Chapter 11 : Being Hopeful...

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"I have to find it out! I am sorry Sanskar, though you have asked me not to go anywhere, but I need to come and help you as that bastard can endanger you. He can do anything, and just by hearing your voice I can figure it out easily that he's doing something really big to put you, and everyone else as well in danger! So yes, I will come."

Taking her ultimate decision, Swara quickly walked towards the door keeping her phone on the table...

Once she took a step out of the door,

It was clear evident that she was going to fall in danger!


Sanskar was running as fast as he can towards the reception.

Without looking out for anything...

He hurriedly took a long step towards Reception.

Sanskar : He... He has come yet again? Where's he?! I couldn't see him!!! Did you see them?

Receptionist was herself in shock. What she had noticed just a few moments ago, that bastard had come with a box, something was there in the box. And they talked about ensing something forever... And that statement became a proof that there was something in the box which would end everything. The society staff had been really alert with everything...

Receptionist : (impatient) Sanskar, he's back again!

Sanskar (closed his eyes in regret) : And one mistake will ruin everything.

Receptionist : This time he has come with proper planning! I saw, his man has also come this time!! That bastard is so smart to bring his man with him, so that he gets a helping hand for the saje of committing his crimes! I'll tell you everything... what I heard just now...

Sanskar : Please.

Receptionist : I.. I have heard their conversation.. But before I would catch them they had already ran towards the elevator

Sanskar : Don't think of catching them. They are dangerous!

Receptionist : I.. I know.. But then with the CCTV Footage here, I am searching for them through the cameras in the elevators... Something tells me, they are going up and down the elevators.

Sanskar : It's gravely dangerous! What if they kill people in the elevator, who might be possibly coming down?

Receptionist : Don't worry about that. I am calling up each and every house to warn them to stay alert, and if they, by any chance, come to know anything, they would inform us!

She was herself in grave panic after noticing what chaos were been created in here. But Before she could complete, she was startled with his voice...

Sanskar : Please tell me what they have planned? Their conversation, You heard it right? Please tell me... This time... (angry) I won't spare them... Last time chhod dia tha thinking they would mend their ways. But now, (closed his eyes and then turned his face towards her) Please tell me, what did you hear?!

The receptionist took a deep sigh and started explaining  each and every thing to him. Each.. and every detail! And with every passing moment, Sanskar's eyes were widening with fear but anger as well... In his mind, he was trying to find a way so that everything would be harmlessly fine.

Sanskar : Okay. Now that, I know the history and geography of the disaster, I will fail their plans before they blast that bomb and create chaos in the entire skyscraper! And I mean it!


And the box the men were carrying, contained nothing but something that could destroy everything all at once! The little box contained the life threatening Bomb...

Sanskar was not scared of death, but he didn't want to endanger other people's lives. And only Sanskar knew what was he capable off. Last time, when he had come to the building he had put everyone under his hands and created a big drama, he had called police as soon as he saw him and somehow, he and Sahil together overpowered and fought back with him. Shortly, when the police had arrived, he seemed more like a frightened kitten. He finally had freed everyone apologising, but unfortunately he eloped.... And for that, Sanskar regretted a lot. Sanskar was about to file the 'Missing' case on that man at that time, but taking Sahil's advice for their lives, he had stepped back...

But today, everyone was paying once again and that too, just because he did not take any further step back then!

But now no more... Today it will be the game over of his enemy and he swore! He won't let others and himself suffer anymore.

His soul mission was to finish his game.

Moreover, there was Swara involved in this trap along with everyone this time. He had to take care of her as well... A fear tugged at his heart as soon as Swara crossed his mind... He had to make sure of her well being!!!He thought something... He had to make sure she didn't come out of his house unless and until necessary!

He had to keep her safe... He could not endanger her! No way!!! And he meant it. No matter whatever happened, he won't let her get a scratch! He rushed towards the bellboy standing near the elevator and told him something in a gentle voice...

The bellboy simply nodded into a yes and walked inside the elevator and pressed the Floor 25.

It was obvious that Sanskar was sending the man to look after Swara until he caught the bastard...

And just then he turned around...

Now his next mission....

He had to find out where is that man, and where he had kept the bomb to make blunder...'

He had an extreme fear in his heart, braveness into his mind and appearance.

He looked here and there and figured out that a few things were normal, but the next moment was a shock for him as he saw people coming at the basement rushing clumsily...

There was awareness among people regarding the huge disaster.

And soon there were chaos near the reception, to enquire.

Sanskar (in his mind) : I know him very well. He may have planted bomb somewhere here in basement only, as his soul mission is to destroy everything. Afterall, what do we expect from a terrorist.

He mentally prepared his mind for the upcoming threats.

Sanskar : I promise. I will defuse that bomb. Either by hook, or by crook.

'And I am with you, Bro!'

Was he too loud?

Nikhil, Sanskar's friend stepped ahead to help him... A few men also then accompanied Sanskar, while the others were still a bit threatened but still kept a ray of hope within themselves...

They prayed for their lives. That man was yet back again to harm them!! To endanger them!! To attack them.....

Nikhil : Bro don't worry. I'll help u!!! And I am sure, before there's any other big drama, we will find the bomb and defuse it!! That man is smart enough to hide the bomb somewhere near us, because he knows we will find the bomb everywhere but not in the place where he has hidden it. So... umm...

"We need to be tactful enough, Nikhil." - Sanskar helped Nikhil complete.

Nikhil : Yeah! So firstly, (turned to other men) we have to stay alert, and we have to smartly handle this. Because to overcome this situation, we don't need power but a proper planning! So, some people will go and look at that side (he gave directions to each group of 2-3 men)... And Me and Sanskar will keep a close eye upstairs, in the last floor of our tower that is the PENTHOUSE!

Sanskar : Yes. And I am sure that if many people are splitted into different places, it will be easier to find something. We will defuse the bomb and will find it on time, before there's a blast!!! We need proper planning, everybody's life is at stake! But no, today we shall find him, arrest him to the police. We won't commit the same mistake we had committed back then. Letting him go free is the biggest mistake I have made. Woh... (remembered something) Yes!Ria told me that she heard their conversation and he had set the bomb of an hour!!!!!!! Guys, this... this one hour is complicated crucial to us. Just one slip off and the entire thing will be destroyed. And I won't forgive myself for this.

Nikhil (putting his hand on Sanskar's shoulder) : No Sanskar, it's not your fault... Please don't blame yourself. Filhaal lets think about the bomb. Where it could be?

Sanskar : Pata nahi, but I am sure we will find it. I am sure. So, lets go everyone!! Nikhil tu mere saath chal.

All agreed and though having a feeling of fear into their hearts, they splitted off to different directions to find the bomb. Or atleast, some helpful traces!

Sanskar : Nikhil, let's go to the Penthouse that is, the last floor of our building.

He himself was in fear. Not for his life but for other peoples' lives! But he knew it was not the time to think all this. His first mission was to find the bomb at any cost before everybody's lives were costed.

Nikhil assured Sanskar in his friendly way that everything will be fine. And all that bothered Sanskar was...

"Swara! There's no way I am going to involve you in all this turmoil. I just hope you're fine where you are. There's no way I am going to let even a slight scratch on you. I just hope you listen to me. All I want is your safety Swara!"

He just hoped nothing went wrong. A small wrong step, and everything will be upside down within a minute!


Swara was in the wide elevator looking here and there while it was going down all on the way to the grounsfloor. There wasn't any telephone or anything else in the elevator which she could use to connect to Sanskar.

She had no idea where Sanskar could be right now and that made her heart sank... Sanskar's threatened voice again and again reminded her heart and mind that something really big was happening. How could Sanskar be so restless? She herself witnessed the fear Sanskar's voice held. All she could think was, all this was not safe for Sanskar either. Just his worried voice made her feel so insecure and worried for him and an unknown fear tugged at her heart too.

What if she lost him?

No way!!! And that thought was making her world spin around her.

There was no way she could let anything happen to Sanskar in all this turmoil. She was going to help Sanskar no matter whatever happened! Just sitting in between the four walls of the house worried won't do anything good to her. She had to make sure that Sanskar was safe.

Her eyes went up at the cameras which were assumed to be on everytime.

She now finally got it how the man could be caught just in a minute. But, she asked her ownself.. Is the man too dangerous and smart to hide from everyone in such a place where no one could find him?

But the first thing she wanted to know was, who was that man! And what did he want? And what was up with Sanskar? It was like an unsolved mysterious puzzle.

Swara : I wonder who is that man? And what enmity he has with Sanskar? Why he wants to harm him and others? Is it due to some old grieviences, or... or something else? Swara.. isska jawaab tujhe sirf Sanskar se hi milega, but he won't tell you. Maybe, you need to know it from some other person. (wondered) Will Ria work?

Before she could get out of her thoughts, her eyes were a bit widened with shocked when she saw that the elevator stopped at the 7th floor right there. And as the door of the escalator opened, she saw a decent man infront of her. Swara was shocked to see that expression on his face.

He was also in distress!

"Hello Ma'am, are you going down or up?" - he asked Swara before finally entering the escalator.

Swara was a bit startled as she was in her own thoughts. She looked at the man and gave a forced smile. 'Lobby!' - She replied.

Man : (in one breath, to himself) This is not happening. This is not happening. This is not at all happening.

Swara (scrunched her eyebrows in fear) : Excuse me?

Man (immediately snapped at Swara) :  He's back to trouble us! I am sure, he will not take a second this time to destroy everything.

Swara's eyes widened in shock at his outburst. Who was back to trouble them?!!! What was wrong??!!

Man (hesitating) : Oh. I am really sorry. I couldn't watch out my tone.

Swara : It's okay but may I know that what is all this happening?

The man looked at Swara shocked.

"Don't you know anything?" - His voice itself held so much of fear that almost made Swara flinch back a bit..

Swara : Actually, I am new here. It has hardly been a few weeks that I am here. I don't know anything. Why are everyone in a hurry? I...

Man : Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you are new here. Well anyway, I don't think you should be left unaware of this fact that, that man is really dangerous and he just quietly left an ending to everyone's lives just by a mere bomb!!

Swara was hell shocked!!!!!! Her world seemed to come crashing down... Did he really just say 'Bomb'?!

Man (continued in fear) : The man, his name is Rajat, he’s an Indian, but he can go to any extent to succeed in his mission!! All he wants is to destroy our building. He is one of the worst terrorists who always looks out to destroy big buildings. Last time also he had come and a big drama was created back then. Everyone were under his hands until our ray of hope had come and called the police and then tied him up in his most heroic style.  I don’t know whether you have heard about the man who had saved us the last minute...

Swara's fear said it all. And it came out correct...

Man : Sanskar, Nikhil and Sahil.

"Sanskar!" All Swara could exclaim in shock. Her mind slowly started to register the moments which had happened just before. Before Sanskar left. "But why did he have enmity with Sanskar?"

Man : By any chance, do you know Sanskar?

Swara : Yes I.. I do. I work in his industry.

Man (continued) : It was he who saved us and then Rajat was under him before the Police came here. But… But he had eloped at the last moment, and till today, no one knew about his whereabouts. But today, today he is back again! Back again, this time with full planning! He has planted a bomb somewhere, and everyone are going to search for that bomb only! As far as I have heard, the bomb is set for one hour! (Swara looked on shocked) And that means, anything can happen in this hour. The situation is really complicated. For all of us. You too better stay safe!

Before Swara could say anything else, the elevator had stopped, landing them to the third floor. That's where the man wanted to go. He left the elevator soon, leaving a much flabbergasted Swara behind... She could register each and every word she just heard from this gentle man.

"Everybody's lives are at stake! No wonder why Sanskar was so worried while leaving the house!!! How can I sit at one place quietly when Sanskar needs me?! Atleast.. I can be of some help to him! Bu first, I need to find him! Where is he? What if that man plots something against Sanskar?" -so many threatening thoughts crash her mind in one go and all she could feel was more insecure and worried every moment. She vigorously started pressing the first floor of the Building...

Swara : Sanskar I have to find you first!!! Before you fall prey into any of his dangerous plans, I'll make sure to find you first! I am worried for you Sanskar. What if something happens to you! I can't take it Sanskar. I just can't take it.

Her voice became weaker at the end. Just the thought of Sanskar made her feel so scared. Her last words turned out to be echoing in the elevator and only her heart knew why.

What's wrong? So much is wrong. 😢

(Last Floor of the Building)

Sanskar and Nikhil came out of the elevator and started to look here and there. They almost banged to a wall thinking of something.

Nikhil : This floor itself is too wide and long.

Sanskar : But we have to find the bomb at any cost! Just that one bomb is enough to ruin everything. To cost everyone's lives.

Before he could complete, Nikhil's phone rang... He looked at Sanskar before seeing the caller name and Sanskar looked at him thrilled. "Pick it up, Nikhil! May be important!"

Nikhil gulped and answered his call.

Nikhil : Yes. Nikhil speaking.

Sanskar looked at Nikhil who was still on the call. Every moment, he saw Nikhil's expression taking a weird change.. From shocked to confused to.. angry to maybe.. super angry!

Sanskar (shaking Nikhil's arm) : Nikhil, kaun hai?

The next minute Sanskar's hand was shaken and jerked after Nikhil gave a super disgusted expression and by the analysation of situation, he could make out the one who had called right now...

Was it...


Nikhil (loudest) : What the hell!!!!!! Listen you. You can't do anything until Sanskar and I meet you!!!!! .. Listen... Huh?... No!!! (Sanskar looked on scrunching his eyebrows) Before one hour and I mean it, before ome hour? that bomb will be... defused... by us!! (huskily) That's a promise we make to you, Mr Rajat Lodha!

And that made ground beneath Sanskar shake hard.

At other side, the man near the wide golden staircases near 23rd to 24th floor, was smirking as his mission was about to get completed.

He was the culprit!

He was the one whom had been planning to track down Sanskar and the other people!


- "Ohhoo!!! Itna gussa? Not good for you Nikhil! Hey wait, (laughing sarcastically) Have you noticed it, it's last time you are angry? After that God knows? (he welled his eyes up and again started giggling in a bad mannered way) By the way, I bet you won't find the bomb that easily! Chhupaya hi aisi jagah hai. I'm sure, this time your dear friend will also won't be able to save the entire building! What a plan made by me!

Nikhil had heard enough. And so had Sanskar.

Nikhil just cut his phone in anger and threw his phone on the floor.

Nikhil (angrily) Damnit! That obnoxious douchebag!!! That heartless soul!!! That son of a...

Sanskar : (calmed him) Nikhil!!! Nikhil, please!!! It's not the right time to curse him and give him names. For now, we must concentrate only on two things : One is the safety of this society and the other, the bomb. Alright?

Nikhil tried hard to calm his nerves down.

Sanskar : I'll beat him upto death!! If he has guts to do anything to my society, I also have a gut to kill him! I have guts to end his life within a second! However, I won't. Knowing that everybody's safety should be kept first and then confrontation with that monster. (closed his eyes sighing) Why is this happening Nikhil. (opened his eyes) Why should it have happened now?

Nikhil (kept his hand on his shoulder) : Please Sanskar, don't get upset. Just these filthy people have no other works except for destroying everyone. For now, let us think of how we can find the bomb!

Sanskar gave a slight nod to his friend.

They had to fight back. For their society.

He knew it was not the time to fall weak.

Sanskar : You're right. Let's find the bomb before it's too late.

Nikhil smiled lightly. "I am sure if we search with all our might, we will surely find the bomb or atleast some clue which will lead us to something good!"

Sanskar : Yes.

They both went to another direction. It was a wide passage leading them somewhere. Finally, a ray of hope awaited them...

(After some time)

Swara came out of the elevator looking here and there. Her eyes went towards a direction and the next moment she was puzzled to see hundreds of people gathered in the basement. Precisely, they were all alert. A few were counting minutes looking at the wide clock which was hung on the wall. Staying alert.

"Sanskar..." She called out his name searching inside the crowd. The crowd itself was panicky.

Swara : Sanskar...

She searched deeper into the crowd, but she couldn't see him. She was baffled.

"Where are you Sanskar.. Are you even safe.. I don't even know where you are.." - Swara clumsily got out of the crowd.

Swara (murmured) : Sanskar where are you...

Her eyes were slightly moistened and that was enough to know that she was fighting with her tears. She had searched every floor through elevator and she passed through hundreds of passages, but he was nowhere to be seen. She was more worried each and every moment she thought of that Rajat.

Her only ray of hope was that man did not do something to harm Sanskar!

She suddenly thought of something...

Swara : Yeah! She can help me.

Swara ran to her speed towards the reception. The reception was also crowded. A few men were looking at the CCTV screen kept on the desk in the reception. Precisely, they were finding some traces which could lead them to Rajat. Trying to locate him. They were looking at every corner of the screen, but couldn't find any clue or Rajat.

Swara couldn't see someone for whom she came here looking out...

Swara : Ria!!! Where is Ria?!!

But suddenly her eyes fell on the screen. Her eyes widened.

Finally, a positive ray of hope awaited her! She found a bit peace and began finding Sanskar by moving closer to the CCTV screen.

"I just hope Sanskar that I find you in this!!!"

She looked carefully at the screen, her eyes moving to various directions. She couldn't see many things, and she couldn't see Sanskar either. Her heart was beating at a fast rate as no matter how badly she wished to atleast see his figure, but seemed like nothing was going positive...

Swara (breathing heavily) : Sanskar, what happened to you? Why can't I find you!!!!? Where are you.. Please come back...


A loud voice came echoing in the widw lobby and there was silence.

Pin drop silence.

The panicky crowd also got silent instantly. Swara also got startled to first notice a loud booming voice and then people silent...

Swara turned around slowly to hope that it was the person she wanted to see the most right now.. Only to see all her hopes vanished as it was someone else..

And silence of fear spreaded amongst everybody as the deadly fear was now infront of their eyes. The one who was standing in the centre of the lobby.


There he was!

The root of all mishaps was finally here. Yes, it was Rajat who was standing with his arms hanging, and a spoilt man was also with him holding a bag. No prizes to guess he was his man! Both were smirking in a devilish way looking at everyone's frightened faces.

Swara looked at them too and only one thing crept up in her mind...

Were they the real culprits?

Oh yes they were! The anger in people's eyea for this man explained it all. She was shocked to the core!!! But before she could analyse anything else, she noticed the men started to walk towards him and were almost about to give him a punch when suddenly his voice made way to everyone's ears.

Rajat : Mujhe maar ke bomb gayab nahi hoga.

And there came his devilish laughter! What else is expected from a terrorist. 😠

And by that the men stepped back... No, not because they got scared. They had to take careful steps to deal with the matter.

Rajat : Listen everybody, each of you will give me fifty lakh from your home, only then, I'll think something of defusing the bomb. Or else, I'll put each of your's life at stake!! And that Sanskar Maheshwari. How dare he challenges me, the great Rajat Lodha, who knows how to kill people just in a second. Last time he somehow overpowered me, but this time he will be dead near my feet!!! (shouted) Got it each of you!!!!??? I won't spare anyone of you. First Sanskar, and then Nikhil, and then the next turn will be of you all! Mind it, I am going to ruin everything!!! Here... (pointed finger at every individually) Each of you are going to suffer!!!

The crowd was panicky and flushing with anger. They had seriously heard enough. The men were going steps ahead to just kill this demon right away, but they couldn't when his man came in the midway... Swara scrunched her eyebrows, making blood flow faster through her pulses and that explained how angry she was. She made fists as she had enough of all of this.

Man : Boss, I guess last time wasn't enough. Let us show these people what we can do! (sarcastic) And.. If you kill my Boss then how will you all find the bomb? Because only he knows where the bomb is hidden! As he has hidden it. (cut his tongue and laughed) One second, so stupid of me! If he has hidden it, obviously he will know it right!? Or woh Sanskar. (sharpened his expression) We wonder how is he going to save you all! Before he even ropes in to save you all, he will be dead near our feet and all you could see in the next hour is HELL!!!! Got it you all...

...He couldn't complete as the next moment a tight slap came landing on his face and he could feel collision against his cheek...

Everybody left out a gasp!!! And the scenario came to a standstill...

The tight slap affected the man so much that his lips almost began to bleed. He held his burning cheek as he looked on shocked... He had almost stumbled... Everyone were shocked to see who can dare to do that with this demon. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw the person... Who had that courage?

At the other hand, a pair of extremely red eyes with anger traced every action of the man and even Rajat..

"Dare you, dare you!!!!!!"

The voice was shouting at first, later calmed with anger still evident.


The person was none other than Swara!!! And the one who had the courage and daring to slap this dangerous demon's man!

She could not take in whatever crap was being said right now. Her eyes were blood red. Rajat was also shocked.. his eyes almost widened. He couldn't realise anything. He shaked his head unable to believe what he saw right now infront of his eyes.

A mere girl just came and slapped his man's cheek!

How could someone be so brave?! How could someone have the courage to defeat him! How could someone raise a hand on Rajat or even on his man!!!

The man got a hold of himself and touched his cheek, looking up at Swara with blood shot eyes.

"Youuu!!!!!!!! How dare you do that girl!!!! You will pay for this!!!!!" - Rajat's loud hissing voice broke the long chain of silence.

Swara (angry and loudest voice ever and raises finger on him) : You will pay for all your filthy crimes and plotting Mr Rajat Lodha!!! And this slap. You're talking about this slap. This slap is nothing infront of the punches and kicks all these people want to give you right now!!! And if they wanted to, they could have given it right away before listening to your utter nonsense and crap!!!

Eveeything came to a standstill after Swara' booming voice. This girl for sure landed up herself in deep trouble! Maybe she did not know how dangerous Rajat was!

Swara : And yes, one more thing. (looked at Rajat and his man simultaneously and spoke huskily) Unless and until I am with Sanskar Maheshwari, nothing will happen to him. I won't let any of you to touch him either! You won't do anything to him! That's my promise to you Mr Rajat Lodha!!! THAT'S MY PROMISE!!!! I'll make sure that you pay for your crimes and after that, prison will be your permanent house and I'll make sure of that.

Everything came to a halt. No reaction, no gasping, nothing! A few people pitied Swara for getting landed into trouble, and the other few people in the crowd appreciated Swara's daring to slap his man and shut this Rajat's mouth. Even though they knew they were too dangerous to be raised hand on!

Swara looked at him still with angry eyes and last but not the least, she took a foot step ahead towards Rajat.

"Where is Sanskar?" - She asked calmly gritting her teeth yet her anger was visible.

Rajat looked at Swara with super angry and narrowed eyes.

"I asked you where is Sanskar, Rajat? What have you done to him?" - She asked again with same tone as before.

But before she could raise her voice on him, Rajat in just a second shut Swara's mouth tightly and held a gun towards her head keeping her at gunpoint. Everyone were shocked as the man helped him.

Shocked would be an understatement!!!

Swara was terribly baffled and her eyes widened and started making sounds to escape.

Swara : RAJAT!!!!!!

But she couldn't free herself because Rajat by then, had fully trapped her and was holding her at gunpoint. Everyone were panicing and a few people came ahead to save her, only to fail as Rajat threatened everybody...

Rajat : No one will come ahead! No one will come ahead! Nobody will take a step further. Stay away, or else I will kill her.

Swara was dumbfounded.. She was trapped!!! She tried her level best to remove his hand from her mouth but she couldn't overpower him. Rajat held Swara and his man stepped ahead to help him.

Rajat : Tu mera muh kya dekhraha hai? Go and find that Sanskar!!! (turned at Swara and tortured her more) I will kill both of you together right here.

Swara (clutching Rajat's palm on her mouth) : Daree youu... Do anything to Sans.. kaar!!! Rajat leave meeeee! You will not do anything to Sanskar!!!

And when she realised she could not bear anything anymore, tears flew from her eyes badly as Rajat almost tortured her by pulling her hairs, to keep her quiet. Swara shut her eyes tight feeling a terrible pain.. Being under this monster!!!

Other people were coming ahead to overpower Rajat, but again, no one could as he had aimed his gun on Swara. The crowd became more panicky after realising it was just thirty minutes left for everything to get destroyed!!!!

"This man has come with those crap weapons which will finish everything..." One voice from the crowd came. Swara was terribly panicking and vigorously moving her head trying to get free from this bastard. "Rajat I said leave me!!!! Sanskaaaaarrrr!!!!!!!!" She shouted at her highest pitch.

Rajat : (shaked her vigorously) Shut Up!!!!!

He grabbed her closer so that she didn't elope. He started dragging her vigorously towards the elevator. People were shouting and panicking to save Swara, but in vain.... He had aimed gun on others as well.

He rushed inside the elevator holding Swara as if she was lifeless and what else could we expect from this monster. Swara was shouting and cursing Rajat angrily but nothing from her side seemed to overpower Rajat right now.

He had come with full planning and power!

Swara : Mm...MM....!!!!

Rajat (shaking Swara vigorously and painfully) : I said, be quiet!!! Otherwise I'll shoot you right away!!!

That was enough. She was feeling pain as her neck got strained due to this man holding her in such a lifeless way. Tears came from her eyes.... She was wondering about Sanskar. He was still nowhere to be seen.

Swara (shouted) : Sanskaaaarrr!!!!!!

The elevator got closed. Rajat started pressing the Last Floor button again and again.

"I bet Rajat, within a short time, Sanskar will come and find me! He will save me, and then he will save the others. And next moment, you will be in Jail!!!!" Swara tried speaking angrily... And that irked Rajat.

And next moment Swara could feel a terrible collision against her cheek...

A tight slap!!!

By Rajat.

Tears stung Swara's eyes. She gritted her teeth angrily and made fists trying hard to fight back her fear. She could not fall weak... She had to fight! Swara's lip began to bleed because of the pain.

"I warned you, you will pay for slapping my man!!" He laughed dangerously towards her.

Rajat jerked her and then he held her wrists very tightly. "Aahh..!!" She cried painfully. She was also a human. She also felt pain. And when she realised she could not take it anymore, teara flew from her eyes...

Swara (shouting, creating echo in the elevator) : Sanskaarr!!!! Where are you!!!!

Rajat : (sarcastically) As if he will hear you!!! Hahaha..  Madam, this is just the starting. Aage aage dekho what will I do to you. (pulled her hairs towards him gritting his teeth) If situation was in my hand, I would have just killed you here right away. But the problem is the CCTV camera is up here!! (pointed up towards the CCTV and then tightly moving Swara's wrists making her cry) I don't want police to take that as evidence and then arrest me. So, I guess you're very much safe here. I want to destroy this whole building, isse my revenge will also be completed!! My mission is to kill that Sanskar. How dare he overpowered me last time.

"Shut up, Rajat! Never! You can never do anything to Sanskar!!! You will see it. You will be punished for whatever you do."

This girl showed so much guts!!!!!

No one dared to talk to him like that. He was shocked seeing her eyes going red but before he could raise his hand on her once again, the elevator opened. Swara had almost turned her head fearing another slap but then she realised that the elevator had come to a halt and so had Rajat's torture.

Leading them to the Last Floor that is the Penthouse.

But next sight infront of Swara and Rajat caught both of them offguard. Suddenly, Swara's eyebrows scrunched down seeing the only ray of hope infront of her eyes... And for Rajat, well.. something shocking definitely awaited him.

The moment she saw someone infront of her eyes, the first thing she saw after the elevator was opened.

And next moment a weak smile came on Swara's face as the person she desired to see safe and sound was right infront of her eyes whereas Rajat looked defeated.


There was Sanskar, standing infront of the open elevator and he was looking at Swara in shock as he couldn't believe what he saw right now. This was the most heart sinking sight as he saw Swara was under Rajat's hand! And all he could see was, Rajat aiming his gun at her. But then when Rajat's eyes went towards Sanskar, he held the gun away from Swara's head and aimed the gun towards Sanskar making him flabbergasted.

Sanskar (whispered in a shock) : Swara!!!

Rajat (smirking devilishly) : You!! Achha... Finally found you!!! You know this girl, she was constantly asking me about you! (Swara looked at Rajat) You know, she is also ready to help me to track you and the others down!!!!

Swara started nodding her head vigorously into a No. Sanskar looked on at the most dreadful sight... Something he feared the most ever since all this turmoil had begun.

Swara : No Sanskar, No!!!!!

Rajat : So I think it's high time to kill you, Mr Sanskar Maheshwari. And then your other associates. And Sanskar you know what? Because of you, this girl (he held Swara's messy hair making her shout) will also suffer and will face hell along with you!!

Sanskar (shouted) : Rajat!!!! (pointed his finger) Dare you do anything to her, you will see the worst out of me.

Rajat (amused wickedly) : Oh really? Just tell me one thing, if you will save this girl, how will you save the others? Think about the bomb too. Just twenty minutes left dear. (Swara and Sanskar looked on shocked) Nothing can be done. There, at the lobby, all are crying, moaning, praying for their lives. Some have even started eloping from the building, but they can't elope. Want to know why? I have locked the entire building's main door from outside so neither anyone can go out of the building nor anyone can escape death. (Swara and Sanskar looked on with widened eyes) Haahahaha. I like it. (he started laughing badly) Now all are helplessly crying there down. Come with me, I can show you the entire scenario!!

Sanskar was looking at him with red eyes... But then his eyes travelled to the figure besides him.

And he immediately went weak on his knees.

He could have done so many things right now. He could have yanked Swara away from the monster and would have hugged his life out of her. He could have beaten Rajat upto death for torturing Swara so much. But, he couldn't. And he hated that he couldn't.

Because Rajat had held Swara at gunpoint!!!! And there was no prediction about when was he going to shoot down and within a moment... his life will leave him... The one for whom he had started developing feelings for will leave him... His eyes traced at a helpless Swara. Never till now he saw her in such a condition and it really ached his heart to see her like that.

But he knew he had to take things under control... He could not fall weak like this. He had to save Swara. He looked back at Rajat and was just about to step ahead when suddenly he aimed the gun back at Swara. He ran out of the elevator dragging Swara, facing Sanskar who had by now turned towards their direction.

Swara (crying and shouting) : Sanskaaarrrr!!!!!!!!!

This was it for him. He couldn't see her condition.

Rajat : Sanskar you better stay back! Or else I'll shoot her!

Sanskar (forwarding his hand panicking) : Swara!!!!!

Swara : Sanskar this demon will kill everybody!!!!! You go and run from here!!!!! I don't want you to get punished because of me!!! Go and find the bomb damnit!!!!!

Rajat : Hahaha. So funny. Sanskar, go run, she doesn't want you to suffer.

Sanskar : Shut Up Swara, shut up! Unless and until I am with you, nothing will happen to you!!! (now looked at Rajat with super angry eyes) And if I had to run away, then why would I have even come here? You know what, I am not afraid of dying at all!!! But just the hell you leave all my dear ones. Why are you doing all this for heaven sake?!

If he could, he would have saved Swara right at that moment. But he couldn't as the man was too dangerous and could shoot and ruin everything in a matter of a second! He looked at Swara who was panicking and moaning because of Rajat's torture.

Swara (shouted) : Sanskaaaarrr!!!!!!!

Rajat : (shouted) Shut up girl!!! Oops I mean. (possessively) Swara.

Sanskar : (calmly) Rajat... (after a deep breath, anger was evident) Chhod de Swara ko.

Rajat : Ahhan! You really think I will listen to you?

Sanskar : Listen Rajat, you are going to pay for what you did today and triple times than how you treated everybody here.

The heartless Rajat just simply had laughed off Sanskar's words and the next moment... He gripped Swara's wrist and he pushed her making her fall on Sanskar's arms. Sanskar, noticing the immediate movement stepped ahead and saved Swara before she could stumble...

Finally she was in his arms.

Swara cried because of the pain she felt because of the sudden push. But she was shocked and a bit surprised to find herself on Sanskar arms, and Sanskar was looking at her with questions in his eyes... expressing his pain through his eyes which he felt when she was getting tortured. He was breathing heavily and then cupped Swara's cheeks.

Sanskar : (concerned) Swara yeh sab... How did you come here?! Didn't I ask you to be at home?!

His voice was colder at the end and Swara could say nothing as she could make out that he was angry on her now... But next moment caught Sanskar offguard to see blood dripping from her lip.

Sanskar : (shocked voice) This... this blood?

Swara (looked at Sanskar and cried) : Sanskar he has made an oath to kill both of us, and everyone else too!!! Please, don't worry about me and go find that bomb and defuse it!!! Just few minutes left! Everything will be destroyed Sanskar. Please trust me, I will be okay! Just gooo!!!!

She urged him by shaking his arm a bit. Sanskar was taken aback... His eyes welled up with tears seeing her compromise. He forgot all about how was she here when he had asked her to be at home. All he cared right now was her well being.

He suddenly cupped her face with his hands, trying hard to fight with his tears. "Nothing will happen to you and me and nor this entire building Swara!" He said the most soothing and comforting words to her.

But before he could complete, Rajat laughed again and then pulled Swara away from Sanskar making Swara panic and to Sanskar's shock, Rajat removed something from his pocket.

Sanskar : (angrily) Rajattt!!! Don't you dare do anything to her!!!!!!!!!

He was marching towards Rajat and almost raised his hand to free Swara when suddenly his voice startled him...

Rajat : (looking at the keys in his hand, he removed from his pocket) I think my idea of stealing these Penthouse keys from the reception was really good! So, you both won't follow my orders, right? So now here you go!

Before Sanskar could interfere, next moment Rajat had already twisted the key against the door knob of the wide Penthouse, the spacious house at the last floor. It was the widest and most spacious of all... Rather say, the king of all houses of this building... But that wasn't our main concern!

Swara was trying to stop him but her hands were gripped by him. He had already finished his work until Sanskar interfered holding his hands...

Sanskar : What the hell are you upto?!!

Rajat jerked his hand and then opened the door of the Penthouse and to the complete shock of the two, he had pulled Swara badly and then pushed her inside the wide house making her moan.

Sanskar : Swara!!! Rajat just stop!!!!!!!!

Sanskar tried to get a hold of the door with his strong hands not letting Rajat to shut the door. Because shutting the door meant locking Swara inside, which he did not want right now. He wanted her well being infront of his eyes...

Swara : Sanskaaarrrr!!!!! Go and defuse the bomb!!!

Sanskar : Swara shut up damnit!!!

Rajat : Not so easily. (while shutting the door laughed and then looked at Swara who was inside)  (sarcastic) By the way, if you both don't feel bad, why are you both so obsessed with each other? (The question stopped Swara and Sanskar dead in their places) Koi chakkar chalraha hai kya? Bhai sach batana... You know Sanskar? Ever since I have got a hold of her, she is just uttering your name! And you too are doing the same. Whats the relation between both of you, huh?

This was a moment to stop their actions. Swara and Sanskar both were taken aback at his words. Sanskar eyes moved towards Swara. The door was still half open because of Sanskar strength overpowering Rajat's. Swara's eyes too went towards Sanskar. She looked at him confused and intense eyes. Both were lost in their own thoughts. What this demon was saying?

And just when Rajat realised that Sanskar had lost all his energy, he planned on taking the next step.

Rajat (laughed) : Okay Baby. You want Sanskar na? Here you go. Take your Sanskar.

Next moment.. before Sanskar could even realise Rajat had pulled his wrist and he flung the door open and then, suddenly pushed Sanskar Inside the Penthouse.

Swara (holding Sanskar) : Sanskaarr!!!!!

Sanskar : (unaware of what happened just now) Ouchh Damn!!

He took nearly a moment to realise what had happened. Swara was looking at Sanskar. He also got trapped because of her?!!

Swara (looked outside at Rajat) : Rajaaattt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She tried to overpower Rajat who was almost on a verge of locking them inside this Penthouse... Before Sanskar could realise, he turned back and along with Swara he too started overpowering Rajat by trying to push the door not letting him to lock them inside!!!

Sanskar : (highest pitch of his voice, angrily) Rajat I'll make sure you pay for what you do!! You won't harm a single person.

But next moment, finally Rajat's man was with him and both of them just shut the door by overpowering both Swara and Sanskar and then Rajat hurriedly locked the door. Locking Swara and Sanskar inside the Penthouse leaving both of them terribly shocked!!!! 

Ohhhhh shoot!

What did just happen? They almost trapped themselves here!

For a moment, both Swara and Sanskar were standing shocked in their own places, not being able to accept what happened just now with them.

Swara stumbled behind in shock looking at the closed door. Everything had gone so wrong right now!

Why god, why?!

She was fearing seeing the dark house. The lights were also off. It was very dark and could hardly see anything... She looked here and there and fear flashed across her eyes...

Without making a single movement, her eyes travelled towards a much more dumbfounded Sanskar.

He was still not able to believe his eyes whatever had happened. He was blankly looking at the closed door with various thoughts coming in his mind.

What about the bomb which was planted!!!!!! He knew bomb was not yet found.

Damn! He had no news about anyone, anything, anywhere..!!!! Now all that was left for him was being in this damn Penthouse where he could do absolutely nothing!


Everything was ruined!

There was no idea about what was going to happen ahead.

Now he couldn't do anything!!! He couldn't save his society!

Was that Rajat going to be successful What will happen further?

(A/N : Guys it is possible you all might be thinking that why didn't Sanskar fight with Rajat. But please understand, it's not only about characterization. A real hero does not fight, instead he thinks properly about the situation and that's how I wanted to portray Sanskar's calm in this scene. That the first thing he is bothered about is his love, and not his fight with Rajat. But feel free to express your views on it.)


Precap : What do you think about SwaSan? Is this where their destiny has landed them? To know more, keep reading Man Chala Teri Orre...!!

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