Chapter 06 : Welcoming New Year, Welcoming New Feelings!

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"You are too fidgety!! Don't move yaar."

Sanskar was having a really tough time applying ointment on Swara's foot which was twisted. Probably, this was the most difficult thing he was doing. He had to balance both things - Swara didn't feel any pain, and he wiuld successfully apply the ointment on her foot. But none of them agreed to balance.

Her already sprained foot had been making her miserable for a while now.

Here it was!

The result of improper care.

There was Swara, sitting on the wide sofa resting her twisted foot on the glass table ahead. And there was Sanskar, kneeling down infront of her and applying her the required ointment.

Swara : (holding her foot) Sanskar. I had already told you that I couldn't dance.

Sanskar : One minute, it was you who wanted to participate for that gown.

Trying enough to hide his mistake, eh? 😜

Come on, it wasn't anybody's fault!! It just..


By chance!!

As she was panicing with pain, he was getting frustrated and was even unable to apply the ointment to her because she was fearing that it would give her pain.

Sanskar was ready to apply the ointment, but again interrupted at her shriek.

Swara : (waving her hand into a No) Nahi! No no, that pains!! Please delicately!!

Sanskar took a deep breath before doing anything else.

Sanskar : Look Swara, I am trying my best. But if you will be so scared to get your foot applied the medicine, then how will I apply it? Because you know, you are scared at just the first sight of medicine.

Swara : Because it.. ahh.. pains..

Sanskar looked at her and he sensed she was in panic. He looked at her just calmly began to apply the ointment and spreading it onto her foot..

"Ouchh!!!" she paniced again.

Sanskar was now seriously irritated. Here he was trying to reduce her pain applying full efforts but she's still panicing.

Why was she panicing? He didn't even touch her foot at all. She was just scared as she thought it might be painful to her.

"Swara!! For godsake, stop shouting like a child. My concentration is affected."

Swara was about to moan again but soon enough he shut her mouth with his index finger.

Swara was beyond shocked. Did just a shiver travelled down her spine?

As the shocked and surprised Swara looked at him amidst her closed mouth, he was doing nothing but trying to reduce her pain. She stopped panicing as she realised he was trying his best to not let her feel any pain.

She looked at Sanskar, as he very very delicately spreaded the balm onto her foot.

Ahh!! Finally, he could apply it.

She could no more feel any pain after he touched her. No pain!! Yeah, it was paining a while before when the ointment was not applied to her, but after applying it she felt better than ever. Sanskar's hands for sure had magic and she should have realised it before she unnecessarily paniced.

Sanskar soon removed his finger from her mouth. Swara still looked at him surprised. This guy was once again giving her a reason to feel different about him!! Why did he really help her so much? She couldn't count the favors he had done to her on that day!!

She was observing a guy so closely for the first time.

"Itna clumsy mat bano. (Don't be so clumsy.) It may be disastrous for you ahead. Ms Clumsy." Sanskar said amidst spreading the ointment on her foot.

Swara : (annoyed) Stop calling me that Sanskar!!

Sanskar : Come on, you need to get over that habit of yours.

Swara : (shocked) What habit?

Sanskar leaned on her a bit...

Sanskar : You have a really unique habit of letting your nose turn red because of your anger.

Saying this he pulled her nose. Swara almost gasped and started rubbing her own nose, and giving a death glare to him...

Swara : Mr Maheshwari.. you..

But she felt something inside her melt as Sanskar's smirk turned into a genuine smile... a really genuine smile...

Sanskar : (took a deep breath) By the way, I'm really sorry once again. I don't know why but I never enjoyed teasing any friend so much.. You know, I just cannot understand you Swara.. You are completely different from those girls I have always known in my life. And literally, I find a very good friend in you.

Swara couldn't help but smile too. Smile!!

Swara : Nevermind.. (Smiled nodding her head)

He smiled looking at her and nodded his head too. Soon enough, their light hearted moment was broken when suddenly there was a female voice.

You might have guessed it. It was Kavita.

"Swarra!!! I hope you're fine. Here Sanskar, take this Arnica Balm. Swara, apply this and within a second you will instantly feel better than ever."

She handed the balm to Sanskar.

"Freaking. Another medicine applying test. I want to pass again, hope you let me pass in it." he spoke looking at Swara....

Swara twisted her lips but even then her lips curved into a smile all thanks to his sense of humour. She nodded.

Kavita sat there besides Swara for company. Sanskar carefully applied the balm on her foot and spreaded it gently.

Sanskar : (amidst applying the balm) Wear comfortable shoes next time! And yes, take care of your legs too because apparently your legs walk only 110,000 kms in your life!!

Wasn't that already too much?

Swara looked at his caring behavior. And once again, different feelings took forth in her heart. She was noticing how carefully he was applying the medicine not letting her feel pain even a bit. This time, she couldn't stop her mind as well as heart. She wholeheartedly wanted to accept the fact that however jokes he played on her, he was a caring person and most importantly a very true person at heart.

She could see that!!

He was a guy who was always ready to help. She couldn't expect anything more from him.

Soon enough, when he finished applying the balm, he stood up and tucked his hands inside his jeans pockets.

Sanskar (sighed) : Hushhhh!!!! So finally I am done!! You panic too much yaar, it was so difficult for me to apply you the balm.

Swara looked at him astonished. How could she react?

Swara : Thanks for this.

Kavita smiled as well too. It had been a while that she had noticed Swara's expressions.

And she trusted it, Sanskar for sure affected her a lot. She saw it! She could see her friend getting affected to such an extent that before she could never have been that much.

Was it possible that somewhere, something was unsaid? Hadn't she seen their dance? It was crystal evident on Swara's face that she was getting so affected by his touch.

Somewhere, she was understanding that she was going to witness a very new story. A completely new story! And the person involved in it was none other than her best friend.

She really thought about it,

Would Swara and Sanskar's sweet and so not sour friendship get a new destination?

This New Year really had something in store for these two hearts, wasn't it?

10 PM..

All were enjoying the party to the fullest. As it was just 2 hours more to go to welcome the new year, everyone were dancing off to the hip hop and party songs played by DJ.

Some people were actually tired a bit so they chose to have friendly chats with their best friends. They were resting sitting on the dining table having some evening party snacks.

As Swara, Sanskar, Sahil, Kavita and their other friends sat together mingling, giggling, talking; everyone were happy as these new girls Swara and Kavita who they just met a few hours ago, quickly made friends with them. They were happy as they all had found two new friends. They all were giggling each moment after a new joke gradually cracked between them.

Swara (amidst her giggles) : And... And you guys know what he had asked me? He asked me that do I like him. I simply and straight away replied him 'No'. But the moment I said No, you know actually what happened was he was playing a prank on me. He took advantage of his handsome looks so he thought that I won't deny him. So when I did, he had such an expression on his face oh god.. And you know what, he had asked her that question amidst our Physics class. He wanted to make our professor believe that I was talking in the class. The moment I rejected that boy, he almost started disturbing me!! Our Professor had heard him even when he was just 2 rows away from us... Haha Or bechare ko zorr ki maar padi.. and he was even suspended to attend his class for two days. Hahaha!!

All were laughing at it. Swara couldn't just stop laughing. Sanskar's eyes were just on Swara when she was laughing wholeheartly.. He chuckled and composed his expression clearing his throat.

Sanskar (sarcastically, but cutely) : Oh, so Ms Swara Gadodia is also a prankmaster! Phir toh tumse bachke rehna hi padega.

Swara snapped her finger amidst her giggle, infront of Sanskar. "You better be. Mr Maheshwari."

Sanskar : Ms Happy Clumsy. Khush hogayi. (giggled)

Everybody else laughed at Sanskar's words.

Swara (beat Sanskar's fist) : Aee!! Stop calling me by that name otherwise I will play prank on you. So you better shut your mouth and sit there at one place quietly.

Sanskar (shrugged his shoulders) : Why should I sit here quiet when I am with my friends? And by the way, (huskily) who are you to tell me when should I speak or sit quietly?

Swara soon enough stamped his foot with her heel again. Sanskar moaned.

Sanskar : (painfully) Oucchh!!! You know what, you are the first girl I have seen who hits people with shoes.

Swara : Mr Maheshwari, back off if you do not have a death wish.

Amidst their cute nokjhoks, they forgot that their friends were watching them as if they were fighting for a lollipop.

Swara stopped and changed her expression as soon as she sensed everybody in their group were looking at them.

Neha : (smiled) Oh God!! You guys fight like small kids.

Sahil : Yes Exactly!!! Just like Tom and Jerry do. Maybe you too can produce it's season two.

Sanskar : No Neha, I have already said that I joke to make people laugh and make them happy, not to irritate them. So better if you guys stop thinking about something else.

Swara twisted her lips and looked towards other direction folding her arms.

11 PM..

Gear up! Gear up!

Pull up your socks, fasten your seatbelts...

Goodbye 2017,

Hello 2018!

This was all everybody could shout.

And yes, just after half an hour the new year will be arriving bringing along new rays of hopes and wonderful dreams.

Everybody were enjoying the New Year Evening to the fullest. Needless to say, all were discussing among themselves the resolutions they would make after the arrival of New Year. Of course, the New Year was all about making resolutions and decorating new dreams.

The party was enlighted by a mixture of emotions : some were nervous, some were excited, some were happy, some looked determined!!

For each one existing here, the new year had definitely something in store for them.

Swara was better than before. Ever since she was applied the powerful balm, she was feeling no pain and it was better then.

Well, she was nowhere to be seen.

She had gone out of the Auditorium to wish her family a very happy new year. Since US was behind in time from India, she took the opportunity of talking with her family after a long time and at the same time, wish them a blissful New Year.

While Sanskar, Kavita, Sahil were enjoying their discussions among themselves, swapping new year resolutions, Sanskar amidst the talks became a bit surprised to see Swara nowhere here in this Auditorium since thirty minutes. Come on, thirty minutes? It was not possible to take a long time. No but he knew she was the Great Swara, the most unique person he ever met in his entire life. But still something was fishy seeing her nowhere since a long time. Somewhere his heart was not trying to accept that she was not not here with him or around him, so he thought to check if everything was okay.

He got up from his chair excusing himself.


"Okay Maa, Haa Maa don't worry I am having a good time here. Yes soon I will start adjusting with the American lifestyle. You don't worry! But ir doesn't mean at all that I am not missing you all!! ... Okay... Okay... Yeah Maa Love u too sooo sooo much!!! (giggled) You know what? (cheerfully) Here I have found an internship in a famous Music Industry!! ....Yes!! And you know the Company itself is so so huge, I will be achieving my dreams here easily.... Yes. Yes don't worry!! Okay I will talk to you later and yes, Happy New Year once again to all of you!!!!!" Swara kept her phone and sighed happily.

"Feeling great to talk to Mumma and Papa!! Yay...." She inserted her mobile phone into her purse while walking towards the entrance of the Auditorium door.

Without looking ahead.


What happened?

You all might have guessed, haven't you?

As soon as she reached near the door while adjusting the chain of her purse by one handn she tried to fling open the door with her other hand.

But to her complete shock, next moment she found herself falling but only to be supported by someone.

The strong pull!

The same embrace!

Swara left out a moan shutting her eyes tight in fear. And the person to save her.. was.. come on. He was right there! Yeah, it was Sanskar!!

Coincidently both happened to opened the door at the same time, when he was going out to search for her. And since she couldn't overpower him, she while flinging the door open herself lost her balance and was almost about to trip but only to be held by him. Her purse had fallen down from her hands.

Once again she landed up in his arms!!?? How!! Why was it always her?

And everytime his heart pumped crazily!! This girl always sent shivers down his spine. She gave his heart a reason to pump faster than usual.

He was holding her tightly saving her, once again!!

Soon enough when Swara wanted to look up, he helped her up and composed himself from those feelings bothering his heart again and again...

Swara looked up and to her surprise, it was again he.

Oh god!!! Why always he!!!

He held her shoulders composing her, breathing heavily.

They looked at each other.

And once again, their eyes met each othe!!!

Sanskar was again lost in her large beautiful eyes where at the above the beautiful Kaajal was shining, making her eyes look more pretty and natural. Her Kaajal had spreaded a bit due to the incident.

Something inside him wanted to carress those soft corners of her eyes to wipe that spreaded Kaajal !!

He raised his finger to wipe it off slowly from her eyes. But before he could touch her face, Swara who was still confused and didn't understand what the hell he was doing, bent a little down trying to free her gripped shoulders from his hands, and moved a step back.

She avoided eye contact.

What would he think about her? Was she too clumsy that everytime she fell, she would land up in his arms!!

She tucked her hairs behind her ear to avoid any kind of eyelock. Sanskar still looked at her, and pointed his finger towards her eyes.

Sanskar : (sincerely) Woh, Your Kaajal has spreaded a bit to the outside. You must wipe it before anyone notices.

His eyes went to her purse which was lying on the floor. He bent down to pick it up, and handed over the purse sincerely to Swara, or maybe, he kept the purse on her hands. He tried to get out from the place as soon as possible.

God knows what happened to him... He didn't make any eye contact and simply walked inside the Auditorium.

Come on, why did he behave strange?

Of course, it might have been a little bit embarrassing to have the same girl in his arms.

No, he wasn't thinking about himself but about Swara!! How might she be feeling?

While Swara was standing shocked and numb by the incident, she also heard what he had said.

She came out of her thoughts only to find her purse on her hands, that also given by him.

She opened the zip of her purse and took out her portable hand mirror and opened it. She noticed her Kaajal spreaded towards the left, she took out her hankerchief and wiped it carefully. Oh, that was the thing he was trying to tell her about!

One thing that came in her mind...

What if Sanskar might have done it himself?

Shivers down the spine*

Shivers down the spine*

Why!! Why everytime she heard his name, she would feel fluttering?!

11.50 PM..

Sanskar tried avoiding any sort of eye contact with Swara after the incident that happened with him a few minutes ago. Still Swara, in between her eyes were moving towards him, unknowingly recollecting everything, she was actually a bit shocked and sort of, a bit surprised by his sweetness. Yeah, amidst the jokes, she could see a new shade of his, who was caring and gentle, sweet and sincere as well.

But this was the moment. It was 11.50 PM!! And, there was an announcement!! You might have guessed it, just in ten minutes a new year was coming on their way!!

"So all guys and girls!!! After this lovely and enjoyable party, now we would like to prepare ourselves for welcoming the new year and biding a good bye to the current year! Wassay?"

All were shouting very very loudly. "Woohoo!!!"

Truly everyone were happy. Swara, Kavita and Sanskar, Sahil were also very happy!!

That feeling!! ❤

A giant cake cart was rolled across the Auditorium by a few men all to the centre of the wide Auditorium. People gathered at the centre for the grand cake cutting. Our dearies were one of them...

All people were gathered at the centre. And there was Zack, looking handsome wearing a tuxedo.

Kavita (near Sahil's ears) : Is he the manager of the industry?

Sahil : (smiled) Yeah! You can't believe it, right? No one would!

Kavita (chuckled) : Yeah!!! Can't believe this. I mean seriously, this young man handles such a big industry!! Truly hats off to him...

Sahil : (whispering smiling) You won't believe it. He treats each and every employee and worker here as his friend! He wouldn't dare to misuse anyone's hard work! And his relation with me and Sanskar is just undescribing!! We are more of best friends. And Sanskar toh already is my bachpan ka dost!! He is my soul brother. After his family, sort of it is me whom he's the closest too!!

One person was secretly hearing the talks between the two.

It was Swara...

Could this guy be more impressive?

But again, everyone were startled with the sound.

"Lets start the new year function with the cake cutting first!!!!" the DJ announced. He kept his microphone aside and went down the stairs all the way to accompany everyone welcoming the new year.

"And the first right to cut the cake, is of our beloved manager's, Zack Carter! May we have a loud round of applause for our manager cum best friend." Before he could complete there was already the loudest sounds of claps, whole auditorium vibrating and echoing the claps again and again...

Zack gave his most professional smile. "Would you like to say something Sir?" DJ asked him while handing him the microphone.

Zack (gentle, taking the mic) : All my dear employees, no before employees you are all my friends first. I am really happy and I am sure we all are at our industry which is scoring great heights. It was all because of your hardwork, our hardwork, our success. A big thank you for taking this industry to that height, which no one ever dreamt of! I have had many memories in 2017 with each and every employee present over here and I am glad that I have such a wonderful family!! I would wish you all a very very happy new year, keep achieving success so that we keep scoring great heights. Already we are having two new people in our sweet family (pointing Swara and Kavita), I am sure we could start this new year with new hopes, new dreams, and of course, a new fresh start, decorating new dreams!! A big big thank you to all of you once again, and now I would request everyone to participate in the cake cutting, as u all have the equal right as well. Please come ahead, everyone. No body should be left behind.

After a heartwarming speech there was a big sound of numerous claps again. The speech overwhelmed each and every person's heart nd soon enough, everyone came ahead for the cake as Zack handed the microphone back to the DJ and he kept it aside.

There was a pin drop silence of a few minutes, it was just to strike 12.00 am.

Only 5 minutes were left for now. Everybody, once again, swapped resolutions, new dreams, and of course waiting for the new beginning!!

Last minute left!!

DJ : So now, the countdown begins!!

Everybody raised up their glasses of coke and shouted in a "Wooohhoooo!!" in a never ending tone.

Swara, Kavita, Sanskar, Sahil were super happy and excited!! None of them knew what the new year had in store for the four. It was hardly known by anyone!

DJ : So now, here the half minute of 2017 remains!!

As time passed, every body hugged each other, asking for forgiveness if they had done something wrong, nd thanking them for having good memories with them in 2017. OMG.. OMG..

It was just ten seconds left now!!

The DJ began to shout countdown, and it began right at that moment when the clock striked "11.59.10".

Along with the DJ, everybody counted seconds backwards together!!

"10... 9... 8..." - The loudest voice of the evening rang.

At that point of time all were cheering up and were heartwarmingly participating in the countdown, Swara and Kavita also cheerfully participating in it. and Sanskar and Sahil as well.

"7.. 6.. !!!!!!"

Everybody's excitement knew no rebounds!!

"5.. 4.. 3...." at the last 3 seconds Swara and Kavita had already hugged each other excitedly..!!

"2.. 1.. and here is the 0 !!!!!!!!"

HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entire audience shouted to the fullest!!!! The new year 2018 had begun. It finally brought lights and happiness into everyone's faces..... Hanging on the upper ceiling was a giant balloon which immediately bursted, and many decorative materials started falling off from the giant balloon excitedly. All were enjoying the rain of these decorations, everyone hugged each other and wished each other the happiest new year.

Sanskar hugged Sahil happily wishing him happy new year and then hugged all his friends and then Zack. Everybody hugged each other.

But here no one except Swara and Sanskar itself had forgotten to wish one person and that were each other. Sanskar noticed her a bit, he was then really feeling awkward to shake hands with her after the incident...

Seemed like, they have taken the incident a lot by heart!

Same was Swara's condition. How her heart yearned to wish him but couldn't gather the courage to do so...

After that, the cake was grandly cut by all the people together and 2-3 people (one of them was Zack) held the cake and sliced off each part of the cake delicately and feeding slice to each other. They would find so much happiness while feeding the slices to each other!!

While everybody sang "Happy New Year" song together, it was more grand to see people enjoying to the fullest. Each one fed each other slices.... But, all were startled with a voice again...

"So here we begin with our new year, presenting infront of you, a grand performance which is to be performed by none other than the newest person of our industry, Ms Swara Gadodia!!!!" DJ announced further...


What!!!!! Now what was that?

Swara was shocked hearing his statement. Kavita was smiling happily.

Was she somehow involved in it?

Swara looked at Kavita raising her eyebrows in a shock. But somewhere she was happy as well as this was the best chance to show her skills to the public..

Come on Swara, it is a really good chance to make a good first impression!

DJ : Yes, Swara Gadodia, is going to sing a song for all of us, marking a new beginning, giving a hope of new dreams. All thanks to Kavita Roy for this.

And Swara's guess was right. It was Kavita!! Wait, when did she do it?

Maybe when Swara must not have been around. Yes.

Sanskar almost looked on as his eyes almost were going to budge out of the sockets while Sahil just simply looked on smiling...

Did he hear it right? Was he soon going to hear his new friend sing? Quite unique! He wanted to hear her sing, no idea why but.. He just wanted too!!

DJ : Here may I please request Ms Swara to come here and enlighten the atmosphere with her beautiful voice! Please do.

Sanskar was also a bit surprised.. God, as moments passed.. He wanted to hear her sing!! His will increased to hear her sing.

His other friends too wanted to hear their new found friend's singing voice... "Lets see how she sings!!" they looked at her excited.

Swara smiled and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes, and cleared her throat silently.

Claps followed!! All were excited to see her sing....

The claps loudened ss Swara approached towards the microphone stand with full confidence etched over her face. All people were watching her with lovely smiles on their faces.

Sanskar tried to glance at her but didn't actually as he feared he might again lose himself on her. Already, her one gaze was enough to drive him enough crazy!

Soon enough, Swara took a deep breath as all she could visualise was, she was standing infront of the microphone. She had a quick glance over the people, her friends, Kavita.. soon enough Sanskar..

Wait. Sanskar was also watching her!!

"God Swara, he was also present here so obviously, he will watch you na!! You just begin and try your best to make the best impression in this company!!"

She cleared her throat and took a few moments to think of the best song she could sing here.

Her lips stretched into a smile as she came up with a song she could sing!! Yes...

She closed her eyes... and began to hit the chords of her voice according to the song...

Sanskar for some time looked away from her as he feared that she might look at him again and remember that awkward incident that had happened with both of them before...

Mai Tenu Samjhawan Ki...

Swara paused a bit taking a deep breath. By this moment, Sanskar was frozen on his own place. His heart refuse to give up and his eyes went on her. His eyes widened.

How could somebody's voice drive him so crazy?

I won't say crazy. How could somebody's voice send so many shivers down his spine?

She had sung just the first line of his favourite song and he had already started getting goosebumps here. He turned to look at her who had already started showing her melody of a beautiful song... His heart didn't allow him to move from there even an inch. He was lost in her large beautiful eyes.... again. A surprised smile crept on his face as he looked at her.

Swara moved her face away from the microphone a bit to clear her throat , then she again turned to look at her audience and this time as her eyes travelled to ech and every person, she was surprised to see Sanskar's gaze fixed on her after a long span of thirty minutes.

Come on, even those thirty minutes looked like thirty years for her.

Somewhere, she was the happiest person of the moment to see Sanskar hearing her so fondly. The flashes of their awkward incident had disappeared and right now all she could do was smile at him too. Sanskar gave a slight nod smiling, understanding that she was smiling at him only.

Then she smiled at her lovely audience. And began again. This time she sang expressing herself wonderfully.

Mai Tenu Samjhawan Ki....

Na Tere Bina Lagda Jee....

Mai Tenu Samjhawan Ki....

Na Tere Bina Lagda Jee....

Tu Ki Jaane Pyaar Mera....

Main Karoon Intezar Tera....

Tu Dil Tu Yun Jaan Meri....

Jaan Meri....

Jaan Meri....

And that was enough to make Sanskar realise that he was so affected by her. His heart was so affected by her!!

How come his heart changed so much today? It was today only he met her!! But he didn't himself know that something inside him, wanted more of her!!

Mere Dil Ne Chun Laiyaa Ne....

Tere Dil Diyaa Raahan....

Tu Jo Mere Naal Tu Rehta....

Tumpe Meriyaan Saha....

Jeena Mera... Hoye....

Khun Hai Tera... Ki Main Karaan....

Tu Kar Aitbaar Mera....

Main Karoon Intezaar Tera....

Tu Dil Tu Yun Jaan Meri....

Jaan Meri....

Jaan Meri....

Sanskar smiled looking at Swara and lip synched his favourite song according to her speed. How his heart felt, he could dedicate his favourite song to her!!

Her lovely voice, her melody, was truly admirable at that moment, it touched hearts of thousands of people!! People appreciated her, smiled at her... And here our hero was already lost looking at her. He could think of nothing else except her sweet melodies. He was overwhelmed seeing her lovely singing voice. No, she didn't deserve just an internship to this industry but much more than that. He made sure he would set things properly.

Swara's eyes move towards Sanskar constantly as she expressed each line of her song. She was unknown to it herself, she was engrossed in singing. Kavita and Sahil smiled and cheered for her. Swara continued smiling and she closed her eyes going according to the melody of the song.

Main Tenu Samjhawan Ki....

Na Tere Bina Lagda Jee....

Ve Changa Nahion Keeta Beeba....

Ve Changa Nahion Keeta Beeba....

Dil Mera Tod Ke....

Ve Bada Pachtaiyan Akhan....

Ve Bada Pachtaiyan Akhan....

Naal Tere Jod Ke....

Tenu Chadd Ke Kithe Jawan....

Tu Mera Parchhanvaa....

Tere Mukhde Vich Hi Main Taan....

Rab Nu Apne Pawaan....

Meri Dua Haaye....

Sajda Tera Kardi Sadaa....

Tu Sun Iqraar Mera....

Main Karoon Intezar Tera....

Tu Dil Tuiyon Jaan Meri....

Main Tenu Samjhawan Ki....

Na Tere Bina Lagda Jee....

She had finished. But Sanskar couldn't realise this and he was suddenly startled after his long lovingly gaze after the sounds of claps which echoed across the auditorium...

Swara bowed down whispering "Thank You" to her lovely audience. All were impressed by her voice. She had sang really wonderfully.

Wonderfully? No, much much beyond that!!

She came down the stairs all the way to Zack, who was smiling at her singing. He was highly impressed seeing his new family member's wonderful skill.

Swara : (smiled) Well Sir, it was really appreciable to allow me to sing on the beginning of our new year. It was unexpected for me, truly unexpected as I am very new here. And, I just sang the first song which gradually came into my mind! I couldn't think of anything, but this song was my favourite. If you didn't like it, feel free to tell me! (raised her eyebrows, pouting, smiling)

Zack : No Ms Swara. You really sang wonderfully and touched the hearts of millions with your beautiful melodious voice!! Thank you so much for enlightening this beautiful evening with your voice!! And yeah, once again, welcome to our industry!!

Swara thanked him for the compliment. She smiled as he shaked hands with her. Sanskar smiled nodding his head and Sahil didn't fail to notice him.

What's wrong with his best friend? 😉


Everyone were complimenting Swara for her singing voice. Swara was now almost tired thanking each and every person. She had been hearing compliments from last 15 minutes.

No wonder she liked it. 😁

She just didn't get a chance to approach Kavita and was stuck in the crowd, thanking each individual for admiring her.

But one person was waiting to talk with Swara. If you've guessed it.

Finally Swara excused herself a bit and walked towards Kavita. Amidst walking towards her, she was thinking it might have been Kavita who convinced DJ to allow Swara to sing, as the DJ was searching for someone who would sing this evening enlightening the evening.

Swara : So you are the one who asked DJ to tell me to sing!! Am I right?

Kavita : Chalo, atleast you guessed it without any mistake.

They giggled. "Thanks Kavi!!! This was a good chance for me to have a good imoression!! You know what, you are my best friend!!!" she chuckled sweetly.

Kavita : (pouted) Paraya kar diya. (chuckled) Love you more babes!! (hugged her) And I am glad to have a best friend like you.

They broke the hug. Kavita excused herself to go out of the Auditorium as she was thirsty and she needed water immediately. Swara nodded in a yes and asked her to come fast. Kavita left from there.

Suddenly to Swara's surprise, an image appeared infront of her eyes with his hand ahead, giving that charming smile which is the reason why girls go crazy on just seeing him. "Being a Marwadi girl singing Punjabi is really an astonishing fact, but I am proud of my new friend! She did it with no mistake! She was confident! She touched my heart as well along with thousands of other people's heart with her melodious singing! Aisi ladki ko ek salute toh banta hai, isn't it Swara?" - His voice came.

He thought in his mind intensely. "You are the first girl who affects me so much Swara. I have realised how difficult it has been to do without you. I... I realised what you mean to me. You are the first one who touched my heart with your singing voice. And sorry that I just couldn't stop myself anymore! I'll make sure, I will be good friends with you. No more teasing. Hope there's a new beginning along with this new year! All I want to say is, I have started respecting you Swara!! You are a perfect definition of beauty from both inside and out."

He had forwarded his hand infront of her. "Wish you, a very very very happy new year Swara!" And he was too specific on the word 'very'.

Now this had come as a big shock or rather say surprise for Swara!!

This was unexpected!!

Did her voice touched him so much that he suddenly had the urge to talk to her after long thirty minutes? But only she knew how much she had been waiting for this moment. He would wish her with smile on his face.


She smiled and held his hand into another long handshake. "Wish you a very very happy new year as well, Mr Maheshwari!" she smiled. "And thanks for your compliment!" these words slipped off her tongue unknowingly.

They didn't leave their handshake for nearly two to three minutes. They just held each other's hand tighter and unknowingly didn't move their eyes from each others'. Their eyes were tightly glued which no one could break. Or maybe, some thing or some one would maybe bring them out of their world.

"Swara!!" Sahil shouted running towards her. Swara was bought back to her senses and immediately left Sanskar's hand much to his shock. She was not in this world, she realised and was taken aback...

"Why Sanskar made me feel so different?"

"But trust yourself Swara, you never felt so happy than you are right now!!"

Brushing away all those thoughts from her mind, she looked at Sahil who was looking at her.

Sahil : (complimented) Swara!! You sang well yaar!! I liked your voice!!!!

Swara (shaked hands with him happily) : Thank you Sahil!!

Sahil : Broo!! (turned at Sanskar) Everyone is going home I guess, see all are departing!! (pointed at some people who were walking towards the door)

Sanskar (shocked) : But why are they going so soon?

Sahil : No idea.

Swara : It is okay. I think even we must go! See it is too late. Its nearly getting 12.30 am now.

Kavita, after drinking water, ran towards her friends.

Kavita : Guys, all are going. Shall we also go? Whatssay?

Sanskar : Okay. Fine. You both come with us. Orr tu, (turned at Sahil) I hope you didn't lose your luggage warna teri khair nahi. And I will not help you finding it.

Sahil giggled watching Sanskar looking at him in narrowed eyes.

Sahil : Na Na bro. I had already kept it in our car. Don't worry.

Sanskar : Thank god.

Sahil : Okay then. Let us go.

Sahil walked a bit ahead along with Kavita and Swara and Sanskar followed them.. In between, Swara decided to speak up.

Swara : Well.. Sanskar..

Sanskar turned his head towards her as they both walked..

Swara : Woh.. I must say that you are the first person who has confused me so much.

"Confused?!" - Sanskar said in an amused tone.

Swara : (chirped) You know, even if we just met today only, I never thought so deeply about a guy. And today itself, you teased me so much but at the same time... I don't know why but.. I saw your caring and sweet nature too. You have really helped me so much and I don't even know how should I thank you.

Sanskar : (began again!) So.. Swara Gadodia can also compliment!

Swara : (irritated yet cute) Shut up Sanskar!! I am serious.

Sanskar : I know Swara... And trust me I am feeling the same about you. (smiled) You are really different from other girls. And... I have begun respecting you!! But Swara... will you promise me something?

Swara stopped walking as soon as his voice striked her ears. She looked at him surprised as he also stopped walking.

Sanskar : Please promise me that from now onwards, there will be no thank you and no sorry between us!! I mean... between you and me!! No matter whatever we do for each other but from now on this thank you and sorry won't be a part of our Friendship!!

His words felt like music to her ears!! Her smile widened as she smiled at him.

Swara : But Mr Maheshwari, so far you force me to say them to you.

Sanskar : Even then Swara..!! Friends do not say these things to each other. So, is it a promise? This is one favor you can do to me.

Swara thought for a while rolling her eyes upwards, and soon enough she looked at him with a smile.

Swara : If that goes well with us!! Okay then. From now onwards, Hum dono ki dosti mein no sorry and no thank you...

Sanskar (forwarding his palm to her) : So, is it a promise?

"Yes, It is!!" - Swara agreed to him happily and kept her palm on his.

Was this beginning of a new year or a new story?

Welcoming New Year, welcoming new feelings!


Precap : Here the sweet story begins!

OK SO GUYS, HERE SOON SWASAN'S LOVE STORY IS GOING TO BE STARTED. Just wait and keep reading and give feedbacks!! And guys... Here's something...

On FB, I had put a one week leap and after that SwaSan story had resumed. So here, I have made a little changes!! Now here there won't be any one week leap and the story will continue and continue till it reaches where it was on FB (Hehe u all know that). I know its a little different from FB version but trust me will try my level best not to mess up!! 😃

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