Chapter 4

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I woke up with a start. Well, with a bucket of freezing water being poured over my head. I sat up, the tiny particles that held no heat whatsoever, slowly trickling down my back, as more dripped from my blonde hair. I clenched my jaw and glared at Margret, who instinctively held up her hands to shield herself. I slowly took off the covers, swung my legs off the bed, and stood, up, jerking towards her, each move exaggerated to an extensive amount. I grabbed my wand, and advanced upon her, ready to curse her into oblivion. I magically dried myself, and smiled sweetly as the perfect revenge etched into my mind. Her expression was easy to read, as the thoughts that were swirling around inside her head, poured upon her face: worry; shock; uh-oh; what's she done; what's she doing; I better run; I'm dead; I'm about to die.

I left her like that, and quickly got changed into my robes.

"Hurry up, don't wanna be late, do we?" I said, a smirk forming upon my lips.

"Uh... Um, I mean, no, uh, of course not. Hang on a minute." She headed towards her dresser, and got her robes out.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the bottom of the stairs." With that, I promptly turned, and exited through the door, and walked down the swirling staircase.

"Oi! Jason? Could I ask a favor?" A cute boy from 4th year, of whom Margret had a crush on, stepped forth.

"Yeah, what is it?" He came over to me.

"Uh, you know Margret? Well, when she comes down, could you just act as if you were going to talk to her about something! So the stairs turn into a slide. Also, I know you like her." I gave him a pointed glare, and he looked sorta sheep-ish. " And I also know that she likes you. As in, a lot. So please could you do the entire school a favour and ask her out at some point soon?"

"B-but I can't. I mean, what if she says no? Obviously I will do the favour to you of turning the stairs to a slide, but what can the excuse be that I was gonna talk to her about? Unless... NO! You didn't - you didn't mean...? Oh Merlin no, how would I even ask her?"

"Here she comes." I sang to him. I shoved him forwards, and a split-second later, she came out of the dorm. He acted as if had forgotten about the charm on the stairs, and tried to get up. They, of course turned into a slide, and, as I planned (without telling Jason), she fell right into him. The common room was filled with a chorus of "ooooo"'s, and "awwwww"'s from the girls, and wofd-whistles from the boys.

"U-uh c-could I t-talk to you for a second?" He stuttered, poor chap, "uh, i-in private?" She nodded, speechless, as her crush asked to speak to her, whilst her cheeks were still blazing crimson.

They went out, and I headed to the Great Hall for breakfast, where I sat down and helped myself to food and a goblet-full if pumpkin juice. Roughly 10minutes later, they walked over and sat opposite me, hand-in-hand.

"I told you so." I sung the four, most annoying words in the entire whoniverse, as they sat down, blushing a new shade of scarlett.

"Oh shut up, you." Margret said, speaking, and acting, for the both of them, as she hit me over the head with one of her text books. Before I could retort, Professor Snape came along our table, handing out our schedules. I set off back to the dungeons, where I grabbed the necessary books and equipment, and shoved it all into my bag. I then headed off for charms, accidentally knocking over a student on the way. I turned around, and saw a 6th year Ravenclaw with blonde hair and hazel eyes on the floor, gathering up her fallen textbooks.

"Oh Merlin, look I am sorry. I am so, so, sorry. Here, let me help." Using magic, I collected all her fallen belongings, and handed them to her.

"Oh, thanks. Magic just slipped my mind, I mean, how silly! I'm in a school of magic, and thus is my sixth year! Anyway, I uh, must go. Thanks again." She smiled brightly, before leaving, heading the opposite direction to me. With that, I continued on my journey to charms, trying to place when I had seen her before. Then it clicked.

*Flashback from Sam's fourth year*

I walked out of transfiguration, where we had just turned rats into water goblets. As I stepped into the courtyard, I saw a small, blonde haired girl being bullied.

"So," they jeered at her, "what did you get on that potion homework? A 'T'? What about an 'S'? Standing for 'Squib', as your mum practically is one. With your dad being a muggle, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a squib. Pathetic half-blood." The tormenting was coming from a tall, intimidating-looking Slytherin, from 6th year.

Laughs at the girl's expense came from all around, and I had to admit that I felt rather sorry for her. I noticed that she wore Ravenclaw robes, and went up to her. As much as I didn't want to pick a fight with this guy, he had no reason to pick on her. I noticed a piece of parchment sticking out from her bag, with an 'O' embedded in in a circle in red ink on it.

"Actually, sh-she got an 'O'. And she's in Ravenclaw, so she's certainly clever, much cleverer than you, at any rate." The last comment was meant to just be thought in my head, but I accidentally said it out loud. In reply, I got a bunch of "oooooooooo"'s and '"man, she just picked the wrong fight'"s.

"Oh yeah, and what's it to you, anyways? Who's is ya?"

"I'm Sammantha Malfoy-" the git shuddered at the mention of my surname "-And it is no concern of yours as to why I got involved." I glared at him. Slowly, now that he knew who I was - and more importantly to him, who my father was - he backed away. The crowd slowly dispersed, and I conformed the girl.

"Uh, thanks."

"No problem." I smiled at her, and held out my hand. "I'm Sammantha Malfoy, but my friends just call me Sam, or Sammy." She took my hand and shook it.

"H-hi Sam-Sammantha-" I looked at her inquisitively, "-do I count as one of your friends?" I gave a look that sort of said it all. "Okay then. Hi Sam, I'm Alexis, Alexis Papillon."

Just then, the bell rung - a signal for us to make our way to tell us break was over, and to head to our next class.

"Well, nice to meet you Alexis. Until the next time. Hopefully though, it won't be under such mean circumstances." She nodded at this.

"Bye Sam."

*End of flashback*

By then, I had reached my charms classroom, and had sat down in the seat that I had been appointed to. Once the seats had been filled, and the Professor had done the register, he started his OWLs speech.

"Today, we shall be re-capping on that which we you all learnt last year. This year is, as you all know, the year in which your OWLs take place. Should anyone mess around, or distract others in any possible way, you will get a detention. No warnings, just a detention that shall be arranged. The same for anyone who is not up to the standard of work that should be being achieved at the time. You must make sure that you catch up with the work of any lessons that you miss. OWLs are extremely important. Anything that you want to do for NEWTs must have had a pass on your OWL results. So, find a partner, and begin practising." With that, he climbed down from his pile of books, and the bannishing, summoning, and charm-casting begun.


A/N: Hi guys! I updated! Alexis is a character is by @hp_heart. Please check out her work! If you want a character of your own to be out in this story, please comment in the part just before this one. Also, please check out Silent Secrets by @marauders4ever, it really is amazing. Enjoy your day!


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