Half Term

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After a long day of practice Lilac flopped onto the couch. "You sure look worn out." remarked Mary. "I've been practicing with some of the other members of the team." said Lilac. "Was Susy there?" asked Jalissa jealously. "Oh yeah I played a match against her." replied Lilac normally. Immediately everyone got up. "Did you pummel her behind?" "Did you beat her bad!?" "Is she in the san?" Lilac snickered at this. "No she is not in the san, she beat me. Everyone groaned. "Oh don't be so disappointed!" cried Lilac. Jalissa looked at her. "Oh Lilac of course were disappointed, I shall have to play Susy soon myself." "And you really think that you could beat her." sneered Mary. "Mary, don't be so pi!" Indeed I do think that I could beat her for Rain said I could even beat the third or fourth form if I set my mind to it!" Said Jalissa triumphantly. "Don't get a big head because of what Rain said." replied Ambrosia from the corner. Jalissa stiffly got up and walked into the dormy. "Oh Jalissa wait!" Cried Lilac. 

Lilac grabbed her prep work and skipped into the dormy. Sighing Tilly bent back over her work. The air was thick with worry since the girl's half term exam would be taking place just before half term. The next day all the girls listened with rapt attention to their classes. No fooling around just full concentration. And it paid off. The exams arrived and Lilac was anxious to get it over with. After the exams all the girls piled in a heap in the common room. "Got that over with." sighed Tammy. The very next day half term arrived. Lilac had invited Jalissa along with her since her parents couldn't be there. Mary was going with Tammy. In the morning Tammy beckoned Ambrosia over. "Ambrosia, would you please ask Tilly, she looks rather lonely." Ambrosia nodded and invited Tilly to come with her right after. "How bout it?" A picnic and a splendid walk by the ocean." Tilly cautiously nodded. 

Then the parents arrived. "Mummy, daddy!" Cried Lilac. "Quiet down dear the whole form is staring now." Joked Mr. Spring. Jalissa rather liked the Springs and they had a rather enjoyable evening. Tammy and Mary had a lovely lunch at a restaurant and Tilly had a rather jolly time with Ambrosia. Tina on the other hand was left alone. She combed her hair bitterly and dressed. Her parents would not be coming either and she was so very angry at them. In fact she hadn't written back at all when they told her they wouldn't be coming. Tina sullenly sat in the common room alone. She saw Jalissa and Lilac chatting as their car pulled away. Tears flung to her eyes. She sobbed in self pity on the couch for a while. After a long time of crying she became bored and went downstairs. As Lilac and Jalissa rode in the car Mrs. Spring asked "Lilac, Jalissa have you gotten your reports yet?" "Oh yes mother." Lilac said. "Well can I see it dear?" Said Mrs. Spring. "Oh all right." replied Lilac. She handed over her report and Jalissa handed hers over also. "Hmmmm Very nice Lilac dear." Lilac blushed with pride. "Outstanding Jalissa your parents shall be proud." Remarked Mrs. Spring warmly. Now it was Jalissa's turn to blush with pride. What a half term, thought Lilac happily.

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