Chapter 13

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Au: Welcome to the next chapter of Male Saiyan Reader x My Hero Academia. Apologies for the delay and mishap with publishing the chapter earlier. This will be a long chapter so I hope you enjoy it and makes up for it(11555 words). Now enjoy!

Y/n's POV

I wake up with the irritating alarm ringing in my ears. Grudgingly I move to turn it off but realize it's too far for me to reach. So I extend my finger and shoot a death beam through it to shut it off.

Y/n: (Yawn) And that makes it a new record.

I sit up and check my phone. Ochaco had asked if I wanted to meet her and walk to school together. I sent her a quick text that I could. Afterward, I check my other phone.

Y/n: *Since I told the others the news Shigakari has constantly texted me and expressed his glee in being able to kill me... Father nodded at my accomplishments... and kept hinting at a future test... and then Himiko...*

My thoughts are interrupted as I heard knocking at my door and Nemuri speaking from the other side.

Nemuri: (Sigh) Is that another alarm Y/n? On your first day as well?

Y/n: Just trying to beat my record of broken alarms Nems.

I hear her giggle at the nickname I had begun calling her. I roll myself and continue getting ready for my first day, as I did I collect the papers that I've been studying for today. As I've been getting accustomed to the roster of students from 1A. I have ideas of how to approach them both as a student and a teacher.

Y/n: *But first I have to prepare for my first day.*


After some time, I get out of the car a bit away from UA. I stretch once again and turn to Nemuri lowering myself to be at eye level.

Y/n: All right then, I will see you later okay?

Nemuri: Are you sure you don't want to come with me the full way? I don't mind it.

I shake my head as I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

Y/n: I appreciate the gesture, but no. Only some of the faculty know that I've been living with you for the obvious. Others including students may come up with their theories.

Nemuri: Ooooh~. What a scandal that'd be, and on the first day no less~.

Y/n: Exactly. No point adding anything to today, or you. Especially when there is currently no scandal between us that they would think of.

Nemuri: Not yet~.

Y/n: Right. Not-what?

I watch Nemuri lick her lips which sends shivers up my back and makes me jump back with my hands out in the air.

Y/n: EH!?

Nemuri stops licking and then continues to giggle. After a minute she regains her composure and gives me a wink.

Nemuri: Alright, I'll see you at school... and tonight~.

She gives me one more wink which was more... seductive than the first. I stay where I stood as I watch her drive away. After a minute I calm myself and stand naturally.

Y/n: (Sigh), that woman. I somehow forget how she and Roshi are. Can't help but make some sort of innuendo. I'm sure she's kidding and does it just to mess with me... right? 

Ochaco: Right!

Y/n: EH!?!?

I quickly turn to see Ochaco smiling brightly at me with her hands behind her back. She giggles at my reaction before speaking up.

Ochaco: Sorry! Couldn't help myself. I saw you and only caught the last part of your sentence. Were you waiting long?

I take a moment to recover from the shock and end up chuckling and shaking my head in disbelief. 

Y/n: Haha, you got me good Ochaco. No, I pretty much just arrived. Are you ready for our first day?

Ochaco: YEAH!! I'm so excited and a bit nervous to be honest. I hope we get along with the other students and the faculty.

Y/n: Well you're doing well so far (winks).

Ochaco blushes and tries to cover her face as she laughed. Together we began to walk side by side on our way to UA.

Short TimeSkip

As we made our way to UA I took notice of one or two news trucks. With only a handful of reporters.

Y/n: Seems that UA is starting to get some attention.

Ochaco: Yeah, not too surprising. Think they'll be a problem though?

Y/n: Hmph, if their wise they'd let us b-

News Reporter: And here we see the future students making their way into UA... Quick let's see if they can share how excited they are on their first day!

I watch as a handful of the reporters charge us and begin questioning the two of us and being in UA. I see Ochaco swiftly get behind me and carefully grab my arm as she tries to use me as a shield. I instantly try to voice out our disdain to make them get out of our way.

Y/n: Listen we are excited to begin our adventure and life at UA. Why don't you allow us through so we aren't late on our first day?

Instead of listening, they continue to crowd and Ochaco pulls me closer, wrapping herself around my arm. In which I instantly feel it being put in between something soft. The feeling made my heart skip a beat as my face became a bit heated. Other reporters begin to speak up as they notice how close we were.

News Reporter 2: Wow, the school year has yet to begin and romance between students is already forming.

News Reporter: Ah, young love. How nice

News Reporter 3: How scandalous! Will you keep up the studies and keep all partners satisfied?! 

I raise my eyebrow at the mention of "partners" as I feel Ochaco's grip tightening as she pulls me closer into her... chest. I feel my face begin to heat up and see the reporters beginning to pull out cameras.

Y/n: Tch. That's enough of this.

With one swift motion, you turned and got out of Ochaco's gasp and sweep her off her feet. Carrying her bridal style and jumping away from the small group of pests and over the wall of UA, deciding to continue carrying her to our class to avoid any other nuisance. I checked to see if she wanted to get down, but to my surprise, she was too busy covering her face to hide any hint of embarrassment.

Y/n: *Heh, cute.*

As we make our way to the door I put Ochaco down, which she almost pouts. I notice it but decide not to comment on it. Instead, I move to open the door and let her enter.

Y/n: After you, future Pro Hero.

Ochaco chuckles and enters the classroom and I follow after. In I recognize all of the students from my notes. I feel momentarily uneasy but take a deep breath as I prepare myself for introductions and everything that may come my way. 

My focus is diverted when I hear Ochaco speak up in excitement, realizing that both Tenya Iida and Izuku Midoriya were in front of us. Seeing the three of them interact brought a smile to my face.

Ochaco: Oh, that curly hair! You're the plain-looking one!

Both the males looked at the young lady with curiosity, as well as a tad bit of embarrassment. Well, at least Izuku was a bit embarrassed as his face became flushed from the close contact with Ochaco, which was nowhere near as close as you had gotten just this morning.

Y/n: *Though something tells me that this is the first time Izuku has been in this close contact with a young woman... or any girl... besides his mother. This should be interesting.*

Ochaco:  You passed just like Present Mic said! I mean, of course, you did! Your punch was so amazing!

Ochaco began to swing her fist around and I chuckled at how cute she acted. I leaned on the doorway and speak up as I look around the class. 

Y/n: Hmph, well I thought my punches were impressive as well.

Ochaco quickly spun to face me, looking at me with instant worry.

Ochaco: Nononono that's not what I mean! Ummm his was amazing but you were awesome! You've even caught me twice when I needed you! You're awesome!

Iida: Yes, both of you have proven to have amazing quirks and intellect! Both proved to be superior to me.

As I spoke I began to look back at those two. But for a moment my eyes landed on a student I recognized as Katsuki Bakugou. 

Y/n: *He has a history with Izuku I think. I think they went to school together since they were kids... which means he may know about Izuku being quirkless... that may be a hurdle I have to cross.* (Sigh).

I do notice an intense glare directed at all of us, in which I couldn't help but feel seized up. I decide to ignore it and look back at the others, whom I see one bowing at a pace faster than I can charge up and the other fumbling with her words and face as red as Izuku who was mumbling just as fast. 

Y/n: Haha. I'm just messing with you Ochaco, and I'll be happy to catch you anytime (wink)... and Tenya... can I call you Tenya? Come now we both know you are very skilled and superior in your own right. 

Iida: Oh! Um, well you did save me from the pointers during the exam... but... I'm not sure we are that close yet!

I watch as he continues to chop his arms as he talks. Making me chuckle as I place my hand on his shoulder.

Y/n: Haha, whatever you say Tenya.

Iida: That is the opposite of what you just agreed to!

Ochaco: I wonder if today's just the entrance ceremony and orientation?

Y/n: That seems unlikely I'm quite confident that we'll be thrown straight into some sort of assessment.

The others nearby look at me with curiosity and ponder what I said. I notice Midoriya beginning to mumble to himself as the blush on his cheeks begins to fade. Iida begins to wave his arms around as he speaks.

You tune them out and focus on Ochaco as she puts a finger to her chin and thinks.

Ochaco: Huh, what makes you so sure? Maybe we'll get lucky with our teacher and we'll take it easy to-

???: Go somewhere else if want to play at being friends.

The rest of the class flinches and reels back in shock as they turn to the voice near the doorway. I instantly groan in annoyance as I glance at the doorway as well and pinch my nose. I mumble to myself as the class freaks out at the new arrival.

Y/n: (Mumble) Out of all the teachers we get this Shit head.

The rest of the class focuses on the person laying on the ground in a yellow sleeping bag cocoon as he continues to speak. 

Erasure Shit: This is the hero course.

As he speaks he takes out a drink and instantly slurps it up. I turn to face him and as he glances at me I could feel the resentment. Meanwhile, I noticed the looks of the other students as can clearly read the thoughts of Izuku, Tenya, and Ochaco;

Midoriya/Iida/Ochaco: S-Something's there?!

Aizawa or Erasure Shit as I know him as rose from the ground and zipped his sleeping bag down to step out as the rest of the class and I listened intently. He also put his beverage away as he continued to speak.

Aizawa: Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough.

Y/n: Hmph... says the one who entered the class like a goddamn caterpillar. What's the rationale for that?

He then turns to you once more with anger and makes a "tch" noise as he seemingly ignores what I said. The rest of the class begins to have their thoughts on the new entry.

Everyone: *A teacher?*

I look towards Izuku and can see his gears turning as he analyzes Erasure Shit, though you couldn't exactly tell what he was thinking.

Izuku: *Which means that person's a pro hero, too? But I've never seen a hero who looked that worn out before.*

Aizawa: I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you.

The rest of the class reels back in shock after the introduction. I watch as they attempt the grasp the introduction.

Class 1-A: *Homeroom teacher?!*

Y/n: (Sigh) *And here I was hoping I'd be able to avoid his lessons for a bit. Ah well*

He continues speaking and gives the class and my instructions. 

Aizawa: It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field.

Y/n: You have all the clothes for us in your sleeping bag?! What kind of lazy excuse of a teacher are you?

The entire class freezes up as they all turn their heads to me in shock. As I insulted our newfound teacher. He turns and glares at you in annoyance.

Aizawa: Tch. What did you say? Want to repeat that?

I watch as he grabs his scarf and his hair begins to rise. I chuckle and meet his gaze and release a bit of murderous intent.

Y/n: Oh? Got a problem with the truth? What are you going to do about it?

Aizawa: I'll teach you. How about you walk over here and I'll show you what I mean.

Y/n: Oh ho ho. Seems you're forgetting the last time we had a confrontation. Let me.... remind you

Class 1-A: *EEEHHH?! What's happening? A battle between student and sensei on the first day!?*

I continue to stare down Erasure Shit for a moment before he sighs and looks away in annoyance. Before taking a moment to think to himself... and then smirk as he throws the gym suit over to me.

Aizawa: Well, why don't we get on our way? I'm sure we'll find a way to get my... lesson across to you all.

With that, he turns and walks out and instructs everyone to get changed again, and directs where everyone else to go to change.

The rest of the students give me various looks of intrigue, curiosity, and a little uneasiness. But there were many looking at you with a hint of infatuation in their eyes, mainly the ladies of the class. It made me chuckle as I along with the rest of the class followed the instructions and moved to get dressed.

Short Timeskip

As we all made us outside I continued to scan the other students and made sure I recalled who was who.

Y/n: *Seems that everyone is accounted for and at some level prepared for today's activities. Wonder what Erasure Shit has planned for today*.

As my eyes scanned around my new classmates. I felt like I was being watched, following the feeling I looked to my right to see one of the ladies staring at me. It took me a moment to register who she was as she looked at me with a look of intrigue and some sort of sincerity.

Y/n: *Momo Yaoyorozu. Her profile did not do her justice. What a very attractive young lady, wonder what's got her eyes thinking.*

Erasure Shit calls to all our attention and the class moves to get closer. Coincidentally enough, as he announced what we would be doing here, I know found myself standing next to Momo. She stole a glance as she stepped closer with a shade of red forming on her cheeks. I chuckled and waited for the class to react to whatever Erasure Shit said.

Everyone else: A quirk assessment?!

Ochaco is the first to recover from the shock as she speaks up questioningly.

Ochaco: What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation? 

Aizawa: If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. 

The rest of the students move around in discomfort and shock. Listening to what the teacher said intently hoping for a clear understanding. I stood unmoved next to Momo who I could tell was thinking thoroughly as he spoke and analyzed what was being said.

Erasure Shit: U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes. 

I could tell the rest of the class was a bit disheartened by what he was saying. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disappointment.

Y/n: *Maybe I need to hit his head again. Make him a fun teacher.*

Aizawa: You kids have been doing these since junior high, too right? 

He takes out a device that shows a list of physical activities which I assumed would be the assessments. I look back at Momo and see her with a very determined expression which I couldn't help but smirk at and appreciate.

Y/n: Heh how studious and adorable.

Yaoyorozu:... EH?!

She quickly looks at me with a huge blush on her face and I quickly turn away my face blushing. She looks away and focuses back on Erasure Shit... but she glances at me as he speaks.

Aizawa: Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating.

He then turns to Katsuki Bakugo as he continued speaking. Diverting the attention of the other students to him. I could tell Izuku was also focused on Katsuki, but I gathered more thoughts involved.

Erasure Shit: Bakugo, you finished at the top of the practical exam right?

Y/n: Did he now? News to me. 

Everyone flashed a look at you, Erasure Shit looked at me with anger as tick marks appeared on his head.

Aizawa: Yes... he did. 

Y/n: Oh? Could have-

Aizawa:  No. Under technicality, your score was reduced. Meaning he got the top score... Moving on. Bakugou what was your best result for the softball throw?

I see Bakugou staring me down before flinching at his name being called again. He takes a moment to think before speaking.

Bakugou: 67 meters.

Aizawa: Then, try doing it with your quirk.

I watch as Bakugou is instructed to stay within the white circle made into the ground. Afterward, Bakugo takes a moment to stretch before taking up a ball in his hand and preparing to throw it.

Then without warning he takes one strong step forward and with all his might he uses his quirk and he shouts;

Bakugou: Die!

I smirk as I see the smoke trail following the ball for a bit. My thoughts wander as I see his quirk firsthand.

Y/n: *Interesting. Notes said his quirk was strong, but that is quite impressive. As it stands I'm sure he couldn't do much to me. But with a bit of training, he should be able to do some damage if I held back in my base.*

My attention is diverted when I hear Izuku mumble to himself.

Izuku: Die?

Y/n: Heh, that's one hell of a catchphrase.

Some of the classmate's chuckle at my remark, it is then Erasure Shit turns to the class and speaks up.

Aizawa: Know your maximum first. That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero.

He showcases Bakugou's results which the rest of the class gasps in awe. They all begin to speak up, voicing their excitement to try this out.

Y/n: * In which in retrospect they should have thought about after I spoke up earlier. Oh well.*

Class 1-A: 750 meters?! Seriously?!

Kaminari: What's this? 

Ashido: It looks fun!

Sero: We can use our quirks as much as we want! As expected from the hero course

I see as Erasure Shit grits his teeth and clenches his fist. I roll my eyes and sigh in annoyance as I prepare him to go off.

Aizawa: "It looks fun", huh? You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion.

The entire class gasps and begins to freak out. I see Ochaco even attempting to step in for the class to defend them. But I decided to zone it out and instead lean back towards Momo Yaoyorozu as I groan and speak.

Y/n: (Groan). Fat chance of that. With the type of class he's been given there's no way he'd do it.

Yaoyorozu: Huh? What do you mean?

I lean closer to Momo so we could whisper to each other. As I did I noticed how attractive she was as well as how... mature she was compared to the rest. But I ignore it and continue speaking.

Y/n: Last I checked this class is filled with many students who were resulted as the top 10 in our exam, and we have the recommendation students such as your lovely self! To risk losing that for a simple assessment test, please. That'd make no sense! This is a pitiful bluff.

She takes a moment to blush at my compliment and thinks about what I said for a moment before responding.

Yaoyorozu: Yes... that does seem very logical. I would have to guess this bluff is meant to push us to do our best instead of taking it with a carefree and "fun" attitude.

I nod, and give a smile with a wink as I speak saying;

Y/n: Very good. Hehe... Looks like you're not just all looks. 

Yaoyorozu: EH!? Well Ummm... Thank you. I Ummm- can say the same about you!

Y/n: Haha! Thank you! Oh, pardon my manners. I'm Y/n. Pleased to meet you.

She smiles and gives me a slight bow as she speaks saying;

Yaoyorozu: Momo Yaoyorozu. The pleasure is all mine. I look forward and getting to know and working with you.

I nod and begin to move to focus on the class which seemed to have given up and tried to accept the challenge and risk of today. Making me chuckle as I uncross my arms. As I do, Momo leans into me and places her hand lightly on my arm to whisper.

Yaoyorozu: Do you think the others have figured out the ruse as well?

I laugh internally knowing that they most likely did not with various looks of fear and worry. Deciding to play this out I respond;

Y/n: Not in record time such as us.  But, I'm sure they can figure it out. We should focus on doing our best despite the lack of imminent threat of expulsion.

Yaoyorozu giggles at my comment and for a second my gut begins to turn as my heart skips a beat from how sweet she sounded. My ears flare up and I shake it off. She then speaks up saying;

Yaoyorozu: Very true. In which I must declare that though I am beginning to favor your company... I don't intend to hold back.

Her comment makes me smirk as I gently respond.

Y/n: I wouldn't have it any other way my lady~. I just hope you'll want my company even after I show off a bit and win it all.

She slightly blushes and giggles once more as she nods and winks back at me.

Yaoyorozu: I don't believe that'll be a problem~.

Aizawa: Anything you two would like to share with the rest of the class?!

Momo and I flinch as we realize the whole class was staring. I noticed some envious glares at how close Momo was to me and how her face began to blush hard. Two were directed at me as I noticed a glare coming off Ochaco that reminded me of Himiko... and a short student with purple balls for hair? I snicker and wave him off and speak with clear sarcasm.

Y/n: No no. Keep going sensei. Sorry for the interruption. 

Aizawa: Tch. Well, the demonstration is over. The real thing starts now.

With that, I take a step forward and give him a smug smirk as I walk toward him.

Y/n: Well then? What are we waiting for? Let's get this show started.

The rest of the class hesitantly follows me as Erasure Shit glares but does lead the class and me to the assessment. 

Elsewhere No One's POV

Within the city, TV screens showcase reporters attempting to get access to UA. Pulling up to the grounds and setting up their gear.

News Reporter: And here we see the future students making their way into UA... Quick let's see if they can share how excited they are on their first day!

One person in particular walks by as the camera zooms in on Y/n and Ochaco getting ambushed by the reporters. He stops and watches him interact with them and then threaten them. Swiftly grabbing the young lady and taking off.

He then turns away from the screen and speaks to himself.

??: So. That's where he's been.

The person in question pulls out a phone from his pocket and begins to text the person he see's on TV. Feeling a sudden urge to burn everything to the ground and changing the order of his hit list.

??: That little shit is going to regret not dying by my hand earlier when he had the chance.

He turns around and sees two cop cars parked with the officers chatting outside. He then smirks as he begins to casually walk over.

??: Hehe, well~ If he's decided to be another slave to the corrupted system. Let's see how he acts in his first and last debut.

He activates his quirk as many civilians begin to look in shock and fear as he begins to laugh maniacal as fires begin to spread around him. Before the next minute is up, the streets are filled with panic, screams, ash, and blue flames. 

Your POV 

After Erasure Shit gives a brief explanation of the order of assessments. You watch as some of the others go through the first one.

Y/n: * A 50-meter dash. Hmph, no surprise Tenya got such a good time... 3.04 seconds, very good. And Tsuyu Asui, a young lady with the abilities of a frog? Well, 5.58 Seconds is good for a frog*.

You look to see Erasure Shit thinking out loud and to your surprise had the same mindset as you. You raised your brow in surprise as he looks back in surprise as well, reading your mind as he grits his teeth and points to it. You get the message and move to the line next to Ochaco. You watch her tap her shoulders and shoes as speaks.

Ochaco: Lighten up my clothes and shoes...

Y/n: Oh? Very wise Ochaco. Color me impressed.

She turns to you with a blush as she smiles.

Ochaco: Thanks Y/n! But I'm sure it won't help me against you.

You chuckle and stretch your legs before thinking of the fastest way to the other side as you speak. You get into a running position keeping two fingers on your forehead.

Y/n: True... but it's not about beating me. It's about focusing on your quirk as you run and holding back any nausea. Which I'm sure you can do. Right?

Ochaco: Uuhh... Right!

You hear Erasure Shit speak up saying;

Aizawa: Get set...

You look across the other line and close your eyes. Unbeknownst to the class or him that you were already there.

Aizawa: Go-

As Erasure Shit finished his sentence you had completed your Instant Transmission and were on the other side as the whole class looked in shock. The machine spoke up as it registered my appearance cutting into Erasure Shit.

Machine: 0.00 Seconds. 

Thankfully your running position indicated that you had passed the line. You stood upright and waited for Ochaco to cross the finish line, so you didn't have to wait too long.

Machine: 7.15 seconds.

Ochaco runs past you as she continues from the momentum causing you to smile and you give her a thumbs up which she sees and reciprocates. Meanwhile, the entire class gained enough composure to speak.

Class 1-A: ZERO SECONDS!?!

Ashido: Woah! How am I supposed to follow that?!

Aoyama: Hmph! Well, he won't beat my sparkling performance!!

Iida: Darn! To think he would outclass me in this as well! How did you do it Y/N?!

Kaminari: Woah! What a quirk!!

Kirishima: So manly!

Midoirya: Wow to be able to move that fast or to appear would mean he has to have some type of teleporting quirk or super speed. He did showcase speed in the entrance exam and from our prior meeting but... I would think his quirk has something to do with the energy he emits and the strength he also has showcased. Can it all be connected-

Bakugou/Aizawa: Tch.

You look as she Momo looks at you in amazement which made you give her a thumbs up. She sweat-dropped and tilted her head as she gave a small clap at my achievement.

Y/n: *Heh. She may have been underestimating me when she claimed to be able to beat me. Well, this should still be fun*. Thanks, everyone. I assure you my um... quirk isn't all that fancy. I'm sure you will all have impressive scores at the end. Let's continue and work to do our best!

The class seemed to calm themselves and agreed. Continuing with the dash with fewer shocking reactions to each other's results. Though you couldn't help but hear those who had finished comment on how "humble" and "strong" I was.... and some "handsome" remarks from the ladies.

Soon you moved on to the second test. That being "Grip Strength", the students grabbed a device that could handle their strength. You grabbed one and were about to start when you felt prying eyes. Turning you see Momo and Ochaco looking at me with interest. Once we shared a glance they looked away and you smiled as you walked over.

Y/n: Hello lovely ladies~. Got your result?

Ochaco/ Yaoyorozu: Y-y-es.

They give each other a quick side eye before blushing as you stand in front of them. Holding the machine as you continue speaking.

Y/n: Annnd?

Yaoyorozu: You know... It's impolite to ask for a lady's number.

You raise an eyebrow and chuckle as you respond to her.

Y/n: Oh? I thought that was for weight and age. Well, that's a shame. Was hoping to ask for your number and be able to keep in touch.... but alas. No lovely ladies' numbers for me.

Ochaco: Hey!

Yaoyorozu looks away embarrassed as Ochaco puffs her cheeks and pouts with her arms crossed. You couldn't help but take a step back from how cute she looked.

Y/n: Now that-

???: I think my ears are ringing. Does someone call for lovely ladies?

You find yourself now standing alongside the ladies of the class. Taking each of their features in for a moment.

Y/n: *Seems that the ladies in this class aren't too bad on the eyes. Calling them "lovely" doesn't do them justice. I'm sure they can be a force to be reckoned with... and a force I want to wreck~. WAIT NO! God damn it Nemuri and Roshi!*

You feel your cheeks heat up as you feel an arm go around your shoulder and you're pushed into two soft plumps. You feel chills go down your spine as your back makes contact with them and you glance behind to have your eyes meet a pair of yellow irises before seeing the rest of the pink girl in front of you. Whom you recognize as Mina Ashido.

Ashido: Sooo~. What do you need handsome?

Y/n: (Chuckle). Well as I was expressing to the others before the rest of you arrived. I was hoping to get some lovely ladies' numbers. First, referring to grip test results (you raise yours), I'd also be happy with getting your contact information. I have already been graced to have one of you ladies number, and have had the luxury to have many wonderful conversations...

Mina giggles at your explanation as she eyes you up and down. Not moving back from where she stood with her leaning on your back with her arm around you. She then moves her hand across your other arm holding the device as she traces it with her finger. Meanwhile, Ochaco looked at you, uncertain if she should be pleased by the compliments or upset over how close Mina was getting. Momo did not struggle with this as she began to pout at your teasing.

Ashido: Hmmm, how about this? I heard the guy with the cool arms got 540 Kilograms. Beat that and my digits are all yours~.

The other girls look at you with curiosity, with Ochaco and Momo seemingly looking at you and Mina with a bit of jealousy as you smirked at Mina.

Y/n: You sure you want to take that wager? Hate to toot my own horn but I'm quite strong.

Ashido: (Giggle). Then you'll have no problem breaking the record. Show us what you got!

You nod and move the machine for all the ladies to get a clear look. You take a breath and decide to show off. You increase your ki exponentially as you tap into your Super Saiyan state. Causing your arm to grow in size momentarily as your eyes turned to a hint of green and your hair lit up vaguely in yellow energy for a second. 

They were unable to take notice of this abrupt and swift change as your hand gripped the machine as the number 999 Kilograms disappeared before you squeezed through the machine. Crumbling part of it as it broke apart in your hand and fell to the floor with sparks flying as it read "ERROR".

The rest of the ladies jumped back in shock as Mina jumped into your arms as they all shrieked. After a moment they looked at the machine and then back to you, which held a wholehearted smile.

Y/n: Hehe.. whoops... too much huh? Guess I was determined eh?


Y/n: Hehe welp. Here you go~.

You go into your pocket and take out your phone, still holding a smile and now looking at Mina who began to recover from her shock and realized what she was doing. Her face began to redden as you gave her your phone and she gingerly released you and grabbed your phone.

Y/n: I'm going to let our teacher know I broke it. I'll be back in a minute. The rest of you are welcome to add your number if you like.

With that, you begin to walk away. Catching Erasure Shit's eyes. He groaned as he realized what had happened and gave you a stink eye as you shrugged. You walked towards the next test as the rest of the class was finishing their results. As you did you felt a vibration in your pocket as you took out the other phone. Seeing a location sent by someone you haven't been in recent contact with.

Y/n: *Oh god. Now? Shit... Okay, I'm coming*.

Seeing the message you had to think fast, so you volunteered to be the first on the jump assessment.  Though not before getting your phone back from a blushing and silent Mina who you couldn't help but chuckle at. She ended up pouting and hitting your shoulder in response before storming off. Sticking her tongue out as she walked off. Taking a glance you noticed multiple new numbers saved in your contacts.

Y/n: *Oooo, new nicknames to make! Yes!*

You then got ready for the jump as the rest of the class caught up and waited their turn. They seemed very eager to see your results for the third test.

As did Erasure Shit speak up.

Aizawa: Do me a favor and jump into the sun.

You smirk and respond

Y/n: Well someone is about to be burnt.

He ignores your comment with an eye roll and tells you to jump. So you bend down with your knees and lunge high into the air. Within moments the entire class loses sight of you. In which you turn to face the rest of the city in the air and fly over. Hearing some of your classmates with various reactions.

Kaminari: WOAH! So manly!

Asui: He hops like a frog! Ribbit.

Sato: I think that is way past frog height.

Tokoyami: Revelry in the dark.


Koda: (mumbles incoherently)


As you do Erasure Shit turns to the classmates and says;

Aizawa: Next

The entire class looks at him confused as Iida then speaks up.

Iida: But Sir! Y/n has yet to land and see his results!!

Sero: I am curious to see when he comes back down.

Bakugou: Tch he'll land head first into the sand like the second-class extra he is.

Aoyama: Will he truly sparkle in the sun!?

Ochaco: I'm sure he'll be okay!

Yaoyorozu: Yes! He seems very capable.

Jirou: And strong, you see how he broke that grip machine?

Mina:... He seems cool... and handsome. 

Toru: Yeah!

Asui: Agreed... Ribbit.


Ojiro: Was pretty impressive. 

The class nods and makes their comments in agreement as Erasure Shit and Bakugou growl in annoyance as Erasure Shit speaks up.

Aizawa: Regardless! He has decided to show off which is not what you should be doing! You should all focus on yourselves before I change the penalty to make the bottom FIVE students be expelled.

The class then stopped speaking as Erasure Shit instructed Aoyama to jump. Though many of my classmates couldn't help but look up curiously and wondered where you had gone.

Your POV 

You continue flying through the city, knowing the location of the message. As you fly you think of what could be the reason for this meeting.

Y/n: *Well he would always come to me at the most inconvenient times to do something stupid and fun. Could be another one of those instances... but in case it isn't... maybe coming at him with my UA outfit...would be unwise.*

You decide to hit yourself with a clothes beam, once again dawning the Hero Killer Kanniu outfit as you approach the location. As you do, you can see smoke coming from the city, exactly in the area you were about to land.

Y/n: *Oh great, so he just needs another bail. Well, did say something stupid and fun.* (Sigh)

You descend to the ground, landing with a thump as the ground shakes from the impact. As you land you immediately begin to survey the area, specifically looking for any screams of death or maniacal laughter.

You see that the entire block is in chaos, with numerous police cars crashing and burning with blue flames. You looked around to see if there were any hints of civilians, Pro Heroes, or the dumbass culprit.

Y/n: (Sigh), what the fuck did you do-

You stand as you see other bursts of flames around the corner as you groan in annoyance. You pick up your cloak and swing it as you begin to walk toward the fire. Now covered in a cloud of heavy smoke that blocked your vision, you knew he was there.

??: OIE! What the hell do you think you doing on our turf?

Y/n:.... *I'm sorry what the fuck?!*

Turning around you see a handful of men walking towards you holding various weapons and dressed without style. It didn't take long for you to realize these were a band of thugs that all wanted to die.

Y/n: Are...are you serious? This whole city block is in flames. No cops or heroes around... unless they are dead. And you wish to stroll up to a random guy and demand they leave... the turf?

??2: Ye.

Y/n:... Why? 

??: Because we won't let our turf be handled by anyone! No one does anything without our permission!

You once again look around at the burning city block and then look at them. Waving at the entire section with a bewildered expression.

Y/n: So this was sanctioned?!

?? 3: NO! We don't wash our hands!

Y/n: !?!?!

?? 2: He means that we allowed this.

?? 3: I did want s'mores.

Y/n: .... This is stupid... you're stupid... stop being stupid!!

??: Make us-

You throw your hand up and scream;


The shockwave sends them flying out of the city block and ends the migraine that was slowly forming.

Y/n: Fucking imbeciles.  Waste of space I swear.

??: And yet... you let them live.

You freeze as you hear footsteps coming from the smoke and hear a very familiar voice. You reply with calmness and prepare a ki blast in your hand.

Y/n: Well... they all got broken something. Plus it'd be too much effort to do it myself. Feel free though.

??: Hmph. Interesting, well why don't we go get them ourselves... If you're not too busy playing hero... Y/n...

You turn, hiding your hand holding the blast as the figure walks out. Seeing his trademark outfit... and his burnt skin. There was a clear look of fury beneath his eyes that not even the smoke could hide. 

He continued to walk towards you until he was within arm's distance. You stay calm but know full well where this could be going, but first, you decide to play dumb.

Y/n: Now now, let's not throw around insults Dabs. We're all friends here.

Dabi: I don't have friends, they disappoint me.

Y/n: Aw, but think about all the pros we've taken down together. If that's not bonding time I don't know what is.

Dabi: A temporary partnership, nothing less and nothing more.

Y/n: Ouch... that'll probably be the best roast you get on me in this fight.

Dabi: Wanna bet Monkey King?

You watch as Dabi clutches his fist for a moment before opening up his hands to ignite his quirk which in response made you increase the energy, allowing Dabi to see it.

Y/n: (Sigh), if we are really about to do this... mind telling me what got us to this point? Tax evasion, boredom... hooking up with your sis-

Dabi: UA. I saw the reporters run at you asking you how excited you were to be in UA... and then you picked up that girl and jumped away.

Y/n: Right right, have you ever heard of acting? I mean I know your family failed at acting to love you bu-

Dabi swiftly brings his arm up silently and you smile as he activates his quirk as you watch his hand begins to glow. 

You then sigh and shake your head and speak once more as Dabi glares at you and threatens to release his flames at any moment. 

Y/n: Dabi I wish I could say I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry or react like this... but honestly I didn't feel like it~.

Dabi: Shows the type of friend you are.

Y/n: Hehe. You just admitted were friends.

Without uttering another word he unleashes his flames which surround you as you keep yourself standing from the impact. And lose sight of the area for a moment. You can't help but think as you feel the heat continue to rise around your body;

Y/n: *Huh I wonder how things are going at UA.*

At UA, No One's POV

Izuku was standing with the rest of their classmates preparing to take the next test. But many, Izuku included looked back to the spot where Y/n took off in worry. With a growing rise of concern.

Izuku: *Okay I know I've seen him move at incredible speed and do insane feats but... there's no way he could be jumping for this long!! Right? I mean maybe it has something to do with his quirk. I don't believe I'm anywhere to understand its full properties and what it allows him to do.  It could be possible that similar to his results in the Dash Assessment he can-*

Ochaco: (Sigh). Where is he?

Izuku looks to see Ochaco looking down in thought and connects the dots of who she was referring to.

Izuku: *Hmm, well Y/n was with Ochaco when she tried to request my points. Maybe the two of them have gotten close since then? Yeah, it makes sense, he was quick to protect her alongside me and was still conscious when I passed out*. Ummm hey, it'll be okay.

She looks at Izuku in surprise as he smiles at her and tries to make her feel better.

Izuku: We may still be getting to know each other. But Y/n seems strong and capable. I think how he saved us both is proof of that.

Ochaco blushes realizing she had spoken out loud with her previous comments and looks away in embarrassment.

Ochaco: Oh um. That's true. Well, I just don't want him getting in trouble for jumping for too long.

Iida: Yes, from how our teacher is acting he might just expel him for being unable to give the results. A harsh but necessary way of teaching from UA!

Both Izuku and Ochaco jump and squeal as they turn to see Teny Iida behind them looking as if he had been contemplating the same topic. He then realizes what he did and begins to bow apologetically.

Iida: My apologies! I didn't mean to scare you but wanted to share my thoughts as well.

Izuku: Ah! It's okay Iida... You're right in that assumption. Our teacher certainly seems... difficult.

Ochaco: (Sigh) yeah. Man and I were so excited about orientation.

Ashido: Aw chin up Ochaco! I'm sure Y/n will be back soon!

The three now look to see a smiling Ashido alongside Yaoyorozu who was in thought.

Yaoyorozu: *Have they not realized the bluff yet? Should I tell them? Mmmm maybe I'll wait until Y/n returns.*

Ochaco this time was the first to react to Mina, feeling a tad bit sour about how close she had previously gotten to Y/n, speaking up.

Ochaco: Oh um, thanks...Ashido... I'm sorry but would you mind referring to me as Uraraka?

The others look momentarily taken back at the murderous aura coming off of Ochaco as she smiled innocently at Mina who began to sweat.

Ashido: Oh um... No problem... Uraraka, sorry to hear Y/n referring to you as Ochaco and-

Ochaco: Oh that's because he and I are close~. I have allowed him to refer to me by my first name since the entrance exam.

Iida: You were able to keep in contact that long? Darn, I should have approached him afterward so I can feel like I earned the camaraderie he feels we have.

Iida looks pained, raising a fist in disapproval of his past actions making everyone's sweats drop.  Ashido chuckles as Izuku speaks up.

Izuku: Well um I'm sure Y/n will give you plenty of opportunities. He seems very open and wants to be close to everyone.

The small group nods in agreement when suddenly they feel another murderous gaze on them. Seeing their teacher's eyes with his hair floating alongside the bandages wrapped around him.

Iida looks pained, raising a fist in disapproval of his past actions making everyone's sweats drop. Aizawa: That's enough of that! I will not hear any more about him until he gets back from his hop!

The entire class looks in shock at their teacher, Izuku is the first to recover and recognizes their teacher.

Izuku: Wait a minute... Those goggles... I see! You're The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head! The Underground hero with the power to erase quirks just by looking at them!

Aizawa: Hmph. You know your stuff. For that, I'll give you something in return.

The class looked at their teacher in intrigue as he stopped the whispers that were forming about him as they now listened attentively.

Aizawa: If... Y/n does not get back by the time I wrap up the results... then he will automatically be last place and therefore be expelled.

Class 1-A: EEEEEHHHH!?

Ochaco: B-b-but that's not-

Aizawa activates his quirk again, making Ochaco and the rest quiet immediately.

Aizawa: Oh? Say something... didn't think so. We will continue with the side steps and continue the tests... And I've decided to leave the Ball Throw last. If you're lucky you'll be able to hit Y/n on his way down for expulsion.

The entire class began to look at each other nervously as their teacher then turned to a purple-haired student.

Aizawa: Now... Mineta, are you all set up for the assessment?

Mineta: Yes sir!

Aizawa: Good. Let's begin everyone.

As the class begins to start the next assessment is side steps. The student referred to as Mineta is seen bouncing off two clumps of what looks to be purple balls that are remarkably similar to the ones on his head. Making his move at an incredible rate with little to no effort. 

The majority of the students found this tactic interesting yet odd. But disregarded this to begin their own sets of side steps. With many still thinking about Y/n as they moved.

Some with only a passing thought, while others began to focus on the student and continue to worry about his whereabouts and his fate in UA alongside them.

Your POV 

After the attack and the smoke clears you to smirk at him.

Y/n: I admit your flames are strong. But I can't tell if it's the flames that are warming me up, or if it's just the cloak.

Dabi responds by preparing a stronger fire blast which you promptly jump out of the way. Barely managing to escape to the edge of the blast. Still being able to feel the full force of the heat.

Y/n: Aw comes on Dabi. You know you're the hottest thing I know~.

Dabi: Shut up! Traitor!

Y/n: Oop.

You watched as Dabi charges in, with fire in both hands and he leaps and throws small fireballs at you, you dodge them both effortlessly as you watch him land and throw another blast at you.

Y/n: Someone needs to chill... (Sigh) Come on Dabs this is pointless. You're skilled and powerful, but against me it's futile.

After you dodge this initial blast, you turn to see Dabi behind you once again about to prepare another powerful attack. You sigh as this time you allow yourself to take the blow and listen to him speak. 

Dabi: Then why don't you go ahead and kill me!

You feel yourself being pushed forward as the flames slam into your back. You decide it was time to go a bit on the offensive as you jump through the flames with the ki ball in your hands that's been charging for a while now.

Y/n: Well alright then, try not to die on me too fast Dabs!

Dabi immediately dodges as you slam your hand down, making a crater in the ground Dabi got his feet grounded and smirked as you stayed on your knees and looked at him.

Dabi: Hmph. Seems the Hero life already has made you weak. How sad.

Y/n: One. My first day of school. Two. Spirit Ball.

Dabi: Wha-

Before Dabi could react you smirk and bring your hand up with a certain finger as the ki ball came from beneath the ground and slammed into his jaw. He gets flung in the air as you commanded the Spirit Ball to slam into his chest and the ground, Dabi grunts in pain as he lands.


You continue to control the attack to slam Dabi, which he attempts to dodge but is barely able to dodge and block as he gets hit ten times before putting his hands up and attempting to burn the orb away.

You continue to force it to keep going as you and Dabi end up in a small stalemate as he tries to push the orb away, you stand and snap your fingers and force it to blow up, Overwhelming the flames and launching Dabi away. He rolls on the ground and stands up, full of adrenaline and determination.

Y/n: Tch, you certainly have gotten better at tanking my attacks Dabs. Listen I have to head back to class, can we reschedule this for my free period or something?

Dabi: Grrrr. I will turn you to ash!

Y/n: (Sigh). If you would listen to me you would realize this is a waste of time... Besides giving me a light warm-up.

Dabi charges you with his eyes burning as hot as the flames in his hands. You roll your eyes and put an arm behind your back,  bending your other arm at a ninety-degree angle as you mimic a pose your father constantly takes and charges your death beam on your index finger.

You then bend your finger and begins to fire off a few beams, Dabi dodges as he continues to charge. You stay composed and stand your ground as he gets closer.

Y/n: Hehe.

Dabi: What's so funny!?!

You stop firing your death beams as you chuckle, you then look at the burning vehicles that surrounded the area and shrug. You use the arm that had been firing death beams and focus your ki to surround them and lift two before turning to Dabi again.

Y/n: Oh, this just takes me back to how we met.

You then throw both vehicles at Dabi and watch as the first one comes hurdling toward Dabi. He uses his left arm to release his flames which allows him to jump over the car. He then rolls as he lands to lessen the impact and then slides under the second vehicle as he then leaps forward and gets within reach.

Dabi: You can reminisce about how we met when you were dead!! 

He throws his arm out with his palm in your face, immediately releasing his blue flames that once again engulf you. 

After the fire dies down you stand there unharmed and in thought.

Y/n: Wait, was it in the bar or in the back we met?

Dabi: Fuck you!

Y/n: I think those were your first words to me as well!

Dabi: Why won't you burn!?!

Y/n: Because I can make stronger fire with one finger. And I've been hit by even stronger ones.

Dabi: Eerrr I refuse to believe it.

Y/n: Dude... You've seen me use the Super Nova. We burnt a whole Hero Agency down together... I took out the building and you took out the heroes in the front!

Dabi:... Tch. Then I'll make my flames even more powerful.

You nodded your head, now having both hands behind your back as you smiled.

Y/N: Good, I like to hear that Dabs. You should continue to grow, so you can be an actual challenge~.

Dabi: You're dead!

Y/n: No Dabi. You are done.

Before he could react you thrust your arm into his face with your hand stopping at the side of his face. Dabi looks at your hand with concern and fear for a moment before you snap your fingers and say'

Y/n: Kiai.

The shockwave makes the entire ground break apart as the shockwave continues to grow and does more blunt damage to the entire block.

As the shock waves dissipate and thunderous echoes become silent. Dabi stares at you for a moment as his arms sway and he begins to bleed from certain stitches. You see him try to gather the strength to move. But as he leans forward, his eyes shut and he falls limp.

Dabi quickly loses consciousness and his body falls limp and you catch him with his other arm. As he rests you focus and use another move used by your father and once Son used with Krillin in Namek in reverse. Allowing the events of what transpired the day you battled All Might and negotiated with Nezu.

Y/n: Well that'll give him some time to cool off. Hopefully, you'll be in a more talkative mood next time I see you Dabi... Would hate to get rid of the other disciple of Stain and me. Hehe.

You take note of the sounds of sirens and multiple varying people on their way. Realizing it was most likely Pro Heroes getting to the scene.

Y/n: Geeze they should take lessons from Erasure Shit to get a faster reaction time. Well, let's get you out of here. (Sigh) I better not burn my furniture this time.

You Instant Transmission yourself home and to your surprise found that no one was there. You quickly put Dabi in one of the guest rooms and change back into your UA outfit. Making a note on the door for Himiko for whenever she got home before returning to UA.

Y/n: Oh! Should change clothes first!

Short Timeskip, No One's POV 

The class looks on as Izuku walks onto the ring to throw the ball, feeling nervous yet guilty for the situation regarding Y/n. The other students shared a look with him but they all understood. Izuku then takes a breath and prepares to throw it when suddenly something crashes onto the other side of the Long Jump assessment. Causing everyone to freeze up and Aizawa to activate his quirk. But after a moment they hear a familiar voice and see the student they've all been thinking about.

The students look at Y/n in complete shock and awe, at first unable to comprehend his arrival as he casually stands there with his hands behind his head and smiles with a clear showcase of density towards the entire situation. 

Y/n: Yo! How'd I do?

They all then after a moment of composing shriek and begin to scream many questions at Y/n. Who begins to sweat nervously as he scratches his head. 

Y/n: *Hehe.. should have expected this. Oh well. *

Iida: Y/N!!!

Y/n flinched in surprise and takes a step back when seeing Tenya Iida full sprint without his quirk at a speed that surely beat his Dash assessment record. 


Y/n: Hehe... Sorry about that, Tenya. Wanted to show our teacher I could jump for a long time. Hehe.

Ochaco: That was way too long Y/n! We were worried.

Y/n turns to see Ochaco now by his side as she looks at him with anger and concern, he scratches the back of his head sheepishly and apologizes again.

Y/n: My bad Ochaco. I won't do it again. I promise.

Aizawa: (Cough) (Cough).

The three turn to see Aizawa waiting impatiently and slightly disappointed in the turn of events, causing Y/n to chuckle seeing him and a jaw-dropped Midoriya holding a ball.

Y/n: Oh? Apologies, did we move on to the ball assessment? Sorry, Izuku.

Midoriya: O-o-oh it's no problem. I-I-I'll just-

Aizawa: About that.

Izuku turns to his sensei as he speaks up with a glint in his eyes. Moving so only Y/n and Izuku could hear.

Aizawa: From what I can tell, you can't control your quirk, can you? Do you tend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?... Or pity you (glances at Y/n)?

Izuku: That's not my intention-

Y/n scoffs and glares at Aizawa as he continues, using his bandages to grab and pull Izuku close.

Aizawa: Whatever your intentions are. I'm saying that's what those around you will be forced to do. In the past, there was an oppressively passionate hero who saved over a thousand people by himself and created a legend... Even if you have the same reckless valor you'll just be decked and turn into a useless doll after saving one person... Izuku Midoriya. With your power, you can't become a hero.

Aizawa then releases his grasp and quirk, allowing Izuku to move. Who knows, looks down with a mix of emotions swirling from within. Aizawa instructs him to go and throw his ball, in which he begrudgingly moves back toward the circle as the class looks confused and wonders what has been said.

Iida: Hmmm he looks distraught. I wonder what he said.

Aoyama: Probably that he'll be unable to sparkle like me and be expelled.

Ochaco: No... that's not fair.

Y/n: Tch.

Without another word Y/n walks towards Izuku, ignoring their pleas to stay and wait for his possible turn, Aizawa looks angered and speaks up.

Aizawa: And what do you think you're doing?! I haven't decided if I'm going to even give you a chance to try!

Y/n walks by silently before mumbling something Aizawa could barely make out and felt shocked to hear;

Y/n: My job.

Izuku suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder and looks to see a smiling Y/n who speaks up.

Y/n: Izuku... don't let Erasure Shit get into your head. Listen, you are standing on the grounds of UA. Something I suspect you had wondered if you could only dream... Your number one Hero has told you and given you a chance to prove yourself a hero. Who cares what the hobo teacher says? You have the power... and maybe you can use it fully... but you have your intellect and I'm sure you'll figure something out. Trust yourself, and trust in what I'm saying.

He then takes his hand off his shoulder before Izuku could utter a "thank you", he instead stands up straight and takes a moment to take in his words and look at the ball in his hands.

He then looks towards Y/n and Aizawa, giving both of them a nod as he thinks to himself.

Izuku: *They both are right! Well... I'll do what I can right now!*

As Izuku launches the ball, he focuses his quirk on his finger and releases it onto the ball at the tip of his finger and the end of the release. As he opens his mouth and shouts.

Midoriya: Smash!

The ball is sent hurling into the air with shockwaves following its trail as it broke through the sound barrier as continued to go high into the air. 

Y/n nods his head in approval with a smile as the ball continues to go higher into the air as the rest of the class looks in shock. Which makes him think as Izuku composes himself from the pain.

Y/n: *Judging by their reactions, they weren't expecting this. Guess he wasn't able to use his quirk during the other assessments while I was against Dabi. That explains the lack of broken bones*.

Izuku keeps his eyes on the ball as his mind continues to rapidly pour out thoughts while everyone else stays in shock.

Izuku: *It doesn't hurt as much as before... Good, hopefully, this was enough to keep me from the bottom... Thank you Y/n...... he must be someone All Might entrusts with if he is giving me advice with knowing the situation. I'll have to thank them both for the opportunity*.

The ball lands and bounces a few more times as Aizawa looks at the screen before showing it to the class and thinks to himself.

Kaminari: Over 700 meters?!

Ochaco: Finally, a hero-like record.

Iida: His finger's swollen! There was the entrance exam too. He has a strange quirk.

Aoyama: It's not very stylish.

Bakugou: !!!! *What's with that power!?! Everyone's quirks manifested by the age of four. This is unthinkable... but in reality..*

Bakugou is lost in thought temporarily as Aizawa continues to collect his thoughts.

Aizawa: *It wasn't a throw that relied on power. He just concentrated the power at his fingertip?*

His thoughts are interrupted as Izuku speaks up;

Izuku: Mr. Aizawa.... Y/n

Y/n looks at the boy alongside the sensei as Izuku winches in pain as he grabs hold of his hand and slowly lifts his arm to showcase his broken finger. His whole body was shaking as he spoke, biting his lip whenever he could.

Izuku: I can still move!

Aizawa/ Y/n: This kid...

The two who had spoken threw a quick glare at each other before turning back to Izuku when Bakugou then screamed with rage.

Bakugou: (Activating quirk) What is the meaning of this? Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you damn bastard!

Y/n moves in front of Izuku with a sinister glare that causes Bakugou to pause for a second. He then growls as he screams at him.

Bakugou: Get in my way and DI-

Before he could finish his sentence he was swiftly stopped by Aizawa with his scarf. As Bakugou continued to struggle in an attempt of lunging and attacking both Y/n and Midoriya. As a safety precaution, Aizawa activates his quirk and stops Bakugou from activating the quirk.

Aizawa: (Sigh). I'd appreciate it if you would stop making me use my quirk so much already. I have dry eyes.

Class 1-A: *It's such a waste since his quirk is so amazing!!*

Y/n: I could fix that with a solid slash across the face.

Class 1-A: EEEEHHHH!?!


Y/n: Aw come on Iida, I haven't committed any harm... yet~.


Y/n: Hehe.


Aizawa: Tch. Enough of the banter already. It's time to reveal the results of the assessment. Though the results may not surprise you.

The class then looks back at the teacher as he says this with a sinister smile looking back at Y/n. Who rolls their eyes and responds with slight annoyance.

Y/n: Oie, the results? You haven't finished recording mine I believe.

Aizawa: Well if you had just flown into the sun like I instructed you'd saved us all time and you the embarrassment.

Y/n: Tch doesn't get your bondage in a twist. I can easily finish your assessments in a few moments if that's what you're insinuating and complaining about.

Aizawa: Tch. Please like you-

Y/n: Do you truly still doubt my abilities? Find then.

Y/n looks around the area and takes note of all the assessments that were assigned. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes and feels the ki begin to rise and flow to the point the ground begins to shake and pebbles begin to float around him. The rest of the class looked in awe as he opened his eyes and sprinted forward this time cutting his base ki in three ways to use the Multi-Form which resulted in the entire class seeing four Y/n's at once. To add on to their shock he began to move at an incredible speed where it appeared he was everywhere at once. If they didn't see him split originally they'd be none the wiser as he began to complete the assessments.


Aizawa: Tch, I didn't know he could do that!!

Ochaco: Woah! That's so cool!

Yaoyorozu: What an incredible quirk!

Ashido: Wow! Plenty of Y/n's to go around!!

The other ladies of the class began to blush at what Ashido said and decided to stay quiet as they watched alongside the class of Y/n completing the assessments.

Watching as one Y/n sat down in a split while touching his toes and smiling at the class while another beside him did sit-ups so fast and hard he began to create a dust cloud, one with the afterimages of many Y/n's sprinted around the entry of the school grounds without breaking a sweat with part of them side-stepping to a point where the machine was unable to keep track of him and the afterimages created and short-circuited.

Aizawa looked at the device he held and gritted his teeth as he watched Y/n thinking to himself.

Aizawa: *How... he hasn't even gone into that blond form Nemuri brags about. He can't be this good. None of the machines can accurately record his results! How the hell can I expel a student that does so good it looks like he-!!*

Aizawa then smiles once more, coming up with a plan as Izuku has one thought.

Izuku: *I... I can't figure out his quirk*.

After a few moments, all the Y/n's ran into the ball throw ring, causing a small shockwave that pushed some of the students back as they gained their composure and some had to pick themselves off the ground. As the dust settled only one Y/n remained to hold up two balls.

Y/n: Now that we got those stretches out of the way... let's wrap this up.

He then yeets the balls in separate directions, as Aizawa looks at his device and grumbles to himself. The entire class looks toward the skies and jaws drop seeing the balls moving at an incredible speed in the skies. Making many laps around the world.

Tsuyu: Is.. are those the balls? Ribbit.

Toru: Wow! I can barely see them!

Sero: I bet you could relate.

Jirou: No way... I  think I can hear the sound barrier breaking across the world!

Kaminari: No way those things are going around the world...right? I-I'ts flat!

Mineta: WHAT IS HE!?!

Mina/Ochaco/Yaoyorozu: Incredible!

The balls then come speeding toward Y/n as he effortlessly catches them both. Smoke comes off both hands as he drops them and walks back to the class with a smug smirk.

Y/n: How's that? Enough to demonstrate a fraction of my capabilities?

Aizawa chuckles and continues to smile, making the entire class feel unnerved as he speaks.

Aizawa: It has certainly allowed me to demonstrate something. But yes with that out of the way... it's time to show the results.

Au: That's where this chapter will end. I hope you've enjoyed & have a great day! Btw the next two chapters may be a bit shorter! Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!

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