.

Uraraka: Ummm. I'm Ochaco Uraraka.

Present Mic: Hmmmm, and you want to be a hero kid? With this as your company? I'll tell you that if you lose him know your chances will skyrocket!

Uraraka: !!!

Y/n: OIE!!

He looks at me, having his own smug look as I lean towards him.

Y/n: I don't know what game you're playing. If you think this will change anything you are sadly mistaken! But if you insist on trying to use that giant mouth of yours to try then you better keep Ochaco's name out of it... or it'll be the last word you utter fool.

Uraraka: Y/n

He takes a moment to compose himself as I can see his face getting red before  taking a breath.

Present Mic:  Tch, well it seems you two are already getting well acquainted... first name basis huh? Seems one of you may be getting a bit too comfortable with the real upcoming students here.

I roll my eyes but take a moment to reflect on what he said partly. 

Y/n: *One of the things I never really understood or followed in this dimension was how the people here addressed  each other with their last names. In my dimension it was either your earth name, nickname, saiyan name, or insults. Though here their is meaning to it... have I been offending Ocha-...Uraraka? The last thing I want is for her to get uncomfortable with me.*

Uraraka: Sir? I.. I'm not sure what you mean. We-

Present Mic: Well whatever. Guess we'll see.

He walks away from the two of us as he waves us away and speaks.

Present Mic: I'm sure you don't have to worry about the other kid.  Keep your points and keep in mind what I said. I'll certainly hope to see one of you this upcoming year.

We waited until he was fully gone, I had put my hands in my pockets and closed my eyes. Getting a bit of a foul mood that he was able to say something that got to me. It was then when Uraraka released a long breathe she had apparently been holding.

Uraraka: Wow, that was intense. I wonder if that was another test!? Maybe we should go before another teacher tests us huh?

She giggles to herself for a minute before realizing my silence. I could feel her looking at me as my gut turn and I turned and began to make my way out of the school.

Uraraka: Y/n?                                                                          

I continued to walk and she caught up with me. It was a silent walk, she did try to make conversation but I was lost in thought. Letting my mind wonder to the other future students.

After sometime we ended up exiting the building and got to the edge of the school's property. I took a left and Uraraka had begun to move right. I felt that I needed to speak up as we went our separate ways.

Y/n: Hey, you did great today. Was nice meeting you... Urara-

Uraraka: Ochaco!

You freeze up as you slightly lean back in shock from her outburst. As she had yelled and leaned into your face as she did. She looked at you with eyes lf determination and sweetness that took you a moment to process.

She then moves back and clears her throat before speaking.

Uraraka: You... can call me Ochaco. You helped and protected me alongside the green haired boy... and have been by my side since when you didn't need to. We have just met, but I feel comfortable with you addressing me by my first name. So... you can call me Ochaco... if you want to.

Near the end of her statement she began to mumble and fiddle with her hair. She was also unable to keep her eyes on you as she spoke. You took what she said to heart and it made you smile.

Y/n: Of course... Ochaco.

Almost immediately Ochaco closed her eyes as she breathed a sigh of relief. And then smiled whole heartedly at you. The wind picked up ever so slightly making her hair floor and the blush on her face became more apparent and brightened her smile. The sun light also coming through the trees completed the purity of her smile.

Uraraka: This was really fun Y/n~! Thank you for all your help today. I can't wait to see you at UA.

I couldn't help but blush myself and I nodded and turned around. Making my way out of eyesight before I Instant Transmission myself to Nemuri. At that point she was ready to head back to our home... with so much teasing.

Present Time Your POV

Y/n: *Hmph. Since then she has been in constant contact with me. She is clearly excited and nervous about going to UA. I wonder how she'll react when I become part of the faculty.*

At that moment one of your phone buzzes and you check to see, and to your pleasant surprise Ochaco had texted you.

You chuckle at her message and respond, and before you know it you begin to have a conversation with her.

                                                                She😊 Floats 🙏Two🎈🎈

                                                                                                   Ochaco: Y/n! I got the letter! 

                                                                                                   Ochaco: What do I do?!

Y/n: Well... this may come as a shock

Y/n: But maybe open it? XD

                                                                                                   Ochaco: Nooooo

                                                                                                    Ochaco: What if I didn't get in?!

Y/n: Then I will go to UA and change it

                                                                                                    Ochaco: 😱😳 

                                                                                                     Ochaco: You would?! How?!

Y/n: You'd be surprised how...

Y/n: Susceptible people can be

Y/n: With enough pressure to break all the bones

Y/n: How quickly they can change a decision 😇😌

                                                                                                     Ochaco: Hehe omg Y/n 😊.                                                                                                               Ochaco: You wouldn't!!

Y/n: I could show how great your quirk is

Y/n: But yeeting the principle into the sun

Y/n: Of course.

                                                                                                     Ochaco: HAHAHA! 

                                                                                                     Ochaco: That'll do it XD                                                                                               

Y/n: I'll prepare my throwing arm.

                                                                                                     Ochaco: Open @ same time?

Y/n: Bold of you to assume I have mine.

                                                                                                     Ochaco: You don't!?!?

                                                                                                     Ochaco: Tell me when you do!

Y/n: Now you're just procrastinating.

                                                                                                      Ochaco: Uuuuh. 

                                                                                                     Ochaco: Family is calling me.                                                                                                     


End of Text Chat

You put your phone away as you chuckle to yourself. You look at the files and realize there is one more sheet you didn't check. But as you do you nearly jump out of the chair as Nemuri begins to excessively knock on your door.

Nemuri: Y/N!! Y/N!! OPEN UP!

Y/n: AAAAAH! I don't want to be probed again!

You begin to collect all the mail you "found" and put it away as if you never opened it, Nemuri speaks up.

Nemuri: I-..what? Never mind that! UA sent the letter Y/n!

You look and see the envelope with UA's insignia stamped on top as Nemuri held  it so you could see it. 

You walk over and take the letter. You look at Nemuri, who looks into your eyes with pure excitement and worry. You smirk as you turn back to the room. She then speaks.

Nemuri: Y/n... Whatever the results are. I want you to know that I'm proud and so thankful you have stayed with me for so long. And this won't change things.

You look back and nod, taking a deep breathe you hand her the mail meant for her. She takes a moment to realize what you did as you smile nervously and scratch the back of your head.

Y/n: Why don't you put this away... and get back to me on that claim.

You turn her around and begin to push her out through door.

Nemuri: Oh! You got the mail for me? How sweet~. Whatever happened to the killer who was so rough with me~?

Y/n:... Still very much present and if this go side ways will be making an appearance soon!

You begin to close your door but she quickly turns to and stops you.

Nemuri: Wait... Nezu said that you would counting to be in my care once accepted to UA. You just needed to pass the exam like the other students.

Y/n: Correct, and the judges of the exam had most likely found ways to fail me so the Pro Heroes can try and lock me up. 

Nemuri: So... what happens if?

Y/n: I assume that if they managed to fail me, a handpicked team of Pro Heroes will be on their way take me down. You would most likely not be informed if they  believed you knowing would put that mission at risk.

Nemuri: EH?! You're kidding?!

Y/n: Well regardless I'd escape and continue with the true alias of Kaniuu. In which we would be enemies again. I bet you'd be excited for a round 2~.

Nemuri: Well... that's not fully... incorrect.

You chuckle and begin to close the door, before it's fully closes. You look at her with a glint in you're eye, giving off a murderous intent and say.

Y/n: Well, don't worry. Next time I'll take my time~.

You hear her gulp and you calm yourself, chuckling once again. You look down at the envelop and  began to feel some doubt and even a hint of anxiousness. But you take a deep breathe and walk to your desk and place it in front of you.

Y/n: (Sigh). Well alright... let's see the results.

You rip open the envelope and take out a small metal disk, realizing what it was you place it on the desk and look for the "play" button. But before you could, a familiar face is displayed in front of you.


Y/n: GAH!... Tch.

To your dismay you were taken aback from the sudden shock of the device showcasing a hologram of All Might's face. He was wearing a yellow suit that matched his eyebrows. You sat in your chair and leaned back to get comfortable. Knowing that the results will simply be told to you rather than reading it like other schools.

(Au: How  it looks in your perspective. Izuku being you)

Y/n: That's UA for you. Always going Beyond what's necessary.

All Might: That's right Young Y/n! Hahaha!

Y/n:... Wait is this pre-recorded or live?

All Might: YES!!


All Might:....

Y/n:... Just te-

All Might: I am here to tell you the results and explain the extra obstacles you faced! In which I must say, you did very well in attempting to overcome and understand without knowing it! Truly the makings of a great adversary and helps me see exactly what Nezu sees in- Eh?

You see someones hand signal All Might to do something, you raise your eyebrow intrigue. As well as taking the moment to reflect on what was said. Giving you confidence of the results. All Might then claps his hands togethers and continues talking.

All Might: Yes yes... You did warn me about it being held back with Young Midoriya's results. Okay, Y/n! The obstacles!

Behind All Might you see a small screen of you facing the first set of pointers. You watch them change to red and the point value changing to negative.

All Might: As you no doubtfully figured out. The robots that were sent out for the examinees to get points for were programed to become deadlier when facing you. As well as changing their points to negative, in hopes that when you destroyed them they would take away from you're total... but

You watch as you forcefully change these negative pointers back to their original value and destroy them. Making you smirk and All Might laugh.

All Might: HAHAHAHA, they weren't even a challenge for you! But there was one more obstacle that may have went under your nose!

The screen changes in which you see yourself stepping in to save Iida when he was surrounded. All Might covered his face and shook his head as he spoke.

All Might: The entrance exam was not graded by those points... but also rescue points. If a examinee in any circumstance saved another during the exam, they were rewarded. Meanwhile whenever you acted out of heroism it was seen as theft. Taking the examinee's opportunity to prove themselves and thus was stripped of points whenever you did so...

Y/n: Well that's bull shit!

All Might: And yet... despite that...haha... YOU CAME IN FIRST!!

To your shock, All Might displayed a chart that had everyone's ranking of the students that passed. You recognized some of the future students, including Ochaco, Midoriya, as well as Iida. Making you smile and feel proud for them. 

Y/n: Heh... they did give him a point for finishing off that bot.

You did in fact see Midoriya had one "villain" point and 60 rescue points. Ochaco having 28 villain points with 45 rescue points, and Iida having 52 villain points and to your disappointment only having 9 rescue points. You incidentally had  79 points in total, beating a Katsuki Bakugo by two points.

Y/n: *Huh, wonder if that kid took it well*

You saw you did technically had 21 rescue points, but those were not given to you. You smirked knowing that in reality you were without doubt the most powerful in UA. 

Y/n: *Let's see if we can change that..*

All Might: So... despite some of the judges attempt.. you have showcased your capabilities to them. Though I could have just showed them the bruises from our last fight to show you had what it took eh? HAHAHA.

You chuckled and nodded your head. As All Might continued speaking, having a bit more of a serious tone. Making you focus on what he was saying.

All Might:... Young Kanniu... I admit even I am still spectacle about this. Not that long ago you were a criminal, and now here you are about to enter UA... not just as a student.. but partly a mentor to the other students! And yet you have done nothing but prove your commitment to the deal you made with us despite the attitude and caution we bring.. Thank you.

All Might  bows for a moment before standing up straight.

All Might: And... after seeing your actions to assist with Young Midoriya, and how comforting you are being to others.

You see the clips of you talking to Iida before the exam, and stepping in for Ochaco when speaking to Present Mic, as well as talking to Midoriya during the exam and giving him that point. All Might speaks up again.

All Might: I am more than confident that you can do so much to help these youngsters. And I truly hope like Nezu that we can help you to. No.. we will!

All Might clenches his fist and brings it up to you. Speaking with conviction as the video comes to an end.

All Might: We the teachers at UA will prove to you that not all heroes are corrupt! That this system still works! Together you and I will bring about the next generation of heroes. Who will be better then the both of us combined! This I promise and I give you my word as the number one hero! Now...

He opens up his hand and smiles as he finishes speaking

All Might: Welcome... Y/n, join us in our Hero Academia!

 The device stops displaying All Might and you sit in silence for a while. Taking in every word and feeling your heart beat faster and faster. Getting excited for the future, inspired and even... hopeful from the words All Might said. Then you speak.

Y/n: Hmph. I also doubt the future and what you and UA claim to be able to do. All I know.. is I'm doing what I please... At least...

You take out your phone that has the contact of your guardians and mentors of this dimension, a sinking feeling of unease settles in your gut. Uncertainty begins to cloud your mind as you speak.

Y/n: Until I'm given the word. Until father... (sigh).

You finishing sighing and put the phone away. Forcing these feeling away as you take a deep breathe. Your attention is diverted to the sounds of footsteps as you hear Nemuri speak. Her voice causing you to smirk with genuine ease.

Nemuri: Y/n... I ummm, put the mail away... D-did you by chance (cough)... look at my... umm magazines? I can explain, it just comes from the company I'm subscribed to... It's not... um... So results?

You turn and walk to the door and open it. Given the chance to rarely see Nemuri be nervous with a conversation related to her rating. You lean on the doorway and speak.

Y/n: I'm truly going to miss this. Heroes are on their way and I shall make my escape. Goodbye Nemuri.

Nemuri: Eh? EEEEEEHHHH?!?!

You watch as Nemuri begins to panic, running to your room and to your surprise begins to "help" you pack. It doesn't take long for you to break composure and laugh. After a few minutes you tell her the truth with earns you a proper backhand to the skull.

Shortly after the two of you begin to celebrate the accomplishment with a feast that the two of you make together. Later that night you inform Himiko, Ochaco, Frieza, Shigaraki of the news. You realize there is one person in your phone that you hadn't contacted in a while and may not be the most supportive of this development.

Y/n: Eh, we'll fight it out later.

Nemuri: What's that?

Y/n: Nothing. Just thinking things will be heating up soon. Hehe.

AU: And that's where we will end this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it, decided to give two instead of one. Already in the process of making the next chapter. No promises on when it'll be posted but I will do my best. Have a good one!

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