Chapter 7

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It was a couple of days later that I received a howler at breakfast. Draco - not knowing the plan - had sent a letter to mother and father, informing them that I had been "fraternising with the enemy". Father had then asked me (via the mirror) whether I truly thought I should do this, and whether I was actually telling him to disown me.

But I was persistent. And so today came the howler. He apologised before he sent it. Despite his looks and façade, my father cares about his children. And often, my hunches are right. Wrong sometimes, yes, but at least we had a way to get into the opposition.

"SAMANTHA VIOLET MALFOY-" That was how I gained the attention of the school.
"HOW DARE YOU. HOW DARE YOU BEFRIEND PEOPLE LIKE THE WEASLEYS! YOUR MOTHER AND I GOT A LETTER FROM DRACO AND EXPLAINED IT ALL. WE HAVE DISCUSSED IT, AND NEITHER ONE OF US HOLD THE DESIRE TO KEEP A CHILD WITH THAT LEVEL OF DISOBEDIENCE AND UTTER DISRESPECT FOR THEIR PARENTS' VIEWS. We are disappointed." That last sentence was uttered in his low, menacing tone. One that no one dared to confront. "Attached are disownment papers. Sign and send them off. Fail to do so, and know that we requested copies. Never set foot in our home again, you are a disgrace to the Malfoy name."

With that, the red envelope tore itself into shreds. The other envelop lay upon the table, thick and heavy-looking.

I looked down at my plate trying to ignore the stares of everyone. Play the part Sam. And play it well.

Clenching my eyes shut, I acted like I was trying to keep tears in - when I was actually squeezing in an attempt to force them out. I shook my head a bit to myself, grabbed the papers and stormed out, then straight to the dungeons. People were almost definitely talking about that already. Potter, Weasel and Mud-mouth would know that they caused this, so they were the only ones I could go to.

But I needed to plan this. Hermione was clever. I couldn't go to them too soon - I needed to avoid them, for "making" me be disowned. I needed to act sad. Miss the day of classes. That's a need. Ice cream and other comfort food? My friends-who-weren't-just-friends-because-of-my-family would understand (and hopefully fetch) that.

I went through the corridors, shoving through the people clogging up the hallways as I headed towards the common room. Once in my dorm, I went to the bathroom, and put a drop of water in each of my eyes. Then, I summoned an onion and used my wand to sever and slice it, making sure that I didn't blink. The end result was my eyes watering to the extent that I had water trailing down my face. Perfect. 

After finishing, I burnt the onion and lay on my bed, pretending to cry. Someone stormed into the room.
"Your brother wants to talk to you." The girl - my dormmate, Charlotte Tiffins - sneered.

"Tell him that I don't want to see him."

"Tell him yourself, Blood Traitor." 

I stood, and wiped the tears away.
"Do not call me that. I may have friends who you consider unworthy of magic, but I am not a Blood Traitor. I may no longer legally have the name, but I am a Malfoy. I was sorted into this house for reasons beyond blood; remember what Salazar chose in the traits of his students. Cunning, sly, ambitious... Don't act snobby towards me Tiffins, or it may well be the last thing you do."

"Was that a threat, No-Name?"

"It is if you don't watch yourself. I'm a Prefect, remember? So mind your tongue, or it'll be detention, served with a plate of humiliation. I've just lost my family, so I'm currently weak and you were laughing at me, bullying me and I just can't handle it right now." I pretended to be upset, before returning to my usual self. "And for the record, I'm still a Malfoy until these papers have been filed." I smirked at her, waving the parchment in her face. I signed them quickly, before sending them off. "Now if you don't mind - and even if you do - I'm off to go and speak to my brother." With that, I exited the room, leaving the horrified brunette gobsmacked.

"What do you want, you slimy git?" I asked as I reached the common room. Draco stood up from the sofa, and turned to face me when I spoke.

"Sam? I thought you wouldn't want to see me."

"I don't."

He looked at me, confusion etched onto his face.
"Why are you here then?"

"I don't have long left to perform my sisterly duties of bugging the hell out of you. Because, you know, your jealous of Harry Potter picking me over you to be friends caused you to tell your mother and father, who are disowning me. Way to go. Honestly, you're as useful as a chocolate teapot."

"Don't blame me, I'm the one who's always in your shadow. "Oh Samantha darling, you got onto the Quidditch team? Here's the fastest broom in existence. Look, you've become a Prefect! That means that you have to have a surprise and party. Wow Samantha, you passed your tests, meaning that you can stay in school? I guess that means that we should ignore our other child further, and give you everything you can dream of"." He impersonated mother, putting on a false high-pitched voice. "And before you say anything, I'm not jealous of you. I thought that mother and father might want to know what kind of filth their Oh-so-perfect daughter hangs out with."

I looked at him, before bursting into laughter. 
"It's a good thing that I don't value your opinion. You're kidding me though, you have to be. You told mother and father the one thing that you hoped could get me into trouble. The thing that just so happened to get me disowned. And you did it out of envy? Bless your heart, aren't you adorable? I don't have the time, nor the colouring crayons, to explain this to you in terms you'll understand. You are an ignorant brat, and if there's one thing that's good about this whole thing, it's the part where you're no longer my brother."

He glared at me, not realising that, being eleven, he still had a chubby face that did not look menacing in the slightest.

"Look, Draco, to put it simply, please go away. I do not wish o talk to you, or at least I do not wish to talk to you until you've grown up and stop being such a spoilt, selfish brat."

Rolling my eyes, I went back to my dorm. There, I picked up my bag and wen to my next lesson; I had to balance this perfectly, between the whole "I've lost my family and now have no-one" and "I am above you, I am still a Malfoy at heart, and a Malfoy doesn't lose their pride".

Phase 2 of the plan was complete. All that was left was ensuring that the sacred three trusted me, then I'd bring them down from the inside. 

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