#WIPChat Nov 23 TOPIC: #WIPFood

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Introduce yourself and your genre(s). Don't forget the #WIPChat tag.

#WIPChat Question 1:

How big of a role does #WIPFood play in your story? 

Do you set scenes with meals or drinking beverages?

#WIPChat A1 : Food is a very big deal to my MC Annie, especially now that she is living on an alien world among a people who have an 70% protein diet. They eat mostly meat, fresh kill or slightly prepared and this is a struggle for Annie. She is almost vegan, she rarely eats poultry, eggs, or fish, but no red meat.

1- I don't think I've written anything yet where food doesn't play a part. I guess it's my influence of going to college for culinary for two years. Also, when I was high school, we had the option to take classes at a trade school. So, I spent two years learning baking.

Answer 1 The first book I wrote involves a military woman who grew up in the kitchen/bar her dad owned. Almost all the figurative language/similies she'd make are food-related. I did that because that was the only world she knew.

A1: (sorry I'm late!) Food isn't a big role in my story at all. I do have a character, however, who is a bit of a militant vegan. Most of the world is vegan at this point. (post-climate catastrophe) Very few people still eat meat. 

A1: I always feature food in my books! Lots of holiday celebrations, birthdays, Sabbath meals, Sunday lunches, weddings, meals of all kinds from many different cultures.

#WIPChat Question 2:

"Curling up in her fluffy pajamas, binge eating ice cream was the thing she wanted to do most at that moment."

Describe the Favorite food or meals that your characters 
would default to in times of stress?

#WIPChat  A2: Annie goes for chocolate cake and coffee, neither of which exist on Eloh. In fact, all of their foods are grown to offer maximum nutritional value. It takes her three months to figure out how to make a chocolate cake equivalent.

A2: I'm not entirely sure. My MC has little time for food and views eating as an inconvenience. She just wants to do the work. Two of my characters, however, are easily excited over a package of salt. They're out on research missions often, and they have to be careful about how much they carry with them. Ration packs aren't exactly flavorful, so when one of them sneaks a pack of salt along, it's kind of exciting.

 A 2- Meat. My girl. Loves. Meat. And tangential meat-related lab-created product.

2- Chloe, I'm not sure about yet. I might have to ponder this since she's a cheetah shape shifter whose the captain of the space ship. So, it's not like the ship is loaded with options. I might have her keep a stash of chocolate. May, from the erotic story, would be typical. She'd have a carton of ice cream stored in her freezer.

A2: Candy, chocolate, baked goods for many of them!

#WIPChat Question 3:

When a character hates the author's favorite food/beverage is a writing test.

Or do your characters carry the same preferences you do?

Have you ever written a character that Loved a food you Hated IRL? 

Or Hated a food or beverage you Love IRL? 

#WIPChat A3: Current MC Annie and I love the same things, but I have written an MC that hated coffee... I had to go back and fix SO MANY scenes. Same with the MC who loved microbrew beers... I dislike beer, so I was asking a lot of question about them of my hubby and friends, and so much research.

A 3 What a question! I've never thought about this. I think my MC has very similar tastes, now that I think about it. She'll eat anything, I'll eat anything.

3- Nah. Each character has their interests. I've written those who love coffee. Those who love meat. Those who are vegan (Heather talks about this a few times in her story), those who eat raw meat cause they're shape shifter cats, etc.

 A3: Some of my characters hate onions and mayo just as I do. Jakob DeJonghe tells his newlywed wife Rachel Roggenfelder, before their year-long separation an ocean apart, to learn his mother's recipes without the onions, and never make him anything else with onions. I'm also kosher and vegetarian (used to eat a largely vegan diet before being moved to this place I hate), and many of my characters eat foods forbidden to me.

A3: I am absolutely not a vegan. Much respect to them and their lifestyle, but I'm an omnivore. Writing a vegan character is somewhat challenging. I have to try hard not to slip into stereotypes because I know little about the lifestyle personally.

#WIPChat Question 4:

"Annie called it pudding in her mind because thinking about

 what it really was made her gag, in truth, it was a tasty mollusk mucus."

Have you ever made a character try a #WIPfood or drink they have never consumed before?
What were the consequences: Did they love or hate it? Did they devour it or vomit?

#WIPChat A4: The quote with the question it a very typical reaction. Every #WIPFood Annie eats on Eloh is new. Some she enjoys as long as she doesn't think about what they are, others she literally runs from the room to vomit. Her aversion to blood is a big problem when bovine blood poached eggs are served at the queen's brunch.

4- Yup. Sasha does this when she spends time with Heather. I added a whole scene about it while they're camping. Turns out, Sasha didn't mind the veggie/vegan food Heather wanted her to try.

A 4 Yep. Alien food. It was way better than she could have imagined

A4: My immigrant characters eat American foods for the first time, and most of them love those things. The older generations typically prefer their familiar foods, but the younger ones come to prefer American foods. In the era of the 1920s-1950s, things like mac & cheese, baked beans, creamed spinach, peanut butter, hamburgers, hotdogs, peanuts fried in dough & coated in chocolate, apple pie, ice-cream sundaes, grilled cheese, tuna melt.

A4: I had one story in which my MC had been raised without luxuries like cereal and toast. It was almost embarrassing how much food she devoured when she was introduced to it.

#WIPChat Question 5:

"We both hated it and joked if we ever asked for it again, call the police."
What would your character absolutely refuse to eat or ask for?
Would they eat it to save themselves?

#WIPChat A5: Annie refuses to read fresh kill or anything with blood in it and, no, she would not eat it even under duress. Blood makes her vomit.
I once had a character who hated Liver ask for Take-Out Dulet, it was how the SCs knew she was in danger and they saved her from being murdered.

5 Chloe wouldn't care. Survival is more important than morals. I can imagine the conversation between her and Bastet when Chloe arrives in her goddesses realm in the afterlife. It'll boil down to a lot of sarcasm about why didn't you save yourself?

A5: My Jewish characters take Kashrut very seriously, including tableware, cookware, and kitchens, not just ingredients. Léa takes this mitzvah so seriously because she had to eat non-kosher food for 3 yrs, when she & her siblings were hidden by a Gentile family

A5: Actually my staunchly vegan character has had to break her own moral code before to save her life and those of her companions. Later, she will be forced again to test those limits. Things are about to get much worse. Every character will have to test their limits.

#WIPChat Question 6:

If you could try or have any #WIPFood from your #WIPworld, 
what would it be?

#WIPChat A6 : I think the #WIPFood I created for Eloh sound very interesting but I do not know if I really would eat them... I mean GMO is an understatement when it comes to the food on this world and its colonies. That said, I wrote a series about a baker and have made EVERY cake I described except one, it was a lemon-honey cake with an anise liqueur filling (I hate licorice). It is a very common Yucatan flavor pairing, or so I read.

6 I haven't gotten creative with food in any of my stories. I eat a wide range of stuff anyhow cause I cook/bake each day. I guess maybe there might be something on Chloe's ship I might try. I'm thinking she has the mess hall make her a replicated meat type food.

A6: A chocolate cake soaked in blood orange syrup, covered in rosewater and pistachio frosting, and topped off by candied cranberries and oranges, chocolate ganache, and liberal gold dust. I had to include it after I saw it in What Fat Vegans Eat!

#WIPChat Question 7 :

What is the craziest #WIPFood or food related thing in your #WIPWorld

#WIPChat A7 : Most recently I made Annie eat tentacles. It looked and smelled like overcooked, reheated rubbery pasta noodles in a fishy, lobster broth with meat that tastes like lobster, but really it was a type of Sea Centipede-anemone thing.  I basically had my MC Annie freak out at the queen's brunch when they were served "things not quite dead", then things killed and cooked to be served. The next coarse was as was basically an ostrich egg poached in blood and she has this thing about blood. She vomited.

7 I mentioned a few earlier. The cheetah shifters tend to eat raw meat. Heather insisted Sasha try the fake vegan meat. Otherwise, I haven't had a character who torments anyone by having them eat something they don't want.

 A7 (jumping in late) re WIPFood:The worst food in may be too gross to keep, but it works with the plot and magic Sys: The only non-radioactive protein available to feed surviving refugees after WW3 is earthworms from pre-covered compost heaps. Worm stew. I've been wondering if I can make myself try them, in the interests of research. So I must remember watercress, which would bring in Water Magic, FTW! The worms bring in Earth Magic, ditto any onions.

A7: Goofy D.J. in my Atlantic City books sells chocolate-covered bulls' testicles at a school dance, where many of the other students unknowingly eat them. He pretends they're pears.

A7: Oh geez. I'm not sure. I've had one that had no issue with eating dog. I could never... But back to my current WIP, they will have to eat a sort of intelligent grass as well as something the others call water snakes but look nothing like our water snakes.

Yay I won with Ghost with Ink but still have a lot of story to go... 

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