Half Term

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"Oh please, do another trick!'' The girls begged but Daffy knew that Bobbie was still sore from the last trick and told the form to wait. Katie desperately tried to win back the girl's trust but did not want to apologize to Bobbie when she knew she didn't Sneak on Bobbie. "Bobbie." katie says meekly. "What." she says, Bobbie was probably the nicest to Katie surprisingly enough. "I really want to say im sorry but im not." A look of shock and slight annoyance crosses Bobbie's face. "And why aren't you sorry?" "Because I didn't sneak on you!" "Daffy knows im not a sneak but she's to blinded by liking you and hating me she frames me for it!" Bobbie didn't know what to say and was about to stutter something till Daffy came and snatched her away. "Why were you talking to her?" she hissed. 

"Sorry Daffy, I thought she was going to apologize." Bobbie said sullenly. "Let me guess, she didn't did she, what a beast!" Daffy fumed. "Relax old girl." Annabel chimed in, popping up next to the girls. "Half term is coming up and im dreadfully excited." Smiled Annabel, her face glowing. "Are you parents coming?" Daffy asks Annabel. "No they cannot be bothered but im rather looking forwards to meeting someone else's family and that would be simply splendid." Annabel says, a little to sure of herself. All the girls file back into the dormy to get cleaned and dressed for the night. Half term will be horrid, Katie thought, her parents could not come and since she was in coventry, know one would invite her! All the girls got into bed and drifted off slowly to sleep and only three girls were awake. Ivy felt sick again and worried she would not be able to focus on her lessons like she did for the last few classes and Katie was worried about being lonely the next day. Eva was worried Dolly would not invite her and she would be alone and that beastly Cammi Blyton would tease her again. Slowly they all drifted off and soon they were woken by a loud bell. They all got up to get ready, bouncing with excitement. "Why im simply pumped for half term!" Dolly chatters, "Though, Im not looking forward to the exams." She pouts. Eva combs her thick Curly brown hair and places her hair over her shoulders like Annabel. Dolly had a tough choice, should she ask to bring Eva, she is dreadfully dull but listens and warships Dolly in a way Dolly quite liked though it got annoying sometimes. Or should she bring pretty mighty Annabel who did not warship Dolly but was interesting kind and a little like Dolly herself. Her mother would be quite impressed if she brought Annabel but Eva might not talk to her again if she brought Annabel so she really was stuck in the muck. "Annabel, would you come with me to half term?" Dolly says sweetly. 

"I would love to but you see Daffy and Bobbie have requested I come with them and I have said yes." Dollys face dropped and she mutters "Oh its quite fine, I shall bring Eva." "Hallo Eva, would you like to come to half term with me and mummy?" Dolly says sweetly. Eva glows with happiness and replies eagerly "I would simply Love to come with you and your glorious mother." And half term began. "Follow me Hilda!" "My parents are this way you silly pig!" everyone seemed to be yelling but Katie did not quite feel like that. She had hoped at least unpopular Eva might invite her but Dolly had seemed to have already asked Eva and Eva surely would not decline that offer for Katie. "Hallo mother, this is one of my many friends Eva." Dolly said to her mother. "Oh my Dolly is quite popular isn't she." Her mother said proudly. Eva was about to answer till she realized it was a question she should not answer. They ate pickles, crab and caviar on toast and sipped on fancy tea and wine for Dolly's mother. "This is quite scrumptious." Eva says, choking down some pickled crab with white wine seasonings. Dolly boasted about herself to her parents well Eva dropped bits of her food on the ground, What a family thought Katie as she observed the group, What a family.        

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