Chapter 8

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I strode into DADA as the lesson began (it was second lesson... Draco had also skipped so that we could have the previous conversation). Ignoring the looks I received from my peers, I sat down in my usual place and took my books out, along with parchment, ink and my quill.

Professor Quirrell entered a minute or two later, tripping over his robes as he hurried to the front. Naturally, the students laughed; that's what people do when their teacher embarrasses themselves.

"S-s-settle down now, settle down." No one listened. "To-today, we are going to erm- to look at the bearded Dr-dragon." He looked half-terrified as he said the last word. "Contrary to popular belife, they are actual dragons-"

"That's a lie! Muggles keep them as pets."

"What?" The information appeared to be new to the Professor.

"They're not actual dragons. They're called bearded dragons because they can make it look like they have a beard. My neighbour has one, and they're muggles."

"But- they're called bearded dragons."

The student who had been teaching the professor rolled his eyes.
"You're not holding a dragon."

"Oh. Are you sure- okay then. Erm- well... I suppose you can do whatever for the rest of the lesson. I-I didn't know."

As soon as he said the words, everyone turned to their friends. After a few minutes - just when I thought that I was in the clear - Marvin looked at me.
"So, you know what happened earlier, at breakfast, was it true? Did you actually befriend a Blood traitor, muggle born and Potter?"

Everyone turned silent at his words, wanting to know my answer. I had to play my cards carefully - although I was "kicked out" of my family, I couldn't afford to be shunned by my classmates.

"Why do you care? It doesn't affect you."

"That's where you're wrong. If you, me, and the rest of the group are hanging out, I don't want that kind of company coming up to us."

I laughed.
"You ignorant twat. Do you honestly think I care about your discomfort? I don't particularly want your company, but you're still here."

"And no one wants your company. Not-So-Malfoy, you're only allowed to sit with us because you're a loner. Having no friends, and being in our year and house... We had to rake you in."

"The thing is though, McGäne, that's not true. Lucy and I have been friends since birth, being related and all. Margaret joined our friend group because we share a dorm. From there, she brought her two friends, Luke and Mark. You, Marvin, are the loner who was taken in due to pity."

"No. They only joined you two because of how wealthy your families are! That's the only reason anyone would want to be friends with you. Your money. But you're not even a Malfoy now, so you don't even have that. So, back to the original questio-"

"Oh shut it, Marvin. Sam's right. You're the tag-along." Luke backed me up.

"And if you're only friends with her for her money, that's most likely the reason you act pleasant to any of us." Lucy told him. "So you can go and bugger of. Go on, shoo!"

I hid my laugh as she waved her hand, a though batting away an insect.

"Now look at what you've done, Blood Traitor!" McGäne yelled at me, outraged.

"Are you kidding?" I turned to Lucy. "He's got to be kidding."

"Kidding about what?" He replied.

"Kidding about the fact that you're seriously blaming your own ignorance on me."

"I'm not being ignorant!"

"Look, just go away. You don't need to say anything else, just leave." Mark replied. "There's no point in making a big deal out of this."

"So that's what you're deciding to do? Stop being loyal to your housemates and friends, for a disowned loser who befriends first year mudblood and blood traitors?"

"Marvin, yoire being really ridiculous now. We're still being loyal to out housemates and friends, because Sam is a housemate and friend. I didn't think it was possible, but you're actually thicker than you look." Luke told the idiot.

"And that's saying something." I added.

With that, we all ignored the person who had revealed his true colours.


After DADA, it was break time.

I headed over to the transfiguration courtyard, where I bumped into Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Oh, hi- hi Sam." Hermione greeted me, albeit nervously.

"Hi." Was my short reply. Everything had to go as planned.

"Are you - are you okay?"

I turned to look at the first year, who was clearly both trying to make an effort, and scared that I'd get angry with her.

"How do you expect I'm feeling? I mean, sure, we all know that Draco's a twit... but I didn't think he'd go that far to get a bit of attention."

"I'm- we're sorry, if- well, for causing it and- if you er... If you don't want to be friends any more, I understand. All three of us do."

"You shouldn't be sorry. I should be thanking you."

They all looked at me, surprised.
"Why?" Ron asked, "We got you disowned."

"They're all rotten people, and you helped me break any ties with them. I don't want to be associated with any of them, if they're willing to disown their own flesh and blood for making a few friends." I didn't mean what I said about my family, I was simply saying what the trio wanted to hear.

"They're still your family though."

"Not anymore. The whole disowning part has kind of destroyed that excuse. Look, I'm not trying t be rude or anything, but could you guys maybe just leave me alone for a bit? I don't blame you for this, but I need a bit of space."

"That's fine. Let's go guys."

They went to leave, when Harry finally spoke.

"We are here, you know. If you need someone to talk to. Hermione would probably be the best comforter... but... we're here for you."


With that, they left.

And I had a feeling that they finally trusted me.

Sorry for how long it's taken. 

Note for those of you who have put in a character: 


Thank you and sorry.

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