Chapter 5

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After Charms, I had Transfiguration, where we got pretty much the same speech from McGonagall. We revised and learnt knew things, going over what we already knew, and trying new spells and writing down notes on them for the end of the year - they would come in very handy. This process was repeated for all the lessons, as it seemed that the teachers really wanted to stress just how important OWLs are.

At long last, it was dinner. I already had so much homework that my bag was overflowing, and I had to use an undetectable-extension charm on it. I managed to get all the work that needed to be done on class, yet still had that much, so I really didn't envy those who had extra homework (by that, I mean complete all the work that needed to be done in class, practice the spells that one could not perform in addition to the homework everyone anyway got).

So, I hurried to the dungeons, and dumped my bag in my trunk, locking it with some charms, so that I, and I alone, could open it. It was as I performed the last one that Katie (A/N: I changed Sally's name to Katie - otherwise it would be Sammy and Sally... not very original :/ ) walked in. She put on some make up - blood red lipstick; black eyeliner, that made her sea blue eyes shine and stand out; mascara, and a tinge of blusher. She used magic to conceal the bags under her eyes, and all unwanted blemishes. She, again using magic, made her hair fall into ringlets, not OTT ones that were huge, and looked like a doll, more like curls, making her hair fall down her back in waves, entitling her to become 'more attractive', as she put it, for the boy she likes. I doubt she's ever actually liked a guy before, but she definitely did now - she wouldn't stop going on about his good looks, and how she might date another guy just to make him jealous.

Once she was done, we headed out for the Great Hall - she asked me to wait for her - and we sat down at the Slytherin table. She kept staring at the guy she liked, and commenting on how handsome he is.

"Katie, do you even know his name?" Someone asked her, and she blushed. Oops, that was me... oh well, I'm sure it's what we were all thinking anyway...

"Uh... yeah?" It came out as more of a question than an answer.

"What is it then?" Luke chimed in.

"U-u-uhm... I... it's... 1 minute, I will be right back." With that, she hurried off towards one of the tables - I couldn't quite see which one, as she bent down in order to be the same hight as him, as he was sitting - and asked the guy she kept going on about something. We all laughed at her expense, but she couldn't hear us, so it was fine. She came back a few moments later, blushing profusely.

"Michael. Michael Carter." She said with a dreamy expression. "Isn't that a wonderful name... Michael." She went off into La-La land, and stayed there whilst we sat there in conversation, until something clicked in my head.

"Wait, Michael Carter?"

"Yeah, why, do you know him? Can you introduce me properly to him?" She sat bolt upright, staring at me intently.

"Uh... I don't exactly know him, but hasn't he got a girlfriend already?"

"WHAT?!" The whole school turned to face the angry, embarrassed blonde, that had just yelled in the middle of dinner. "I mean..." When seeing that they wouldn't be able to hear any more as to what was going on, the school turned back to their meals, and chatter filled the Great Hall once more.

"Anyway, what do you mean? Who is it? What year is she in? House? Friends? What does she look like? What's her blood status?" I was bombarded with questions, and answered them as quickly and quietly as possible - I was actually friends with her... well, sort of.

"I won't tell you her name, looks, or friends - you'll only get sent to Azkaban. She's a Gryfindoor 6th year, who is a half-blood. I will tell you no more. I don't want to be charged as an accomplice of the murder - I'm too young to go to Azkaban!"

"What. Do. You. Mean. 'No more'?!" She hissed angrily at me.

"No more." Under my glare, she turned away, and let the conversation drift away, but I knew that this was not the end.

I know, I know. A Slytherin - a Malfoy - friends with a Gryfindoor? And a Half-blood Gryfindoor at that. The thing is though, I'm not as Malfoyish as people assume; it's my surname, I can't help it, but I doesn't mean that I'm like my father. As I'm sure you've already seen, I'm quite social. Why am I a Slytherin then, I hear you ask. I'm a pureblood. I guess I can be a little cunning at times, but I sorta asked the Hat to put me here; my father would disown, then kill me if I was in a house other than that our entire family had been in. The hat was going to put me in Ravenclaw, but saw just how desperate I was to be in Slytherin. In all honesty, it's discrimination. Just because some wizards and witches from Slytherin turned worse than evil, it doesn't mean we all will. For example, Merlin himself was from Slytherin, is he bad? No. To us, he is like a muggle's 'God', or something like that.

As she can't do legimancy, and I can do Occulemncy, so she won't be able to read my thoughts. So here we go: Michael Carter is dating Emma Roberts. She is a Gryfindoor, half-blood, and is tall, with shoulder length, wavy, black hair. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black, and her friends are Mary Jordan, Alice O'Connel, Darcy Wright, Finn Drakes, Arora Samuels, Arora being her best friend.

To be completely honest, Emma and Michael had been going out for literally years now, and are really, really cute together. I honestly don't think that Katie and Micael would go. It's like, muggles 'ship' people they think go together, and what sounds better? Kichael/Matie, or Mimma? I think Mimma, it sounds so cool!

The rest of dinner passed peacefully. As did the rest of the week. Apparently, something happened at the first years' flying lessons, and thanks to Draco, Harry Potter is the first first-year to make their house's Quidditch team in a century. And apparently he's really good. Thanks for that Draco.

Soon enough, it was Halloween, and the Great Hall was certainly decorated for the occasion. There were 12 enormous pumpkins that carved out besides chunks that followed the shape around, which were seats. How awesome is that? Pumpkin seats! Wow! Anyway, it was time for the feast, and the House-Elves had certainly outdone themselves this year. I knew about the House-Elves, yes. Just like I knew how and where to find the kitchens, as well as most of he passageways out of the castle, all of which seemed to lead to Hogsmeade - well, besides the one that was caved in. A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter. The feast appeared suddenly on the golden plates, as it had at the start-of-term banquet.

So there the population of the school was; in the Great Hall, eating the food that was magnificently made (I wonder where e House-elves get their recipes from? I'll have to ask them), and all the teachers but 1 were present - Quirrell was missing. Where was he? I turned to ask my friends, but as soon as I opened my moth he came sprinting into the hall, his turban askew and terror on his face. Everyone stared as he reached Professor Dumbledore's chair, slumped against the table, and gasped, "TROLL - IN THE DUNGEONS - TROLL! THOUGHT YOU OUGHT TO KNOW."

He then sank to the floor in a dead faint.

There was an uproar. It took several purple firecrackers exploding from the end of Professor Dumbledore's wand to bring silence. Draco was screaming with terror, little wuss.

"Prefects," he rumbled, "lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!"

I stood up to lead the Slyterins back to our dorms, when something clicked in my head. I ran up to Proffesor Dumbledore.

"But Sir! The Slytherin Dormitories are in the dungeons!" He stared at me for a moment.


So the Slytherins sat back down.

"Thanks you, Miss Malfoy." He nodded politely at me. I saw that this was a sign of dismissal, and so sat down with them.

"All Prefects of Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryfindoor, please lead your Houses backtrack o your dormitories." He amended. When all but the Slytherins remained, he called order.

"Slytherins, you shall do exactly as your Prefects say. One toe out of line, and there will be very serious consequences. Not listening to then could lead you to the troll, and therefore to death itself. Of I get wind of any misbehaviour at all, you will no longer be a resident at Hogwarts. I do not wish for that to happen, but you may leave me with no choice. This is an incredibly serious situation. Many will underestimate the seriousness of it." For the first time in forever, the Slytherins stood (well, sat) to attention. "Teachers, follow me."

With that, all but Proffesor Sinstra, the one that volunteered to supervise us, set off towards the dungeons. She waved her wand, and hundreds of green and silver sleeping bags appeared. With her instructions, everyone grabbed one, and hurried off with their friends. Us Prefects had to ensure that everyone was okay, and make sure no one was misbehaving, e.c.t, e.c.t.

At long last, we were told that the problem was taken care of, and that we could return back to common room. Everyone went to bed, having already outspoken the disruption at dinner - there was nothing left to say on the matter. Of course, Katie had tried to wriggle more information about me, but ever since that first night, I have said nothing more, nothing less, and just ignored her when she's brought up the subject.


A/N: Hi guys! I updated! Emma, all her friends/her boyfriend are characters made up by @eternal_potterhead. Please check out her work! If you want a character of your own to be out in this story, please comment in the part just before chapter 4. Also, please check out Silent Secrets by @marauders4ever, it really is amazing. Enjoy your day!


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