Chapter 3

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At long last, when all he food was long gone, and everybody had got tired of playing Exploding Snap, Wizards Chess, and Gobstones, when everybody was so bored that they had cleaned the entire compartment, triple checked that they had everything, and were slumped in their seats, not bothering to do anything but lie there, the train finally lurched to a halt. Immediately, each of us grabbed our trunks from besides our feet, and hurried off the train, and onto the platform, before anyone else had even left their seats. Each of us taking in deep breaths of the cold, misty air, glad that we were no longer cooped up in the compartment that's air had been as fresh as a mouldy gurdyroot. You may be thinking 'Well, why did none of you open the windows?' It's because they had been magically sealed, and not even 'Alohamora' could open them.

Stupid Dumbledore. We hurried of to the carriages, eager to get one all together, and for it to be one of the first - the sooner the carriage set off, the sooner we got inside Hogwarts, where the sweet, indescribable taste of the Welcome feast would be awaiting. Luckily, we caught the first carriage - a bunch of arrogant 3rd years tried to get on, but when showing them my prefect badge, and the fact that we were 5th years, they hurried away, and we all sat down, smirking. I didn't mention the Prefect's meeting earlier, because, in all honesty, it was boring. The only point of being a Prefect, in my opinion, is that it would mean that should anyone be annoying, arrogant, or get on my nerves for some other reason, I could give them a detention. Also, they say that the Prefect's bathroom is spectacular.

Anyway, so upon arrival in the Great Hall, we sat down on the long benches, that were right next to the green and silver adorned banners, that showed a picture of a snake. I have to admit, snakes have always been my favourite animal. Mum and dad always encouraged me to, of course, but ever since I saw a picture of one, I always wondered why people preferred other animals, like cats, dogs, zebras, dolphins e.c.t. I sort of felt like they were seriously misunderstood creatures. People dislike them, just because they have no legs, they slither, and because they're venomous; the fact that many animals are, in fact, venomous, I see no reason to discriminate them - who can choose who they are, what they look like, what their species is, and the particular breed of their species? No one.

Anyway, it took forever for the first years to finally come into the Great Hall. From their expressions, they had been listening to older siblings, and didn't know what actually sorts you - the sorting hat of course! Honestly, what else would sort people onto their houses? When all the first years were in a straight line, the hat that had seen so many thoughts, so many minds, was placed on a small, tree-legged stool. The brim tore open, and it started to sing:

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The Great Ball burst into applause, with cheering as the side-course.

"When I call you name, please sit on the stool, and the sorting hat will be placed on your head. It will look at your qualities, and say your new house."

I could see a few of the small, innocent children shooting wondrous looks at each other; they had just witnessed a hat singing, then been told that it would choose their fate, and which 'family' they would have.

I blanked our for a bit after that. Clapping along with the other Slytherins of course, but not really paying attention. At last, a name I recognised was called.

"Malfoy, Draco." I sat there nervously. But it ep was nervousness that wasn't needed - it had nearly touched a hair on his head when it screamed out -

"SLYTHERIN!" I clapped along with the rest, but was definitely the most enthusiastic.

"Well done Dracey-kins!" He glowered at me when I said that, shooting me the look-of-death. "Come on little bro, I was just kidding." I ruffled up his hair that had been combed back ever-so-neatly, earning myself a look that, should looks kill, would have me screaming as I lay on the floor, writhing in pain, as I died, then was resurrected so that he could kill me even more gruesomely than the previous time. Hey! The kids protective of/touchy about his hair.

After that, the sorting still wasn't over. Eventually, a name was called that stopped everyone from their whispered conversations.

"Patil, Pavarti." Just kidding, she was the girl before the name that stopped everyone in their tracks. She was sorted into Gryfindoor, in case you were wondering.

"Potter, Harry." It was silent for a few seconds, before the same scrawny, messy haired boy I had seen earlier stepped up. Then, whispers filled the room, as everybody craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the boy-who-lived.

"Harry Potter? The Harry Potter?"

"Merlin's beard! It's him, it's really him!" I heard someone yell, and suddenly, there were whispers no more; yelling across the room, talking along the table.

The poor child sat upon the school, and it took ages for the hat to decide. At long last, the hat called out the name that would house Harry Potter;

"GRYFINDOOR!" It took a while longer, but finally the sorting was done. Dumbledore said a few words, about not going on the third floor if we didn't want to die 'a most painful death'. After what seemed eternity, he said four words that were worth listening to;

"Let the feast begin!" Food sprouted up, decorating the tables in every colour, food, and shape you could think of. I reached for a piece of chicken, and before long I was almost full. But I knew too well not to gorge myself to the maximum - the deserted were so exquisite and divine, that anyone who tasted the tiniest crumb of pastry would have their stomachs begging for just a slither of the atrociously delicious desert. Soon, it would turn into half a slice - a whole slice - the entire dish! The flavours were just so perfectly balanced that they melted on your tounge. In short: don't fill yourself on the main courses, it will only lead to a stomach that wants more, but can't take it.

The other Prefects, along with myself, were sent to take the first years to the dungeons, and, having been told the password whilst at the Prefect meeting on the train (they told the Prefects representing each house their respective house' spas sword, one at a time, with spells so that the others wouldn't be able to listen in - as 'responsible' as they were, word spreads like quickfire in the school), so once the first years had been told where there dormitories were, I hurried up to my own, and got changed quickly. The others came in too, and we talked for a bit, but had caught up on each other's holidays during the train ride.

I lay my head on my soft, comfy pillow, and fell asleep quicker than you can say 'Quidditch'.


A/N: So, how was it? Please, please, please give me feedback, and comment, vote, and fan! First person to comment gets a dedication. Oh Merlin, after writing about all that food, I'm hungry! I'm gonna go get some food. See ya,


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