Malfoy Meyhem

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[A/N:] Okay guys, this is story about Sammantha Violet Malfoy. She is Draco Malfoy's older sister, who is five years older than him, and attends Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardy. I hope you enjoy it, and even if you don't, please comment on how I could improve. Thanks!

Chapter 1:

*Sam's POV*

I woke up, and looked around my enormous bedroom. It was green and silver striped to show my, and the rest of my family's, house - Slytherin. I could of sworn I heard someone calling my name, which was the reason I woke up, I was having a really good dream as well, then the calling of my name pulled me out. I waited a few minutes, it was silent. I shrugged, and tried to get back to sleep. Now where was I? Actually I can't remember what happened, only that it was a good dream. I glanced at the clock and groaned, it was 8:55 and I really wanted a lie-in today. Oh well, I thought, seeing as I'm awake I might as well get ready.

I quickly got dressed. No, scratch that, I lay in bed for ages, soaking in the warmth, then forced myself to get dressed. I chose a simple outfit to wear - black jeans, and a green t-shirt, which had a snake on the front. I fished out my favourite pair of Slytherin Converses and slipped them on. I went downstairs and Dobby, the house-elf, had already served breakfast. I ate it quickly, then went to the library. I picked up 'Hogwarts: A History', and began to read. I had just finished the book, when I heard Mother coming downstairs. I sat on the sofa relaxing, when Draco came in.

"Mother said that you need to go through to the kitchen. She said that it is very important." I got of the sofa, and walked into the kitchen.

"Yes Mother?"

"Ahh, Samantha, your here, sit down." I did as she said. "Your father and I have been talking," she glanced at him, "and we have decided that your broom is getting a bit old, so we have bought you a new one." She indicated towards the table on which a long, thin package was lying. She told me to open it, and when I saw what was inside, I couldn't believe my eyes. Lying in front of me was my very own Nimbus 2000. I rushed to my parents and gave them a huge hug, thanking them lots and promising I would continue my role on the Slytherin team as 'the best chaser in a century and a half'. Dracykins walked in to see what the source of noise was, and store from my Nimbus to my extremely happy face, and back again, jealousy etched all over his face.

"How come SHE got a Nimbus 2000?!" He howled. "I've been asking one for ages and-" he was stopped mid-sentence, because there was a sudden rush of wings, and we all looked outside, to see two handsome tawny owls, which I recognised immediately as the school's, were about to land on the window sill. Before he could be told of for not opening the windows and letting the birds in, Dobby hurried forwards. The owls swooped in and landed importantly in front of me and Draco.

Out fell my letter of equipment and books that I would need for the new school year. And that's not the only thing that came out - a gleaming Green and Silver Prefect's badge came tumbling out, but I caught it, just in time. I felt my jaw drop open, and was utterly gobsmacked.

"What is it Sammantha? What's the matter?" That's when mother caught sight of the tiny object that was resting in my hand, that held so much responsibility. And power. It held lots of power.

"Well, come on, answer your mother Sammantha! What is wrong with you?"

"S-sorry. Mother, father. I, uh, I was made Prefect. Look." I wriggled uncomfortably, but help up the little piece of metal none the less.

"S-Sammantha. I... Well, I really can't tell you how proud your mother and I are. We always knew that you would do well. Congratulations."

"O-oh Sammy!" My mother collapsed into my arms, "I-I-I'm so proud of you! We both are. Well done! We must have a feast to celebrate this magnificent occasion. And of course, you will get a reward. What would you like? You've already got a new broom. Tell me, and it will be your special reward." After agreeing that she could surprise me, my mother hurried off to tell the house-elves to prepare a feast.

In lasted a few hours, and my father invited over some 'friends'. I got loads of people congratulating me. All the while, Draco was glaring at me, jealousy and envy were coursing through his veins - I could see it.

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