Chapter 2

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*Sam's POV*

"Sammantha darling, we are going to be late if you don't hurry up, then you and Draco will have to sit with Mudbloods, and blood-traitors, people like those filthy Weasleys. I really don't want that to happen to Draco, he might become friendly with them, and think of how they could influence them!" I was woken up by my mother, rambling on as always. I looked at the clock beside my table, it read 10:15.

"MUGGLE! It's quarter to 11! Why didn't you tell me to get up earlier? We have 45 minutes to get ready and out!" Mother gave me a disapproving look when I said the 'm' word. It's like a swear word in our family. When I say family, I mean everyone who wasn't disowned. Anyway, I got dressed quickly, not bothering to go 'muggle mode', and instead putting on my Slytherin robes and tie, and neatening myself up before going downstairs to the breakfast which was already set by the house-elfs. Those little creatures are ghastly, scrawny little things, always over-dramatic, I mean to say that they seriously iron their fingers when they disobey their master/mistress' orders! If they're gonna have to do something like that, they should just obey for Merlin's sake! *sighs*

Back to what was going on, I ate the delicious food, then double and triple checked that I had packed absolutely everything. I had of course. Well after we got everything together, I took father's hand, and held on tightly with the other to my trunk, which had my broomstick in it. Draco took mothers, looking like the nervous, wimpy kid he really is. The thing with Draco, is that he acts all tough and whatever, but really... he is honestly just a wimp. I bet the first thing he'll do when he get' story the train, is track down two beefy, though looking guys, whose ancestry is pure-blood, and will most likely be a Slytherin, and will immediately befriend them.

I took one last glance around the room, before I felt the now-familiar tug of apperation, and felt like I was being pushed through a tube. Just when I thought I would lose my breath, it stopped. I looked at father, and he smiled at me. We were at Platform 9 3/4. The only thing was... where were mother and Draco? As soon as that thought popped into my head, there was a should-be-loud-but-it-was-too-noisy-to-hear-anything crack, and the two appeared, and just in time too, because just then, the first whistle blew to signal that it was time for last goodbyes. So our last goodbyes until the Christmas break were exchanged. Just as I was about to turn to leave, father caught my arm. I turned around to face him.

"Samantha... Do keep an eye on Draco, won't you? And when he gets into Slytherin, tell us so that we know, obviously he will more than likely want to tell us instead, but... He will probably forget to what with making new friends and such. If he's in another house, do tell us, won't you? Promise me Sammy?" I nodded my head.

"Of course Father, I shall." And with that he let go of my arm, and let me go to the train. I climbed in board (we had put our trunks on just before our goodbyes), then looked around for an empty compartment. I found one at last.

Luckily for me, it was occupied with with some Slytherins in my year, who were also my bestest friends ever - Lucy Black, Margret Nowsolum, Katie Darnsfield, Mark Brown, Luke Brigston, and Marvin McGäne. Lucy and Steve both had jet black hair, Steve's a mop of curls, and Lucy's long, straight, and thick. Margaret however, and a sea of brown waves that engulfed her head, but somehow, it was unknown to all how, had a fringe that was as straight as a muggle's 'ruger' or 'ruler' or... Well it's something like that. She had large green orbs that hung upon her petit face, making her extremely pretty. She didn't know that of course, and just brushed the rest of us off whenever we told her so. Katie, however, knew exactly how beautiful she was, and used it to the fullest extent, thus she was the player of the group - with perfect blue eyes, and her hair an abnormally perfect blonde - she had boys swarming over her. Mark was the other loner in the group - he was the only one who had short, sandy hair, that stuck up, large, big blue eyes, and had girls swooning over him - not that he went for any. Surprisingly enough, he had his eye on only one girl.

Everyone knew that he fancied her, everyone except for her. And she just so happened to be one of the girls in our 'group'. I'm not gonna tell you which though, you can work it out yourself (oh Merlin, this really isn't good - talking to people inside my head - what is wrong with me?), it's so obvious, anyone could tell from this train ride alone, if he's as flirty and, well... just as Mark-ish as he normally is.

I have blonde hair, like my entire family, and large emerald green orbs that took the shape of my eyes. That just left Luke. He had a mane of dark brown hair, that were arranged in curls, and electric blue eyes that were shocking. I have to admit, he is cute, but not my type. Plus, he's my best friend, and I don't like him like that. I doubt he likes me like that either, and if we dated... it would just be... well, ew.

Back to the train ride... I went in, and was greeted with many "Hello, how was your holiday?" 's, which I returned. Then, I sat down.

"So Sammy, got any new strategies as to how to continue your spot on the Quidditch team?" Luke asked, striking up conversation.

"Well..." I could tell there was a glint in my eye, "I'm pretty certain my new broom will help me."

"Oh yeah, what broom have you got, you didn't have a new one when I came round your house 2 weeks ago." That was Mark chiming in.

"Eh, mum and dad got me a new one. Gave it to me a couple of days ago."

"That makes sense, but you still didn't answer me - what kind do you have?"

"Oh... just a Nimbus 2000." Everybody turned to stare at me.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU BEING BLOODY SERIOUS SAMMY?!" I looked around, and found that Katie - yes, the really girly one, not interested in the slightest in Quidditch, only in boys - was the source of the noise. I nodded my head to say it was true. At once, I was bombarded with questions.

"How come you got it?"

"Where did your parents get it?"

"How did your parents hide it from you?"

"Does Draco have one too?"

"Where is it?"

"Is it as good as they say?"

"Wow, are you really serious?"

"I'm so jealous, can I go on it when we get to Hogwarts?"

"Me too!"

"And me!"

"Count me in on a go!"

"Yeah, me too!" I noticed that Marvin, who was sat next to me, hadn't said a word. Then, he said something.

"Where is it then? Prove you have one. Get it out." I looked at him. "What? Is it fake? Is it just another lie? Is that why you're not getting it out?" He snarled at me, and everyone shut up. They were waiting to see what I'd do - agree with him, admit I was lying, or take it out of my trunk. So I stood up. I took my trunk down, and opened it up, taking my little beauty out. He looked dumbstruck. He reached out to touch it, when I moved it away from him.


"You doubted me. Remember?" Then, everyone crowded around again, begging to touch it. It was then passed around, and was admired from every angle. Eventually, I got it back, and put it back on my trunk, taking out my robes, and locking my trunk safely. I put it back up, and sat down, to see everyone still bubbling with excitement. I went to the toilets to get changed, and came back to find all the boys absent, and the girls finishing tying up their ties. The boys came back, and about half an hour later - when we were roughly half way - the sweets trolley lady came by. She poked her head into the compartment.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

"Uh yeah, I'll get... Two of everything please."

"Certainly m'dear." She handed me the food, which I placed into the empty seat next to me, then handed her the necessary gold, silver and bronze. I chucked everyone their favourite thing, and I won't bore you with the details as to what it all was, and we all sat back, slouched, and endured the rest of a would-be-very-peaceful-train-ride-had-Mark-not-been-flirting-and-my-brother-stealing-a-liquiorish-wand.

Even though he did steal some of my sweets, Draco told me something very interesting.

"Harry Potter's on the train!" He blurted out. As I had suspected, standing beside him, were two 'friends' he had made (both of which very tough and beefy/'bodyguard' and looking). Once I was rid of the squirt, I went to the compartment that was said to hold the boy who lived - right next to my own, as it happened. And was met with an interesting sight - Harry and a Weasley eating some sweets, nursing what appeared to be a rat that was sleeping. In all honesty, I don't see what's so bad about the Weasleys. They're poor, yeah, but they're actually really nice, kind, and considerate people.

"Hi. Um... I'm Sammantha, but everyone calls me Sam or Sammy."

"Uh... Hi?"

"Here, do you want me to wake him up?" I nodded my head towards the rat.

"Yes please. Sorry an idiot called Malfoy and his goons knocked him out. I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley, and as I sure you'll know, this is my friend, Harry Potter." I said a quick greeting to Harry, sure he wouldn't want attention, and that he would get more than enough once at school. He said a quick hi back. I pointed my wand to the rat.

"Enervate." The creature woke with a start, wailing at the fact that he was being held upside down.


"No problem, I'm just next door if you need me." I pointed to the side, signalling which compartment I had been sitting with my friends.

"Okay. And by the way... You didn't tell us your surname...?"

"Oh. Uh... Promise you won't judge me?"

"Yeah, why would I judge you?"

"Well... it's just that... My surname's Malfoy, Draco is, I'm afraid to say, my annoying little git of a brother." Both faces fell when they found out my surname, but lightened slightly when I called Draco a git. "And by the way, don't worry Ron, I'm not like my family... I don't judge people because of their wealth, blood status, name, celebrital status or anything. I've been brought up to, yeah, but I never thought it was right, and I guess my father's attempts to brainwash me didn't work." I shrugged. He nodded his head in understanding, and smiled at me.

"Anyway, I've got to go, or my friends will of all eaten my food - and trust me, mixing me with no food should never happen. Ever. So bye. As I said, I'm just next door, call me if you need anything."

"Bye, see you Sam." Harry responded.

"Yeah, bye Sam." I waved at each of them, before going outside.

"I can't believe someone that nice could be related to Draco Malfoy. She's so nice, and he's so... not." I heard Harry say to Ron.

"Yeah, honestly that bloody git and Sam can't seriously be related. I mean, maybe she's just not related to the Malfoys? They used to be a very, very bad family, full of dark witches and wizards." I smiled to myself, then walked back to my compartment, met with the gazes of some some very sheepish looking friends, all of whom had what appeared to be my sweets and chocolates hoarded in piles next to them, leaving me with 2 chocolates and 1 sweet. I glowered at them, and under my glare, everything returned to my pile. Almost as if by magic.

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