Chapter 05 : The New Year Party

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The driver was driving the car slowly due to enough traffic signals which were on their way. Ohhhh, the nightlife! The enlightening streetlights! Everything caught heir attention! Though they had come in this new place today only, it seemed as if they had been here for ages. No idea!! It seemed like that to 'them'!!

Swara and Kavita were sitting at the backseat of the car comfortably and Sanskar although sitting at the front seat, he couldn't stop gazing at the girl at his left who was looking damn sizzling in that pretty outfit.

Oh god. How could a girl look so beautiful and angelic?

One time, just once, if he was allowed to go near her, he would cherish each and every petite part of hers. How he wished that!! He had felt her in his embrace almost for two times and in those times, his heart had started pumping faster than usual. Why did it feel so different to have her in his arms? He never felt like this before.

Oh god, not again. What was wrong? How could he think something like that about her? If he logically thought about it, she was a girl he just met today only. She was someone he approached on his way. But then, why did it feel like she wasn't somebody very new to him. In fact, he could find himself closer to her.

He had hidingly turned the mirror towards Swara again, and was smiling each moment his eyes went on the mirror. Looking at her and adoring her felt like ages.

Sanskar (looking at Swara through mirror, smiling) : By the way.. Swara I'll tell you one thing.

And immediately Swara's gaze was on Sanskar. She was a bit confused.

Sanskar : You are really looking beautiful.

Compliments often made Swara crazy. But this time, she herself didn't know why she had gone way too crazy hearing a compliment from Sanskar. But her heart was so not ready to accept that, maybe. She thought, what if he was flattering her again?

"Come on Swara, tu bhi jaanti hi kitna hai isse? He again must be making a fool out of yourself."

Little did she know that Sanskar himself so wanted her to believe him!

He scrunched his eyebrows as he couldn't hear a single thing from her. Come on, not even a thank you? Atleast he deserved that much! Didn't he?

To catch her attention again, he smirked looking behind at her.

"I think I just complimented you!"

Swara (giving him not so cool reply) : Thanks for that..

Sanskar (smiled) : My pleasure..

And with that, he could finally feel satisfied and turn his head ahead and lean behind on his seat.


...And the trio walked towards the entrance of the Auditorium. Swara and Kavita looked here and there and gasped at the huge, excellent Company, it was more like a heaven if they passed through those long passages.

It was just the basement. If the basement was so attractive, how would the other floors be?

They could see painted sculptures everywhere on those golden electroplated walls. It was an innovative building, wide enough. It was so wide that anyone would get easily lost in this building.

There was more to see there..

Swara - wearing a sequin cocktail dress, straight hair with silver clips on.. looking ravishing.

Sanskar - wearing a black party suit with side partition. Looking handsome and charming.

Kavita - wearing a glittered purple dress, a high ponytail with golden clips on. Looking cute.

As Sanskar helped the girls approaching towards the silver electroplated elevator there in the basement, the girls couldn't imagine a better elevator than that one!!

Could an elevator be so huge and beautiful?

Swara (in mind, surprised) : God, such a wonderful place.

Sanskar (immediately to Swara) : Yeah, isn't it?


This guy had read her mind? How can he? Swara turned to look at him in shock.

Swara : Did you just say something?

Sanskar (shrugged his shoulders) : Come on, I just agreed on your take of this elevator. Why are you so shocked?

Swara : But.. I didn't say it that loud. Then..

Sanskar turned towards Swara and winked at her. All he could do was chuckle on those expressions. Oh god! Who in this world can give so many expressions at once?

As Sanskar pressed the elevator, he looked at Swara. Swara was expecting a reply from him, but it seemed in vain. Elevator had opened.

Sanskar (teased her) : Madam, chalna nahi hai?

Swara finally came back to her sense. She decided to expect the reply from him afterwards.

Swara : Huh. I was just coming.

Sanskar : But as far as I know, you were too busy in looking at my handsome face.

Swara (raised her finger) : Just shut up. I wasn't looking at you. That is your misconception.

She avoiding any further eye contact and immediately rushed inside the wide elevator even leaving behind Sanskar and Kavita.

"What is wrong with her now?" - All that Kavita could think.

Sanskar and Kavita got inside. As the elevator closed was all on its way going up, Sanskar pressed the elevator button. Doing the needful, he looked at Swara and winked at her.

Swara : Just stop winking at me!

Sanskar : Why? It is my wish.

Swara jerked this and lost by herself.

Chuckle* Ohh godd...

Never in his entire life he enjoyed teasing someone so much!

He knew that his payment was,
- Her widened eyes which gave a clear view of her beautiful orbs.
- Her lips which twisted sometimes or lined straight.
- Not to forget her nose turning red.


Swara, Sanskar, Kavita had approached to the closed door which led them to the wide Auditorium. This was the most they had expected the Auditorium to be!!

As the trio walked inside passing the entrance of the Auditorium, everything stopped at that moment. As all girls were driving crazy looking at the most handsome guy of the day, they also noticed two new people besides him. They all wondered who they are...

As Sanskar's other friends approached him right at that moment, Sanskar did the needful by doing the formal introduction...

A girl approached him fondly. "Hi Sansku!!"

Sanskar : Hi Neha!! Happy New Year In advance. (he shaked hands with her fondly)

"And what else should I expect. He is a charmer! Huh." - Swara mind shouted.

"He is greeting everybody so nicely. He is so friendly!" - Maybe Swara's heart had other ideas.

Neha : (noticing Swara and Kavita) Who are these girls Sanskar? Are they your friends?"

Sanskar looked at Swara and Kavita, and smiled. "Yeah, they are my friends. And soon they are joining our industry taking internship."

Neha (happy) : Oh that's great!!

Sanskar (turned towards Swara and Kavita) : Hey, she's my friend Neha. She's also an Indian. Actually you'll be surprised but most of the people in our industry are Indians, so you'll feel easy to communicate, if you know what I mean.. (smiled)

Swara (fondly) : Hi Neha!! I am Swara.

Kavita : (smiled) And I am Kavita, nice to meet you.

The trio shaked hands with each other wishing Happy New Year. But at the same time Neha was startled by Sanskar's voice, again!!

Sanskar : Neha, where's that idiot? He was supposed to come na? He hasn't come yet, I didn't see him yet! (disappointedly sighed) Aayega ki nahi yeh Bhagwan jaane.

Neha : (nodded her head) Don't worry. I know whom you are talking about.

Sanskar : Really..

"Hey Bro! I am here!"

A voice startled and shakened Sanskar happily.

He turned to look back and there stood a handsome guy of Sanskar's age only. Sanskar was extremely surprised and happy at his arrival. He was his everything : his human diary, his best friend cum brother, in short his Best Friend Forever.

Sahil Sengupta! Sahil, although was Sanskar's Partner in the Industry, both were best of friends since childhood. Both of them were inseparable at all times and that was how they counted as 'Best Friends'.

(So guys, here's a new entry here, Sahil! No, don't worry, he's not negative, instead he's gonna play the character of Sanskar's best friend. And yeah, the reason behind his entry is, he's gonna pair with Kavita in this story... There's no interruption by him neither by Kavita in SwaSan's story, so don't worry!)

Sanskar : Sahil!!!

He ran to him as Sahil walked towards him and gave him a tight brotherly hug. Sanskar was so happy to see his best friend back after three weeks!!

After a few moments, they broke the hug.

Sanskar : How are you then? And how's uncle and aunty? Did they ask about me? Phir sab kuch kaisa tha India mein? Did you meet my mom and dad? (dangled him) Bol na!

Sahil (chuckled) : Arey Baba let me speak! Everything was amazing and yeah, please call your Mom once when you get time, she's missing you! Emotional bhi hui thi thoda, but I handled the matter saying that he will find time to call you.

Sanskar got sad. Yes, his Mom and Dad, his family, he missed them terribly each moment. Since two years, he had been away from his family when he was here for his career. There was hardly any contact between them due to him being very busy in his work and having tight schedule, and also his responsiblities. He didn't even remember when he last talked to his family on phone. He missed them!

Sahil : (assuring him) But you don't worry. I assured her that you are happy and fine.

Sanskar (smiled, a bit sad, nodded positively) : Yes, I'll talk to them. Okay Sahil, before you say anything else, I wanted to introduce you to someone.

Saying this he dragged him towards Swara and Kavita, who seem to be a little confused about this new guy they just saw.

Sanskar : These girls are my friends, and they are soon going to join our industry taking internship. Swara and Kavita.

Sahil (surprised) : Friends? That is astonishing. You never told me before about them?

Sanskar : No, actually I met them today only. In fact, they both have come here in US today only.

Sahil : Ohh! Now I see! (Smiled looking at them)

Sanskar : And, (looked at the girls) He's my best friend since childhood, Sahil Sengupta.

Sahil (smiled) : Hi.. I'm Sahil Sengupta! Nice to meet you both.

Swara and Kavita : (smiled) Hi..

Sahil shaked hands with Swara and Kavita respectively.

As Sanskar got busy in introducing the girls to his other friends (all boys and girls of his age who worked there) the girls were happy as they were making new friends. And our Swara's bubbly behavior attracted many people towards her...


There was a loud noise in the wide hall.

"So we're all on!! Aren't we?" - A loud, exciting announcement was made by the DJ of the New Year Party. It got echoed in the very very laaaaarge room of the entire Company, yes, that was the auditorium of the company and since it was 31st December 2017, the entire staff and employees were gearing up for the New Year Party. Since a new year 2018 leaving behind the current year 2017 was due and as always the Company had always planned big parties but, but this time... Something was very much new and that was Swara and Kavita's presence, who were new people there and had joined there for internship! Yeah they were brought this jobs by none other than their newest friend Sanskar..

All thanks to him!

"YESSSS..." The voice echoed across the auditorium, all people shouting agreeing for getting on...

While Sanskar and Sahil were accompanying Swara and Kavita who were a bit alone as of then in this big party, all were startled with an announcement...

"Lets start today's occasion with a grand entertainment. Are u all ready?" Said the DJ of the party.

"YESSSS..." The voice of each and every individual in the big auditorium echoed...

"Alright then. So let us start the entertainment with a competition called 'Paper Dance'. No don't worry, we will explain our dear friends the game!! But all you are excited for it?" The DJ announced more loudly, yet excitement was expressed."

All shouted in a "Yayyyy" voice, including Kavita, Sanskar, Sahil. The guests were damn excited.

But one person here was shocked and then frowned a bit after hearing this "Paper Dance". Wait, yeah she had heard this game many times before!! She had heard it was a game of couples.

As the DJ started explaining the game properly to the audience, Swara leaned near Kavita, avoiding other people noticing her.

Swara (in Kavita's ears) : Kavita... This paper dance, yeh wohi game hai na where a boy and a girl are made partners, and then they have to dance Salsa together on a small piece of newspaper, and the feet shouldn't touch the ground, it should only touch the newspaper, and if it touches the ground that person is disqualified. Is it that only?

Kavita : Yeah, it's that only... But, what happened?

"What happened?! Kavita, for your kind information I have sprained my foot. How can I dance? And moreover, I don't even know anyone here. So does that mean, I have to dance with an unknown guy or what? And what if I slip?

Kavita got a bit worried. Yes, it was a bit difficult to dance for her. But before she could say anything to Swara, they were startled with DJ's loud voice again...

DJ : So, each girl will come ahead randomly and will take a chit from this bowl (he pointed at a bowl at the corner of the Auditorium, it was filled with many many chits). Each chit contains the name of each guy present here. If a girl takes a chit and when she finally discovers the guy on the chit, he will be her partner!! So ready, all guys and girls?

"YESSSS!!!" The loudest reply of the moment came by every individual present there.

Everybody prepared themselves for the game. Kavita and Swara exchanged shocked looks which didn't go unnoticed by Sanskar. He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion looking at their direction and the growing worry among them. Was something wrong?

DJ : So first, let us welcome the newest people of the Company, who are going to join our Industry very soon. So let us welcome Miss Swara Gadodia and Miss Kavita Roy with a big round-of-applause!!!

And there was a big round of applause. Swara closed her eyes, and slapped her own forehead wondering when will one day of her life come when she could complete a task without creating any blunder. She looked all pale, all confused. And no prizes of guessing, all of this didn't go unnoticed by Sanskar. He thought something and soon enough he seemed like he got an idea.

DJ : (smiled) So, let us start the game with these girls. So first both of you come ahead and pick up the chits, please.

"One minute!! Swara Gadodia will be my partner!!"

The entire auditorium went into a state of mind spasm. There was silence everywhere. None of them could speak anything. Even the DJ stood silent, surprised.

It was Sanskar!

And well, for our Swara, her jaws were literally dropped!! What was this guy doing?!! Kavita and Sahil also looked at Sanskar shocked, unable to conclude what was he doing. Yes, it was none other than our Sanskar... Everybody stood shocked looking at him and Sanskar decided to continue...

Sanskar : Sorry for the interruption!! Actually don't mind, but I don't approve of this chit thing for these girls atleast, you know right that Swara as well as Kavita are new people here. It might take time for both of them to feel comfortable in this surrounding. They are not very fit for it. Also, they hardly know anybody here. So, I thought that this chit rule shouldn't be for them. So, I announce Swara Gadodia as my partner...

Swara looked at him shocked.. surprised.. overwhelmed.. confused.. whatsoever!! Her eyes had widened.. this person was himself announcing her to be his dance partner!! Without even her permission!??! All she wanted was not to play this game, but seemed like things had turned more tricky for her now... And the reason behind it was this Sanskar... Argh!

Sanskar : And.. Kavita Roy as Sahil Sengupta's partner!

Kavita (eyes shot open) : WHAT!

Sahil (shocked) : WHAT!

Kavita (falling in her thoughts) : Well I really don't mind being Sahil's partner.. The only thing is he is too new to me.

Sahil : Come on Sahil, atleast, or maybe, you can give it a try. It is not a big deal.

Everyone in the auditorium stayed silent, and later rounds of applause were followed which echoed in the big auditorium..

DJ (announced) : Alright, our Assistant Manager Sanskar is Miss Swara's dance partner! Give a round loud of applause for the new couple of the day..



"Great, now we officially became a couple too!! Swara, are you sure you have done another blunder of deciding to achieve your dreams in this country only?"

Swara was so damned that she felt as if to run away, but noticing Sanskar who had wrapped her arms around her shoulder made her change her mind.

Now he was standing too close to her!

Swara was so not ready to face Sanskar as her partner. But just then Kavita came to her when Sanskar left her...

Swara : Just see Kavita. Just see this Sanskar.

Kavita : Swara!! I think this was the right thing he did!

Swara : (shocked) What!! How can you still agree to him?

Kavita : Just see this, you have hurt your foot and that is why you can't be hundred percent sure about how perfect you can be. Atleast the guy you are going to dance with is Sanskar and not any other random person you don't know. Because Sanskar knows that you will find it difficult to dance. I must say Swara, he is really understanding! He is unconditionally helping and supporting you Swara. He has done so much for us even if he hardly knows us.

Swara closed his eyes and nodded positively for two seconds.

Swara : I know Kavita and I am quite fond of what he is doing. But sometimes he really gets on my nerves.

Kavita : It might just be a friendly gesture na.

"Friendly gesture?!" - Swara forced herself to think.

"And what if Swara loved Sanskar's teasing? Has she unintentionally masked herself too much that she herself didn't knew how her face glowed on saying or hearing anything about Sanskar?" - Kavita thought for a while with a smile on her face. She thought, she saw something flicker in Swara's eyes as she was talking about Sanskar..

"Swara.. I think no other partner could have been as good as Sanskar. He is really helping you so much and it is high time you must accept it." - her heart said. Uff!


There was a song about to play, everyone ready in their own places and everyone were given newspapers to dance on. All were nervous and excited as well respectively.

DJ had declared a beautiful royal gown as the prize for the winner (for girl) and a wonderful blazer for the guy. Maybe, Swara had got another reason to win as she instantly fell in love with that gown.

As Sanskar was spreading the newspaper properly on the ground, Swara finally opened up raising her voice..

Swara : Just tell me one thing, why did you announce me as your official partner? I didn't really want to play this game.

Sanskar : (under his breath) Oh please..

Swara (shocked) : What do you mean by 'oh please'!?

Sanskar got up from the ground and faced Swara.

Sanskar : (in attitude) You know what, I have seen girls having ego enough that they hesitate to say golden words like thank you, please or sorry. And, you are one of them.

Swara : (flaring with anger) Mr Maheshwari, are you implying that I have ego?

Sanskar : (teased her a bit) Tum ladkiyon ki problem hi yeh hoti hai.. You know, you should actually have thanked me by now.

Swara : (shocked) Hainn.. for what?

Sanskar : (folded his arms, tilting his head) Listen. In a way, I came in as your savior. Isn't it?

Swara looked at him as if she was seeing someone having two heads. (Hehe!)

Swara : In which angle?

Sanskar : (smirked) See, what if you had to dance with a random guy you were completely unknown to!! You could have even embarrassed yourself because of your sprained foot. So, atleast you are safe with me. Atleast 'I' know that you have hurt yourself so I can understand if you get a bit clumsy in between our dance. (Teased) If it hadn't been me announcing you as my partner, you would have been suffering from embarrassment by making the other guy suffer because of you!! So, you should thank me because in one way, I have saved you.

Swara : Huh??!! What do you mean by suffer because of me?

Sanskar (surprised) : You still didn't understand?

Swara : Mr Maheshwari, I swear if we lose, I won't spare 'you'. It is only because of that gown that I am participating.

Oh god! Swara the Sherni! 😜

Sanskar (at his best) : Let's see who makes whom upset. And yeah for your kind info Ms Swara Gadodia, even I don't want to lose that wonderful blazer. You know, that suits my fair skin so much. So 'you' better be careful, Ms Clumsy.

Swara (shocked) : WHAT?

Sanskar (leaned on her, jokingly) : Ms Clumsy, thats what exactly I said.

Swara (folded her arms) : Ohhh!!! How dare you call me that. (huskily) Okay then. Jaoo phir.. I will not dance with you. Then cry for that precious blazer. Okay?

Sanskar (puts his hands on his waists) : Okay. (raised his eyebrows, jokingly) You also cry with me along for your gown, my shoulder is always available for you. (smiled)

And this was something beyond her expectations.. She pouted and was helpless to agree to the condition. But she couldn't find any words to say to him.. In short, now she was really in lack of any words to say to him.. Sanskar smiled at her and forwarded both his palms towards her.

The action made Swara's eyes shot open looking at Sanskar.

Sanskar (sincerely) : Come on Swara. I promise, I won't disappoint you. I am helping you anyway. But yes feel free to tell me if you feel pain, okay?

Swara (looked down nodding) : Okay.

Hesitantly, Swara's petite fingers met Sanskar's palms. Her eyes travelled from her own hands to Sanskar's smiling face.

So this was the true him!

Swara couldn't help a slight smile on her face as she looked at him again. Now this was another time her large beautiful black eyes met his mesmerising chocolate brown eyes. Sanskar made sure of one thing. Once he held her hand, he promised to not disappoint her.

Kavita and Sahil also smiled at each other.

Sahil : (smiled and raised his eyebrows) So, we both are partners.

Kavita (smiled) : Yes.

Sahil : Okay then, let us play sincerely. But feel free to tell me if u feel awkward.

Kavita (looking down) : Yes.

After one final announcement asking if everyone was ready, there was a song playing.. A beautiful music enlightening the beautiful atmosphere...

SwaSan hear the song too. Slowly slowly, Sanskar started stepping back, his gaze still fixed at Swara and Swara, moving forward folloeing him. Their gaze were stuck to each others, and their entwined hands were tightening. They kept moving until they reached on their newspaper. Sanskar stopped and that made Swara stop too. The others as well got into their positions, (in their newspapers). All started moving in their own place as per the song.

SwaSan were confused with what to start. Just then to Swara's surprise, Sanskar's one hand travelled around Swara's waist very slowly, but not too close as that might hurt her. His other hand held her shoulder. She was shocked and she looked on surprised at him.

As Sanskar was looking innocently at Swara, nervous to ask her to wiggle as per the music. Swara felt his hand on her shoulder. She sighed, but later the shock turned into a surprise when he was intensely gazing at her and had started waving already.

Swara : Sanskar..

Sanskar (amidst adjusting his hand on her shoulder) : Song has started Swara.. but do let me know if you feel pain..

He looked down, and moved Swara motivating her to atleast move... While Sanskar was too busy moving himself (dancing), Swara was looking at him who was each moment holding her tightly, yet passionately and sweetly. Slowly slowly, her heart refused to give up and her hand wrap around his waist, and the other on his shoulder. Both made sure that their feet didn't step out of the newspaper.

(Guys heres the link to the song I am talking about : )



Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se...

Yun Mulaaqat Ho Gayi...

Phir Kya Hua Yeh Na Puchho...

Kuch Aisi Baat Ho Gayi...

Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se...

Yun Mulaaqat Ho Gayi...

Wo Achanak Aa Gayi...

Yun Nazar Ke Saamne...

Jaise Nikal Aaya... Ghata Se Chaand...

Chehre Pe Zulfen... Bikhri Hui Thi...

Din Mein Raat... Ho Gayi...

Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se...

Yun Mulaaqat Ho Gayi...

Swara hesitantly looked at Sanskar, she sensed that he was feeling as hard as her to be so close to her. But even then he made sure his or even Swara's feet don't touch the ground at any cost. He was tightly holding her yet he made sure he didn't hurt her. He was looking straight into her eyes, was wiggling, so was Swara. She was wiggling holding his hand tight and his waist. She was giving a worried face while he was gazing at her intensely amidst their slow dance moves.

"Oh God, whats this happening to me now a days? Whenever I am around this guy, why do I feel like smiling? In fact, why do I even love it when he teases me? Please God, My first aim is my career and my identity. Please don't lead me somewhere else. I have not come here for all this." - atlast, her mind decided to think about the same thing her heart was.

Just then to their shock, Song was paused. Everybody came into a standstill. Everybody quickly had to get into the newspaper. All took their position. Swara and Sanskar also get inside the newspaper and sigh in a relief as their feet did not touch the ground in any way.

One couple's foot had come out, so the DJ announced that they were out. While the rest were asked to fold their newspaper.

Now the newspaper was smaller. After Sanskar finished folding the paper he looked up at Swara. "Now we need to dance even closer!!" Sanskar pouted.

Nothing but a simple 'Hmm' escaped her throat.

Sanskar offered his hand to Swara. Soon enough after a small gaze, she entwined her hands with his. Swara looked at him, and then she slowly came closer to him avoiding the ground. There was no distance in between them, they were too close. Close enough that they had only a few inches between them. They both got inside the newspaper.

Just then, the music of the song was continued. Swara was looking down while Sanskar was carefully watching her expressions which were changing each second she was coming nearer to him avoiding the ground.

Sanskar : Are you okay Swara?

Swara : (felt a little pain at her foot) Trying to be.

Sanskar : Sure?

Swara just simply nodded and tried to smile. She looked down carefully seeing how she was moving according to him. Both wiggled in their own places, holding each other and to avoid stepping back, Sanskar was holding the parts below her armpits and Swara too was resting her palms in his armpits.

Sanskar knew she was uncomfortable, it was much evident on her face. No matter how hard she tried to ignore her pain, he could see that her foot was paining!

Winning was not something that he wanted. Absolutely not! He wanted her comfort, only her comfort!

Jaane Man Jaane Jigar...

Hota Mai Shayar Agar...

Kehta Gazal Tere Hi Adaao Par...

Maine Yeh Kaha Toh...

Mujhse Khafa Woh...

Jaane Hayaat Ho Gayi...

Seems like, a new unconditional feeling is brewing in Sanskar's heart. He was so somewhere lost in her beautiful large eyes and so was Swara. She was feeling something flicker in those mesmerising brown eyes. Something she never could have imagined!

How could somebody's eyes give so much clear view to his heart?

She was forced to think once again!!

- "Is he really not that charmer that you think, Swara?
- "He seems so sweet. Not a charmer. Not he but his eyes say that."

Seriously, those eyes were something she couldn't take off her eyes from.


The song stopped again. But Swara had a hard time to realise it until Sanskar pushed her a bit closer to him to get inside the paper.

Sanskar : Swara.. music has stopped. But are you alright?

Swara (confused) : I.. I am okay..

Then at that time, a large number of couples were out, just because of the less space.

At other side, one more couple wasn't very comfortable in this close dance. And guess what it was none other than our Kavita and Sahil who had already started taking an instant liking towards each other, but still were anyway awkward in this close dance.

Sahil : (smiling looking at her, but pouted) Now this newspaper will turn more smaller...

Kavita shrugged her shoulders and pouted. Sahil bent down to fold the newspaper into the quarter, and it was now turning smaller and smaller. It was really small for them to dance but, they had too. Anyway.

Here this was way more awkward moment for Swara and Sanskar, especially Swara.

She was feeling something!!

Something something!!

And to avoid her feelings, she just wanted to avoid going nearer to the one who was changing her..

What was wrong with her? She could find herself smitten to him!! How? Why?

Was it because of his unconditional help towards her? Maybe!

Now here, only five to six couples were the final couples, including Swara-Sanskar and Sahil-Kavita. Time had passed as two or four couples were getting disqualified as their legs couldn't bear the small space together.
As the newspaper was going more smaller than before, Sanskar had to step more closer to her, now no feet distance too between them, their toe caps were almost touching each other like a glue, their faces were also very close to each other.. very few inches were there between them..

Here was an announcement, pausing the game in between. It was the DJ.

He explained the newest rule of the game. Which.. well was shocking..!!

DJ : Now here, attention please!! So? we all know competition is getting tougher. So just to add a little more sweetness into the atmosphere here we have decided the new rule of the game.

Everybody took in his words.

DJ : We're having the finalists infront of you, and all the finalists, here we explain you the new rule!! Along with the dance now, you have to make a better dancing pose and now, as soon as we stop the music, you have to quickly make a pose and you cannot move at all. And remember, feet should not touch the ground! All guys have to strike a pose with their girls. I hope this is clear to everybody!! So, are we all ready???

There was a huge round of applause made for the finalists. A few couples were okay with it, but still two couples were standing there all shocked, nervous, and looking down.

DJ : Never mind any one of you, because its just a game.

Swara looked up at the DJ. She understood that games should be taken lightly, but here strange feelings coming in her heart were making her feel so different. In fact this was the first time she was feeling something.

Something for a guy!

Something for.. Sanskar!


Music had played again and this time the couples had to convince themselves to come closer, but none of them minded as it was just a game of entertainment, not a game of love, haha.... People took it easy, but here something else was happening with our two guys...

As the newspaper was now just 5 cm in size, Swara was helpless and all she could now do was, stand on Sanskar's feet and come closer. The newspaper was too small that it just occupied Sanskar's feet all over the paper.

Sanskar gripped her waist this time too tightly.

How he wished he could keep holding her like that!

Her grip around his neck was making him feel fluttering... They were almost on a situation of completely gluing to each other into a hug, as Swara was circulating her both hands around Sanskar's neck and Sanskar was tightly gripping her waist.

Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se....

Yun Mulaaqat Ho Gayi....

Phir Kya Hua Yeh Naa Puchho...

Kuch Aisi Baat Ho Gayi...

(A sweet music creating a lovely atmosphere)

The song was paused. OMG... They had to soon strike a pose, fast!!

SwaSan were getting clumsy in it. What to do? How to do? But when nothing came in rescue for them, Sanskar managed to do nothing but just pick up Swara in his arms.

This made Swara leave a gasp of shock...

Her eyes widened, her jaws dropped..

Swara (whispered) : Sanskar. What are you doing.

Well erm.. That sounded more like a statement.

Sanskar : (warned, whispered) Sshhh!!

All were striking their own poses. But wait, two couples were out the DJ announced!!

And one of them were unfortunately Sahil and Kavita. The DJ announced the same.

They left the dance floor and stood together watching the three finalists of the competition.. One of them were Swara and Sanskar.

Kavita : (sighed pleadingly) I hope Swara and Sanskar win.

Sahil looked at her. At his look Kavita looked at him too. After a confusing gaze, Sahil smiled and nodded positively. "Yeah, I hope too."

Kavita giggled and looked back at her other two dear friends.

Sanskar helped Swara down. Swara was all set to make fists.

Swara (pouted, bubbly, putting her hands on her waists, beat his chest) : Kya tha yeh, Ha?

Sanskar : (shocked) Kya?

Swara : Yehh...

Sanskar : Kya yeh?

Swara (avoiding eye contact) : Woh, you picked me up suddenly. So I got scared.

Sanskar : Why scared? Do you think I will make you fall down?

Swara : Yes. Actually this is what I can expect from you na. Mr Sanskar Maheshwari.

Sanskar (chuckled) : If I had to na Ms Clumsy, toh maine tumhe bohot pehle hi nichhe gira diya hota.

Swara : (cursed him) Stupid. Idiot. Duffer.

Sanskar : (joked) But tumhare chakkar mein na, I don't want to let my golden gift go away from me, and I am sure even you don't want to. Don't you? So just remember one thing that everything is now depend on me.. Ms Clumsy!!

Swara : Stop calling me Ms Clumsy Sanskar! Or else I swear you won't go from here alive.

Sanskar : Ohh god.

She was going to curse him more but she couldn't speak as the song was continued again.

"Ahh!!" she pouted.

Come on, she had to get back on his feet and hold his shoulder.

She stamped his feet a bit amidst the dance with her super pencil heels giving him her angry reply making him moan a bit.

Sanskar : Ouuchh!!

Swara : Kyu bachchu.. maza aaya?

Little did Sanskar know, she was loving it when he was teasing her and she was replying back..

Same with Sanskar! Never he enjoyed teasing someone so much and getting back her cute responses.

Umm.. wait..

Was it something like Ek Teer Se Do Nishaana?

Was it something like Aag Dono Taraf Barabar Lagi Hai?

But.. But.. her stamping led her to another trouble.

She was feeling tricky in wiggling.

Sanskar : Tumhe maza aaya?

But only to realise her left heel was bending awkwardly, making her lose balance in between. Sanskar scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as he saw Swara's eyes down and a bit of fright was evident on her expression.

Swara got shocked as she realised her heels were no more supporting her.

And on top of that, her sprained foot!

Khubsurat Baat Yeh...

Chaar Pal Ka Saath Yeh...

Saari Umar Mujhko Rahega Yaad...

Mai Akela Tha Magar....

Ban Gayi Woh Humsafar.....

Woh Mere Saath Ho Gayi....

Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se....

Yun Mulaqaat Ho Gayi....

Phir Kya Hua Yeh Naa Puchho....

Kuch Aisi Baat Ho Gayi....

Hmmmm... Haaa...

Haaa... Hmmmm...

As Sanskar looked straight into her eyes, he noticed she was looking a bit tensed amidst the dance....

"Ouch!" her heels were about to break. Wait, what!!!

Sanskar's concentration and continuous gaze on her was broken and he shaked hearing her moan. He immediately gripped her more and more tight to comfort her.

Sanskar (gently) : What happened Swara? Is everything okay?

Swara (tightly shutting her eyes, afraid of falling) : San.. Sanskar my heel. It has bent. I guess, wiggling might have made heels weak. I'm scared. If they break, I'm sure to fall Sanskar.

She feared looking at Sanskar who was opposite her holding her more tight each second to help her avoid slipping.

Sanskar was shocked. Just by the look on Swara's thrilled face he could determined how painful she might be feeling. First her foot sprained and now her heels too gave up! Her panic was evident on her face.

Swara : (balancing herself every now and then, making her heels stand straight) Oucchh...

Sanskar (circulating her back fully) : Swara.. No, don't worry.. (acting to dance infront of public) Swara listen.. (holding her more close) Don't worry.. I won't let you fall! Just hold me tightly, trust me, I'll not let you fall Swara!

"I'll not let you fall Swara!" - it felt like a music to her ears and also her heart. But soon enough to her own shock, a cracking sound came from down making a part of hers pain.

"Ah!!" she paniced feeling the pain as she seemed to be losing her balance. Sanskar was thrilled.


She was almost about to fall backwards but next moment she felt as if something pulled her up instantly.

Something crashed her.

Someone wrapped her!

Her inner fear calmed as she found herself to be standing, to be found safe and secure!

You might have guessed it? Sanskar pulled her up!!

He pulled her up by his strong hands, saving her from falling. But his strong pull almost made her crash to him. Almost Hug him.


Swara almost felt her breath hitched inside of her. Much to their unfavorable conditions, they almost found themselves to be hugging each other! And this made both of their hearts skip a beat. Not only that, they felt each other's heart skipping their beat as they were too close.

There was bearly an inch left between them.

Next moment she opened her eyes, she was find herself in his embrace. She herself didn't know how she was leaning on him almost hugging him. Sanskar didn't care about it as long as Swara was safe. On the contrary, he gripped her more towards himself. He closed his eyes covering her back and he was sticking his chin on her shoulder, and as well as Swara. She was too scared and her heartbeats were not getting slower also gripped Sanskar tightly holding his suit and covering his back, she too closed her eyes.

But all of the sudden, only for them to realise that the DJ had stopped the music at her panic. All looked at the couple shocked and surprised, including Kavita and Sahil. Kavita was worried for her friend.

Both, amidst their hug, were still not allowing their feet to touch the ground.

What will happen next?!


Precap : Welcoming New Year, Welcoming New Feelings 😍

So guys... express your views on this chapter!!!

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